L E T T E R S    T O    T H E    E D I T O R

Distrust too deep

There is need to resolve the contentious border dispute between India and China in the wake of objection by China to development work by India in border areas (‘Scaling the Great Wall of distrust’ by KV Prasad; Sunday Tribune, November 3). If China can develop its borders with a well-knit road and rail network, why can’t India do so for operational purposes? China is to blame for the increasing feeling of distrust following the recent border violations by its army. The latest Border Defence Cooperation Agreement is likely to meet the same fate as China is unlikely to change its mindset.

Ravinder Singh, Jalandhar


We must resolve boundary issues with an open mind and learn from history. To maintain economic peace, a strategic and cooperative partnership that is mutually beneficial for coexistence is essential. We should be honest on issues. To commemorate Panchsheel, we need to break the wall of distrust with innovative opportunities in 2014. Our leaders have to convert problems into opportunities. They should possess hindsight, foresight and insight.

DR MM Goel, Kurukshetra

Reach out

India’s diplomatic community must strengthen relations with the US (‘New brothers in arms’ by Ajay Banerjee). It’s a fact that after India’s Independence, the US was looking for an ally in Asia. Nehru didn’t trust the Americans and joined the Soviets. Pakistan accepted the US as an ally. As a result, huge amount of money and defence help was given to Pakistan. Our military would have been one of the strongest in the world if we had joined the US camp. We may make tall claims about our friendship with Russia, but it turned a blind eye towards us at the time of need, be it in 1962 or Kargil war. Many of the defence equipment supplied to us are obsolete, exorbitantly priced, and have delivery delays. It’s not late to strengthen our ties with the US. We should fulfil our present commitments with Russia and give priority to the US in future deals.

Deepjot Singh Thukral, Ambala Cantt

Dirty game

The article Death of Punjabi dream in Kutch? by Amarjit Thind (Sunday Tribune, November 3) gave a peep into the predicament of Sikh farmers settled in Gujarat. They worked tirelessly and converted brazen lands into lush green fields. The rise in land prices is the main reason they are now being evicted. It is a shame that Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal has not done anything for them even though he has good relations with the Gujarat Chief Minister. How can anyone freeze the farmers’ land accounts when a Prime Minster had given them the land? It is illegal and unjustified. The Central government must intervene and save the farmers. Since dirty vote-bank politics is at play, it seems the SAD government will not interfere in the matter.

RK Kapoor, Chandigarh

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