C H A N D I G A R H   S T O R I E S


Kajauli Water Works 
Water goes waste as civic bodies pass the buck 
Akash Ghai
Tribune News Service

Mohali, October 27
Ignorance is a bliss for officials of the Chandigarh Municipal Corporation. Precious water is going a waste, but the MC has failed to plug leakage at 10 sites in Phase II and IV of the Kajauli Water Works.

The Greater Mohali Area Development Authority (GMADA), which is laying pipeline of the Phase V and VI of the water works along the existing pipeline, has sent at three communiqués to the Chandigarh MC in two months to plug the leakage.

Executive engineer, GMADA, Ashok Virdi, said: “The UT authorities have failed to respond to our repeated reminders. We are facing a problem in laying the pipeline for Phase V and VI of the water works as the soil has become wet due to leakage.”

Besides, the leakage is resulting in the loss of four to five million gallon daily (MGD) of water, he said.

Feigning ignorance, chief engineer of the Chandigarh MC said they had not received any communication from GMADA. “We are not aware of the leakage in the pipeline,” he claimed.

Residents of Mohali and Chandigarh face shortage of water, but the Chandigarh MC, which is responsible to conduct repairs, seems non-serious to save the precious water, said an official of the Punjab Water Supply and Sanitation Department.

Residents of Chandigarh and Mohali witnessed water crisis for 15 days in August following a leakage in Phase III and IV pipeline at Gharuan.

“The pipelines caved in due to the wet soil during the excavation work. The reason was the same, leakage in the pipeline at the site,” said an official of GMADA. 



Staff shortage costs CTU Rs 22 cr 
Rajmeet Singh
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, October 27
It is a double whammy for the Chandigarh Transport Undertaking (CTU).

The transport undertaking is not only struggling with the shortage of buses, it has ended up paying a whopping Rs 22 crore between 2010 and 2012 as overtime allowance to its drivers and conductors due to acute shortage staff.

In the 2012-2013 fiscal, the overtime amount due towards the operating crew touched around Rs 14 crore. Presently, the CTU is short of 200 conductors and 114 drivers. This does not include the operating crew that is being outsourced from the existing staff strength to run the 100 low-floor buses, AC and non-AC buses.

CTU officials said efforts were on to recruit 246 conductors. The process to recruit 114 drivers is stuck up in legal wrangles after the unsuccessful candidates moved the court.

Not only the extra expenditure, the overtime allowance has attracted objection from the Comptroller Auditor General of India (CAG) as the CTU violated provisions of the Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961, which defines the maximum hours the drivers can be behind the wheel.

“This has put the lives of passengers at risk, CAG pointed out in its report.

As per the provisions, the operating crew can be allowed to work for not more than 10 hours a day or 50 hours a week. But the actual operating hours in the CTU exceeds the allowed limits. Bhupinder Singh of the CTU Workers’ Union said no operating staff had been sanctioned for the 100 low-floor buses that were induced in 2009. The staff has been outsourced from the present strength to run the low-floor buses, he said. 

Staff strength

762 drivers and 662 conductors, as on March 2012

Sanctioned strength

845 drivers and 837 conductors for 417 buses

(This does not include the staff required to run the 100 low-floor buses)



Tahira fell for her elder sister’s fiancé: Accused
Hina Rohtaki
Tribune News Service

Panchkula, October 27
Fifteen-year-old Tahira’s infatuation for her to be brother-in-law cost her dear. Tahira’s paternal uncle Salim told the police that she was killed for honour as she fell for the youth who was to marry her elder sister.

While Tahira was 15, her sister was completing 18 years of age. The police has recovered the pillow, cot and plough used in the crime, but it is yet to interrogate the victim’s family members.

The police has summoned the youth’s parents for interrogation, said sources.

“We are working on several theories. We have called the parents of the youth for investigation as the latter is still missing,” said a police official.

The victim’s paternal uncle, Salim, who confessed to the crime, is in a five-day police remand.

Tahira, a resident of Muzaffarnagar in Uttar Pradesh, was sent to her paternal uncle’s house in Barwala, Panchkula, after her alleged affair with the youth. Later, the girl was found murdered, half-burnt and buried near Tangri river in Barwala.

Her paternal uncle revealed that he killed her for honour as she wanted to marry the youth. The son of Salim has also been sent to the juvenile home for helping the father in the crime.



Inflation: The shine comes off CII fair
Ritika Jha Palial
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, October 27
Inflation has cast its shadow over the CII consumer fair. Shoppers are reluctant to buy goods at the increased rates and the sellers say they have to sell some items at throwaway prices to clear the stocks.

The cost of transportation and production has gone up resulting in a rise of 10 to 15 per cent in the cost of almost all items.

“The sales have gone down this year,” said Vijay Parmar, a businessman from New Delhi who deals in handicrafts.

“We had to increase the prices as the cost of production and transportation has increased manifold in the past one year. The rent of stalls has also increased. Some customers are not compromising on the inflated costs. Out margin has also decreased,” said Ekta Sethia, who deals in decorative lights and home decor items.

“The rates of apparels and shoes have also gone up this year. I like Pakistani jutties and have been coming here for the past three years. I am disappointed as the range of jutties starts from Rs 700, which is too costly,” said Shyamali Singhal, a shopper. 

Good response

We have received an overwhelming response to the 18th edition of CII Chandigarh Fair. Some of the exhibitors ran out of stock on the first day of the fair. The CII as a facilitator aims to bring the best quality and variety of products to the tricity on a single platform. The exhibiters have clocked good sales and the residents are enjoying shopping ahead of the festival of lights
— Pikender Pal Singh, Regional Director, CII (NR) 


Better Chandigarh
Toothless traffic police loses track of cyclists
Someone has rightly said ‘Know the rules well, so you can break them effectively’, but what if there are no norms? Are cycle tracks doing any good? In the Part I of the series, Tribune Reporters Aneesha Sareen and Vivek Gupta find out what is keeping cyclists off the tracks

Cyclists jump a red light at the Sectors 22/23 traffic signal.
Cyclists jump a red light at the Sectors 22/23 traffic signal. Tribune photos: Pradeep Tewari

A cyclist violates traffic rules at the Sectors 25/38 traffic signal.
A cyclist violates traffic rules at the Sectors 25/38 traffic signal.

After pedestrians, cyclists are the number two casualty in road accidents, as per the traffic police figures. In the absence of any law, the traffic police has been unable to challan wheelers violating traffic rules.

As per rough estimates, Chandigarh is home to more than 14,000 cyclists. They violate rules and obstruct the smooth flow of traffic, but still they can't be regulated.

Potholed and unlit cycle tracks are keeping the bicyclists off the stretches. Laid to ensure their safety, the tracks have turned into dumping sites and parking lots.

Rise in number of deaths

Twenty-one cyclists were killed while 65 suffered injuries in over 100 road accidents in the past nine months in the city. As per accident figures, a total of 159 cyclists have been injured in over 310 road accidents in the past three years. Figures provided by the traffic police reveal that 97 cyclists were killed in road accidents in a span of four years (from 2009 to 2012) while 23 were killed in 2009, 19 lost lives in 2010. Twenty-two cyclists were killed in the city in 2011 while 33 died in 2012. Pitiable condition of cycle tracks has made cyclists vulnerable to a casualty on roads. The UT traffic police has been trying regulating cyclists, but they continue to pose a grave traffic hazard on roads.

Efforts prove futile

A proposal sent by the UT traffic police empowering them to regulate the movement of cyclists by challaning them is still on paper. The police has been trying in vain to amend the cycle-rickshaw notification and extend it to cycles as well. It has been deliberated that such a notification is extremely important in order to prevent serious accidents.

A pole sans lights on the cycle track along the Sectors 22/23 road

risking their lives, schoolchildren cross a road at the Sectors 44/45 junction.
A pole sans lights on the cycle track along the Sectors 22/23 road and (below) risking their lives, schoolchildren cross a road at the Sectors 44/45 junction.

A policeman asks cyclists to use a cycle track on the road separating Sectors 22 and 23 in Chandigarh.
A policeman asks cyclists to use a cycle track on the road separating Sectors 22 and 23 in Chandigarh.

The police wants the Chandigarh Administration to introduce Section 29 AA under which cyclists and animal-powered cart operators shall obey the directions of any police officer regarding regulation of traffic and parking. In case of non-compliance, a police officer, not below the rank of a head constable or any other officer as authorised by the Estate Officer, shall be empowered to impound a cycle. It shall be released as per the same procedure as already established for the release of cycle-rickshaws.

City does not respect cyclists

}For Prof Raunki Ram, cycling is a hobby. He can be seen riding his cycle on the campus. But he hesitates to cycle outside the university. “Safety is a major concern. Chandigarh has the luxury of cycle tracks but the problem is that these are not well maintained. Another major problem is the connectivity of the tracks. My family and friends constantly ask me not to ride a cycle on city roads and I agree with them because the city does not respect cyclists. You go to foreign countries where cyclists are given a privilege over two-wheeler and four-wheeler drivers, but such a culture is missing here. We need to promote cycling. We need a collaborative approach. For instance, the Chandigarh Administration should start connecting the cycle tracks so that cyclists need not commute with the rest of the crowd after every chowk. Cycling should be promoted. For educational institutes, cycling is the best alternative, but sadly nobody focuses on it.
—Raunki Ram, senior professor at PU

Medians a threat

Risking their lives, cyclists cross medians on roads. This can result in a fatal mishap. The city has witnessed a number of such accidents in the past. Commuting on a cycle is not safe when it comes to thefts. In the absence of designated parking lots for cyclists, theft of cycles in the city is also rising. As per the UT police records, 70 cycles have already been stolen this year. On an average, 60 cycles are stolen from various parts of the city every year.


  • Traffic police should be empowered to challan cyclists
  • Designated cycle tracks on all roads with proper connectivity.
  • Locking system for cycles at parking lots in markets.
  • Encroachment-free cycle tracks, punishment for violators.
  • Punishment for motorists using cycle tracks.
  • Cycling needs to be promoted.
  • Special programmes to create awareness.



Open House response
MC should start garbage collection centres at accessible distance

Chandigarh is a planned city. The time has come for the "City Beautiful" to start garbage collection centres at an approachable distance, say 200 yards. The residents need to take the garbage to this centre and place it in separate bins, i.e. recyclable material, bio-waste etc. The centre then will be regularly cleared for the main disposable processing plant.
—OP Garg, Patiala

Study tours fail to make councillors any wiser

Numerous study tours have failed to make the happy-go-lucky municipal councillors any wiser on the crucial subject of garbage disposal in the city. They have consistently failed to appreciate and enforce the necessity of segregation of garbage at the household level so as to pave the way for its disposal in a scientific way.
—SC Luthra, Mani Majra

Quick disposal needed

Private sweepers and ‘rehriwallas’ collect garbage from house-to-house and dump at a place nearby from where the Municipal Corporation vehicles remove it. But this frequency is less and garbage remains there for a considerable time. This results in foul smell emanating from the spot. For example, a huge dump of garbage can be seen outside the Modern Housing Complex, Manimajra and near Government Model Senior Secondary School. Quick disposal is needed for shifting and recycling.
—IPS Anand, Mani Majra

Catch them young

Garbage segregation is definitely the need of the hour. But the question is, are we as citizens trained for the system? I think the answer is a big no. Even if the authorities implement the segregation system, how can we be sure that it will be successful. The remedy lies in the quote: "Catch them young". The garbage segregation should be taught in schools right from the kindergarten, so that children can practically learn about recycling the waste. The same system can well be extended to every household.
—Dr Ranju Gulati, Chandigarh

No mechanism for segregation of garbage

Though there is a structured system of domestic garbage collection and its disposal, but the same is virtually non-existent in the commercial areas. The Municipal Corporation is not able to lift 40 per cent of the garbage generated in the city on daily-basis. The corporation spends sufficient amount on the purchase of garbage lifting vehicles, garbage bins and 'rehris' but there is no mechanism for segregation of garbage, neither at house-hold level nor at the Municipal Corporation level.
Puran Kant, Chandigarh

Garbage collection by pvt collectors satisfactory

The proposal of 'Pilot Garbage Collect' project has evoked mixed reactions in the city. Old residents recall that in the 70s, garbage collection was carried out efficiently by the MC staff, although not on a daily basis. The door-to -door collection of garbage by private collectors has been quite satisfactory.
—Dr Shruti K Chawla, Chandigarh

Recycling, conversion is the answer

Residents should develop a good civic sense, not only to solve the problem of garbage disposal but also to keep the city clean. Specifically, one of the ways for garbage disposal is by chemical decomposition. In Chandigarh, garbage can be turned into fuel energy and manure. With IITs and so many engineering colleges in the country, why can’t we find ways to convert garbage into an asset, rather than a problem? Throwing away of garbage is not the solution. Recycling and conversion is the answer.

Col RD Singh (retd), Ambala Cantt

Incorporate informal garbage collectors

A decentralised model, without involving bureaucrats, would be more appropriate. It would promote community participation and incorporate informal garbage collectors or scavengers into public-private partnerships or scavenger cooperatives. The proposed approach could help the problem of solid waste or garbage collection in a socially desirable, economically viable and environmentally sound manner.
—Priya Darsh Growar, Mohali

The sanitation condition of the City Beautiful is pathetic. The system of sanitation and garbage collection is corrupt and inefficient. The shortage of sweepers, cleaning equipment, cycle rehris and vehicles is one of the major reasons for the garbage menace
— Arun Sood, councillor, BJP

The ground reality of the sanitation condition highlighted by The Tribune is correct. Actually, there is more to it than meets the eye. The teams of safai karamcharis that are deputed at various points remain absent. Only one or two safai karamcharis are present on duty. If you ask questions about their collegues, the standard reply that they always give is that safai karamcharis have moved to another area after cleaning this point. But the area, for which you had raised the question, continues to remain full of garbage. The Tribune's campaign “Better Chandigarh” is a move in the right direction
— Satish Chander Sharma, chairman, Group Housing Cooperative Societies 
Welfare Council

Sanitation in southern sectors is very bad. The Tribune is highlighting the ground reality, which the city residents are facing. The MC officials and public representatives of the city are least bothered in improving the sanitation condition in the city. On a number of occasions, I have raised the poor sanitation issue with our area councillor Harphool Kalyan and even with Mayor Subhash Chawla, but to no avail.
— Jagir Singh, President, Bsp

The drive should be carried out with the help of the welfare associations of the locality. Further, awareness drives may also be carried out

— Malkiat Singh, Councillor, SAD

It's MC duty to collect the garbage free of cost

The collection and disposal of garbage in the "City Beautiful" has always been a burning problem. The Municipal Corporation (MC) has been inefficient in getting the city rid of this unhealthy menace. Though it has set up a so-called garbage processing plant, but it has miserably failed to dispose the garbage. The residents have to pay private scavengers who go door-to-door to collect garbage. Started from Rs 10 per month, they are now charging Rs 50 per month from each household. The MC must compensate the residents by paying back them the same amount because it is the duty of the MC to collect the garbage free of cost.
—RK Kapoor, Chandigarh

out-of-box thinking need of the hour comment
Kanchan Vasdev

The City Beautiful has a serious problem on its hands. Despite its planning, limited size and population, it is unable to take care of its daily garbage. As a result, many parts of the city have ended up being open garbage dumps.

The sanitation wing of the Municipal Corporation has strength of 4,000 sweepers, which is a considerable number for a well planned city like Chandigarh. Yet, as our recent series on garbage has revealed the civic body is unable to keep the city clean.

On any given day, 40 per cent of waste generated by a population of 12 lakh is not being lifted. It is left to putrefy in the bins dotting several places in city. Shockingly, only 190 out of 489 bins are cleaned everyday.

Residents of sectors inhabited by the VIPs get a preferential treatment as the bins in northern sectors get cleaned everyday while the worst sufferers are the residents of colonies in the periphery. Residents argue 4,000 is not a small number to keep a city like Chandigarh clean, which is comparatively much cleaner than any other city of Punjab and Haryana. But diversion of manpower to work as domestic help in houses of politicians and officers is a major contributing factor.

The MC despite having no dearth of funds is taking long to add more vehicles although it has only 44 available, out of which 11 have outlived their life. It remains to be seen when the proposal to add more vehicles and sweepers sees the light of the day. Moreover, the civic body has not been able to do anything to work out an integrated garbage lifting system. Residents are at the mercy of private garbage collectors, the waste is not segregated and the bins are emptied in the dumping ground.

Providing special kits, comprising gloves and masks to handlers seems a far cry.

Clearly, the MC needs to do some out of the box thinking. Most people staying around Dadu Majra dumping grounds are living in hell.

The MC should take a cue from places like the Heartland locality of Mississauga in Greater Toronto Area of Canada, where some innovative thinking led to a much sought-after BraeBen Golf Course over what was once a landfill! Gases from the 200-acre dump are to be used to generate electricity.

What else should the MC do? Its officials should be made to act. Sweepers should be made to work in their designated areas and the garbage collection fleet of vehicles needs to be augmented. Other infrastructure should be improved. The overall lifting and recycling operations need to become sophisticated by taking a cue from developed countries.

The officers in Chandigarh are on deputation and have no interest in maintaining the identity of Chandigarh, i.e. ‘City Beautiful’. Some sectors of the city were made bin-free without proper arrangements. As a result, the whole system collapsed. The door-to-door garbage lifting system has proved to be a failure due to negligence of the officers of the Municipal Corporation. Foul smell in every corner of the city is due to the failure of the Municipal Corporation.
— Shakti Prakash Devshali, District President, BJP

open house question

The increasing vehicular population has made the city unsafe for cyclists. Inadequate measures by the Chandigarh Administration to promote cycling by introducing obstruction free corridors and sincere efforts to regulate the cyclists is causing road accidents. What needs to be done to make Chandigarh a cyclist-friendly city? Send suggestions with a passport size photograph at openhouse@tribunemail.com



Chappar Chhiri residents foil illegal sand mining bid

Mohali, October 27
The alert residents of Chappar Chhiri village seized a trolley, which was being loaded with sand being excavated illegally by some persons from seasonal riverbed near the Banda Singh Bahadur War Memorial.

The police have registered a case against unidentified persons in this connection at the Balongi police station.

According to village sarpanch Randhir Singh, the illegal mining from the riverbed, which is 'shaamlat' land of the village, was on from past few days. "Yesterday, we saw some people loading a trolley with sand. On seeing us, the miscreants fled away. The police was informed and they seized the trolley and registered a case," said Randhir Singh.

The police said that the trolley has been impounded. "We are investigating the matter and trying to identify the illegal miners," said the police.—TNS



reporters’ diary
Turning a blind eye for the sake of job

In the run up to Karwa Chauth, high profile customers not only helped mehndi artists earn good money, but also saved them from the enforcement wing of the Municipal Corporation. Such artists enjoyed full liberty and applied mehndi till the wee hours. An MC employee reasoned that how could they fine a “mehndi-wala” who was applying mehndi on the hands of a police officer’s or a senior bureaucrat’s wife? “Our job is more important than issuing challan slips,” said the MC employee.

Making the most out of it

In our culture, freebies are always welcomed. And if that free item happens to be an onion, stakes get too high. Nothing explains this better than the rise in the number of orders received by those eateries that are delivering free onions as salad along with the food. Women prefer to order food from these restaurants, as the onions can be used to prepare a meal on the following day. With prices touching Rs 80 to Rs 90 a kg, buying onions seems to have become a dream for many.

Innocent, but hilarious

Ever heard names such as Chandigarh Kumar, Patiala Kumar, Srinagar Kumar? Not really… right? To the surprise of a few mediapersons present in the press box of the PCA Stadium recently, a Punjabi guy, troubled by a similar question, could not resist making an innocent but hilarious comment. In his typical accent, he suddenly asked, “Yar eh Bhuvneshwar Kumar ne apna naam Odisha di capital de naam te kyun rakheya hai? (Why has Bhuvneshwar Kumar kept his name after the capital of Odisha?)” For the poor guy, there was no difference between Bhubaneswar and Bhuvneshwar, when it came to pronunciation.

Surprising in more ways than one

The surprise inspection at Government Medical College and Hospital, Sector 32, by a senior UT official in the wee hours last week was surprising in more ways than one. The employees were in for a real surprise, when the next day, on the complainant of a lab attendant, the hospital authorities summoned a clerk for allegedly accompanying the UT team, showing them the way during the raid.

Setting the right example

The traffic police proved it meant business when the entry to the Sector 29 Traffic Lines was restricted for private vehicles. Last week, to set a deterrent for others, the police fined its own officers who had entered the premises on their private vehicles and had parked these wrongly.

Hard pressed on time

Marathon lectures delivered by various personalities from the field of education during the three-day seminar on the “Making of Modern Punjab: Education, Science and Social Change in Punjab 1850-2000” gave a tough time to the organisers. The organisers, who were running out of time, had no option, but to send slips requesting the speakers to conclude their lectures so that others could take the dais.

Throwing tantrums

During a General House meeting of the Panchkula Municipal Corporation, councillors refused to take tea being served in small disposable glasses. Two of them, in fact, yelled at the officers. “At least we deserve to be served tea in cups. We are councillors; not passengers sitting on a platform of a railway station. Our lips burn after taking tea in these cups,” said the councillors. Embarrassed officials had to take away the disposable glasses and get the tea in cups.

No penance for offence

Habitual offenders have found a convenient way to give police the slip on being caught violating the traffic rules. Traffic police personnel admit that often the driving licences confiscated while challaning the violators turn out to be bogus. While the police increase its tally of challans issued in the city, the violators drive away, handing out fake licences.

Colour blast at lake

From painting cars to live art demonstrations, the just concluded Chandigarh Street Art and Food Festival at Sukhna Lake was nothing short of a colour blast. This year's edition of the street fest was better in terms of graffiti and 3D live demonstration. Credit definitely goes to several creative minds of the Government College of Arts who put in all their efforts to make the festival a success. For them the event was both fun and a creative satisfaction.

Contributed by Rajinder Nagarkoti, Aarti Kapur,

Deepankar Sharda, Ritika Jha Palial, Aneesha Sareen, Amit Sharma, Hina Rohtki, Rajmeet Singh and Vivek Gupta



Pvt institutes fail to report
Health officials fear number of dengue cases could be much higher
Ritika Jha Palial
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, October 27
Even as the number of dengue cases reported this year has been significantly low as compared to the previous years, officials fear that actual numbers could be much higher, as figures from private hospitals have not been accounted for.

Only 49 cases have been reported this year in the city, against over 200 cases reported up till October last year.

Officials of the National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP) unit, however, say since dengue is not yet a notifiable disease, the reporting of these cases by private hospitals and clinics remains low.

As private hospitals and clinics fail to report dengue cases, patients seeking treatment there cannot be identified and contacted for necessary follow-ups.

Each time a new case is reported, the NVBDCP officials are supposed to visit the patient's residence to prevent the spread of infection by carrying out anti-larval activities in the area.

"Also, private hospitals and clinics conduct rapid test for detecting dengue. It lacks authenticity and accuracy. The accurate test, IgM Elisa, is conducted at government institutes only," says the nodal officer of NVBDCP, Chandigarh, Dr Anil Garg.

Dr Garg says his office has instructed the Indian Medical Association president to ensure that private health institutes update their records regularly.

How is Dengue caused?

Dengue is caused by the bite of an infected mosquito: Aedes aegypti. The mosquito can breed in 10 to 15 ml of water accumulated in vessels, buckets, flower pots and tyres left in the open. When the mosquito bites a person infected with the virus, it gets infected. On biting other persons, it infects them too. The mosquito bites during the daytime


People infected by the dengue virus may suffer from high fever, severe headache, severe pain behind the eyes, joint pain, muscle and bone pain, rash and mild bleeding

Helpline No.

For any complaints or queries regarding the spread of dengue, residents can call on 


  • Always keep the overhead tanks properly covered
  • Drain out water from the coolers and scrub these dry once a week
  • In case of fever get your blood examined at the earliest
  • Take full treatment if found infected


  • Do not allow water to stagnate in and around your house
  • Do not throw discarded containers, tyres, pitchers and pots on the rooftop



Railways: Confusion prevails during recruitment exam
Tribune News Service

Aspirants wait to buy tickets at the Chandigarh railway station on Sunday.
Aspirants wait to buy tickets at the Chandigarh railway station on Sunday. Tribune photo: S Chandan

Chandigarh, October 27
The railway recruitment exam witnessed confusion at various centres in the city, as the candidates who were carrying a printout of the admit card were not allowed to sit for the exam.

Around 30,000 candidates from various parts of the country had arrived in the city to appear for the Railway Recruitment Cell (Group-D) exam.

Vivek Pachori, one of the candidates hailing from Agra, said he was not allowed to appear in the exam as he was carrying a printout of the admit card.

Over 200 such candidates turned up at the Chandigarh railway station to complain to the railway officials.

The railway station superintendent, Parveen Kumar, said it was mentioned on the admit cards that candidates would not be allowed to enter the examination hall with just a printout of the card. “We have taken a written complaint from the candidates. It will be forwarded to the recruitment cell,” he said.

The huge influx of candidates also led to rush at the railway station and the Sector 17 bus stand.

Parveen Kumar said a special train was arranged to clear the rush by the evening.



City police remains clueless
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, October 27
Even as two persons lost their life in hit-and-run cases yesterday, the UT police failed to find any clue. One of the deceased, meanwhile, was identified today.

The deceased, Roshan Kumar of Colony No. 4, had come to the city in search of work five months back. He was run over by an unidentified vehicle at the roundabout near the UT Guest House in the wee hours on Saturday.

In another mishap, a motorcyclist, Dinesh Kumar of Sector 22, was run over by a suspected “heavy vehicle” on a main road near Sector 42 on Friday night. Dinesh was a manager of a prominent eatery at Sector 35.

A police officer said they could find no clue at the spot where Dinesh was run over twice. Only shards of the motorcycle were recovered.

The Sector 26 police station personnel, too, failed to find any clue to Roshan’s death. SHO Anokh Singh said no eyewitnesses to the pedestrian’s death could be found.

Both the bodies were handed over to the kin after conducting the autopsy. 



Satluj Public School holds annual prize distribution ceremony
Tribune News Service

Panchkula, October 27
The annual prize distribution of Satluj Public School (Junior Wing) “Satluj Stars night” was held here today.

A cultural programme was presented on the occasion. Contribution of 800 scholars from Pre-Nursery to Class 4 in events like “Tribute to the Uttarakhand victims,” five elements of the universe, Unity in diversity, Tribute to bollywood personalities; Mother’s love enticed the audience.

The scholars were awarded with medals and shields as a token of their efforts in academics and co-scholastic skills.

Pritam Singh Serai, director, said, “We avoid labeling students as first, second or third. We feel everybody is something and that nobody is nothing.” 



Traffic chaos mars street fest
Deepankar Sharda
Tribune News Service

Vehicles stuck in a traffic jam

artists design a sand sculpture at the Chandigarh Street Art and Food Festival at Sukhna Lake in Chandigarh on Sunday.
Vehicles stuck in a traffic jam; and (below) artists design a sand sculpture at the Chandigarh Street Art and Food Festival at Sukhna Lake in Chandigarh on Sunday. Tribune photos: Parvesh Chauhan

Chandigarh, October 27
Inadequate parking facilities, lack of co-ordination and no sign boards for drivers led to a chaos-situation, at the Chandigarh Street Art and Food Festival, here this evening. Even after expecting a good footfall due to a holiday (Sunday), the organisers and police officials fail to manage the traffic leading to Sukhana Lake to enjoy the fest.

The inners roads leading to Sukhana Lake was the worst hit as the traffic was allowed to move freely. The situation turns worst when the vehicles were parked right near the entrance of the street fest. “If the organisers have conducted such a beautiful fest, they should have stressed on managing parking facilities.

The vehicles should be allowed ahead of a certain point. Along with sealing the road leading to UT guest house and Governor’s house, the police should have declared a no vehicle zone near the entrance and other points.” said Shivam Gulati. Another visitor added, “The area near the fest spot could have been managed easily. The officials could have stopped the vehicles prior to the temporary parking area.

With no one to stop, the vehicles were approaching towards the nearest point easily. Also, on other hand, the commuters should understand their responsibility to park their vehicles at the specific place, to avoid any chaos like situation,” said Pritam Preet Kaur. Notably, the green belt area, on the back side of the lake parking in Sector 3, was also converted into parking space but with no indication or prior notice, the commuters parked their vehicles on road.

When asked a police official, said a tow-away van is being called and soon the car rush will be removed.

“We are giving warnings to the owners of these vehicles. And if they will not park their vehicles at the designated place, we will issue them challan receipt,” said a constable rank official.

The Police also failed to installed any metal detector, bomb-detection squad or baggage checking equipment at the venue.

Fest with varieties

Being a Sunday, local residents turned up in huge number to enjoy the different colours of the street fest at the lake. The event provided a mixture of street arts and folk culture. As the sun was about to set live puppet show, magic shows, Punjabi folk music performances on saxophone, flute and violin caught the eyes of the visitors. 



Infantry Day: Troops pledge to build, sustain traditions of valour
Tribune News Service

Lt. General TS Gill, lays a wreath at the Veer Smriti War Memorial at Chandimandir military station.
Lt. General TS Gill, lays a wreath at the Veer Smriti War Memorial at Chandimandir military station. A Tribune photograph

Chandigarh, October 27
Nostalgia marked the Infantry Day celebrations at Headquarters, Western Command, Chandimandir today. The Chief of Staff, Western Command, Lt General TS Gill, laid a wreath at the Veer Smriti war memorial as a mark of respect to those who had laid down their lives in the line of duty.

October 27 is observed as the Infantry Day at all military stations to mark the accomplishment of the infantry in the first few months after Independence. It was on this day, 66 years ago, that the first Indian troops landed at the Srinagar airfield to defend the Valley from Pakistani raiders. On October 27, 1947, 1 Sikh along with 4 Kumaon thwarted the Pakistani-supported invasion of Kashmir. In a series of brilliantly executed actions, the Pakistani raiders were dealt a stunning blow by the Indian infantry, leading to a complete rout of the invaders. Post-Independent India’s first Param Vir Chakra was awarded to late Maj Somnath Sharma of the Kumaon Regiment for his gallantry in this operation. Colonel Rai, CO of 1 Sikh, was decorated with the Maha Vir Chakra.

On the occasion, all infantrymen pledged to work towards sustaining and building a strong team besides traditions of valour that are the hallmark of the infantry, popularly called the “Queen of the Battle”.

The wreath laying ceremony was followed by a special Sainik Sammelan, during which Brig RR Raina, Station Commander, Chandimandir, addressed the troops. A social evening was organised for the infantry officers to interact with their predecessors settled in and around Chandigarh.



Children spread message of love
Tribune News Service

Mohali, October 27
Tiny tots of pre primary section of The Millennium School, Sector 67, presented an outstanding performance in famous fairy tale, “Beauty and the Beast” at Tagore Theatre, Chandigarh, during their annual day function.

Based on a traditional fairy tale from 17th century, the students showcased the importance of freedom and true love in our lives and proved to be a gleeful indulgence of dance, music and colour.

The songs and the dances in the play were choreographed by the school teachers. Speaking on the occasion, Komal Singh, principal, said the performance of the pre primary section students was unique and commendable.



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