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Nobel Prize for Higgs boson

I am very surprised at the award of the Nobel Prize-2013, in physics for the non-existing Higgs boson, which turns physics to fiction. Mass, obviously, is innate and inseparable from the “particle with mass”. Therefore, both the “massless” and “mass-generating” particles cannot and do not exist. With some undisclosed/unclear fudging compromise in the experimental findings and/or in their interpretation, the discovery of the non-existing “mass-generating Higgs boson”, sometimes also called the “God particle”, was announced on July 4, 2012.  The award of the Nobel Prize has put a stamp on turning physics to fiction. I call upon the international community of well-meaning physicists to oppose the Nobel Prize-2013. I also appeal to the Nobel Committee for Physics to withdraw and cancel the 2013 Nobel Prize for the non-existing Higgs boson. 


Property tax

The Punjab government’s decision to levy property tax defies all logic. People pay stamp duty for registration of plot/house, development charges for construction of house, road-cutting charges for laying of sewerage/water lines and then pay regular water/sewerage bills.

The majority of people takes home loans from banks/FIs for construction activities and pay interest on borrowed funds. People are already reeling under the impact of a high dose of taxes and skyrocketing prices of essential commodities. Levying property tax will completely wreck the common man.

RC DHAND, Bathinda

Traffic hurdles

Apropos of Neena Arora’s middle, “Of traffic jams and fruit trees” (October 10), the article made for interesting reading. The issue politely raised by her about traffic jams caused by breakdown of heavy vehicles on hilly terrain is pertinent. The Public Works Department is expected to place cranes/JCBs at vulnerable points on the Mandi-Kullu stretch at least during the tourist and rainy season. There are similar stretches on way to Kinnaur from Shimla. This area needs the attention of the authorities.

ADITYA, Shimla

Silence won’t do

The nation has read, heard and seen MPs saying the Prime Minister is corrupt with regard to the coal scam. Now a fresh attack by former Coal Secretary PC Parakh, who has been accused by the CBI of irregularities in allocations, on the Prime Minister has sparked another controversy. The Prime Minister is answerable as he was the Coal Minister and the allotments were done under his signatures. Will it not be appropriate for him to volunteer himself for a probe?


Taxing taxes

The Punjab Government’s decision to levy property tax defies logic. People are already paying stamp duty for the registration of a plot or house; development charges for constructing a house; road-cutting charges for sewerage and water lines; and water and sewerage bills. The majority of people take loans for construction activities and pay interest on borrowed funds. They are reeling under the impact of high taxes and skyrocketing prices of essential commodities. Levying property tax will completely wreck the common man.

RC DHAND, Bathinda

Avoidable junk food

In this fast-changing world, the ea iest and the most readily available food is no doubt fast food. In our bid to become  modern, we ignore our health. More  and more people go for fast food without understanding its health hazards. It  is surely tempting as it is quick to prepare and affordable. It is widely available commercially.

The common examples of fast food  are pizzas, burgers, noodles, potato chips  and other processed foods. We may never have given a thought whether  they have nutritional value or not. These food items increase the cholestrol level  in the body and can also cause diabetes and blood pressure. They contain additives and preservatives also. They are  low in fibre, antioxidants, vitamins and  minerals. Hence they are not good for  health.

Children nowadays prefer to eat pizzas and burgers instead of taking fresh  fruits, vegetables and milk. This shows  that these foods add nothing to the body  in the form of vitamins and minerals, which children need the most at a growing age.

Children should be discouraged from consuming junk and fast food as it can  cause deadly diseases such as cancer  and may also cause other chronic degenerative disorders .


                   Taliban-style regime?

It is perturbing to read in “Shiv Sainiks force cops to arrest man for Facebook post”, (October 17) that Shiv Sainiks in Mumbai forced policemen to arrest a man for writing “derogatory” remarks about Bal Thackeray. Another person who liked the Facebook post was also arrested. Are we living in a democratic country or in a Taliban-style fascist regime? Is Mumbai ruled by a democratically elected government or Shiv Sena goons? The incident reminds me of an Urdu couplet: “Yeh kaisa dastur-e zubanbandi hai teri mehfil mein, ke baat karne ko tarasti hai zubaan meri.”


Evaluate teachers’ performance

Rajan Kashyap, in his letter to the Editor, “Ills affecting Indian universities,” (October 16), has rightly stressed the need for performance appraisal of the university teachers. At present, the ‘Academic Performance Index’ (API) is the only yardstick to evaluate a teacher at the point of entry in the profession or at the time of promotion. There is absolutely no evaluation of teachers’ output during his service. It is worrisome that even the API does not have in its ambit the potentiality of a teacher as regard to teaching in the classroom. If universities at their own level devise a criterion to evaluate teachers, it will help in promoting excellence.

DR VK ANAND, Patiala



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