COP-y that!
Jasmine Singh

What Dabangg, Talaash, Singham and Gangaajal have in common? A cool cop! So how our real-life cops are taking the cinematic portrayal of their lives? We find out…

With him it is ten vs one, or even more depending on the gravity of the situation. He avenges bad guys, takes on the corrupt system and the local henchmen. He can risk his personal life for his duty, he sure will delve into the depths of mystery. If required, he can go the Matrix way (read Dabangg). Well, he is the man in Khaki, the man we know is there for us, and the man whom Bollywood has taken a fancy to.

Dabangg 2, Talaash, Kahaani, Singham, moving a little back in time, Gangaajal, Shool, Zanjeer, Shakti, Sehar, Black Friday, Khaki, Ardh Satya, Sarfarosh--policemen have always made their presence felt in Bollywood films. Their dedication and commitment to work and their dilemma to fight their own system have made film directors focus their cameras on them. Of late, they are single-handedly carrying the entire film (read Singham, Dabangg), they fight the bad guys, they make sacrifices and well they sing and romance too, lest you forgot that they have a heart too.

Bollywood never moved without an inspector with a revolver, and now the security cover has thickened as the police has become a genre. The 'real' police officers tell us how far they celluloid representation. Their Dabangg style!

The Bravehearts

Cinema's portrayal of themes is the representative of how the society functions. Naunihal Singh, SSP Chandigarh, feels the same. "If you watch old movies, an inspector, was an authority none would go against. He wasn't challenged, his mere presence would make goons back off. Then came a time when cinema showed corrupt officers and now gradually showing them in a good light, which is also what the current scenario is."

Cops who are committed, dedicated have apathy for society, dislike towards those who break the system and this is what Bollywood is largely showing in the current films. "I liked Gangaajal and I think Ajay Devgn comes nearest to a real cop. Singham and Dabangg are equally good movies which are based on the similar theme of good officers standing against the wrong."

It is the exaggeration of cinema that we find difficult to believe. Robinhood Pandey beating 20 goons with blows, Singham collecting entire fraternity under a single room to take revenge against one bad guy…it doesn't end.

Smiles Naunihal, "It is cinema and it will take certain cinematic liberty. But we definitely have brave police officers who are fighting bad guys all the time. So, cinema definitely picks clues from real lives."

Our Dabangg style

They are the ones we want around us. And it feels nice and reassuring to see them fight for us, in real and in reel. Dr Kunwar Vijay Pratap Singh, DIG Cyber Crime Punjab finds the portrayal of cops in a good light as a positive thing. "With cinema highlighting police in good light, and the audiences accepting these movies, talks about the public sentiment."

Singham and Robinhood Pandey kicking the goons win applauds and hooting at the theatres. "This is what police stands for, fearless service to the society, and this is shown on screen. Policemen sacrificing their lives for the public, fighting the wrong doers, fighting system is what the reel police officers are shown as and this is how people want to see us," adds Dr Vijay Pratap, who appreciates movies like Gangaajal and Singham.

On a positive note

Despite the brickbats that this service keeps getting, cinema of late are portraying them as one of us. They have their personal lives; the mental pressures they go through are like we do. Adds Gurpreet Singh Bhullar, SSP Mohali, who appreciated actor Dilip Kumar's role in Shakti, "We also have to make sacrifices while fighting the odds in society. And Bollywood showing us in good light like Talaash only enhances our image."

How idols became celebrities

Celebrity: Its Changing Face in India through the Ages, the final book by Preminder Singh Sandhawalia makes one stop, think and reflect on changes we have undergone as a society

Charting the changing face of celebs through eras in India, is what book Celebrity is about, and it has been penned by the late Preminder Singh Sandhawalia, an eminent technocrat who retired from the United Nations.

The book launch brought together family and friends as well as inspiring anecdotes associated with the man who was among those who set up the International Airport Authority of India.

It's their father's dream that Drishinder and Birinder Sandhawalia relived on Sunday, by formally launching the book in Chandigarh. The interesting cover says it all. It features representations of Buddha, Shivaji, Vivekananda and Shammi Kapoor, thus reflecting the changes that our society has seen and how our 'idols' have undergone a sea change.

The third work by Sandhawalia charts the journey from epic era to Maurya, Golden, Islamic, Raj and the modern period. He already has to his credit, Noblesmen and Kinsmen (it charts history of the family that the author belongs to, illustrious clan of Maharaja Ranjit Singh) and Beyond Identity (about Sikhs).

"The book is the result of extensive research that our father undertook," says Drishinder, who remembers his father as an intellectual. "Though a technocrat, he was quite keen on philosophical issues and very reflective," he adds. The book came out in May 2012, but Sandhawalia's demise, in London, the following month put the formal launch on hold.

It was his positive approach to life that most, who had the chance to know him, remember Sandhawalia by. "He was so full of life. Could equally engage a three-year-old to ninety three-year-old," recalls Birinder. While the text is totally his father's, Birinder did help with the overall design and publication process.

The event brought friends, family and colleagues long associated with Sandhawalia all the way from Delhi, Mumbai and the UK. While the sons gave an appealing presentation on his final effort, the book, the clique gathered brought alive the memories of man who wrote it. How this technocrat-thinker brought about the change in the lives that he touched, being the mainstay.

It was Lekh Tandon, yesteryears' director and Sandhawalia's childhood friend, who regaled those present with the tales of their youth and their close-knit group that included actors Shammi Kapoor and Rajendra Nath.

Back to the book, it gives pertinent insights into the sociological philosophy and the changes it has gone through. "The book was set to be formally launched last year. When he was no more, we wanted to give a gap so that we could celebrate his final effort in a befitting manner," says Birinder.

The book, published by Author House, engages the reader and forces to think and question as to where are we headed as a society. The cover tellingly says it in your face — Celebrity — the black and white ‘C’turns a fully bright golden ‘Y’. Is life all about outward glamour, as if it questions…

Sandhawalia has passed on his values to his family and associates, and also the reading bug to his sons. And, hopefully in the coming times the book he envisaged on intellectuals and society globally would see the light of the day. "He had the research as well notes already in place for the next one," shares Birinder, an educationist in the UK who hopes to share it with the world some day as well!

Par Excellence
The sequence of the rotation of the body
Jesse Grewal

Club head speed is created by the turning or coiling action of the body and the swinging motion of the arms. The body creates the power and the arms create the speed. A player can only swing a light or a shorter length club with the speed of the arms. As soon as soon as the club is heavy or long, the arms are unable to swing the club fast due to the extra load and therefore the work of the body is necessary. Momentum is mass X velocity. The arms probably weigh 2-3 kg and therefore have to move very fast to create momentum. If we turn our body we are moving 20-30 kg which would provide more momentum without having to move fast. This is why the good players seem to hit the ball far with an easy and slow swing. They are using more mass by rotating or coiling the bigger muscles which are found in the shoulders, abdomen, glutes and thighs.

The sequence of coiling of the body is different in the backswing and the forward swing. A coiling motion would have a coiling or a pulling against a resistance. In a bow or a catapult one arm is pulling while the other is holding or resisting the pulling force. This would create a coil or torque. The first move of the backswing or takeaway begins with the turning of the shoulders with a resistance of the hips. This winds the muscles between the shoulders and the hips. As the shoulders turn 45 degrees they are unable to turn more so the hips begin to turn. The right knee (for right handed golfers) resists this move and maintains its flex leading to a coil of the thigh and hip muscles.

To train the body to achieve this sequence we have to split or learn these two moves. To make a correct takeaway, sit on a ledge or a chair and hold a club into the middle of the chest. Extend your arms and grip the club down the shaft. Now start the backswing with the turning action of the shoulders. The lower body cannot turn and you will feel the coiling of the muscles in the shoulders and back (picture 1). For the next move ask someone to hold a shaft at the back of the knee (picture 2).

After turning the shoulders in the takeaway allow your hips to turn and as the right knee is forced to maintain its angle you will feel the coil of the muscles in the thigh. As you complete the backswing the shoulders should have turned approximately 90 degrees and the hips half of that or 45 degrees (picture 3).

(Grewal has coached several national champions and professionals apart from being coach of the Indian golf team for the Eisenhower Cup (World Cup) in 2008. He is currently the Director of National Golf Academy of India and CGA Hero Honda Golf Academy. If you have any queries get in touch with him at

Astro turf
P Khurrana

ARIES: Relax in the evening; it’s just the antidote for the trials and tensions of the day. Someone you are attracted to at work feels the same way. Eat wisely; though, you could be in danger of suffering digestive problems. Tarot message: Take limited risks while speculating. Lucky colour: Crimson.

Magic number: 55

TAURUS: Today is a day of excitement. Conquer your fear. You may be worried and concerned about certain family issues and need to make the time to sort things out. Tarot message: Outline your goals ahead of time then make a plan for achieving them.

Lucky colour: Deep red.

Magic number: 28

GEMINI: The Queen of Pentacles blesses you with quiet and subtle qualities today. Things happen quickly and you need to take decisions.Children will be a source of joy and their progress will make you proud. Tarot message: Don’t build into accepting situations you dislike. Lucky colour: Yellow.

Magic number: 34

CANCER: There is good news on the cards. If you need to make any personal decision, go with your gut feeling. Be wary of internet purchase unless you are sure of their integrity.

Tarot message: A bird in hand is worth more than two in the bush.

Lucky colour: Orange.

Magic number: 36 

LEO: The wisdom of The Hermit inspires you to make new beginnings and move in a creative direction. Gains from past investments are likely. A casual conversation can lead to romance. Tarot message: Beware of depleting your energy or resources on others. Lucky colour: Forest green. Magic number: 46

VIRGO: The Magician conjures up some business opportunities. Partnership, business problems--all need your attention today. You will be hearing from someone unexpected, like a voice from your past. Tarot message: Trust your heart and intuition rather than confusion yourself. Lucky colour: Sky blue. Magic number: 54

LIBRA: A fine time to make a public speech or presentation. Business deals are on the boil but still inconclusive. If need high pay? Speak to your boss. Work will progress satisfactorily. Tarot message: Avoid frictions with business partners.

Lucky colour: Brown.

Magic number: 62

SCORPIO: It looks like a very busy day ahead and any partying and indulgence of previous evenings could be catching up with you. An important task to maintain a sound relationship seems difficult. Tarot message: Be firm and stand your ground. 

Lucky colour: Pink.

Magic number: 59

SAGITTARIUS: The Prince of Wands rides in his flaming chariot of gold to instigate dynamic changes at work. Don’t trust unreliable friends or relatives. Use your judgement well. Tarot message: Remember not to fall for rash promises.

Lucky colour: Purple.

Magic number: 52

CAPRICORN: Today mixing with friends will be tricky. If you don’t want to be alone, choose a companion who is least likely to irritate you. Plan for an overseas vocation can get green light.

Tarot message: Consolidate your gains instead of throwing security to the winds. Lucky colour: Grey.

Magic number: 58

AQUARIUS: Passionate emotions are likely to accompany your actions and you might be more impulsive than usual. You will have a better chance of getting through odd jobs. Tarot message: Lack of confidence or lack of caution can leave you in losses. Lucky colour: Rust.

Magic number: 45

PISCES: The Hanged Man helps you to move into new and better situation. Spirituality beckons, and you are inclined to try and find out more about it. You struggle to keep your temper in check today.

Tarot message: Focus on your dream project.

Lucky colour: White.

Magic number: 56

The year ahead
Madan Gupta Spatu

If your birthday is January 8...

In 2013 you will put as much effort as you can, but still will end up with broken dreams. You will surely get some positive results, but the problem is that your efforts deserve better. These situations will upset you. The stress of not getting expected results will also affect your health. Be positive. Everything and everyone seems to be against you. Your friends may deny support when you needed. It is not at all a good time to rely on anyone. You will be spending money on useless matters and therefore won't be able to save much money.

People at workplace will doubt your ability to do better work but once you win their trust, you might get promoted or a little bonus. Try not to mess up things with your beloved. Some little issues might pop up between you two which might result in a big argument. Precautions are always better than cure. Therefore, you are advised to be careful and very attentive this year. Students seeking good results in exams might also have to face disappointments.

Your industrious qualities would further increase and hence you should derive the maximum mileage during this time frame. Those dealing in consumer products especially food and garments will be expanding their business. Some good news will make this a fantastic period for those born in the first decade. This will also make them more competitive in the work place. Do you want to settle for less than you deserve? Sometimes you must take a risk, especially if your dreams are at stake.  If you spend too much time thinking about what you should do, you will lose your chance.  Matters of the heart cannot be calculated with numbers. Those of you, who have married recently, will get the good news of a new arrival. Married women looking for buying a new house will receive an enticing offer that suits their requirement perfectly. You will have the resources to purchase this property.

You'll financially improve if you can handle the professional challenges effectively now. Success is only a few steps ahead. The Moon opens your heart, while putting you in touch with your emotional strength. You're able to be soulfully intimate, and feel at home with those you love.

Mood: Relieved after the 16th.

Compatible signs: Gemini, Aquarius, Capricorn

Sagarika GhatgeLucky colours: Purple , Violet. Lucky days: Thursday.

Lucky numbers: 2, 15, 20, 25, 50

Sagarika Ghatge (January 8, 1982, Kolhapur) is the daughter of veteran actor Vijayendra Ghatge. She portrayed the role of Preeti Sabharwal, a member of the Indian women's national hockey team, in the 2007 hit film, Chak De India. Her impressive portrayal of the role in Chak De India, landed her to be the face of Reebok, India.

Chatter box
Shows to watch out for

Every year there are fresh shows to entertain you and here’s a list of some of the new shows that will air on the tube this year.

24: Anil Kapoor’s ambitious project, the remake of the hit US action thriller series 24, not only will mark the star’s debut on the small screen but will also have cameos of many Bollywood stars in the show. It is scheduled for summer of 2013 on Colors.

Gossip Girl Season: Based on the best-selling series of young-adult novels by Cecily von Ziegesar Gossip Girl is a drama based on the lives of privileged Manhattan prep school teens. The students first learn that Serena van der Woodsen, once the Upper East Side's most notorious party girl, is back in town the way they learn all the important news in their lives: from the blog of the all-knowing albeit ultra-secretive Gossip Girl. No one knows Gossip Girl's identity, but everyone in this exclusive and complicated vicious circle relies on her website and text messages for the latest scoop. Even Serena's closest friend, Blair Waldorf, is surprised to find that Serena has suddenly ended her self-imposed exile to boarding school and returned to Manhattan. Keeping track of the shifting friendships, jealousies and turmoil in this wealthy and complex world isn't easy, but it's what Gossip Girl does best. Watch season 4, 5, 6 in February on Zee Cafe.

Hum Aapke Hai In-laws:
Hum Aapke Hai In-laws is a story of a sweet couple caught in the whirlwind of confusion with their lovable in-laws. Hum Aapke Hai In-laws promises to keep you entertained with its fabulous comical trysts with the family. Karan Grover plays Gulshan Grover and Pooja Pihal plays Damini Grover. It will air on January 14 on Sab TV.

Tota Weds Maina: Tota Weds Maina is loaded with dollops of humour and is a love story. The show has the ability to melt your heart just as well as it can have you rolling with laughter. Tota will be played by Gaurav Gera and Kavita Kaushik plays the role of Maina. It will air on January 14 on Sab TV.

MasterChef India: After two tepid seasons, Chef Sanjeev Kapoor has been roped for the third season of the reality cookery show with Chef Vikas Khanna and Chef Kunal Kapoor as co judges. It will air in February on Star Plus.

Sanskar: After Sasuraal Genda Phool, Jay Soni will be back on the tube playing a loving dutiful son but will be going abroad. The show will air on January 14 on Colors. He plays a Gujrati boy in the soap, who is very attached to his family. The show also has Aruna Irani playing an important role.

Welcome: Ram Kapoor turns host to many TV celebs who will dine in each other’s house and be judged on the same. Welcome--Baazi Mehmaan Nawazi Ki is the remake of the reality show Come Dine With Me which is a cooking-based game show and will see many famous faces, including Sanaya Irani, Sara Khan, Ragini Khanna, etc. It starts on January 19 on Life Ok.

Na Bole Tum Naa Meine Kuch Kaha- Season 2: After Megha and Mohan got married, the new season will talk about their journey ahead and with their daughter Nanhi growing up. Jayashree Venketaramanan plays Nanhi who grows up to be a journalist. The show airs on January 14 on Colors.

Master Chef 
Warming wonders
Kandla Nijhowne

Brrr......! The temperature has dived down to 3 degrees! Our bones too feel they've been given the third degree for days now. Such ghastly, dreary weather, called “inclement” by polite people need cold busters to warm us from inside. I for one can live on hot tea all day, provided it’s delicately infused and has some warming properties to satisfy both my intelligence and my body.

The first ingredients that come to mind are lemon, ginger, honey and cinnamon. They work wonders to clear those stuffy sinuses and ward off flu symptoms. If you're not old school, add a splash of brandy too! Mint though cooling also marries well with honey, creating an interesting blend of tea. This also works well if you boil a piece of orange peel with the water! The true blue British would never ask for milk or sugar for such infusions but never mind that! They've left our lands long ago, so we are allowed to rule ourselves as well as our palate. But milk remains off the ingredients if you are using lemon for obvious reasons.

(Nijhowne is a Chandigarh-based culinary expert)

Fresh Mint Tea

  • 2½ cups water
  • 6 sprigs fresh mint
  • 2 tea bags
  • 1 inch length of orange peel (optional)
  • Honey or sugar as required.
  • 3 orange slices for garnish (optional)
  • Sprigs of mint for garnish


  • Place the tea bags and mint sprigs into a large pitcher.
  • Boil the water, then pour into the pitcher.
  • Allow to steep for about 4 minutes, then remove and discard the tea bags and mint leaves, squeezing out excess liquid.
  • Stir in honey or sugar.
  • Ideally, make this in a glass carafe. It becomes easy to reheat the tea if necessary. It also looks very appealing!

Lemon, honey and ginger tea

  • ½ piece sliced ginger
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp or more honey
  • 1 teabag or 1 level spoonful of tea leaves


  • Boil 1½ cups of water along with the ginger. Do not grate the ginger, or the resulting liquid will look cloudy
  • Simmer covered for a minute.
  • Put the lemon juice with honey to taste into a pre-warmed mug.
  • Add tea leaves to the boiling water, or pop the tea bag into the mug.
  • Pour the infused liquid into the mug.
  • Stir and add more honey or lemon juice if needed.

Thrill is on

Table No 21 has opened to some good critical response at the beginning of the New Year and the film's lead star Rajeev Khandelwal is happy that in a role that carries grey shades, he has managed to surprise the audience.

"I had said that I would be able to surprise, if not shock audience. The film was meant to be about performances and the thrill element while being an edge of seat drama.

"My character is not one dimensional. It isn't linear or monotonous, it is a lot more. I am glad that I didn't let people down," Rajeev said in an interview.

The 37-year-old actor was last seen in a forgettable affair called Will You Marry Me, directed by the same young director, Aditya Datt, who has now delivered a quality product in Table No 21.

"For people who were looking for great content and performances, this film always had a lot to offer. The whole character graph was so complicated that I had to work really hard. To be honest, there were times when I was not getting the pitch and the mood right.

"It becomes all the more difficult when you work with someone like Paresh or even Tena who is so tough on herself before she gets that perfect shot. I had to make sure that I could stand up and do justice to a scene," said Rajeev.

The actor, who let go of his successful TV career to pursue Bollywood, is happy with the feedback the film is getting.

"We are getting amazing feedback and I am very happy.

This is what I expected. I am generally very critical about my own work but here Aditya has got everything correct.

"He also made sure that the trailer was not misleading.

Otherwise you see so many times people put their best shots in those two minutes. In case of Table No. 21, 80 per cent of the film is not even there in the promo; it is discovered once you watch the film." "I am very happy because for audience there are so many surprises in store. We are not challenging their intelligence," he added. — PTI

All is well...

Bollywood actor Salman Khan has denied reports of 'feud' between him and Shah Rukh Khan, saying there is no groupism at all in the film industry.

"There is no groupism at all... I do my own work. I don't think there is any groupism. I don't follow anyone's life.

"If anyone comes to talk or meet me, I will talk to them or meet them nicely. I don't care who is whose friend and all. It doesn't matter to me at all," Salman said.

A spat between Shahrukh and the Dabangg star a few years ago set the tongues wagging on a growing chasm between the two top guns.

Gossip mills are agog about Shahrukh's close friend Karan Johar reportedly singing paeans on Salman and apparently sending him feelers for working with him.

Even Priyanka Chopra, who is considered close to the actor, and banners like Yash Raj Films seem to be warming up to Salman.

The latest twist to the tale came in the form of SRK loyalist Arjun Rampal. There are reports that Arjun is going to be on Salman's show Bigg Boss.

Arjun reportedly missed SRK's New Year bash held in Dubai and also praised Salman for his brilliant performance in Ek Tha Tiger.

Arjun, who delivered hit films like Om Shanti Om, Don and Ra.One with Shahrukh, seemed to be gravitating towards Salman.

When asked if someone who picks up fight with SRK becomes his friend or vice versa, Salman said, "I don't think so it is that way at all".

On a rift between Shahrukh and Arjun, Salman said, "I am not even aware if there is any fight or whatever (between them). I don't think so (that Arjun is closer to me). I just met him at Sanjay Diwan's party. We just spoke for two minutes".


Social comedy from Aiyyaa director next

His debut movie Aiyyaa may not have garnered desired results at the box office, but director Sachin Kundalkar has moved on. He is now working on a social comedy that he plans to release this year.

Though Aiyyaa story was interesting as it narrated a middle-class girl's strange likeness for a guy's body odour, it couldn't amuse movie buffs despite the presence of Rani Mukerji in the lead role.

But Kundalkar seems to be determined to attain success with his next: "I am scripting my second film. It's a social comedy. I want to spend as much time as possible with the script because I don't want to compromise on it." His endeavour is to entertain viewers with a clean comedy.

"I hope the film falls under the category of clean comedy because by the time I release the film, I don't know in what frame of mind the society will be," he said.

When will you roll the camera for the film?

"The film will go on the floors this year itself. I am keen to release the film this year. Once the script is ready, I want to cast stars for the film," he said.

Aiyyaa was produced by Anurag Kashyap and Rani had teamed up with southern star Prithviraj in it. — IANS

Obsession with perfection

Actress Emma Watson, who has inherited her hardworking nature from her lawyer parents, says he is obsessed with being perfect and can be very hard on herself.

"My parents have very strong work ethics and have instilled that in me, a love and a respect for what you do and taking pride in it. And then this is sort of irritating at times. I am a bit (OCD) Obsessive-compulsive disorder," told Watson to a publication. "I am my own worst critic. I always want to do better. I am always striving towards the next thing," she said.

The 22-year-old, who is due to return to her studies at Brown University feels studying keeps her grounded in the midst of her Hollywood lifestyle.

"I think having time to step away and study really, really helps. It helps to give me perspective on things. To be around people who are living their lives in different ways, who have different aspirations."

"It is a strange thing that I do and I can feel quite unnerving. It's good to remember that it's a bit mad."

"Happiness for me, it's about finding satisfaction in the work that I do. It's to do with having healthy relationships with the people I care about," said the Harry Potter actress. — IANS

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