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Giving plots to MLAs was undemocratic

The editorial “Plots for MLAs” (Aug 21) has aptly highlighted how our elected representatives think of their own interests and care little about the people whom they represent. The Punjab and Haryana High Court deserves appreciation for granting stay on the implementation of allocating residential plots to MPs and MLAs and upholding the rule of law.

It is strange that prior to the dissolution of the state Assembly, the Hooda government decided to shower parting gifts on the legislators. Undoubtedly it was meant to be a pre-election bonanza for the leaders. Surely, it is unjustified, arbitrary, undemocratic and against the spirit of law. Frankly speaking, we are not living in democracy but in the age of “kleptocracy.” Such looting is unpardonable and cannot be condoned.

Capt S K DATTA, Abohar

Jaswant’s expulsion

Mr Jaswant Singh’s new-found love for Mohammad Ali Jinnah (editorial, “Exit Jaswant Singh”, Aug 20) was bound to create a stir. His statements are opinionated and not based on facts. The saga of Partition of India is best known to the people who bore the brunt of Partition.

During Partition, the entire nation was witness to the British unsavoury tactics, unsecular role of Jinnah and undisputed secular credentials of Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Nehru and Sardar Patel.

Unnecessary criticism of Nehru and Patel is no substitute for good politics. Now, Mr Singh has no option but to keep on raking up and writing on controversial issues. 



The expulsion of Mr Jaswant Singh shows that there is no freedom of expression within the BJP. Due to ideological differences, even Mr Sudheendra Kulkarni has left the party.

So, how can we expect the BJP to be a secular party that would selflessly safeguard the interests of the nation?

It has already tarnished its image as a democratic party. If the party wants to survive it should rethink and not send a wrong signal to the public. They need to understand that the public has become wise and will vote not on issues of “Hindutava”, “Jinnah” and “Patel”.

NEHA PAUL, Patiala


After losing power the BJP is damaging its image in public. The infighting and the race for leadership among second-rung leaders is harming the image of the party. The open dissidence of top leaders is increasing day by day.  The dismissal of Mr Jaswant Singh is also part of the struggle by second-rung leaders for posts in the orginisation.

India is a democratic country and freedom of expression is guaranteed in our Constitution. The book written by Mr Jaswant Singh has his own opinion about Jinnah.   One may or may not agree with his views, but this does not mean that he should be thrown out of the party which he has served for 30 years.

The fact is that the BJP is a confused organisation. It does not know how to take corrective steps after suffering reverses in the recent elections.


Empty promises

Both the President of India and the Prime Minister made many promises in their speeches. We, the people of India have been hearing such speeches since Independence and our lives will continue in the same way, as they have for the past six decades. The lot of the poor and the underprivileged is unlikely to change. Much is expected from the Prime Minister who is an expert in economic affairs.


Rising prices

The prices of edibles are touching sky high. The question is what was the government doing and why did it not take steps to control price hike. The government cannot be absolved of this lapse. With rising prices of pulses, sugar, fruits and vegetables, what nutrition can a common man hope to have? The government should pay heed to the woes of common man and take suitable measures to curb price rise.

SHER SINGH, Ludhiana

Deal sternly with khaps

Of late, khap panchayats have resurrected with a vengeance wrecking young lives, thanks to vote-bank-propelled myopic and corrupt leadership that has paralysed administrative machinery and rendered it impotent.

The outrageous verdicts of khap panchayats are a grim reminder of the feudalistic mindset prevailing among some communities. In fact, these outfits are vestiges of primordial society characterised by a culture of autocracy, authoritarianism and male chauvinism.

They operate as per the whims and fancies of a caucus of self-righteous custodians of a community’s morality and mores. Their tyrannical and whimsical mentality is reflected in their pronouncement of diktats like demanding “erring” married couples to live as brother and sister.

Khap panchayats have no place in a democracy. They are an anathema to the rule of law and democratic polity. The progressive concepts of liberty, rights, freedom and gender equality are alien to them.

Yet these caste conglomerates continue to survive and call the shots in our so-called democratic polity as they thrive on political patronage. The khap panchayats had better engage themselves in social reforms rather than sully the fair name of a community known for its bravery and broadmindedness.




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