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Beware of the designs of neighbours

Mr G. Parthasarathy, in his article “The Sino-Pakistan nexus” (The Tribune, Aug. 20), has tried to explain the relationship between China and Pakistan which has assumed the proportion of an axis of evil in relation to India. China has always been inimical to India whether it is peace, war or terror time.

As the writer has concluded, we should bolster our defence capability and move strategically on the ladder of higher statesmanship with both China and Pakistan without trusting them.

Although India is capable of repulsing any armed attack on its territory by either of these two countries, wisdom lies in the core factor that evil intentions of the enemies to disintegrate India into 20-30 states are nipped in the bud.

India of 2009 is far ahead of India of 1962 or 1971, and any misconception should not be there in the mind of any neighbouring or distant country.



Mr Parthasarathy convincingly makes the point that the recent deluge of India-centric comments  by “scholars” affiliated to Chinese think tanks appear to have tacit, publicly unacknowledged official approval. He opines that we should take note of this jingoistic fervour but need not get alarmed.

The larger issue that needs to be addressed, however, is whether our reaction to these provocative comments should be the basis of our China policy? The recent blunt warning by the Naval Chief and Chairman, COSC, Admiral Sureesh Mehta, that we are under-prepared to face the Chinese threat is a courageous and timely clarion call to the government to arouse it from its slumber.

What we need is a forward-looking, well-thought-out, long-term China policy which is constitutionally freed from tinkering by the government of the day.

We also most certainly need the expertise of serving and retired  senior Services officers in addition to the other concerned government departments for its formulation and execution on a tight and well-budgeted time schedule.

Maj-Gen RAJ MEHTA, Mohali

Jaswant’s claim

Mr Jaswant Singh’s thesis holding Nehru and Patel responsible for Partition of India has been effectively nailed by Mr Narendra Singh Sarila, a former Ambassador of India to France and Switzerland, ADC to Lord Mountbatten and the author of the book, “The Shadow of the Great Game: The Untold Story of India’s Partition.”

In his article, “Jinnah pursued Pakistan for power: Jaswant disappoints, ignores British designs” (The Tribune, August 19), Mr Sarila effectively brings out that the British, having decided to protect their political, strategic and economic interests, cultivated Jinnah to press for a homeland for Muslims. Jinnah fell a prey to British manipulations and machinations and insisted on a separate homeland for Muslims that led to the butchery of lakhs of people and the two countries perennially at war with each other.

Mr Sarila quotes extensively from the British secret documents that have now been declassified and are accessible. He adds that Mr Jaswant Singh had approached him and he had pointed out the British role in the creation of Pakistan, but he seemed to have stuck to his viewpoint which has no legs to stand upon. All in all, Mr Jaswant Singh has done a grave wrong to the leaders like Nehru, Patel, Azad and Kidwai.

R. J. KHURANA, Bhopal

Ban on book

Nothing can justify the banning of Mr Jaswant Singh’s book by the Gujarat government. It does not fit in he BJP’s line of thinking itself. Various BJP leaders may not agree with what has been said in his book about Jinnah and Partition, yet Mr Jaswant Singh remains a nationalist intellectual. The BJP needs to maintain a calm posture on the Jaswant issue after he has been sacked.


‘Plots for MLAs’

This refers to the editorial “Plots for MLAs — HC sees through Haryana ploy” (The Tribune, Aug 21). It is a shame on the part of Haryana MLAs that when the country is reeling under inflation they have found a way to get plots from the government at a concessionary rate. Beyond doubt the Haryana government is giving them plots to earn their goodwill, if not to buy their conscience. Our leaders, irrespective of their political affiliation, seem to believe fully in the saying, make hay while the sun shines.

 The justification trotted out by the government for this bounty that the Election Commission’s code of conduct is not yet in vogue is ridiculous and untenable. What is funny is that when it comes to their own perks and privileges, our MLAs and MPs, who are otherwise at each other’s throat, unite and make a common cause? So much for their selflessness, sacrifice and concern for those who have elected them.




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