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Deora’s role in gas pricing is suspect

Nirmal Sandhu’s article: “Pricing of gas: Deora’s role has become questionable” (Aug 12). has exposed chinks in the statement of Petroleum Minister Murli Deora. Mr Deora wants the nation to believe that by allowing the Reliance Industries to charge gas price at Rs 195 ($4.20) against the contracted price of Rs 109 ($2.34), the fertilizer subsidy would be reduced by Rs 3,000 crore, conveniently suppressing the fact that Reliance would stand to gain Rs 50,000 crore and NTPC, a PSU, would suffer a loss of huge magnitude.

The entire episode is a glaring example of an unholy nexus between the business tycoon and politician. The writer has posed a pertinent question: “The time has come for Dr Manmohan Singh to ponder whether at all it is in public interest to let Mr Deora continue to hold such an important portfolio.”




Private tuitions

To the news report “Education Bill spells end of ‘private tuitions’ ” (Aug 6) by Aditi Tandon, I would like to add that perhaps the bill, on becoming the law, will help curb the evil of private tuitions among school teachers. However what will happen to the practice prevalent among college teachers?

Private tuitions by college teachers are a big nuisance for authorities as well as parents. The government should introduce a Bill to effectively check this widespread evil, too.

Prof P K GUPTA,Bathinda

Currency racket

The news report “Machines to detect fake notes missing at banks” (Aug 10) by Ruchika M Khanna and the editorial “Counterfeit currency” (Aug 1) gave a timely jolt to the nation and reflected a genuine concern. The confession of the RBI that forged notes are finding their way into the banking system and the failure of the banks to install sorting machines are shocking revelations.

Fake currency is bound to impact our economy. The government and the RBI seem to be helpless in tackling the menace. Stringent laws and coordination among agencies concerned can help solve the problem. The destabilising role of economic terror must be understood.

Capt S K DATTA, Abohar

Indo-Pak talks

H K Dua, Editor- in-Chief, The Tribune, and senior journalist Kuldip Nayar (news report, “Nayar, Dua advocate talks between India, Pak” by Sanjeev Singh Bariana, Aug 14) have rightly stressed upon the need for Indo-Pak talks. Nuclear states like India and Pakistan have little option other then to continue campaigning for peace. In the event of a nuclear flashpoint, both stand to lose. John F Kennedy once said, “ Mankind must put an end to war or the war will put an end to mankind.” Dr Manmohan Singh’s peace efforts are laudable and can save both countries from a possible holocaust.

B M SINGH, Amritsar


It is rightly said that war is not an option but at the same time there is no point in resuming talks unless and until Pakistan makes a goodwill gesture. Pakistan’s political leadership has always been interested in creating international opinion against India.

Pakistan has always backtracked from its promises and has invariably been busy in fomenting trouble in India through the ISI and non-state players.


Rising prices

Of late, the prices of certain essential commodities like pulses, sugar and vegetables are going through the roof. This staple food of “aam aadmi” is now beyond his reach. It is high time the government tackled price rise on a war footing. Otherwise, the incessant rise will turn into a national calamity. The government must send a clear signal to hoarders and speculators that it means business. At the same time it must streamline the public distribution system all over the country.

It is pertinent to mention that the present crisis of food insecurity and consequent price escalation is the cumulative result of the neglect of agricultural sector. Irrigation is the mainstay of agriculture, yet it is left to the mercy of rain gods. The buzzword was and is the manufacturing and IT sectors that increase the GDP. But it means nothing to the poor who go to bed on an empty belly. Due to wrong policies and priorities, gross mismanagement of foodgrains, lack of foresight and all pervading corruption, India is not in a position to feed its poor even after six decades of Independence.

Lieut (IN) SUKHDEV SINGH GILL (retd), Jagraon

H1N1 pandemic

The editorial “Swine flu spreads” (Aug 8) rightly highlighted, warned and educated people on swine flu symptoms. Misinformation can play havoc and creates panic. Thus, those who need urgent attention are deprived of treatment. Indeed, there is an urgent need to educate the public over indiscriminate testing which could harm the interest of those who really need it.

However, the spread of the pandemic virus should not be taken lightly.




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