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Where does the buck stop?

Pushpa M Bhargava’s article, “Web of corruption” (Perspective, Aug 9) was a comprehensive and candid coverage of rampant corruption in the country. Sadly, despite the increase in our literacy rate and an effective media, corruption still rules the roost.

Criminals are still being elected by the people as MPs and MLAs. Corrupt officials don’t have a guilt conscience. And many honest officers are sidelined. Where does the buck stop?

Corruption and criminalisation of politics are closely interlinked. It is the common man who has to fight corruption in the system which has become institutionalised.

He should not give bribe to any one even if he has to suffer. This suffering can be reduced if all honest people combine and fight corruption as a team.

Col R.D. SINGH, Ambala Cantt

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor, neatly hand-written or typed in double space, should not exceed the 150-word limit. These can be sent by post to the Letters Editor, The Tribune, Sector 29, Chandigarh-160030. Letters can also be sent by e-mail to: letters@tribuneindia.com
— Editor-in-Chief


Today, an honest and common person cannot get elected to Parliament because he doesn’t have crores to contest the election. Dr Manmohan Singh’s is a unique case. In fact, elections have almost become out of reach for an honest man.

Corruption has wings and no limits. It will continue to grow endlessly unless its roots are struck. The writer has, out of sheer frustration, found recluse in the French Revolution of 1789. My humble suggestion is to try state funding of elections for a mandatory five-year period so that honest persons are able to contest elections successfully. This seems to be the only viable solution to combat the ever-increasing monster of corruption.

D.N. SHARMA, Ludhiana


The writer has rightly pointed out that we need a critical mass of honest and courageous people at the top to bring about a revolution of honesty and transparency. But how is it possible?

It is possible in case our Prime Minister firmly takes action against corrupt officials and ministers without yielding to political compulsions.

R.K. BEHL, Jalandhar


The writer has aptly prescribed the right medicine for the ills confronting the country. Men and women who are honest and want to see India a happy nation should join politics. It could be by contesting for a Gram Sabha seat or even Parliament.

One may fail initially but he/she will succeed one day and make a difference to the polity. n


Think before you speak

I read Khushwant Singh’s write-up, “Mind your words, please” (Saturday Extra, Aug 1). Our leaders must remember poet’s warning:

“Boys flying kites haul in their white-winged birds; /You can’t do that way when you’re flying words;/ Careful with fire is good advice we know/ Careful with word is ten times doubly so.”

Peace and concord are the gifts of a disciplined tongue. Avoid rude and harsh speech at all times. The sociable man avoids all the sins of speech.

ADITYA N. CHOPRA, Kurukshetra


The piece was thought-provoking. I fail to understand why our political leaders cross the limit of decency while speaking or saying against someone. Consider how UP Congress president Rita Bahuguna Joshi has used objectionable language against the state Chief Minister Mayawati.

These political leaders must keep the golden rule of “Think before you speak” in mind. The writer has aptly pointed out that by using bad language the leaders only lower themselves in the people’s as well as their party’s esteem.




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