US recognises India as a nuclear state

In his front-page despatch from Washington, “US recognises India as nuclear state” (July 20), H.K. Dua has rightly observed that the US has virtually recognised India as a nuclear state. In fact, after the 1970 Non-Proliferation Treaty, Britain, Russia, China, France and the US have never digested the nuclear capability of India. We have suffered US sanctions, yet India has progressed well in her nuclear advancements.

Whatever the world opinion, China would not like the Indo-US nuclear agreement. Even President Bush has to work hard to seek the US Congress’ endorsement for adjusting the US laws and policies.

At home, Dr Manmohan Singh will have to explain to the people and the Opposition as to how his government will separate the military use and civilian use of nuclear capabilities, in the context of the joint statement.

Both President Bush and Dr Singh have talked at length about the fight against terrorism. But there is no joint effort yet. The world should realise India’s capacity to fight terrorism. A common platform is the best way to fight terrorism.

Col. JASWANT SINGH CHANDEL (retd), Kalol (H.P.)



The joint statement on sharing nuclear technology is yet another instance of India’s growing stature as a responsible nuclear power. The Prime Minister is entitled to claim credit for the path-breaking deal with the US, but people are entitled to seek explanation and insist on periodic audit.

The Prime Minister would do well to explain the meaning of the cost and the obligation of all the commitments made by both sides in Washington. The fear is that while India would end up delivering on this side of the bargain, the Bush Administration may not keep up its commitment as had happened with Mr Vajpayee’s peace agreement with Pakistan.

The crux of the matter is whether the commitments add up to a capping of our nuclear arsenal and be deemed as sufficient deterrent. It will allow the US to breathe down our necks denying useful freedom in research. No doubt, India got what it wanted. It will get nuclear fuel for its producing energy, high technology for space research and other sensitive areas.

Whether Mr Bush would push through the necessary legislation in the US Congress to remove sanctions remains to be seen. Lifting of sanctions amounts to India’s recognition as a nuclear state by implication, having the same rights as nuclear club. In the US, most analysts see the Indo-US agreement as Washington’s desire to build India as a countervailing influence against the rise of China.

UMED SINGH GULIA, Supreme Court Advocate, Gohana


Dr Manmohan Singh’s visit to the US was successful on many counts. Agreement on nuclear energy collaboration, call for closer co-option of India to fight global terrorism and furtherance of economic expansion between the two countries were hallmarks of the visit.

He did not budge from India’s stand against the Iraq war. The US opposition to the proposed Indo-Iraq gas pipeline did not deter Dr Singh to tell the US audience that the project is a matter between two sovereign nations.

Dr Singh’s oratory and grit over the items of agenda during his visit impressed the audience at home and abroad. He allayed the fears of Pakistan and China over the transformation of closer Indo-US ties into equal partners.

While addressing the joint session of the US Congress, Dr Singh’s assertion that India, being the world’s largest democracy, cannot remain unheard and unrepresented at the UN Security Council is one such example. This evoked spontaneous ovation among the US lawmakers. Dr Singh’s conduct and the White House reception to him makes every Indian feel proud.

Lt-Col BACHITTAR SINGH (retd), Mohali


It is heartening to note from Mr Dua’s front-page report “PM allays fear of Pakistan, China” (July 21) that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to the US has been successful. Now India will get nuclear fuel for its reactors to produce energy. Moreover, the US has agreed to lift all sanctions imposed on India after the Pokharan nuclear tests.

Both India and the US have rightly assured Pakistan and China that the agreements are never directed against their interests. One hopes new relations with the US will help India to tide over its economic problems. India’s bilateral relations with other countries should also improve. In no case, India should become a party to indulge in arms race.



I am happy to note that the US has recognised India as a nuclear state. The talks held between President Bush and Dr Manmohan Singh are of far-reaching importance as now India will get nuclear fuel for the Tarapur Atomic Power Plant and other nuclear power reactors.

Of course, in return, on a reciprocal basis, India has agreed to assume some responsibility and extend the same benefit to other countries.


Appoint selected lecturers

As many as 392 lecturers were selected by the Punjab Public Service Commission for Government colleges in February-March, 2002. But later, the Punjab Government cancelled the selections. This was subsequently challenged in the Punjab and Haryana High Court.

The state government has failed to produce any specific reason/proof of irregularities committed in making the selections. In this situation, the government should withdraw the cancellation order and issue appointment letters to the selected lecturers.

Incidentally, there has been no recruitment of lecturers for the past eight years. More than 750 posts of lecturers are lying vacant in the government colleges. This is adversely affecting the students.

— Prof R.N. GHAI, Dept. of Economics, Doaba College, Jalandhar


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