PM’s visit will help promote Indo-US ties

H.K. Dua, in his article “Mission to Washington: PM is willing but there are critics and comrades” (July 6), discusses various facets of Indo-US relations, present trends and future prospects. Admittedly, in the best interest of both countries, cordial relations on a long-term basis are a must for mutual benefit.

Dr Manmohan Singh is the right person at the right time to achieve this goal. Since democracy has grown deep roots in both nations, this will help as a bonus for both countries to work hand to hand.

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— Editor-in-Chief



Mr Dua’s concern about the pro forma noises of the Left parties is understandable. It can slow down the process, but it is doubtful if it can stop it completely. Any right-thinking Indian would like to see the bonhomie between two nations develop over the decades and give impetus to the industrial and economic interests of India. And any stumbling block should be taken care of before they tumble the apple cart. The Left parties seem to have a set pattern of putting their views on record vociferously.

B.R. SOOD, Bahadurpur (Hoshiarpur)


The fact that US President Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice have repeatedly been favouring all support for India to emerge as “a major power in this century” augurs well for us. It also highlights the US’ growing concerns for peace and stability in South Asia. No wonder, Washington would like this visit to become a watershed.”

Dr Manmohan Singh is bound to impress his American hosts with his deep understanding of the common global concerns in combating terrorism, poverty, illiteracy, disease and so on. At this stage, we need not unduly be concerned about the UNSC seat, purchase of nuclear fuel and relaxation of sanctions. All these issues will resolve as our relations improve.

Brig GOVIND SINGH KHIMTA (retd), Shimla


Washington’s red carpet to Dr Manmohan Singh’s visit is the offspring of the changed world situation and is in the interest of both countries. Some people in the US who still think otherwise are wrong and so are some Indians, who fear India becoming a surrogate of the US. South Korea and Philippines are pygmies and so is Japan, lacking coal and steel which make a nation big and strong.

Being big secular democracies, both India and US are potential allies. Past is dead and future is uncertain. Wisdom lies in accepting the present as a bird in hand is worth two in the bush.



There is nothing wrong in maintaining a diplomatic and peaceful relationship with the US but the popular opinion in our country is not in favour of trusting the US rulers blindly. The people of all third world countries haven’t forgotten the recent history which is a solid testimony to the US’ most undemocratic and barbaric actions.

Their recent transgressions in the No-Fly zone of Iran are disturbing. Even supposing that the comrades don’t know what national interests are, can the majority of Indians be described in the same manner? Some people in our country think that the US is invincible and it will never collapse. They forget the experiences of the Roman and British Empires.

In a democratic country like ours, there is always room for differences on vital issues and it is in a national interest that we should approach the US with caution.



The supply of nuclear power reactors, assurance of help in getting a seat in the UN Security Council can never be a gift by the US for India. We shall be forced to leave our policy of non-alignment which will be detrimental to the health and growth of our polity.

It is widely acknowledged how China has overtaken India in various fields. A country which was known for narcotics before India attained Independence is now a big world power. Mao Tse Tung and Zhau en Lai were the trendsetters and successive leaders are following them. The trends set forth by Nehru, Shastri and Indira Gandhi should not be lost sight of by the present regime.


A real paradox

The Left parties’ attitude towards the Centre is sad. They staged nationwide protests over the hike in petrol and diesel prices. They huff and puff when it comes to disinvestment, privatisation and price hike, but their brouhaha subsides like soap bubbles.

Since they are committed to support the UPA government, they do not take much time in backtracking. As a result, the UPA takes them with a grain of salt and continues its policies.

The Left’s stance is a real paradox. They are misleading the public, especially their own partymen, by crying in the wilderness and making a show of having pursued their economic policies. Why don’t they read the writing on the wall and come out of their old ideological grooves which is long overdue?

D.K. AGGARWALA, Hoshiarpur


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