The Tribune - Spectrum


Sunday, May 4, 2003


Throwing light on Nur Jehan

APROPOS of Manohar Malgonkar’s write-up "Throwing light on the ‘light of the world" (April 13) Nur Jahan was the most accomplished but extremely ambitious queen.

By her exquisite charm, piercing intellect and remarkable deportment she had immense influence over Jahangir, who often declared that he had bestowed sovereignty on her and he needed nothing more than a quart of wine and a pound of flesh.

She exercised unbounded power in the affairs of the state. Her will was law. Coins were struck in her name.

She was brave and fearless and well-versed in Persian and Arabic literature and adept in constructing extempore verses.

Bhagwan Singh, Qadian

Without a sister

Apropos of Vinish Garg’s write-up "Life’s lacklustre without a sister!" (April 20). The writer has expressed his regret at not having a sister. The feelings in the small note are praiseworthy and interesting. The presence of a girl provides a unique experience for the whole family. Besides a girl in the home is great help to the whole family as she assists in household chores. Most boys are non responsive in the household chores. Daughters are always more attached to their parents.

Ujagar Singh, Chandigarh

Women too have the right to dislike household chores

This is in response to "Bonds of love", in the feedback column by Ved Guliani (April 13). It is not only for material prosperity that house helps are opted for, though even that need not call for castigation. ‘Satisfaction’ is very personal. One person’s satisfaction may lie only in running the house, looking after kids etc and the other person may, if the purse permits, like all this to be taken care of by professional agencies and derive satisfaction from other pursuits. Would you deny her that? ‘Her’ because the latter takes it for granted that only the woman of the house require house helps. This too is a biased presumption. Children and family may be better cared for if other agencies are employed. Since it is then possible for parents to give ‘quality time’ to their children, which is more vital than say cooking the food yourself. One could instead monitor the work to be done according to one’s satisfaction than actually doing everything oneself.

Again why should, "disliking doing house work" be applicable only to "women who earn as much or even more than her husband"? In fact why can’t women dislike doing "housework" just like men? Doing ‘housework’ is not the only key to an ideal home. Having children/family is one aspect of an individual’s life. A healthy man-woman relationship is possible only when each partner not only gives the other person the freedom to pursue his or her own goals but also encourages the other in the pursuit. Women have been disliking doing housework even before (and why not, what is wrong with that?) When they did not earn but at that time they had no option, since men had limited them only to home and hearth.

Only when we start respecting a woman’s dislikes or likes’ in all spheres of life, domestic or otherwise, that we will be heading for a positive change where both men and women come on an equal footing.

Samidha Shikha, Gurgaon

Mahesh Bhatt

This refers to V. Gangadhar’s interview with Mahesh Bhatt (April 13). Mahesh Bhatt is like a person living in the proverbial "fool’s paradise", totally cut-off from realities. Only people like him could be foolishly blind to the imminent threat the world, in general, and India, Israel and USA, in particular, face from the global Islamic jehadi terrorism.

A.K. Sharma, Chandigarh

Burdening the child

This has reference to Inderdeep Thapar’s write-up "Burden the child and bend nature’s way" (April 13). Today’s child is over-burdened and to add to it, parents expect miracles from their child. That curbs the natural instincts of the child, obstructing his natural growth and development.

The child should not be subordinated to rigid syllabus and a rigorous time table. His interests should be regarded supreme and should not be sacrificed. An examination system, that aims at testing a child’s memory only, needs a thorough overhaul. Parents and teachers should confine themselves to the roles of observers, leaving the child free to carry on with his activities.

Tarsem S. Bumrah, Batala

Satguru Jagjit Singh

This refers to Reeta Sharma’s article "Punjab’s silent musical revolution" (April 6). I am very impressed by the teachings of the Satguru Jagjit Singh. Satguru Jagjit Singh has tried to eradicate the social evil of dowry and extravagance on the occasion of marriage ceremonies. His appeal to people to not spend more than Rs 13 is a major step in this direction. In the present society lakhs of rupees are spent on marriages and thousands of marriages take place everyday.

Ashok Agnihotri, Batala


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