The Tribune - Spectrum


Sunday, February 16, 2003


Can India be a superpower?

THIS refers to Hari Jaisingh’s article "Yes, it can be." (January 26).

Had India been free from corruption she would have become a superpower by now. It is strange that none of our leaders stopped the misuse of money and resources meant for development. The taxpayers’ hard-earned money has been pocketed by a few corrupt politicians, bureaucrats and middlemen.

The reservation policy is proving counter-productive. This policy seems to have thrown ability, merit and efficiency out of the window.

India can only attain the status of superpower and become a world leader if the existing loopholes that lead to corruption are plugged. The politicians must change their mindset that serves only vested interests. Only then can the people be expected to believe that honesty is the best policy.

Iqbal Singh, Hamirpur


In this country young workers whether in science, teaching or industry know well that whatever hard work they may put in, they are not going to get rewards unless they have got right connections and people on the right side of the government known to them. These things are talked about openly in the government. circles as well as in public. It is only when people who matter in higher circles of power like bureaucrats, administrators, police, judiciary and media become above board and not tolerate the pressure from above, that things would start improving. If corruption and other such ills are removed from the society then only this country can become a superpower.

V.K. Gupta, Palampur


Pygmies with narrow vision

I counted 56 photographs of distinguished Indians, some living, many dead, published in the special issue "Can India be a superpower" (January 26).

Isn’t it pathetic that with so many great men with great vision around, the pygmies with self-serving narrow vision have managed to come to the fore?

"If our rulers fail to see the writing on the wall, the common man may lose his patience and take to the streets, "is what I heard a worried T.N. Seshan say on a TV channel the other day. It will be a sad day for India if that happens.

C.L. Sehgal, Jalandhar


This refers to the special issue "Can India be a superpower?" (January 26).

Basic education can guarantee all other factors required for development. How can we expect human rights to be respected or child labour to be discouraged or communal harmony to prevail among one billion people, when 35 per cent of them are illiterate? Often the uneducated are exploited and their rights violated by bureaucrats and politicians. It is not only education but, as our President has said, it is the right kind of value based education that can change the fortunes of our country. J.N. Dixit has emphasised that we can achieve almost all our objectives if we have the necessary political will. It will be extremely difficult to generate and instil this will in the minds of our politicians. We must think of the future, which is in the hands of our children.

Neha Sharma, Panchkula


Undoubtedly India could have been a superpower by now had our parliamentarians, after Independence, discharged their duty as trustees of the nation with sincerity and not diverted funds to banks in foreign countries. Actually, this nation has been let down by its own.

Amrit Gaur, Ambala

Islamic terrorism

This refers to the special edition on Islamic terrorism. (January 5).

Secular media still goes on preaching that "religious ideology of Islam is being distorted, and that Islam teaches brother-hood and peace". This false propaganda is helping Islamic terrorism, and making India a very soft state. Unless we understand the true Jihadi nature of Islam, which teaches hatred against infidels, specially the idol-worshipping Hindus, we will never be able to fight Islamic terrorism. India should get inspiration from Israel and USA, who deserve praise for their fight against Islamic terrorism.

Anand Prakash, Panchkula.

Special issues

Lately Spectrum has started coming out with special issues, dropping its regular features. Excess of anything is bad. Readers do miss the regular columns, features and contests. If so much importance has to be given to any event, then it is suggested that an extra pullout be bought out.

K.J.S. Ahluwalia, Amritsar

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