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Monday, May 20, 2002
Bits & Bytes

SNTP: Short for Simple Network Time Protocol, a simplified version of NTP. SNTP can be used when the ultimate performance of the full NTP implementation described in RFC 1305 is not needed or justified.

FEC: Short for forward error correction, a method of communicating data that corrects errors in transmission on the receiving end. Prior to transmission, the data is put through a predetermined algorithm that adds extra bits specifically for error correction to any character or code block. If the transmission is received in error, the correction bits are used to check and repair the data.

Array processor: Also called a vector processor. A microprocessor that executes one instruction at a time but on an array or table of data at the same time rather than on single data elements.

Server appliance: Also called an appliance server, a specialised server that is designed for ease of installation and maintenance. Server appliances have their hardware and software bundled in the product, so all applications are pre-installed. The appliance is plugged into an existing network and can begin working almost immediately, with little configuration. It is designed to run with little or no support.
