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Monday, January 14, 2002

Scientific calculator on PC
Vipul Verma

MOST commonly, the users feel that over a period of time, their computer has grown slow. There could be many factors responsible for this kind of problem, but one of the factors is the regular usage of resources. Though the regular usage of resources does not mean that the resources get old or incapable through constant use. Normally, some users feel that the Microsoft office '97 suite is one such program, which gets slower over a period of time. If that is the case in your computer also, then you can follow this tip and solve the problem easily. Click Start and choose Settings >Control Panel. Now in the Control Panel window, double-click Find Fast. Then in the Find Fast window, select the hard disk drive and then choose Index > Delete Index. In the next dialogue box that appears, click OK, then click OK again to confirm the setting. Now you are back in the Find Fast window and choose Index > Close and Stop. This tip will revitalise the system as not only the Microsoft Office applications will open faster, but Windows will also start opening faster than before.


Another common cause of slowing down of the performance of the computer is the memory leakage. In case of the memory leakage, the programs do not return memory resources on closing and the system returns the message that the system is too low on resources and cannot run the next application and needs to reboot. This is the case of memory leakage. This is mainly caused by 16-bit applications, running under Windows 98/ME/2000 etc. In order to solve this problem you must identify the program, which causes the memory leak. Either remove the program from your system or upgrade it with the newer 32-bill version of the same. If you are not being able to pinpoint the cause of the problem, then you can use the resource meter for checking the problem. Removing the trouble causing program or upgrading it to the recent version will not only troubleshoot the problem but will also make it much faster.

Let's now discuss some tips about the convenience also. Normally, for the home-users or in an office environment, where lots of persons are working together, maintaining the secrecy of programs is a difficult task and in most of the cases, others share the computer. This may not be desirable in case if you have some secret program or application installed. However, by applying a simple tip you can now, still keep programs secret even while working with others. The tip is as follows. Right-click the Start button, select Open, and navigate to an item you want to "remove" from your Start menu. Right-click the item, select Properties, and in the Properties dialog box, select Hidden. Click OK, then repeat these steps for each program/folders you'd like to hide. Now restart Windows, here you will find that the programs, which you wanted to hide are now out of the sight. However, if the items still appear in the Start menu, then in any of the Explorer window, select View > Options, and on the View tab, select Hide Files Of These Types. Otherwise you can open Internet Explorer, select View > Folder Options, and on the View tab, select Do Not Show Hidden Files. This will surely hide all programs, folders, files, which you want to hide. However, this will not guarantee that the other person would not be able to view your programs in all cases. Since hiding the applications is not protected by password, thus anyone who knows seeking can see your applications. As is said: "Locks are meant for the honest. Thieves in any case know how to break them open." The next tip is about the hidden goodies in your computer. Despite the increasing use of the computer, the calculator hasn't lost its meaning. Still it is a useful tool for almost everybody however, the degree of its use may vary from person to person. Students and professionals like engineers, businesspersons, finance companies commonly require scientific calculator for their day-to-day requirement. If you need a scientific calculator, then you may not have to buy it necessarily as it is already present in your computer. The calculator that Windows supplies you with is an awesome little tool. Inside the simple calculator there is a hidden scientific calculator, which you would need to open. You can do so by opening the calculator by selecting Start > Programs > Accessories > Calculator. Now select View > Scientific, and this will turn your basic tool to a scientific genius. To switch back to the standard mode, just click in view and then click on standard.
