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Monday, September 10, 2001
Downloads of the week

Internet Explorer 6

The much-awaited Internet Explorer is now out and available for download. After the launch of Netscape 6, the counter reply from the Microsoft was keenly awaited. With the launch of Internet Explorer 6, the browser market is hot again. The new version of Internet explorer is supposed to be most modern Web browser available as of now. The latest version of I.E. though does not appear much different than IE 5.5 upon first instance. This browser is optimised for the latest and next generations of Windows, including XP. The new version displays the Explorer Bar; one of the browser’s better features and also features a personal bar, which provides news, weather, enhanced search facilities etc. Moreover, it also incorporates a built-in media player to play all types of music and video files. Microsoft’s latest version of media player, which has become quite popular among the users, is thus going to be a strong point of the Internet Explorer’s latest version as it quite feature rich and powerful. Moreover another giant from the Microsoft stable, i.e. MSN Messenger, which is also the most popular instant messenger is now also the part of the browser and thus can be used while surfing the web. Since this is the digital age, so digital images are a integral part of the web. The Version 6 of I.E. provides better support to the digital images and includes a My Pictures function for downloading and managing images from the Web. Moreover, the browser also has an excellent feature, which automatically resizes large pictures to accommodate in the window. Till now web surfers have always been scared of the crashing of the Explorer, but with the latest version of Internet Explorer, they can keep aside the worries of I.E. crash as it has an error reporting tool, which in case of I.E. crash will extract information and send the data to Microsoft. Further adding to the security is the better management of the cookies and a new tool called privacy feature manager. The Internet Explorer supports most Internet security standards and provides encryption and identification capabilities to ensure privacy. You can download this latest version of Internet Explorer from www.msn.com



Normally persons are not aware but there is a big cost associated with printing. The cost of printing is normally so high that it even exceeds the cost of a printer roughly in a period of 2 – 3 years. Though a fact, yet one need not get scared with it, as there is a solution to contain your cost. This solution is in the form of software called FinePrint. FinePrint is a Windows printer driver that provides advanced printing capability. Among its functions are 2, 4, or 8 pages on a single-sheet, double-sided printing, booklets, universal print preview, page deletion and insertion, ability to combine multiple print jobs into a single job. Thus it saves a lot of paper requirement and ink. This software can be downloaded from www.fineprint.com/software/fineprint/standard/index.html.

Pony Chat

Instant communication is the most important thing in the present day digital world. The Internet, which has bridged the physical distances, allows several options to be in touch always. Chatting on the Internet is one such way. Though there are a lot of general chatting programs on the W yet there are some peer-to-peer chatting programs, which you can use for communication over the Internet or LAN between a set of persons you desire. Pony Chat is one such program, which offers full service of communication between peer-to-peer with no middlemen connections. This is an excellent program, which works well on a Local area network as well as on the Internet and provides a completely secured environment for chatting with full privacy. This program utilises the World Wide Communicator (WWC) technology to directly connect machines via TCP/IP without requiring any need for a dedicated central server, though it can optionally be put as a proxy server. It can also be used to get connected even with a dynamic IP address and using the Internet connection. This is thus a flexible yet quite powerful program, which is more than just a chatting software as it allows text chatting along with remote file browsing and program execution. This could prove to be a great tool for inter-office or remote offices as it also facilitates the transfer of files. Moreover it also sports several other features, which can enhance the working and chatting experience on the Internet. This can be downloaded from www.effesoftware.com
