The Tribune - Spectrum


Sunday, June 3, 2001

Kindle creativity in children

APROPOS of Smriti Bakshi’s article "There are too many colours in the rainbow..." (May 20). Not all children are intelligent, creative and talented. When it comes to studying, some are gifted in one way, while others in another. Some grasp easily, others have to work harder. Wise parents will always make an allowance for these differences. They should avoid making unfair comparisons between children in their family. Many children can overcome these handicaps in life, provided they are given proper training and encouragement. Wise parents should realise that each child deserves a fair chance to develop in his or her own way, rather than being forced to follow in another person’s footsteps. Some of the greatest people in the world were not brilliant in schools. In most cases, they developed and matured slowly but their contributions to humanity were far more enduring than those of their classmates. Parents should create a congenial environment at home by respecting the right of each other, working out their problems and not quarrelling before their children.

O.P. SHARMA, Faridabad

There is nothing like an original idea in this world. A creative and innovative mind presents an old idea with a touch of magic soaking in freshness. The same thing is communicated with a characteristic of freshness.

A creative mind generates ideas that are thought-provoking. Parents are bound to find this article very educative and I recommend that they take a serious note of the ways and means listed therein as how to nurture and develop creativity in their children. I am sure they will find these tips useful.



Flaws in our school education system hamper the creativity among young school-going children.

Modern-day parents are the products of the same old education system that does not allow the creative abilities of their children to grow asking them to provide a helping hand, of course, is akin to asking for the moon.

Creativity, is going a bit off the beaten track. It is another matter that the new track, in a majority of the cases, might not be the right one. In the present, score-based school education system, going off the track attracts negative marking, which no parent can think of allowing.

The extent of its compulsive dependence can well be noted from the fact that parents never allow thei children to miss any school tests, even if they are unwell.

The location of the Government Model School, Sector 16, perhaps is the finest in the city. For, ever changing their colours, from pleasing greens to beautiful browns to dazzling yellows is the long array of amaltas trees on both sides of the road.

Not long ago, it was in this very school that the drawing teacher slapped a student for painting a tree yellow, and not green!

True, "there are so many colours in the rainbow; So many colours in the morning sun; So many colours in the flower", but the children see only one, and that is what the mighty mam tells them! And what says maam is no less than Gospel truth. This is true even for parents who seek higher marks than what than the non-scoring creative ability can get for their wards.

BALVINDER, Chandigarh

Bond with beads

"Bond with the beads" (May 13) by Maharaj K. Koul was an informative article. The beneficial properties of rudraksh is amazing. The legend that rudraksh originated from the tears of Lord Shiva, lends them an aura of spirituality. Aware of their miraculous advantages, hermits and ascetics wore rudraksh beads as these helped them to concentrate on their meditation, besides keeping them physically fit. Rudraksh beads act as a soothing antidote to anxiety, and strain.

It is tragic that this benevolent tree is vanishing fast. It may become extinct one day. Something must be done to protect this sacred tree. It is a wake-up call for the people of the Chipko Movement and other agencies to act so that the wonder tree can be preserved for posterity.


Facing the ultimate reality of life

Apropos of B.K. Sharma’s thought-provoking write-up "Facing the ultimate reality of Life" (May 20). The writer very aptly summarises the fear and mystique of death. No wonder that human beings seldom, or perhaps never, think of death, particularly their own. Man, they feel, was born to live, hence the obsessive preoccupation with living life to the fall. No one has the time to contemplate on death, despite the knowledge that in this material world death is certain and can come without warning at any time.

While most religions speak of death in tearful tones. The Vedas speak of death freely and impress that it is not to be feared. Even then we fear it. It is because we knew enough about birth, but very little about death. Only that we cannot escape it. What happens after death? Is there life after death? What is the real purpose of human life? Is there a soul? Where does the soul go after it leaves the body? Such questions should plague the mind of any normal thinking person.

In a sense even when terminally or fatally ill, on the threshold of death, we think only of how to prolong life. It is so because we could not understand the meaning of death.

P.L. SETHI, Patiala

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