Saturday, March 17, 2001 |
Across 2. Impetuous beginning 6. Maryada Purushottam 7. A Muslim university in the North (abbrev.) 8. Fruit of the oak 11. Male ancestor 12. Vedic God essential for rituals 13. In good health 15. Prefix denoting opposed to 17. Important eastern division of ancient Greece 19. What every cricketer aims at making 20. Mean between extremes. 21. Song of
lamentation for the dead.
Down 1. Word Puzzle 2. ___Sharif, hero of Hollywood film Dr Zhivago 3. Sub-divisional officer 4. strong flavour 5. Of local government of a city or town 9. Large stringed instrument in a western music orchestra 10. Warm coverlet in Hindustani. 14. Cord 16. One of the wings of the armed forces. 18. Word denoting maiden surname.