Saturday, February 24, 2001 |
Across 2. Famous NGO founded by Ilaben Bhatt 3. Market; place of exchange 4. An aid for a boatman 6. Rich, powerful personage in the Arab world 7. Pain 8. A famous Napoleonic battle 9. Member of a tribe in central India and Rajasthan 10. Groove; channel 12. Something is said to be this when it is in fashion 13. Leon _____, famous writer of fiction 14. Officer
1. Given to talk; argumentative 2. Formerly a major means of locomotion on the seas 3. _____ Sewan is remembered in Amritsar by a bazaar named after her 4. There is a lake by this name in the USA 5. Young branch on a plant 11. First part of the name of many
a place in California and in the Spanish world |