The Tribune - Spectrum

Sunday, March 4, 2001

Dubai Shopping Festival-2001
By K.L. Noatay

DUBAI is one of the seven constituent states of the United Arab Emirates. It is a small territory among the Emirates (UAE). Late Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Makhtoum, the last ruler was a humble man who was brilliant in economics and visionary for development. Prior to 1996, Dubai was one of the three States under British rule. The present descendent, Crown Prince Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Makhtoum’s aim is the fullest development of the small state to make it as best an economic centre for world trade and commerce as possible. The Dubai Shopping Festival (DSF in short) is organised with that objective.

Diera, a central square in Dubai.      Photos by the writerDubai is an important market for trade and commerce between the East and the West and for the world’s best pearls fished out of the ocean floor. The original inhabitants of this state are expert seamen,sea divers and traders. After the formation of the Emirates Union, Dubai has progressed by leaps and bounds, in matters of trade in all kinds of merchandise, ranging from consumer durables such as clothes, shoes, toys, fancy goods etc. to the world’s best automobiles, electronics, cameras, TVs, telephones, and precious metals like gold and silver.


The annual DSF has been organised for the last six years. It generally comes off during spring, i.e. in March-April every year. Whereas the Dubai state itself produces hardly any item of trade, the royalty and the management encourage their traders to obtain various items of merchandise from most economic sources all over the world and sell these at least possible profit so as to gain the confidence of the buyers. The margin of profit is increased by expansion of the quantum of trade instead of raising percentage of profit. The traders are not only encouraged but compelled to maintain a very high standard of quality of the merchandise traded and fairness of dealings. None of the traders can dare to deal in any sub-standard item(s) and or be unfair to the customers in any way.

The first DSF was organised during March-April 1996 and was christened as, ‘The Most Amazing Festival Ever’. The next one, organised during March 1997, was named as, ‘The Most Spectacular Family Festival in the world’, while the one held during March-April 1998 had its theme as, ‘the World’s Biggest Children Party’. The 1999 DSF was named as, ‘the World Family Get-together of the Millennium’. The 2000 DSF, again held in March-April had its theme as, ‘To Mother with Love’.

The DSF being held from Ist to March 31, this year, has its theme as ‘One World, One Family, One Festival!’ The organisers propose to spend 65 million dirhams, an equivalent of nearly Rs 780 billion, on organising this fete. Like previous years, there will be traditional dances of the participating countries, some 22 of whom are expected to join from all over the world.

A camel race in progress  during the DSF in Dubai. There will be lotteries for cars, gold bricks and other attractive and expensive electronic items, Aqua Fantasia, the show of lights along with water jets. There will be games for the children, camel rides horse races, bull fight, magic and circus shows, air show and air joy riding, programmes for the handicapped, symphony orchestra, military band, local music shows, international folk lore shows, floats, international culinary show, display of books from all over the world, etc. The DSF will also be an opportunity for an outsider to see Dubai’s heritage village, a traditional marriage, usual sports of the Arab folk, special programme for women and children and display of exquisite items of the Arab world like carpets, old coins, etc.

The most striking aspect about the DSF is the maintenance of law and order and system of organising public life. No nonsense is tolerated and dishonest people are dealt with promptly. They are ‘named and shamed’ immediately by publication of the lapse and the award in the Press to make an impact and ensure promptness of dispensation of justice felt more than adequately. The streets are neat and clean, public premises decorated with exquisite flower beds and no beggars can be seen any where.

The people with time and money can enjoy the unique DSF fair. There are three main Airlines catering for the people interested in witnessing it, the Emirates, an Airline of the UAE itself, charging Rs 17,720/- for a return ticket, the Indian Airlines charging Rs 14,570/- and the Sri Lanka Airlines charging Rs 13,260/- via Colombo.

A known company arranging the movement including visa is Travel Mart India, available on Other companies offering consolidated packaging are and TCI and SODC. Normal hotel charges in Dubai vary from Rs 10,000/- to 40,000/- for three nights for a single bed room. For double bed room the charges vary from 15,000/- to 50,000/-. A way side eatery provides food for approximately Rs 250/- for one meal.

More details can be sought from Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing, Govt. of Dubai; 51, Bajaj Bhawan, 5th floor, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400021, Tel. 0091 22 283 3497/2837765. Fax 0091 22 283 3497/283 3510, website. http:// dubai and e-mail: dtcm_in@ dubai tourism.

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