Plants that welcome Gardeners welcome their visitors with plants. There are certain plants that seem to bow. Their stems, being weak, droop. Salix or weeping willow is one such plant. The tree is also prized for its grace and grandeur. It is mostly planted near the entry gate. Over a period of time, however, it grows into a huge tree. EXTENDING a warm welcome to visitors is an old Indian tradition. We have worked out various ways of doing it. Gardeners welcome their visitors with plants. There are certain plants that seem to bow. Their stems, being weak, droop. Salix or weeping willow is one such plant. The tree is also prized for its grace and grandeur. It is mostly planted near the entry gate. Over a period of time, however, it grows
into a huge tree. Three things should be kept in mind if your want to
plant it. One, if you want to fully appreciate the shape and grace of
the plant, plant only one plant at a place. Two, mind the overhead
wires. The tree grows very tall and to keep its beauty intact it
should not be cut. Lastly, it should be grown near the gate. |
As the time for planting winter plants is approaching, a few words about handling seedlings. No matter how much you have spent on the seeds the result will not be satisfactory unless the bed is property prepared. Usually beds that are uneven have an uneven growth of plants because the water and nutrients accumulate at the lower side and they grow better than the plants on the other side. At times, there may be more leaves than flowers on the plant. The beds should, therefore, be level. After preparing the bed and transplanting the seedlings, water it at least once. You will immediately note the discrepancy in the level, if any. Correct it. Seedlings should be planted at a specific distance, depending upon the spread and height of the species. Transplanting of seedlings should be done in the evening and this should be followed by generous watering. Never keep the hose pipe in the bed for watering. You will either make deep holes in the bed, thereby disturbing its level or the fast-flowing water might also carry with it the freshly planted seedlings. Place a brick, a gunny bag, a polybag or anything else to break the flow of water from the hose pipe. Immediately replace any seedlings that die. It you delay doing this, young plants will have to compete with the older ones and the uniformity of the bed will also be affected. If, during the growing period you feel
the need to protect your flowering bed against white ants, fill the bed
with water and sprinkle in it chlorpyriphos by putting the chemical in a
tin can or a bottle with holes in the lid. The oil-like chemical will
immediately spread in the bed. |