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Monday, August 28, 2000
Bits & Bytes

1. Domain Name : Domain name typically consist of a host name followed by a top-level domain, category such as .com, co.or.org and then a country abbreviation, like .uk. It basically identifies a computer connected to the Net.

2. Gateway : It is just like a virtual gateway from which you have to go through to get to the Net from your company’s Net. It is a computer that controls access to the Net and can monitor your Net activities.

3. Anti-Virus Programmes : These programmes find the virus by monitoring your files. Once the virus is found you have the option of either deleting the file or killing the virus.

4. Cache : A folder on which the graphics and text is saved by the browser when you are accessing a Web page. When you visit the page again, the parts that haven’t changed are loaded from the cache rather than from the Web.

5. Attachment : As the name suggests it is a separate file that can be attached to an e-mail message. It could be a visual image or a word-processed documents.

6. Mac : It is an abbreviation for Apple Macintosh, or Apple Mac. It is a type of computer that has an easy-to-use user interface. It is generally popular with designers.

7. Online Service : An ISP which provides its own online content especially for its members apart from providing Internet Access.

8. Bookmark : At a click of mouse button, if you wish to return to the address of the web page, you can have the Netscape Navigators Bookmark.
