EVERY hill resort has a mall road.
Where did the term come from? The oldest mall road is The
Mall, a famous promenade in London where the game of
Pallemaile was played. Pallemaile is made up of the
Italian palla (ball) and magrio (mallet)
which led to pallaglio, and later pallemaile. The
area was a public area set with shady trees and intended
to be a promenade. Today, any public promenade is called
a mall or a mall road, regardless of shady trees or any
The first world maps
were drawn or painted on pieces of cloth called mappa
mundi. From the Latin mappa (cloth) and mundi
(world). Later, it was shortened to map. Similarly,
the first cartoons were drawn on little cards and
privately circulated. They were neither complimentary nor
flattering to people in authority. So, the circulation
was kept private. Cartoon comes from the Latin carta, meaning
hard paper or card, which also is the source of carton, a
cardboard container.
Boulanger, a French man,
restored his fathers broken down tavern in 1765 in
Paris. He also began to serve good food and drinks at
attractive rates. He named the place
restaurant to draw peoples attention to
the fact that it was the same place except that it was
now fully renovated or restored (French restaurer, to
restore). Very soon, the name spread to eating places in
France and, henceforth, to the English language.
The word family is used
today for a group of people i.e. husband, wife and
children. Originally, family meant the master of the
household and his servants. Family comes from the Latin familia,
meaning household, which is related to famulus,
meaning servant. Servant itself comes from the Latin servare,
meaning to keep, to protect; thus one who was kept
from the slaughter of the conquered race to work for the
The Greek prefix eu, meaning
good, well, has given many words to English. Euthanasia (eu,
meaning well, and thanatos, meaning death),
euphoria, eulogy and euphemism, all belong to this family
of words connected with the Greek eu.
Due to the size of a
ship or aeroplane, jahaz came to be applied to
anything enormous or just big enough. A special breed of supari
that yields huge fruit is called jahazi supari. It
is also common place to hear people mentioning a house as
big as a jahaz or an animal built like a jahaz.