L E T T E R S    T O    T H E    E D I T O R

Only notional

Reference to the article “Sifting fact from opinion polls” by KV Prasad (Sunday Tribune, November 10), the so-called opinion polls were carried out by a television channel for its own TRP. The idea was to raise controversies, panic and confusion among the public. Sometimes, such polls are sponsored by unscrupulous politicians in order to gain brownie points by highlighting their party and maligning the rivals. Hence, these do not give a clear picture. The voter of today is more aware of politics and such polls do not have any direct bearing on his/her mind. A voter will vote for the party of his choice whether it wins or loses.

RK Kapoor, Chandigarh

Unwise move

Apropos “Why Manmohan finally decided to skip Lanka” by Raj Chengappa (Sunday Tribune, Ground Zero, November 10), the Prime Minister’s decision to boycott CHOGM is unfortunate. To sacrifice national interests at the altar of political compulsions smack of diplomatic bankruptcy. India’s serious concerns over rights violations in the island nation notwithstanding, it would only distance the neighbour and scuttle the chances of resolving outstanding bilateral issues through negotiations. The meeting would have helped India in its attempt to counter the growing Chinese and Pakistani clout in Sri Lanka, which is the prime thrust of our foreign policy.

DS Kang, Hoshiarpur


Today’s polity doesn’t allow for the governing system to function rationally and independently. The culture of coalitions and aspirations of regional parties, etc. is only furthering the course of corruption and fomenting divisive forces. National interest is not the driving force.

BM Singh, Amritsar

Work that inspires

Apna Skool has transformed the lives of children of labourers (“Showing them knowledge way out of poverty” by Shahira Naim; Sunday Tribune; November 10). Such success stories inspire other people to serve the downtrodden, taking it as an opportunity provided by the Almighty. These stories should be highlighted for people to undertake such ventures and to encourage the youth.

Dr S Kumar, Panchkula

Faith shaken

Farming gives employment to 60 per cent population of our country. It is hard to understand why Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi is uprooting Punjabi farmers from Kutch by violating their fundamental right (“Death of Punjabi dream in Kutch?” by Amarjit Thind). The Punjab and Central governments did not show any interest to protect the farmers as they see no political benefit. Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal recently addressed Modi as “sardar”, but he himself is against the “sardars” of his own state. The human rights commission has also turned a blind eye.

Sukhvir S Dhillon, Bathinda

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