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BJP slams govt on Modi security, Cong says no SPG cover
Vibha Sharma/TNS

New Delhi, November 6
The BJP and the Congress-led UPA have locked horns over security protection to Narendra Modi, with each side accusing the other of playing politics over the threat perception to the Gujarat CM.

Citing the example of the October 27 Patna serial blasts at Modi’s rally that left six dead and over 80 injured, the BJP is demanding foolproof security of the level of the PM for Modi, but the Congress-led government, which insists his security has already been tightened, has ruled out Special Protection Group (SPG) protection for him because it needs legal amendment.

“We have given adequate security to Narendra Modi,” Minister of State for Home RPN Singh said, responding to BJP’s allegations. Ruling out SPG security, he said it was given only to the Prime Minister, former prime ministers and their immediate family members under an Act of Parliament. “The BJP knows this, but is trying to do politics in the name of Modi's security,” he said. Modi currently has NSG protection.

Terming the Patna blasts as an attempt to liquidate the party leadership, including Modi, the BJP Parliamentary Board yesterday slammed the Centre and the Nitish Kumar government for “gross negligence in providing adequate security measures which are commensurate with the threat perception faced by Modi”.

Pushing for “PM-like” security for Modi, the BJP argued that since Modi was the party's PM candidate, his security was the Centre’s responsibility. “We hope the Central Government will not undermine his security based on political and collateral considerations,” the BJP said, ahead of Modi’s next rally at Bahriach (UP) on November 8.

However, the Congress minister insisted that Modi was already covered by NSG, which in itself is a very high level of protection. “We have also ordered conducting of an advance security drill before his visit to any place,” he said, adding that security is given to a person according to threat perception and cover for Modi had been provided accordingly.

Ever since the Patna serial blasts at Modi’s rally, there has been a raging debate on Modi’s security. With more than 100 highly trained NSG commandos, the BJP’s PM nominee is at present the most protected VIP of the NSG but there are demands to provide him SPG cover.

The difference between the SPG and the NSG is that while the SPG is the last word on all matters -- including route, venue and vehicle selection -- related to the security of a protectee, the NSG (even though its men have the same skill set as the SPG) does not have similar overarching powers. The NSG has been known to point out at violations in security by state police forces in the past.

After the Patna rally, there was a review of Modi’s security at rallies. Considering that the election battle will be fought at public gatherings, the NSG has been asked to secure public meetings using tactics similar to those of the SPG, officials say.

Fifteen days ahead of a Modi rally, a minute-wise detail of the programme would be circulated among the NSG, the IB and the local police. All high-rise buildings enroute the venue would be swept and staff of the hotel or the place where he stays screened. The IB will give a background brief to the local police on security threats 24 hours before the rally. The number of escort cars has also been raised.

NSG’s most protected VIP

* The BJP has held the Centre and the Nitish Kumar government responsible for the “murderous attack” on Modi at his Patna rally

* The Centre has ruled out SPG security for Modi, saying it was given only to the PM, ex-PMs and their immediate family members

* With over 100 highly-trained NSG commandos, the BJP’s PM candidate is at present the most protected VIP of the NSG 





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