Jobs  & Careers

hr focus
India Inc to bank more on human capital
The year gone by saw the corporate world’s conscious move towards an organic workplace, reverse mentoring, social media recruitment and a growing public interface in real time. Jobs and Careers gets you a ready reckoner of HR trends in the New Year from country’s leading HR experts
Swati Rai
Multiple roles and responsibilities
Managers will be accountable to their line subordinates as their role will evolve into that of a facilitator. Talent acquisition role will encompasses branding, marketing, networking and sourcing to deliver measurable results.

smart strategy: getting noticed at workplace
Have the vision to be visible
One of the biggest mistakes that most professionals make is to work hard quietly while others get recognised for their accomplishments. Although doing a good job is certainly satisfying it can be frustrating when the effort goes unnoticed. In today's competitive environment being a nameless shadow translates into missed promotions. As a consequence to get ahead it is important to gain visibility at workplace. Getting noticed at work is challenging but not entirely an impossible task. It is all about building healthy work relationships and learning to take credit. Moreover, one must not shy away from exhibiting how good you are at your job. The basic idea is not self-promotion but to be confident about expressing views and opinions. It not only gives a feeling of well-being but also helps climb the corporate ladder.

job scape 2013
Moving to the age of specialisation
There is a little possibility of us commuting to work in flying cars in 2013. As a matter of fact it will be immaterial as many of us won’t be commuting to work at all. It’s no secret that telecommuting, flexible work arrangements, distributed teams and even entirely virtual companies have exploded over the past few years. Reversing the almost antiquated model of bringing workers to the work, companies are bringing the work to the workers, and in doing so, the way we work is changing rapidly, with everything from organisational structures and team workflows to career paths and education, undergoing radical shifts. Those on the threshold of a career can expect the following changes in the job scene in the country and prepare themselves accordingly:

Career Hotline
Can I continue as a regular student after degree from IGNOU?
Q. I passed Class XII in 2005 with 80 per cent marks, but couldn’t continue my further studies due to a terrible accident. Now I am working in a publishing house. I want to do my graduation (BA Economics) from IGNOU. Please tell me, can I do MJMC as a regular student after BA from IGNOU.  — jasleen nahta

course chat: mbe
An a la carte course
The corporate sector today needs human resource to sense changes in the business environment and analyse their implications for the organisation and act strategically. Decision making thus, involves clarity of business processes, government policies, global orientation, competitors and consumers as these have a major bearing on all companies. Strong understanding of the fundamental principles of business and economics, qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques are thus, imperative for decision making today. The Masters of Business Economics (MBE) programme provides this opportunity and equips the students with the skills required for the same. MBE aims at management of scarce resources by those who have a judicious mix of expertise, wisdom and judgement coupled with logical and analytical decision making in a healthy and interactive atmosphere.


The way he’s smiling, I wonder what resolution he’s made for this year.

Invest in yourself in the new year
As new resolutions herald the New Year, many students begin to worry about the future and what they can do to enhance their chances at success. Simply having good marks or completing a degree is not enough to be successful in today’s rapidly changing economy. More and more studies indicate that often it is not high IQ, good marks or fancy qualifications that mark out a winner, but that extra ingredient of personal qualities that enables one to be successful. Some call it emotional intelligence or EQ, as quantified in Daniel Goleman’s book Emotional Intelligence, but increasingly in today’s global, information-based economy, it is being felt that school and college leavers are unprepared for the workplace, despite solid educational qualifications. Engineers, teachers, CAs, lawyers, MBAs and others frequently come out of college with excellent technical and quantitative skills, but have an underdeveloped ability to communicate, build teams, negotiate with colleagues, or lead projects and so on.

career in social media
Skill up to ride the social media wave
It’s everywhere. In your hands, on your laptop, in the coffee shop sitting on the table, in the multiplex asking for your autograph. It’s everywhere you can imagine and if it’s not present anywhere, then we’re making sure that it reaches there.

Happiness @ work
Resolution time’s here
In order to improve on our past, many of us — on New Year — make resolutions. Let us, from true leaders, learn to:



hr focus
India Inc to bank more on human capital
The year gone by saw the corporate world’s conscious move towards an organic workplace, reverse mentoring, social media recruitment and a growing public interface in real time. Jobs and Careers gets you a ready reckoner of HR trends in the New Year from country’s leading HR experts
Swati Rai

Multiple roles and responsibilities

Managers will be accountable to their line subordinates as their role will evolve into that of a facilitator. Talent acquisition role will encompasses branding, marketing, networking and sourcing to deliver measurable results.

Sustainability will be a key driver of revenues, profits and public perception. Initiatives including going green or producing products in a socially responsible manner to allowing employees time off to perform community service work will be considered critical by all stakeholders of an organisation.

In the coming year organisations will face challenges of a multi-generational workforce. The four distinct generations in the workforce today - Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y, will continue to diversify the workforce. Employers will need to develop innovative solutions to accommodate the needs of each generation.

Prithvi Shergill, Chief Human Resources Officer, HCL Technologies

Time for employee referral regime

In 2013 organisations will focus on mapping their present and future talent pool as professional communities. Employee referral programmes and direct sourcing mechanisms will witness large scale adoption. The in-house/direct-sourcing model for recruitment will be one of the strongest trends one can anticipate in 2013. Social media and employee referral programmes will be the most sought after. University relations/hiring will also be a highlight.

Savneet Shergill, Head, Talent Acquisition, Dell, India

The coordination code

Organisations will need an agile, responsive, cohesive HR function that is properly integrated, not only as a discipline itself but within the skeleton of the organisation as a whole. In a recent Hay Group HR study it was found that HR needs to streamline and coordinate efforts, as well as benefit from greater insights across the HR functions.

Leaders will need to adapt their organisations in order to encourage the growing numbers of international migrants, women and older people in the workforce into leadership and other positions.

Gaurav Lahiri, Managing Director, Hay Group, India

The era of flexi approach

2013 will see a greater stress on human resource management as the office now transcends four walls. There is an increasing number of employees, freelance and flexi-hour work profilers who are all important for the organisational growth. This trend will continue and will require trust, collaboration from all and will be a challenging task for future HR managers.

Social media recruitment will become increasingly popular with recruiters as a reliable and preferred tool to hire passive talent.

Yogesh Bansal, Founder & CEO

Evolving competencies

The new year will see a tremendous opportunity for innovation which will require processes and practices to be carefully reviewed and re-visited, constantly. There will be a focus on building activity/ project based partnerships with Subject Matter Experts. In order to leverage efficiencies in every aspect of business, these partnerships will tend to become project specific/milestone or outcome driven. From a people-oriented viewpoint, competencies around process management, coordination, audit and managing constant renewal are going to be the key.

This year will also see women taking up more analytical, relationship management and front-end business roles. Organisations will also find merit in exploring their fitment in larger team-leadership roles.

Surajit Banerjee, Senior Vice President - HR, DLF Universal Limited

More ‘social’ role

Social recruitment will become a significant recruitment strategy — employees will play an essential role in bringing new talent onboard and also convey awareness of the organisation and company culture

Individual employees will emerge as social brands ambassadors of the company and HR department will play an important role in ensuring that employees play a constructive role in the same and the social data is going to be used more and more to unlock HR intelligence

Amit Bansal, Co-founder & CEO PurpleLeap



smart strategy: getting noticed at workplace
Have the vision to be visible
Ragini Gulati

One of the biggest mistakes that most professionals make is to work hard quietly while others get recognised for their accomplishments. Although doing a good job is certainly satisfying it can be frustrating when the effort goes unnoticed. In today's competitive environment being a nameless shadow translates into missed promotions. As a consequence to get ahead it is important to gain visibility at workplace. Getting noticed at work is challenging but not entirely an impossible task. It is all about building healthy work relationships and learning to take credit. Moreover, one must not shy away from exhibiting how good you are at your job. The basic idea is not self-promotion but to be confident about expressing views and opinions. It not only gives a feeling of well-being but also helps climb the corporate ladder.

Speak up

An effective technique to get noticed is speaking publicly and making people aware of your opinion. Keeping the head down and mouth firmly closed no longer works in the highly competitive office environment. Whether it is a team meeting or an industry event, speak up to show that you are valuable to the organisation. In fact, meetings are a great opportunity to get noticed by the senior management. Make sure to contribute in the proceedings so that everyone knows that you too have a voice. Ask questions, comment, share your ideas and make suggestions. By standing up and being counted, you are showing confidence and a willingness to get involved.

Learn to take credit

Whilst acknowledging team effort is important, highlighting one's individual contribution is by no means inappropriate. Most professionals go unnoticed on account of either their shyness or modesty. They make the mistake of assuming that their boss's are aware of the work being done by them. However, it is not possible for supervisors to scrutinise each project to see who did exactly what. As a consequence it is important to speak up to make sure that your hard work gets noticed. Refrain from bringing it up in front of the entire team so as not to sound arrogant. Gracefully take credit by scheduling a one-to-one meeting with the supervisor.

Take on more responsibilities

Fulfilling the basic requirements of a job is not enough to make your presence felt at workplace. Offer to take on more responsibilities whenever possible for standing out from everyone else. Request your supervisor to assign additional tasks that can showcase your abilities and talent. Seek out projects which have visibility at senior level or avoided by others on account of being risky. Take the initiative to come up with suggestions for improving the efficiency of the organisation. However, don't let anyone take advantage of your proactive approach and hardworking attitude. Document every task so that the extra effort gets noticed by the employers in a positive light.

Become an expert

One of the best ways to get noticed at workplace is by becoming a specialist in a particular field. There is no harm in being the jack of all trades but such individuals rarely get acknowledged. Moreover every organization requires professionals who can focus on key areas. Find a niche by choosing one aspect of your job description that you are really good at. Make yourself an expert on the subject through extensive reading or doing a short course. As you become recognised for your expertise not only colleagues but seniors will seek you out for your knowledge. In fact you may soon become a well-known figure in the industry.

Stay updated

An imperative requirement for gaining visibility at work is obtaining new skills and significantly improving the existing ones. With advancement in technology it is important to keep learning for staying on top of the game. It could mean taking a full-time management course, attending night school or participating in seminars. In fact some companies even reimburse the expenses incurred towards upgrading skills. Additionally take advantage of the training, learning and development opportunities offered by the employer. Also let your supervisor know of any workshops you may have attended from external sources. Obtaining the necessary certifications will not only give an edge over co-workers but also help get noticed.

Build network

Connecting with the right people both within and outside the organisation is one of the keys to become visible. Most of us start networking whilst looking for new job opportunities. However getting hired does not necessarily translate into promotions and increments. One must connect with the supervisor from time to time to build a healthy work relationship. Additionally make efforts to establish contact with individuals who matter in the organisation. More than often connecting with people only requires an introduction. Step up your networking with one-on-one conversations rather than small talk with a group. Not only will it result in a successful network of allies but also more meaningful connections.



job scape 2013
Moving to the age of specialisation

There is a little possibility of us commuting to work in flying cars in 2013. As a matter of fact it will be immaterial as many of us won’t be commuting to work at all. It’s no secret that telecommuting, flexible work arrangements, distributed teams and even entirely virtual companies have exploded over the past few years. Reversing the almost antiquated model of bringing workers to the work, companies are bringing the work to the workers, and in doing so, the way we work is changing rapidly, with everything from organisational structures and team workflows to career paths and education, undergoing radical shifts. Those on the threshold of a career can expect the following changes in the job scene in the country and prepare themselves accordingly:

In 2013 careers in business services, education, healthcare, IT, nonprofits, luxury and retail management and non-machinery manufacturing will provide a snapshot of the new economy.

Most of the job opportunities in business services will be in the small and medium enterprises and could require a fair level of local knowledge.

This year jobs in healthcare are expected to outnumber the ones in 2012 and healthcare would become one of the largest contributor to the service sector in India.

Non-profit jobs in the country are on a rise and though a MSW degree is the most preferred here many colleges and universities have started offering programmes to cater to this sector.

There is going to be new demand for jobs in luxury management, however, owing to the nature of this sector this is not going to be voluminous demand.

Retail jobs will continue to grow as the government relaxes entry restriction for foreign players to enter this sector.

As we move to the age of specialisation, in 2013, deeper focus will be considered basic career guidance, especially as higher demand for specialisation leads to higher compensation.

To support this customised learning, career specialisation education will become more tailored as well-it will be broken down into smaller, more focused units of learning. We’ve already witnessed the rise of online coursework and 2013 will see the emergence of extremely short-term online courses and trainings in very specific skill sets.

As India heads towards becoming the youngest working population of the world, a rising trend will be on vocational specialisation with international certifications, enabling people to seek jobs abroad. This trend should start in 2013 as workforce shortages begin to emerge in various countries abroad.

These jobs are going to get more and more specialised and a host of new opportunities beckon employees in business services, education, healthcare, IT, nonprofits, luxury & retail management and non machinery manufacturing.

— With inputs from Pavan Mahajan, EVP & CRO, Aspire Human Capital Management



Career Hotline
Can I continue as a regular student after degree from IGNOU?
Pervin Malhotra
email your queries to

Q. I passed Class XII in 2005 with 80 per cent marks, but couldn’t continue my further studies due to a terrible accident. Now I am working in a publishing house. I want to do my graduation (BA Economics) from IGNOU. Please tell me, can I do MJMC as a regular student after BA from IGNOU. 
jasleen nahta

A.It’s never too late to resume or continue your studies. Doing your BA (Eco) from IGNOU is a good idea. And IGNOU being a fully recognised Open University (besides having made it to the Guiness Book of World Records for having the largest number of enrolments in the world), you should have no problem whatsoever in pursuing your Master’s in Journalism & Mass Communication or in any other subject for that matter. As is evident from the marks you have scored in Class XII, you are a bright and capable student, so please go ahead and continue your education without any hesitation.

Work experience important for MBA

Q. I am presently doing master’s in economics. I am preparing for MBA and exploring options in India. What should be my criteria while deciding? — harish saini

A.When choosing a B-school go for the best you can get – anywhere in the country. After all, pursuing an MBA degree is a huge investment of time (not to mention money). Work experience before going for an MBA is now almost an unspoken requirement for all the top B-schools in India during the selection process.

A good academic record was considered sufficient to be admitted to a reputed institute until a few years ago, but today one finds an increasing number of B-schools jumping onto the work experience bandwagon. Prospective students, with a solid work record, are given precedence over fresh graduates. Understandably, people with work experience tend to have more practical knowledge, and thus, can absorb the new information better and quicker. Also, companies prefer people with work experience in their functional areas because they have a lot more to offer and build a better gene pool in the organisation. Also a stint at work will help you face the interview panel with a convincing answer to “Why an MBA?” Work experience also bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical experience. It gives you clarity of goals and a sharper overview and perspective of what’s happening in the marketplace. All told, it will also help you extract greater value from your MBA.

The world of foreign language courses

Q. I am interested in foreign languages, like Chinese, Japanese, German or Italian. I am in the merchant navy, so please tell me from where I can learn these languages through distance learning. 
— yash kathpalia

A.You have several options. Use them singly or in combination. And the great thing is that you can pursue these options at your convenience — wherever you are — including at sea!

The English and Foreign Language University (EFL), School of Distance Education, Hyderabad offers courses in several languages through distance learning. A number of reputed American universities including MIT, Carnegie Mellon, and UtahState University offer free foreign language courses online.

Free lessons can also be found through the BBC and the many foreign language learning networks that have cropped up on the web.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) — offers over 60 courses in foreign languages and literature. Users can find courses in Spanish, Chinese, Spanish, German, and Japanese. The Open University’s modern language unit features courses for Spanish, German, English, and French. Courses are available for beginner, intermediate, and advanced level language learners.

Carnegie Mellon University — The Open Learning Initiative of the University features two courses in Introductory French. These video-based courses include activities and self-guided materials.

BBC offers video and audio courses for 36 different languages. Course options include quick language fixes, all-in-one courses, tips, and conversation tools.

FSI Language Courses Developed by the Foreign Service Institute, M/o External Affairs, New Delhi these courses cover 38 different languages and provide lessons in MP3 format. - One of the largest multiple language learning institutions on the web, the school offers courses for learning 10 different languages. Courses cover the basics, grammar, phrases, practice, and exercises.

Open culture features podcasts for learning 37 different languages. The podcasts can be listened to on your computer or downloaded on to a MP3 player. Open Culture also features an instructional podcast on how to teach yourself a foreign language. provides links to hundreds of different free learning courses for 119 different languages. Links are sorted by language so that you can easily find what you’re looking for. is another great place to find free foreign language lessons. This site offers free online courses, over 160 hours of lessons, and tips from native speakers.



course chat: mbe
An a la carte course
Vibha Sinha

The corporate sector today needs human resource to sense changes in the business environment and analyse their implications for the organisation and act strategically. Decision making thus, involves clarity of business processes, government policies, global orientation, competitors and consumers as these have a major bearing on all companies. Strong understanding of the fundamental principles of business and economics, qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques are thus, imperative for decision making today. The Masters of Business Economics (MBE) programme provides this opportunity and equips the students with the skills required for the same. MBE aims at management of scarce resources by those who have a judicious mix of expertise, wisdom and judgement coupled with logical and analytical decision making in a healthy and interactive atmosphere.

About the course

Master of Business Economics is a postgraduate course having duration of two years. Students from fields like BBA, BCcom, BBM and BA (Economics) can enroll themselves for the course which mainly focuses on the economic aspects of business. Diverse aspects related to finance, operations, HR, Law, etc are covered under the course. The course has been created with the objective of creating management professionals who can apply economics theories in effective decision making. A sound conceptual grounding in basic economics, finance and marketing, with intensive training in quantitative techniques like statistics and econometrics thus results.

The course offers a plethora of opportunities whereby the students can choose two specialisation papers from seven avenues that are offered with two subjects per specialisation paper.

Also the students are required to undertake 8-10 week summer training with a reputed business organisation working on specific projects assigned by the organisations.


An amalgamation of management, business and economic techniques, the MBE programme is much suitable for students who are passionate to lead, own, create and transform a business enterprise. The course study helps the candidate to gain decision-making skills, which can cause a direct impact on the success of the business. After completion of the course, the candidates either can seek higher study options or can search for a rewarding career. Job opportunities are open to these professionals, both in the country as well as abroad.

Employment profile

Business economist is the most common job profile available to students who have completed the MBE course. They can work with various industrial firms such as manufacturing, investment, mining, transportation, communications, insurance, banking, retailing, and so on. Job opportunities can be found both public as well as private sector enterprises.

MBE students can carve a niche for themselves as business analysts, asset managers, corporate analysts, credit and risk managers, financial planners, economic consultants, management consultants, financial advisors, investment bankers, market analyst, stock analyst economic journalists, marketing managers, lecturers, and academicians. Organisations like the Indian Oil Corporation, LG Electronics, National Housing Bank, Prudential ICICI, SAIL, Citibank, Coca Cola, HDFC, American Express Bank, and CICI Bank, TCS, HTA, TERI, PWC and Ernst and Young, recruit MBE graduates.


The popularity of this programme can be gauged from the fact that it is being offered worldwide, in over 30 universities, including the Harvard Business School. Some of the Indian institutes that offer MBE course are:

Delhi University (Department of Business Economics, South Campus)- New Delhi

Symbiosis Center for Management, Pune

DAV College, Chandigarh

Goswami Ganesh Dutta Sanatan Dharma College, Chandigarh

Vinayak Missions - Directorate of distance Education

— The writer is Asstt. Professor, Commerce and management department, DAV College, Chandigarh 



Invest in yourself in the new year
Let your New Year resolution be to spend time and effort in developing skills
Usha Albuquerque

As new resolutions herald the New Year, many students begin to worry about the future and what they can do to enhance their chances at success. Simply having good marks or completing a degree is not enough to be successful in today’s rapidly changing economy. More and more studies indicate that often it is not high IQ, good marks or fancy qualifications that mark out a winner, but that extra ingredient of personal qualities that enables one to be successful. Some call it emotional intelligence or EQ, as quantified in Daniel Goleman’s book Emotional Intelligence, but increasingly in today’s global, information-based economy, it is being felt that school and college leavers are unprepared for the workplace, despite solid educational qualifications. Engineers, teachers, CAs, lawyers, MBAs and others frequently come out of college with excellent technical and quantitative skills, but have an underdeveloped ability to communicate, build teams, negotiate with colleagues, or lead projects and so on.

Many of these “soft skills” are aspects of our emotional intelligence which we know about but have never taken seriously enough to spend time and effort on developing. Our personal qualities, habits, and attitudes influence how we interact and work with others. Companies value soft skills because these are often linked to job performance and career success. It is, therefore, important, not only to recognise these skills, but to spend time and effort in making skill development an integral part of your academic experience,

There are many soft skills and students should invest their time and effort in acquiring these:

Leadership and teamwork

Good leaders exhibit many soft skills. Leaders often act as role models by coaching and mentoring others. They are sensitive to other people’s needs, and are responsible, and enthusiastic about their work. They also take risks, develop teams, solve problems, focus on goals, negotiate, and adapt to change. A leader sets the course of direction, looks ahead for potential problems and devises solutions to these problems.

So you must have the necessary skills to communicate effectively, the stamina to keep going when the going gets tough, both mentally and physically, and earn respect from the people around you.

People or interpersonal skills mean the ability to deal effectively with people and to “get along” and it is not a talent as much as a skill. When you feel empathy for someone you mentally put yourself in their place, see something from their perspective, and talk to them on their level. Empathy makes communication easier. In today’s global world, inter-personal skills also mean being aware of and respecting cultural differences, learning about and appreciating different cultures, maintaining an openness to new ideas and working cooperatively with others.

You can

Develop leadership and interpersonal skills by working as a member of a team, serving on your school/college student council, participating in campus leadership training programmes, conferences, and events, or organising and managing any college events — sports, cultural shows, debates and so on.


This is the ability to use numbers and think mathematically to measure and make calculations, to estimate, to work with money, to analyse numerical trends and to create schedules and budgets. Numeracy or financial literacy as it is also called is sometimes considered as important as literacy itself. The ability to work with numbers is important for practically every area of work whether business, marketing, finance and commerce, or computer science, physics, engineering, forestry, or psychology.

Numeracy tests are used predominantly in most admission tests as well as recruitment to jobs across the diversity of academic disciplines, including the arts and humanities. Using percentages, writing out a quote, understanding tables and graphs, interpreting maps and plans,  calculating diameters require mathematical skills. The competition and the opportunities in the career world are seriously reduced for students who do not have numerical skills, as they are excluding themselves from the many career paths that need mathematics.

You can

If maths is a bugbear ( as it appears to be for many students) you are advised to take extra classes, work with mathematical puzzles like Sudoku, and begin to take a positive outlook on the subject.


In today’s heavily wired existence it is almost impossible to exist without the ability to use information and communication technology. Virtually any job today requires some computer handling skills. Whether keying in cash entries at a bank, or programming information for a TV reality show, whether preparing computer aided fashion designs or an online test for the MBA exam, the growing usage and versatility of the computer and other mobile devices and the ever-expanding reach of the Internet has permeated every avenue of our lives.

Employers expect new college graduates to be familiar with standard business computer applications including word processing, spreadsheets, data management, presentation software, mobile applications and web research. Getting onto Facebook and Twitter, downloading music or playing computer games is not sufficient to gear you up for the fast changing, innovative world of tomorrow.

You can

Obtain digital and technical skills in workshops and experiences that focus on applying technology and learn software programmes. Join a computer class and learn all the basic computer skills, design and set up a personal web page, or maintain web sites for student organisations, and get yourself a summer job or internship working on computer networks or doing programming

Fluency in an EXTRA language

As the world becomes a global village and interaction within and amongst countries increases, the need for understanding people who speak different languages has become an important skill.

Earlier, learning a language was more of a hobby. But today, individuals proficient in more than one language can use it to their advantage, both personally and professionally. Language skills on their own are of very little value. What matters is the framework of technical, professional or practical skills within which a person can apply a language.

And if you have your eyes set on the global marketplace, then equip yourself with international skills. If you know more than one language and are sensitive to cultural differences you will be able to interact with diverse people effectively, and handle a range of international assignments.

For a growing number of careers, the knowledge of an additional languages is a useful, and sometimes essential, secondary skill and with so many multi-national organisations working in India, bilingual employees have a definite advantage.

While for many decades the focus of international business and trade was on the western world, languages such as French and German became increasingly used.

However, of late, it is South East Asia that is becoming increasingly important; Japanese and Korean companies are investing in India in larger numbers and therefore there is a growing need for communication in these languages too.

You can

This is the time for you to start learning a new language. There are many language institutes and hundreds of short and long course that can equip you with the right skills.

There are many other skills you can pick up along your school and college years that will help you enhance your own productivity and your chances of success. Remember, whether you are applying for a college admission or a new job, it’s your combination of core and soft skills that will set you apart from the crowd.

Happy learning in the New Year!

— The writer is Director Careers Smart, New Delhi

Communication REPERTOIRE
One of the first areas, other than appearance, that will affect someone’s first impression, is how you communicate. This includes speaking as well as body language. Grammar, diction and accents are almost as important to an impression as what you actually say. To be able to relate to people on their level, you must be able to understand what they need and what they are trying to convey to you. By the same token you must be able to make them understand what it is you want them to know. Whether you are explaining an idea in a meeting, writing a report or simply directing work, effective communication skills will put you ahead of the game.

Communication also includes the ability to read any text material, scan for information, skim for overall meaning, evaluate what we read and integrate information from multiple sources, as well as writing ability so as to be able to record, document, provide information to persuade, or request information from others.

You can

Give yourself experiences that help build your communication skills by getting involved in co-curricular activities. These can include writing articles, features, or editorials for campus or local newspapers, joining a speech or debating team, acting in plays and so on.

Critical thinking and problem solving
We use a thinking process to solve problems, organise and plan, to memorise and find needed information, be logical, remember things and make decisions. Solving problems and critical thinking are learned hands-on as you deal with issues at school or at work. They are used to solve conflicts, set goals, and make decisions.

You can

It is important to see everyday problems as a way to perfect these skills. Learn how to identify the source of a problem. Then decide what you need to do to reach the desired outcome. Joining clubs or committees will help develop these skills too.



career in social media
Skill up to ride the social media wave
Saleem Sharma

It’s everywhere. In your hands, on your laptop, in the coffee shop sitting on the table, in the multiplex asking for your autograph. It’s everywhere you can imagine and if it’s not present anywhere, then we’re making sure that it reaches there.

We’re talking about social networking. Something that started off not so meekly with Orkut and then shifting to a much improved and currently treasured Facebook and Twitter. You, your friends, your cousins and even your parents are here. Uploading pictures of that terrific Friday night party with your friends or that much-awaited family get together or simply those candid moments captured behind the teacher’s back, we love to share and social media, which it is technically called, has made all of this possible.

We can put our foot down and say that Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest are the four wheels of this social media vehicle and we’re sure you’re present on at least one of them. But in between all this sharing, commenting and “Liking”, you may also have come across various brands from the real world trying to catch your attention on all these social platforms. What’s more noticeable is that there are people who are actually working behind the scenes to get the brand’s current as well as new fans (YOU!) to interact with them on all these platforms.

Skills required

So, is working for these brands and making them work on social media a rocket science? Not really. Anyone with a flair for social networking and a basic understanding of how brands operate in these spaces can get you a flying start to your career. Let us list a couple of quintessential skills that you need to possess to make a grand opening of your career in social media:

A flair for writing

Excellent communication skills

A basic understanding of how stuff works on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube et’ al

The ability to think like a marketer and converse with your fans/customers like a brand would

A blend of a creative and an analytical bent of mind

The best thing about joining the social media industry is that it welcomes people from all kinds of educational backgrounds with open arms. This is a hallmark of the versatility of the people working in the field, given that you may be required to work for brands belonging to almost any industry possible.

Do you require any prior educational qualifications?

Although a proficiency in writing and understanding of how brands function is expected from a fresher. We must emphasise that having the following educational qualification can always tilt the balance of the interviewers in your favour:

Bachelor’s in Journalism

Bachelor’s in Arts (preferably English Honors)


Bachelor’s/master’s in Mass Communication

Any kind of background in content/copy writing

Where can you work?

Assuming that you are well equipped with the above mentioned skills and qualification(s), where all can you work? If you’re a fresher, then the best thing to do is to start off by applying in social media agencies. Some of the most revered social media agencies, considering their performance down the years as well as their clientele, are as follows:

Red Digital


Digitas India

Social Wavelength

The Glitch

Hungama Digital



WAT Consult


Law and Kenneth Digital

Applying to any of these agencies is really simple. Just Google their respective names and you shall be able to figure out the Career Opportunities/Openings in these agencies.

Other avenues

For any person working on the agency side, it is always a dream to make the switch to the client/brand side and be in-charge of the brand. To achieve something like this you need to have substantial experience along with a commendable performance on various social media campaigns.

A word of advice: Get cracking on developing those skills and the rise you experience in this industry can be nothing short of meteoric!

— The writer is Social Media Manager,

Before you jump the gun, let us tell you about all the various job profiles you can apply for in a typical social media agency:

Client Servicing

Copy writing

Social media executive

Social Media Strategy

Social Media Community Managers

Apart from this, if you have a keen interest in design then you can explore the opportunity of becoming a designer and the same goes for social game and application development.

Pay packages
For a fresher, you could expect a starter’s package of anything between Rs 15,000-20,000 along with a three-month probation period (which is an industry standard), post which you become a permanent employee of an agency.



Happiness @ work
Resolution time’s here
Gems of ancient wisdom

In order to improve on our past, many of us — on New Year — make resolutions. Let us, from true leaders, learn to:

Give: In the 7th Century AD, King Harsha would give away all his wealth to scholars, priests and the poor every five years.

Protect the weak: When 25-year-old Farid took over the Sasaram estate from his father Hasan, he decided to put an end to the oppressive methods the tax collectors employed on the peasants. He even had to use force to make the oppressors yield to his order. This act and other reforms in land revenue that he did made him popular among the common man. He ruled as the Emperor of Hindustan for five years as Sher Shah.

Prop up the poor: When the 8th century King Lalitaditya of Kashmir saw that farmers didn’t have the means to harness the water of the rivers, he issues funds from the state treasury for the manufacture and installation of Persian wheels.

Adjust: Due to the American Civil War, there was a boom in Indian cotton trade. But the boom turned into a crash when it ended in 1864. So Nusserwanji Tata moved from his three-storey palatial house to modest rented premises.

Forgive: When Bhimrao Ambedkar went to London to resume his studies in economics, he didn’t have the money to have lunch in a restaurant. But when he took a sandwich inside the British Museum Library, he was summoned by the librarian as it was against the rules. On listening to the sad plight of this dedicated student, the librarian not only forgave him, but invited Ambedkar to join him for lunch in his room.

Focus on greater common good: When 11th century saint Ramanujacharya, after making numerous attempts, got to know the highly guarded mantra of salvation from scholar Goshti Purna, he climbed on the temple top and disclosed it to the entire gathering.

Believe in good: “A seeker engaged in auspicious activities does not meet with destruction either in this world or in the spiritual world. Arjuna, one who does good is never overcome by evil,” said Krishna (Gita 6.40).

End on a high: With the crowning of his protégé Chandragupta as the first Mauryan Emperor, Chanakya’s work was over — King Dhanananda of Magadha and his eight sons had died, Chandragupta’s enemies had been neutralised, Nanda’s loyal and capable Chief Minister Rakshas had agreed to switch sides, the Greeks had been defeated and a marital alliance between Chandragupta and the daughter of Greek Governor Selucus had been solemnised. Instead of staying at the palace, Chanakya retired to his ashram to teach and write the Arthashastra.

Only from a better you can a better world emerge.

— Sai R. Vaidyanathan

The writer can be contacted at



Scholarship roundup

Saltire Scholarships

Glasgow Caledonian University is funding Saltire scholarships for undergraduate, master’s or PhD students from India in the field of creative industries, life sciences technology, financial services and renewable and clean energy in UK.

Students wishing to apply for this scholarship will have to have already received either a Conditional or Unconditional offer from Glasgow Caledonian University for September 2013, and be able to demonstrate that they can meet the costs of living and remaining tuition fees. The scholarships are not available to students who have already completed their undergraduate studies at an institution in Scotland. The course must be full time and delivered in Scotland and not online or by distance learning.

Eligibility: Priority will be given to students studying programmes in the specified subjects.

Details: £2000 towards the cost of tuition fees for the first year of study only.

How to apply: Online.

Deadline: May 31, 2013.

Check out:

Opportunity for science students

The College of Science at Swansea University is offering scholarships for the students of India, China and Nigeria. These scholarships are available for pursuing postgraduate programme in various disciplines.

Study subject(s): Some of the programmes include:

MSc Environmental Biology: Conservation and Resource Management

MRes Aquatic Ecology & Conservation

MRes Sustainable Aquaculture & Fisheries

A range of MSc by Research degrees in Biosciences

MSc Advanced Computer Science

MRes Visual Computing

MRes Logic and Computation

MRes Social Theory and Space

MSc in Mathematics and Computing for Finance

MSc Modelling, Uncertainty and Data

A range of MSc by Research degrees in Physics.

Eligibility: Scholarships are available only to new postgraduate applicants who are non-UK/EU categorised students from China, India and Nigeria.

Applicants should hold a minimum of a 2.1 degree (or equivalent)

Applicants should have already applied formally to the University for a place on one of college’s postgraduate programmes

Please note that applicants progressing from ICWS are not eligible to apply for a College of Science International Scholarship

Applicants must enrol on a course in the college for the first time in September.

Details: £2500 to be offset against international tuition fees.

How to apply: By post.

Deadline: July 1, 2013.

Check out:

Fox International Fellowship

JNU has signed an MoU with the Yale Centre for International and Area Studies (Yale University), USA, to administer the programme of Yale University “Fox International Fellowship” at the university. As per the agreement, two Fox International fellows from Yale will spend a year at JNU and two fellows from JNU will spend a year at Yale and the students of JNU will be fully funded by Yale University. The Committee shall recommend M.Phil/Ph.D students to be sent to Yale University in order to conduct research in any of the following fields: economics, finance, political science, international relations, law and contemporary history. Although the committee shall decide regarding the selection of students of the university for the year 2012-13, the Fox International Fellowship will be awarded by the Yale University for the year 2013-14.

The students eligible for the year 2012-13 will be only those who have joined M.Phil/Ph.D or Direct Ph.D programme in the Monsoon Semester of academic year 2011-12 or earlier. Hence, they should have completed 3 semesters of M.Phil/Ph.D programme but should not have completed more than 6 semesters of the said programme as on January 1, 2013.


Students pursuing MPhil / PhD or Direct PhD programme who have completed three semesters of the said programme as on January 1, 2013.

The students eligible for the year 2012-13 will be only those who have joined MPhil / PhD or Direct PhD programme in the Monsoon Semester of academic year 2011-12 or earlier.

How to apply:

Application/Nomination forms can be downloaded from the link:

Completed applications should reach Asstt. Registrar (Admission-II), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-67

Deadline: January 4, 2013

Check out:

India@75 programme

Macquarie University, Australia offers special scholarships for international students who wish to pursue undergraduate/postgraduate courses at the university as a part of an agreement between Macquarie University and India@75 supported by the confederation of Indian Industry.

Eligibility: Applicant must be a citizen of a country other than Australia or New Zealand. She/he should have achieved a minimum GPA of 3.7 out of 4.0 for postgraduate applications. For undergraduate applications, candidate must have a minimum requirement of Australian Tertiary admission Rank (ATAR) equivalent of 92 out of 100.

How to apply: Visit for details

Deadline: April 30, 2013.



Course cruising

ph d

Jawaharlal Nehru University

Applications have been invited by Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi for admission to various areas of research in the following schools during academic year 2013-14:

School of International Studies

School of Social Sciences

School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies

School of Computer & Systems Sciences

School of Physical Sciences

School of Environmental Sciences

School of Life Sciences

School of Arts and Aesthetics

Eligibility: Details of eligibility for admission to the Direct PhD can be referred from the link:

How to apply: Application forms can be downloaded from the website and submitted to the Section Officer (Admissions), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi - 110067 duly filled in all respects enclosing therewith the required documents and a Demand Draft of the required amount drawn in favour of “Jawaharlal Nehru University” payable at New Delhi as detailed in the Instructions for completing the Application Form.

Deadline: January 15, 2013.

Check out:


UG courses in Australia

Macquarie University, Australia, announces admissions to courses in physical and environmental sciences. Physical sciences provide students a deeper understanding of astronomical and space sciences, atomic, molecular, nuclear, particle and plasma physics, classical physics, condensed matter physics, optical physics, quantum physics and other physical sciences. Similarly environmental sciences keep the students engaged in ecological applications, environmental science and management, soil sciences and other environmental sciences.

These three-year full time/equivalent part time bachelor’s degree programmes are suitable for students who wish to enhance their problem solving skills to the environment, physical sciences and are interested in science, sustainability and environmental management.

Eligibility Criteria: Plus II

How to apply: Apply through the Universities Admission Centre (UAC).

Deadline: April 30, 2013

Check out:



Fortnightly quiz 429

1. Who was the founder of one of India’s oldest business empires Tata Group?

2. Who has become the Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh for the sixth time?

3. Who led his party to a third consecutive victory in the Gujarat Assembly election in 2012?

4. Which two cities in China are connected by the world’s longest high-speed rail line?

5. Who has been chosen as the new US Secretary of State?

6. Who was the first US woman in space?

7. With which sport is Parupalli Kashyap associated?

8. Which Sri Lankan cricketer surpassed the 10,000-run mark in Test cricket recently?

9. Who recently became Australia’s highest Test run-getter in a calendar year?

10. How many runs were scored by Sachin Tendulkar in one-day international cricket?

— Tarun Sharma

Winners of quiz 428: The first prize by draw of lots goes to Gaurav Verma; roll no 28; Class 10; School Address: Model Public School Karsog PO and tehsil Karsog; district Mandi, Himachal Pradesh Pin Code - 175011

Second: Sarthak Goyal; Class VIII-D (8th-D) School address: AS Modern Senior Secondary School, Malerkotla Road, Khanna; Ludhiana district, Punjab Pin Code - 141401

Third: Fatehvir Singh Bhogal, Class IV, Alpine Public School, near NM College, Mansa Pin Code - 151505

Answers to quiz 428: Pandit Ravi Shankar; December 14; East China Sea; Prayag (Allahabad); Armed Forces Special Powers Act; Bangalore; Dachigam National Park (Jammu and Kashmir); India; Alastair Cook; Lionel Messi

Cash awards of Rs 400, 300 and 200 are given to the first, second and third prize winners, respectively. These are sent at the school address.

Note: Kindly mention the pincode of your place on the letter/postcard to facilitate the delivery of the prize money.

Answers can also be sent at

School address ...........................................................



2013 stars at work
Madan Gupta Spatu

March 21 to April 20

Your innovative and inventive skills will be in the forefront and your ability to come up with innovative ideas will turn out to be an asset at work. The first quarter is ideal for those looking for job opportunities in the investigation sector. Students will make their way to research based projects. The progress made at workplace till now may come to a halt during August and September and failed contracts, odd job profiles and problematic business partners are likely to come your way. The first quarter of 2013 is favourable for getting a hike in pay or position.

April 21 to May 21

Recognition at workplace will come from the beginning of February. However, you may face some challenges while collaborating with tactical orders. Those born after 1980 will get through a positive career switch. Business matters involving contracts and agreements can be finalised with ease. Avoid workplace gossip as it may lead to unanticipated problems. Chances of getting a promotion are high, particularly in May. August may not be a favourable month.

May 22 to June 21

The beginning of the year may not be good for business dealings. However, by November, your efforts will be rewarded; in fact, this would be the right time to launch important business ventures. You are likely to face tough competition from your colleagues at office, hence make sure to be careful about what you speak and how you react to their criticism. Some work related issues will trouble you this year. Be optimistic and everything will work out in your favour. The mid-year would be a great time to start planning your career moves. Writers can expect some good results this year and their book/books are quite likely to be published.

June 22 to July 22

Cancerians are likely to work extra hard in office. If you have some business dealings by your side then this would be the right time to speed up your negotiations. You may receive positive feedback from your seniors which will boost your confidence level. With stars in favourable alignment, you may try for promotions and give interviews for senior positions. Promotions are likely to come your way this April. Fresh possibilities are most likely to open on the profession front. Money inflow will probably be great, but you need to maintain a tab on your costs. Steer clear of rumors.

July 23 to August 23

Fantastic career opportunities may be anticipated this year. Make certain that you see people around you without any bias. At the beginning of the year you are likely to face huge work pressure. But then, all you need to do is stick to your usual schedule, work hard and by the end of January you will find things going your way. If you are planning a career switch, then you may have to relocate to a different state or even to a different country. October would be a good month for professional Leos and they may expect some good returns on investments.

August 24 to September 22

Your professional life is likely to take a front seat in 2013. Promotion and foreign assignments are on the cards. Business related long travels or trips will be fruitful. Those into self-owned businesses can expect a good year. Your business presentations can help you get bulk orders at lucrative prices. However, you may be a bit disappointed with the attendance records of your employees and your work output can get hindered because of this. The year is not right to gamble with your finances.

September 23 to October 23

Your social status is in for a change. A long awaited promotion and pay hike is probably, too, on the way. You will work well in a group or team and your efforts will be appreciated. Those with technical expertise can expect a good job profile towards the mid of this year 2013. Whatever profession you are into, have patience and soon you will find new opportunities knocking at your door. This would be an ideal time for working professionals interested in resuming their studies for better career prospects.

October 24 to November 22

Scorpions will learn to handle the mounting work pressure and the various tricks of the trade better to carry out their work smoothly. Add more skills to your current repertoire to attract better opportunities. The professional life would be significantly gratifying than the earlier years. New projects will be beneficial. You may need more time to go up the corporate ladder. Your strategies and concepts will be liked both by your co-workers and bosses. Your resourcefulness will be on a new high thus giving you more exposure.

November 23 to December 23

You will continue to have a brilliant year even in 2013 in terms of work and career. Seeds sown in the past are likely to yield fruits and your hardwork given on important projects will pay off well. Efforts that you have taken to add more value to the projects that you are undertaking will meet with success. Professionals need to be alert about new things coming up in their business and are required to garner more knowledge about new concepts. It is best to brush up on old skills to create more value in the professional sphere. Look for areas that have been your weakness since long and find out solutions to do away with the limitations. You will do well in areas of teaching and research. Entrepreneurs will also succeed in their projects.

December 24 to January 20

2013 will be an effective year and you will share a happy rapport with your colleagues. Your efforts will be praised and you will get your due. With the planetary influence of Mars, you will be able to manage your responsibilities with ease and the joint influences of many planets are likely to reinforce your effectiveness at workplace in 2013. Your sense of reasoning and realism will help you prosper. For those looking for lucrative offers and wider career prospects and reach, the year will be beneficial.

January 21 to February 18

Your career will go through many changes demanding decisions about long-term targets. You can benefit from freelancing if you take time in changing your strategy and fine tune it according to the changed environment. You would need to be adaptive to the changed situation both in your personal and professional life. You’d continue to receive support at workplace. Money matters may remain slow during the first half of the year but things will improve in the second half. Some Aquarians will start their own business. You may have to switch over to a new job or get a promotion in your current organisation.

February 19 to March 20

Lucrative offers are likely to come your way. At workplace, an irritating colleague can get on your nerves. Retrenchment or job loss may bring in momentary disappointment but then at the same time it can free you from the bonds of commitment. However, it will be a temporary setback, as you may get new job and a pay hike.
