Jobs  & Careers

Web designing
Opportunities online
Web designing is an integral and significant part of the IT industry, which has become a promising career option now. Web design services are being applied in almost every walk of life be it industries, business, education, both in private and public sectors. Most of the organisations already have their own websites and many more feel it essential to host websites to make their presence felt in the cyber space.

Career Cature

Are you managing stress or giving it?
Are you managing stress or giving it?

Career Hotline
Don't let layoff deter you
Psychology offers varied options
Try the armed forces technical branch

Testing times: bank po exam
Aim to score high
With just a few days left for the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) PO exam (June 17), candidates are now feeling the real pressure. Here are some last minute preparation tips and examination strategies that will stand you in good stead on the test day.

scholarship roundup
Scholarships are on offer for post graduate Indian students studying at Queen's University Management School, UK.

News board
Thapar University, Patiala, has been rated as one of the top engineering colleges in Punjab. A survey by Careers360 (flagship magazine of Pathfinder Publishing Pvt. Ltd) rated the University AAA+ (highest achievable rating) at state and national level.

career compass: cosmetologist
The business of beauty
Cosmetologists care for people's hair, skin, and nails. They are also called beauty operators, hairdressers, or beauticians. Most cosmetologists work in beauty salons, and many have their own businesses. Some work in hospitals, spas, hotels and private clinics.

field in focus: history
Past that can build your future
What can I do with a BA in History? This is the common refrain of those who take up this subject only as a last resort. Plenty, I would say, whether you have studied history in school or not.

career compass: fashion communication
A date with glamour...
The Indian fashion retail scenario has undergone a dramatic transformation in the past five years with the market being flooded with international as well as domestic brands.

course cruising
Study abroad
Those with an interest in psychology and also interested in studying abroad can check out UK's University of Northampton's MSc in Transpersonal Psychology and Consciousness Studies course offered by the School of Social Sciences at the university.

smart strategy: be likeable at work
Charm your way in
To be liked by everyone is a human desire regardless of the age, gender or status of an individual. While some of us are born charmers and make friends easily others have a tough time breaking the ice.

Promotion good for the heart!
Employees with better promotion prospects are 20 per cent less likely to suffer heart disease than those with slender chances of improving their situation.

Happiness @ work



Web designing
Opportunities online
Designing, creating and running websites is an integral and significant part of the IT industry. This is what makes it a promising career option now 

Web designing is an integral and significant part of the IT industry, which has become a promising career option now. Web design services are being applied in almost every walk of life be it industries, business, education, both in private and public sectors. Most of the organisations already have their own websites and many more feel it essential to host websites to make their presence felt in the cyber space. There are companies that have their own in-house web team as a professionally designed website has become as necessary as the accounts department in an organisation. All this has increased the demand for web designing professionals.

A Web Designer is a person who creates and arranges the pages that make up a website. Web designers are responsible for creating the look and feel of a client’s website by designing the layout, colours, fonts, and all the visual aspects of the site. Web designers often have to balance the visual appeal of a page with the functions of a web page so they must have an understanding of software functionality as well as graphic design skills to create successful sites.

Web design services broadly include: Need analysis, solution designing, web content writing, web content planning, product photography, graphic designing, designing Flash, HTML coding and Java scripting.

Many web designers concentrate mainly on designing software and leave the coding part to the programmers. Even if you plan on designing software for most of your career, knowing HTML will give you an understanding of the basics of a web page and that, in turn, will help to make your design more effective.

On the right course

A candidate can opt for a career in this field after Plus II by going in for a diploma course in web designing. One needs to learn about the web and various associated programme languages like the HTML, ASP or PHP. An updated knowledge of designing software or HTML editors is a must. Knowledge in coding, and scripting in Java /Flash, CSS style sheet etc for styling web pages in browsers will give an edge to one’s career.

Getting in

Many job descriptions for web designers require a bachelor’s degree in graphic design, visual arts, fine arts, or similar fields. However, an increasing number of employers are now demanding specialised degrees in such fields as user interface design and information design. Several universities are offering these courses. Moreover, many master’s degree programmes in computer science now offer concentrations in site architecture and other specific web design-related fields.

However, the web is evolving so quickly that traditional university programmes may still be too cumbersome for potential web designers. If you are looking to get into the field as quickly as possible, then consider taking some specialised courses in the areas that are of interest to you, either from a college, non-profit, or private computer-training school.

Web designers need to be familiar with HTML and JavaScript, and understand the way web graphics such as JPEGs and GIFs work. They should also be proficient in industry-standard graphic-design software such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, and Web layout tools such as Microsoft FrontPage and Adobe’s (formerly Macromedia’s) Dreamweaver.

The multimedia design field has many companies that are developing new and better design tools all the time, but the industry is dominated by applications from Adobe, including Director, Shockwave, and Flash.

Remember a career in web design means that you never stop preparing. New products, new standards, and new conventions emerge every day, and the only real requirement is that you be handy with the latest and coolest design tools and concepts available.

Job prospects

There are no two ways about it that the Internet is here to stay. More businesses-and customers-are going online every day. And advances in technology will make web skills an ongoing corporate need.

Two industries worth singling out for opportunities are Internet service providers (ISPs) and Internet consulting firms. In addition, there are many small web-design shops, each specialising in a different industry. Traditional advertising, marketing, and PR companies are also heavily involved in Internet work. In addition, graphic design studios have combined website design with their traditional creative services offerings.

Many large companies keep their website activities in-house. The advent of intranets, or company-specific HTML-based networks, means that web-savvy individuals are needed in every department to create and maintain each division’s information site within the overall corporate ‘Net. Most relatively large companies, and certainly all companies involved in high tech or the media, have full-blown teams to handle their websites. Determining where you might fit into such a team will help focus your career preparation and narrow your job search.

Finally, many web designers work as independent contractors, serving smaller companies that don’t want to hire a full-time web staff, but still want to have ongoing control of their sites’ content, and sometimes providing consulting services to larger companies. Independent web designers generally telecommute from home, where all they need is a computer, a scanner, and a good connection to the Internet.

— With inputs from J. B. Yadav, Managing Director, Midas Portal Services Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.

Career tracks

Many web designers come to the position with some formal training in the arts or design, and a degree in graphic design or visual arts is often desired. Still, the underlying artistic nature of the job means that if you have a portfolio of work and can demonstrate proficiency with the necessary design software, then you will be viewed as a qualified candidate, even without a diploma in design. The titles that people use to describe positions in web design are not standard by any means, and sometimes the words “Web designer” and “Web developer” are used interchangeably.

Institute Watch

Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Delhi,

Banaras Hindu University,

BIT, Mesra, Ranchi,

IIT Roorkee (MCA) JAM,

Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Delhi,

NIT Allahabad, NIMCET,

Chandigarh Infosys Computer Institute, Chandigarh



Career Hotline
Don't let layoff deter you
Pervin Malhotra

Q. The company I work with has announced imminent layoffs in our department. Like my colleagues, I am in total panic. Perhaps I shouldn't have chosen finance at all. Should I look at marketing? Please advise. — mita k

A.You know, there's a classic stock market aphorism: Invest when there's blood on the street.

Sound advice, except when it's your blood on the street!

The popular debate is not how much the economy would dip, but where the bottom would be, and whether at all it would bounce back.

Of course it will, (but this isn't about what I 'feel').

The question is WHEN. And does that mean that until that happens we stop planning for our careers?

Instead, if we stick to the classic concepts of career selection and career retooling - choosing the field we love, and preparing for a long-term stint in that career, chances are we won't come to grief.

So instead of moping and lending ear to all the doomsayers gathered around the water cooler (or office corridor), take stock of your current situation, review your skill-sets and experience. Better still, get a proven expert to review it for you.

Use the slack period to acquire new skills, spruce up your bio, network with people in your industry as well as in others that interest you. Look at related upcoming fields that you idly toyed with all these years. In short, put your head down and think and act innovatively. Follow my favourite maxim: "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!"

No stream or profession is "recession-proof". Every industry has its cycles -- its ups and downs. When the earth shakes, all trees shake - some more some less.

At this point, your industry may be in a down cycle. Which means you may have to settle for a lower raise/pay scale than your counterparts in some other fields.

And remember, you didn't plan this. It happens. These are cyclical events that happen from time to time - globally. Just concentrate on doing your job as best as you can, volunteer to take on extra tasks - in short, make yourself indispensable.

Also consider investing in a short-term course - that finance or marketing module, you always wanted to pursue or that language which would give you a leg-up (computer or foreign). Catch up on your fitness regime. Learn yoga, pilates, Tai chi, karate, salsa, bhangra, whatever.

Among others, you will have the advantage of keeping abreast of new developments in your field. And when this downturn lifts, you'll be all shining and ready to grab the new opportunities that open up and reap the harvest and perhaps even command a huge premium. Keep learning and growing and the rewards will come - as sure as day follows night.

Historically, our economy has shown tremendous resilience whenever it's been down for the count.

The question is, do you have the self-confidence and conviction to weather the storm?




Psychology offers varied options

Q. I enjoy reading about human behaviour and understanding how people think. I want to make a career in psychology. Please guide about the courses offered to enter this field and also suggest career options. — Rita sharma

A.Psychologists study the human mind and human behaviour and help people with mental and emotional problems. While some specialise in research, others focus on assisting individuals and groups in managing conflict and operating more effectively. But most serve as clinical psychologists or counseling psychologists and work in counseling centres, clinics and hospitals, schools, NGOs, HR departments, market research organisations and even defence services. However, as compared to most other professions, a very significant percentage of all psychologists are self-employed.

But let me warn you, the work can be emotionally taxing and draining. But whether it's helping people overcome a drug habit, or come to terms with the loss of a near one, or coping with a terminal illness, knowing you've made a positive difference in someone's life can be also be extremely fulfilling.

Psychology can be pursued as a subject right from the High school and undergraduate level (BA in Psychology) up to the PhD level.

The minimum qualification for a trained psychologist is a master's in psychology with specialisation in any one area depending on your own interests and aptitude. A PhD would hold you in good stead.

The various areas of specialisation include Counseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Child / Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology, Occupational Psychology, Social Psychology, Organisational / Industrial Psychology, Forensic Psychology (Legal & Criminal Psychology), Health Psychology, Sports Psychology, Psychotherapy, Psychoanalyst, etc.




Try the armed forces technical branch

Q. Although I scored 82 per cent in Plus II, I did not get a good AIEEE rank. Moreover, my parents couldn't afford to pay the high fees charged by private engineering colleges. I have taken admission in BSc, but I am feeling very depressed. Is there any low-cost option available to me to pursue engineering course? — sameer joshi

A.Yes there is! The Indian Army recruits male students below 19½ who have passed Plus II exam with an aggregate of 70% in PCM through the Technical Entry Scheme.

After four years of Basic Military Training you'll be allotted Permanent/Short Service Commission (14 years) in the rank of a Lieutenant. This will be followed by a year of technical training.

At the end of your training you will also receive a degree in engineering

The entire cost of training including boarding, lodging, books etc is borne by the Army. Not just that, you will receive a generous monthly stipend as in the case of NDA cadets after (3-years of training).


Incidentally, similar Technical Entry schemes are also offered by the Indian Navy and the Indian Air force.

Other than this, you can do your diploma as well as degree-level study in Electronics & Telecom Eng through IETE or AMIE.



Testing times: bank po exam
Aim to score high
Manoj Sethi

With just a few days left for the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) PO exam (June 17), candidates are now feeling the real pressure. Here are some last minute preparation tips and examination strategies that will stand you in good stead on the test day.

Quantitative Aptitude

The quantitative aptitude section of the IBPS PO Exam has a total of 50 questions.The test taker has to be thorough in speed maths i.e. in calculating accurately and quickly. You can spend around 35-40 minutes on this section and attempt at least 30-35 out of 50 questions correctly in this section. The questions that appeared in the first IBPS PO exam that was held in September, 2011 included 15 questions on calculations/simplifications, 5 questions on probability, 20 questions on DI and 10 questions on various topics. One can expect this section to be on similar lines this year too. It is very unlikely that there will be any surprise elements in this section. The candidates should also learn to find the answer by eliminating the choices given in the problem.

It is advisable to start this section with simplifications; then move on to DI, number series and individual questions in the same sequence. Regular practice in individual chapters and experience gained in taking mock exams enables a student to score a high percentage of marks in this section.

English Language

This section also has 50 questions. The broad areas that are covered here are reading comprehension, cloze test, para-forming questions, vocabulary and correction of sentences.Those comfortable with grammar and vocabulary would do well to deal with these questions first, since they can answer such questions quickly with a reasonable assurance of accuracy. They could then move on to the other tasks such as paragraph sequencing and reading comprehension, which need a little more time.

Those who understand the language but are not sure of its intricacies should first look at the RC questions and then the paragraph sequencing questions. These can be answered with some correctness since what is needed is a general understanding of the context along with recognition of logical thought flow. Other questions can be attempted after this. The student should spend about 30 minutes on this section.

General Awareness

Preparation for GA questions in this exam can be best done by:

n Focussing on the banking related information, including nationalisation, mergers, tag lines, CMDs, schemes and inititatives, recent revision of rates and ratios by RBI. New phrases like bail-out, NPAs, NIMs, LLP etc to be noted. This will take care of 1/3rd of questions in this section.

n Cover all notes on current affairs - national and international events of the past six months, say from November 2011 to April 2012, so that you can answer about 20 questions easily.

n Lastly, the student should make a note and cover all the intiatives, programmes of Government of India, for Indian economy-related questions like what is MGNREGP, PURA etc., which may account for 7-8 questions, and these may be for events across the past 12 months.

n A look at sports, films and various awards and prizes etc will complete the preparation.

A well-planned effort and focus in the above manner will make student more confident, in answering the GA part successfully. 20 minutes should be alloted for answering this section.

Computer Knowledge

A candidate should spend about 20 minutes in answering questions in this section. Only the basics on computers will be asked in the examination. There will not be any questions about the output of the programme, algorithm,writing programmes etc. The areas from which the questions appear broadly would cover Computer Fundementals, DBMS, Basics of Networking, Basics of Operating System, Basics of MS office, Basic commands in DOS etc...

The students should first answer all the easy questions which they are aware of instead of pondering over the difficult questions.


This section is generally lengthy and time consuming. There is a possibility of new question types appearing in this section and taking the students by surprise.The questions on series, coding decoding and symbols and notations are generally easy and should be attempted first. The questions on non-verbal reasoning are scoring and one should not miss out on these. Critical reasoning questions are time consuming as we first need to analyse the situation given in the question and then answer the questions. The questions on puzzles are worth giving a try. One should not spend more than 40 minutes on this section.

Last, but not the least, aim for a very high score by maximising the number of correct attempts as just getting the qualifying marks will not ensure an interview call. You must score high in order to get an interview call.

— The writer is Course Director, T.I.M.E. (Triumphant Institute of Management Education



scholarship roundup
UK bouquet

Scholarships are on offer for post graduate Indian students studying at Queen's University Management School, UK.

Study subject(s): Accounting and Finance, Finance, Human Resource Management, International Business Management (for non specialists), Risk Management and Financial Regulation, Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility

Course Level: Master's

Scholarship provider: Queen's University Belfast

Scholarship can be taken at: UK


n Candidates must be Indian nationals and must be eligible to pay overseas tuition fees (non EU)

n Candidates must not be in receipt of any other Queen's University Belfast scholarship or tuition fee reduction

n Candidates must be able to finance the remainder of their tuition fees and living expenses

n The scholarships will be awarded automatically upon academic merit; no application is required

n Candidates must hold an offer of a study place for an eligible postgraduate degree programme from Queen's University Management School, commencing in September 2012.

Details: Queen's is offering scholarships to postgraduate taught students from India, who are commencing their studies in Queen's University Management School in September 2012.

Grant: The scholarships are worth £1,000.

How to Apply: Electronically

Deadline: July 31, 2012

Vice-Chancellor’s scholarship at Liverpool varsity

Students planning to continue undergraduate studies in the UK can check out University of Liverpool’s Vice-Chancellor’s International Attainment Scholarship, worth more than £7,000 over the course of their degree programme. The scholarship is intended for high-achieving students studying non-clinical undergraduate programmes at the university in September 2012.

Details: Successful candidates will be awarded £2,500 for each year of their studies, which will be deducted from their tuition fees.

Eligibility: Students should have score 85% or above in their Class XII examinations. Those who will be able to maintain a 70% or more grade score in each year of their studies at Liverpool will continue to receive the award for each year of their degree.

Deadline: June 30, 2012

Check out:

Public policy and good governance

DAAD Master’s scholarship programme for Public Policy and Good Governance offers graduates with a first class university degree a chance to obtain a master’s degree in Germany in disciplines that are of special relevance for the social, political and economic development of their home country. In addition, the training at German institutions of higher education would qualify the scholarship holders as partners in political and economic cooperation with Germany. With this programme, DAAD intends to contribute to the support of good governance and civil society structures in selected partner countries and regions.

Study subject(s): Public Policy and Good Governance

Eligibility: Well-qualified graduates with a first university degree (bachelor’s or equivalent) who in the future want to actively contribute to the social and economic development of their home countries. The scholarships are offered both for young graduates without professional experience and for mid-career professionals. The scholarship scheme is open to candidates from Africa, Latin America, South Asia, Southeast Asia as well as from countries in the Middle East.

For master’s courses taught in German or in German and English, good knowledge of German (ideally at completed A 2 level at the time of application) is an advantage for being able to pass the German language test required for admission to the master’s programme at the end of the six-month preparatory German course. For courses taught in English, proof of good knowledge of English (generally a minimum of 550 TOEFL scores or equivalent) is required.

Details: DAAD pays a monthly scholarship rate of currently 750 €. The scholarship also includes contributions to health insurance in Germany. In addition, DAAD grants an appropriate travel allowance as well as a study and research subsidy and in applicable cases rent subsidies and / or family allowances. DAAD-scholarship holders are exempt from tuition fees.

How to apply: Download the form from

Deadline: July 31, 2012



News board
Thapar University rated best engineering college in Punjab

Thapar University, Patiala, has been rated as one of the top engineering colleges in Punjab. A survey by Careers360 (flagship magazine of Pathfinder Publishing Pvt. Ltd) rated the University AAA+ (highest achievable rating) at state and national level.

IITs, NITs, PEC University of Technology, deemed universities, AIEEE colleges and institutes that make admissions based on state entrance tests comprise the sample size for the survey. The aim of the survey was to achieve a single list of best colleges offering engineering courses in India. The survey was conducted amongst more than 4,200 engineering colleges in the country. The main parameters that were looked upon were Input, Process and Output. The component parameters were given weights in proportion of 35:25:40, respectively. — TNS



career compass: cosmetologist
The business of beauty

Cosmetologists care for people's hair, skin, and nails. They are also called beauty operators, hairdressers, or beauticians. Most cosmetologists work in beauty salons, and many have their own businesses. Some work in hospitals, spas, hotels and private clinics.

A cosmetologist chiefly on skin and hair problems. Medical cosmetology is also an emerging trend. It requires different professional expertise and qualifications than a normal cosmetologist as it is the more intensive side of cosmetology, and deals primarily with skincare and problems like acne, wrinkles, dark spots etc that require medical expertise. Treatments like Botox and derma filling are performed by medical cosmetologists or skin specialists. However, a cosmetologist should not be confused with a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon. A cosmetologist deals with beauty in a non-surgical manner, while a plastic surgeon corrects or restores any part of the human body through surgery.

Getting in

Domain knowledge in science is essential as they work on skin, muscles, tissues and veins/arteries. Courses in general cosmetology equip students with skills required in salon treatments (hair styling, manicures, facials, waxing etc). A certificate course in General Cosmetology is typically a one-year programme though some institutes offer a three-year programme. Specialised courses such as manicures, facials, or makeup art are usually of shorter duration, usually a six-month short-term programme.

To perform an advanced cosmetic treatment, a degree in medicine is a must. After completing an MBBS degree, candidates may undergo a training/ certification programme in order to become a specialist or a trainer.

Indian medical colleges, largely, do not offer these fellowship/certificate programmes. The only institute that offers a 12-week certificate course in clinical cosmetology is the Indian Institute of Cosmetology in Mumbai. A full-time course usually takes from six to 12 months to complete. Courses cover hygiene, bacteriology, cosmetic chemistry, psychology, and sales techniques.

Candidates with degrees like BAMS or BHMS etc, who are going to operate the surgical part of cosmetology, require license to function. However, requirements for a license vary from state to state. In most states candidates must be at least 16 years old, in good health, and a graduate from an approved cosmetology school. They must also pass a state licensing examination. This test usually includes a written test and practical demonstration of skills. There may even be an oral exam in which the candidates are asked to explain about particular cosmetology procedures. The license must be renewed every year or every two years.

Work profile

For those working in salons, the work involves extensive interaction with clients of all age groups. Many cosmetologists work for more than 40 hours a week, including Saturdays. Others work part time, usually during the end of the week when beauty salons are the busiest. Cosmetologists must be able to work well with their hands and should have a good sense of style. They also need to keep up with the latest fashion in hairstyling and cosmetics and interact well with all kinds of customers. Cosmetologists are also employed by cosmetics companies where they are involved in the various stages of conceptualisation, formulation, production and testing of different cosmetic concoctions.


Freshers can expect a starting salary of Rs 3,000 to Rs 7,000. They can earn up to Rs 50,000 a month once they have sufficient experience. Remuneration from medical cosmetology is high.

— With inputs from Karuna Malhotra

Institute Watch

n VLCC Academy of Beauty & Hair, New Delhi

n Decode Institute of Cosmetology, Mumbai

n Tulip International College of Health, Fitness and Beauty, Mumbai

n Indian Institute of Cosmetology, Mumbai

n Schnell Hans Beauty School, Mumbai (Diploma, advanced diploma and certificate courses in hair dressing)

n Kosmoderma Institute, Bangalore (Course in cosmetic dermatology)

A smart approach to move forward in this line of work is to stay abreast with the latest developments in this field. Cosmetologists need to have the technical skills to perform a wide range of beauty treatments, the creative skills and vision to identify what each individual client needs and people skills to effectively communicate with customers. Many cosmetologists have their own business, so managerial and marketing skills are also important.

— Dr. karuna malhotra, cosmetologist and homoeopath physician at cosmetic skin and homoeo clinic, new delhi



field in focus: history
Past that can build your future
Usha Albuquerque

What can I do with a BA in History? This is the common refrain of those who take up this subject only as a last resort. Plenty, I would say, whether you have studied history in school or not. History is a much misunderstood subject, and even as we brush it off in terms of significance, history books and historical fiction remain bestsellers, history has its own television channel which millions watch around the world, and some of the best movies made in recent times have been based on historical events. Obviously, the popular interest in history reflects a desire to know more about ourselves, but we often dismiss its value as a study subject that can help us succeed in the future.

A vast subject

History is a study of human self-knowledge and provides clues to what man is, can do and what man has done. The value of history, then, is not only in learning from the past, (we really never do) but it helps to inform us so that we might make better decisions in the future. The study of history, therefore, benefits a student in two ways — it provides domain knowledge in the subject useful for a range of occupations directly related to the study of history, and it also imparts a wide range of transferable skills, which are important in many indirectly related career fields. Understanding and analysis of issues and events are of key importance to historians and can be applied in many other fields of work. For those interested in the social and cultural aspects of history, there are options such as archaeology, museology and art restoration. A study of fossils, monuments, manuscripts, coins and excavated remains can provide you with the knowledge of societies that existed in the ancient past, and lead you on a trail of jobs that can take you right up to the Smithsonian Museum.

Additional skills

In addition, the study of history hones general abilities, such as memory and intelligence, as also analytical and communications skills that are highly usable in other academic pursuits and in almost any career you choose to get into. The extensive knowledge that history graduates gain affects the manner in which they can gather, organise, represent, interpret and critically analyse information in their environments. This, in turn, affects their ability to put forward ideas and arguments in a concise manner and to reason, and solve problems.

Some possible careers

Archivists maintain records, reprographics covering microfilming and handling of automated information, and information science. To work in the National Archives you need a master’s degree in ancient/medieval Indian history or an MA/MSc. in archaeology/anthropology or a PG diploma from the Institute of Archaeology. The School of Archival Studies, attached to the National Archives runs short-term courses for professionals and those interested in the subject.

Museologists are concerned with the maintenance of a museum, the purchase and display, labelling of new and rare art collections, methods of preservation, repair of parchment, paper and microfilming of documents. The National Museum of India, New Delhi, has set up a Museum University offering a range of courses

Archaeologists help preserve our heritage in the form of historical monuments and artifacts. You can take up post-graduate study in archaeology after graduation in history. Work experience with a museum, usually voluntary to start with, is always useful Historical researchers handle specialised historical research and can work as university lecturer and museum curator.

History teachers in schools and colleges. One can get into teaching after post-graduate specialisation in history.

Journalists. As a reporter handling current affairs, editor, also with film and TV, script-writing, public relations and media research.

A PG degree or diploma in journalism or mass communication after graduation is required.

Lawyers. Students opting for history in graduation can go in for a three year law degree after graduation and specialise in civil and constitutional law.

Civil Services. Many candidates sit for civil services exam after graduation in history.

Other careers can be in publishing, as librarian or information specialist, and even in business and management.

With such a wide range of options available, students who read widely, enjoy language and communication and wish to work with people and ideas can look forward to an interesting future. Their study programme will help them develop a range of abilities, to research, argue a case, organise work, formulate an argument quickly and present information coherently and so on, skills useful for any job thereafter.

So don’t be afraid to take up history. Go ahead, think out-of-the-box, explore your strengths and your opportunities and make history for yourself!



career compass: fashion communication
A date with glamour...
Somesh Singh

The Indian fashion retail scenario has undergone a dramatic transformation in the past five years with the market being flooded with international as well as domestic brands. With all these brands focussing on establishing a unique identity and positioning in a competitive market, there has been a growing demand for professionals with skills in the areas of fashion and communication.

Fashion communication, thus, is among the new career avenues that are attracting youngsters nowadays. This field encompasses areas like graphic design, fashion journalism, visual merchandising, styling, fashion photography, advertising, PR etc. The course inculcates functioning within the context of communication in the fashion industry as a responsible member of a core team. Such a course ensures that each professional, although specifically qualified for a particular specialisation area, is also able to interact competently with other non-specialised areas of functioning necessary for an effective fashion communication.


Many colleges, institutes and universities offer degree, diploma and certificate courses in fashion communication for which the minimum eligibility is Plus II pass in any stream. The degree course is usually of three-year duration. Clearing an admission test testing candidates' writing skills and ability to adapt to the fast paced environment is necessary to get admission to these courses.

Course objectives

A course in fashion communication will give a comprehensive understanding of all core functions in the communication, branding and promotion industry, in the field of fashion. Most of the institutes also give opportunity to do a 6 to 8-week internship and a 6 months project which gives students an opportunity to work with and learn from the professionals. This programme teaches students to communicate and present ideas and findings in a professional manner.

Work profile

A fashion communicator's job is to make a particular brand visible in the market and project it as a reliable and famous brand. For this he has to work on various aspects that go on to create a favourable attitude towards a particular brand. In this profile one has to plan out a number of things like what kind of advertisement would create the maximum impact on a customer's mind, which method of styling of the costumes would appeal to the masses etc. Sharp PR skills and other creative factors like graphic designing etc also come under the work profile of a fashion communicator.

Job prospects

Job prospects in this field are exceptionally bright for talented professionals with the necessary drive. Fashion, being a fast paced and cut-throat industry requires professionals who have that fire and the spunk to carve a niche for themselves. Typically, the main job responsibilities of a fashion communication professional involve gathering essential information from the fashion fraternity and publicising it through mass media.

Graduates of this course are professionally prepared to seek careers within the specialised areas such as textile design, fashion buyers, fashion forecasters, CAD/CAM designers, apparel merchandisers, fashion journalists, fashion photographers and stylists, brand/event managers. An understanding of the current and changing trends in the industry is an added advantage.


The starting salary could be anywhere between Rs 15, 000 to Rs 35, 000. Once you have the relevant expertise and experience, salary can very easily fall into the Rs 50,000 to Rs 1, 00,000 bracket. Fashion columnists can expect sky-high remuneration packages.

— The writer is Joint Director, Institute of Apparel Management



course cruising
Study abroad

Those with an interest in psychology and also interested in studying abroad can check out UK's University of Northampton's MSc in Transpersonal Psychology and Consciousness Studies course offered by the School of Social Sciences at the university. The MSc Transpersonal Psychology and Consciousness Studies is an emerging new field within psychology and offers candidates both new scientific insight into the functioning of human consciousness and practical skills in applying altered and higher states of consciousness to practical, psychological, educational, and other tasks.

The course: It offers both experiential elements and traditional taught elements that aim at conveying cutting-edge knowledge and critical analytic skills for dealing with such experiences and their consequences and ramifications. The course will commence in September/ October 2012.

Eligibility: Applicants should hold a good first degree with honours in social sciences or allied health sciences and other sciences (such as neurosciences, biology, medicine, education, economics, etc).

Fees: £9500

How to apply: Visit 72/international-students-how-to-apply

Deadline: July 2012.

Diploma in finance

Those wanting to get into the field of finance can check out the Post Graduate Diploma in Finance offered by Business India Institute of Finance, New Delhi . The key specializations offered in the course include Wealth & Investment Management and Banking & Corporate Finance. The students will also undergo 3-month industry 
integrated training

Duration: 1 year

Eligibility: Applicant should be Graduate or equivalent from a recognised university/ institution in any discipline. Students who have appeared for final year of their graduation exam can also apply.

Seats: 72

Selection procedure: Selection will be based on entrance exam and will be followed by a personal interview.

Check out:



smart strategy: be likeable at work
Charm your way in
Ragini Gulati

To be liked by everyone is a human desire regardless of the age, gender or status of an individual. While some of us are born charmers and make friends easily others have a tough time breaking the ice. Anyone who is likeable is bound to attract people, put them at ease and create a positive environment. In fact, it is a proven fact that those who are amiable are often more successful and happy in life. Being likeable at work means making colleagues feel secure and comfortable enough that they can easily share their feelings with you. Although hard work and talent count, to survive one must have the approval of at least a few employees. Fortunately, becoming likable is a skill which can be developed over time with a little effort.

Sport a smile

One of the best ways to get people to like you instantly is a smile. It does not have to be full-wattage all the time, just sincere and genuine. Engrossed in work we often don't realise the scowl on our face but others do. With a two-fold effect, the power of a smile should not be underestimated. A smiling face not only elevates our own mood but also of the ones on whom we smile at. It immediately gives everyone around a positive, warm and happy feeling. Most importantly wearing a smile makes one come across as an approachable person In fact, strange as it may sound, smiling even during a telephonic conversation comes through in the voice making us sound happier.

Display niceties

People with good manners are most definitely likeable and everyone wants to be around them. However, we often overlook office niceties in an attempt to cope with the fast pace of worklife. Remember to be courteous and pay attention to niceties like holding the door open for someone or asking permission before borrowing supplies. It may require a little extra effort but will leave a long lasting impression. Make it a habit to be polite to everyone irrespective of the designation or seniority of an individual. Say 'please' when you want something and 'thank you' to show your appreciation. Although a small gesture' it will help establish a friendly and respectful rapport with colleagues. Additionally' avoid foul languag'e including swearing, as it spoils the work environment.

Be all ears

Although a difficult task for most people, being a good listener can actually be an advantage. Not only can it be a learning experience but also make the other person feel important. Encourage co-workers to talk about themselves by asking questions they enjoy answering. Instead of trying to hog the conversation, let them open up and share their concerns. Add something of value to show that you are not just pretending but are actually listening. Each one of us has an intrinsic need to share feelings with someone trustworthy, honest and compassionate. As a consequence along with giving undivided attention assure them that you will keep the information to yourself.

Lend a helping hand

An important aspect of winning over co-workers is to display traits of cooperation and helpfulness. Plenty of opportunities arise during the course of work to pitch in or extend a helping hand. Strive to be the person your co-workers can count on when faced with a difficult task. Take initiative to go beyond the call of duty to facilitate their work so that they don't lag behind. However, this does not mean doing co-worker's job in addition to your own. Instead show them the right path, help them reach the right people and direct them to right sources of information. These are small token of kindness that will be appreciated and remembered by them forever.

Be appreciative

Almost everyone likes to get a compliment not only in personal but professional life also. It makes us feel good about ourselves since our efforts get noticed and acknowledged by others. Applauding someone is a fundamental social skill not requiring any expertise whatsoever. Connect with co-workers by appreciating their skills, abilities or a recently completed project. Stick to complementing on character and performance since remarks on physical appearance are considered inappropriate. A well-placed compliment will show that you hold your co-workers in high esteem. However, refrain from going overboard so as not to make it look concocted. Compliments that are not sincere are easily seen through and viewed as flattery.

Spread positivity

Maintaining a positive attitude is one of the key traits to gain respect and be liked by everyone around. No one wants to be with negative people who spread sadness and despair. As a consequence stay away from whining and gossiping since it does not project a happy image. Conjure a positive outlook especially when things are bad to pull up yourself and those around.

When suffering from negativity think about something good that has happened recently. It will not only give a good feeling but also the strength to face the challenge. Make an attempt to redefine difficulties and negative emotions to healthier positive ones. A winning philosophy like this will earn you respect from seniors as well as colleagues. 



Promotion good for the heart!

Employees with better promotion prospects are 20 per cent less likely to suffer heart disease than those with slender chances of improving their situation.

So says a study conducted by professors from the University College London and the University of California, Berkeley.

The Telegraph newspaper said the researchers looked at the employment histories of 4,700 Whitehall civil servants over 15 years. They found that those in offices with high promotion rates were much less likely to develop heart disease than those with low rates.

Specifically, those working in departments with double the promotion rate had about a 20 per cent lower chance of being diagnosed with heart disease over the 15-year period (1985-99).

Past studies have found that Oscar winners outlive runners-up, Nobel laureates outlive nominees who do not win, and baseball players, who reach the Hall of Fame, outlive those who fall just short.

The study was conducted by Sir Michael Marmot, professor of epidemiology at University College London, and Michael Anderson from the University of California, Berkeley.

The authors said their research provides evidence that being successful is good for one's health. — IANS



Happiness @ work
Gems of ancient wisdom
Plan a long innings 

What do members of the classes have that masses don’t? A long-term plan and consistent effort.

Emperor Sher Shah had walked out of his father’s house in Sasaram, Bihar, at a young age, due to his stepmother’s maltreatment. He studied Arabic classics and statecraft at Jaunpur and briefly returned to Sasaram to handle his father’s estate. Later, he entered into Babur’s service.

During one of Babur’s campaigns, Sasaram fell into Sher Shah’s hands. When Bihar Khan died, his domain, too, came under Sher Shah’s control. He extended his control over Chunar fort by marrying the widow of the master of the fort. He then defeated the combined forces of King Jalal Khan and King Mahmud Shah of Bengal. In 1538, he captured Gaur. Then, he trained his guns on Mughal Emperor Humayun and rendered him without an empire for 15 years. Sher Shah’s contributions to India that exist even today, include the currency system and the Grand Trunk Road.

Chokha Mela, the 13th century saint from Maharashtra, had deep love for Lord Vithal since childhood. But as he was from a ‘lower’ caste, his entry into any temple was met with a lot of resistance. But he continued to visit temple after temple in his village and in other towns till he finally reached Pandharpur. There also he got the same treatment. When Chokha persisted, he was slapped on his left cheek by the priest.

The Lord had to intervene. To his horror, the priest noticed that the idol’s left cheek was swollen, which subsided only when the priest brought Chokha back to the temple.

By the time, Ramanuja reached Srirangam to become a disciple of renowned saint Yamunacharya, he had passed away. Curiously, three fingers in his right hand were folded. Realising that those were the master’s unfulfilled desires, Ramanuja made three promises — one of which was to write a commentary on the Brahmasutras. And as soon as he decided that the fingers of the saint straightened.

Years later, he went to Kashmir to procure a commentary on the Brahmasutras by Bodhayana. When the scholars there refused to give it to him, he approached the King. The scholars relented in the courtroom, but attacked Ramanuja’s team in the forest and took away the manuscript. Luckily, a disciple had by then memorised every word in the scripture.

Jean Baptiste Lamarck was a French scientist who developed a theory of evolution at the beginning of the 19th century, but it was Charles Darwin whose name has became synonymous with ‘evolution’ because he convinced scientists that he was right by presenting a sea of evidence. For this, Darwin travelled worldwide, maintained a huge collection and conducted numerous experiments.

Remember there is no shortcut to success.

— Sai R. Vaidyanathan

The writer can be contacted at
