Jobs  & Careers

social media and technology
Courting success online
Do you love to tweet? Are you constantly on social media sites? Today when fingertips are more at work than tongues, new and emerging technolgies have changed the way people communicate and interact with each other. We recently saw this at work when millions of people across the country linked in to Anna Hazare's fight against corruption - thanks to social media. It's hard to ignore the fact that social media is quickly becoming an independent professional field - even businesses are increasingly embracing the new technologies, a fact that has many people wondering how these jobs will grow and shift over the next few years.

Career Hotline
What are the eligibility criteria for MCSE?
How much fee does AIIMS charge?
Explore your interests to make the right choice
Supplement BCA with add on courses
He’s our organisation’s resident “sad face”. He’s been hired for his face value to remind others of recessionary times
He’s our organisation’s resident “sad face”. He’s been hired for his face value to remind others of recessionary times.

Scholarship round-up

news board
Adding value to farming
Farmers have been facing tough times due to dwindling land holdings and increasing labour cost and most of them are caught in the debt trap. In such a scenario looking for avenues and opportunities to add to their income from new ventures has become imperative.

Happy times for job seekers
The next three months are likely to offer solid opportunities for job seekers as 39 per cent of Indian employers are expected to increase their headcount, says a survey.

career compass: career counselling
Be a guiding light
The education sector in our country has seen tremendous growth in the past two decades. There has been a tremendous increase in the number of private and foreign players in this sector. A number of new courses have opened up the doors for a wide variety of careers career fields for students. With a plethora of options available in the education sector today, it's a difficult task to choose the best among the diverse choices accessible. In such a scenario professional education/career counsellors are the people who help students in making informed decisions.

field in focus: entomology
For the love of Bugs
Do you get grossed out on seeing a spider or an earwig crawling up your wall? Would you rather die than have to touch a beetle? Or does the spider's web and the inchworm's movement fascinate you? Are you the type that would take initiative to build your own pet ant farm? If the latter two questions describes you, then entomology could be the perfect field for you.

Course cruising

spirit of success: gen y entrepreneurs

smart strategy: dealing with backstabbers
Watch your back
When it comes to climbing the professional ladder, some people have no morals. From stealing projects to taking credit for team work, backstabber's are an inevitable part of every workplace. They come across as caring and sympathetic, except they are only seeking to hurt you. Backstabber's wait for the right moment and then attack with vengeance when it is least expected. Lies and deception are their tools to prove how inept you are at your job. More than often the sole purpose of backstabbing is gaining an upper hand and garnering power. A backstabber who is allowed to get away with underhanded behaviour will continue to do so. Thus it is extremely important to control the situation before things get out of hand.

Happiness @ work
Gems of ancient wisdom
Don’t reward complacency
Sometimes, reluctant workers get away without putting in their share of work as bosses don’t want to waste their energy on them. This strategy boomerangs in the long run as complacency, if unchecked, spreads in the entire team.

Fortnightly quiz 409



social media and technology
Courting success online
If you spend a lot of time tweeting to "har ek friend", you can now not only enlarge your circle of friends and contacts but also tweet yourself into a pretty neat career
Usha Albuquerque

Do you love to tweet? Are you constantly on social media sites?

Today when fingertips are more at work than tongues, new and emerging technolgies have changed the way people communicate and interact with each other. We recently saw this at work when millions of people across the country linked in to Anna Hazare's fight against corruption - thanks to social media. It's hard to ignore the fact that social media is quickly becoming an independent professional field - even businesses are increasingly embracing the new technologies, a fact that has many people wondering how these jobs will grow and shift over the next few years.

Expanding horizons

For all companies the overarching goal is to increase profits, and retaining the current customers and adding new ones is directly related to this goal. A lot of work goes into maintaining an effective online presence. And as companies increasingly realise the importance of keeping the current users happy and adding new users, they will be embracing the social media with lots of new job titles dedicated to this area emerging.

Social media is the new buzz word. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr and YouTube have revolutionised the way we work and live now. Social media managers/strategists use social media to reach out to customers, and they build social networks within companies. They experiment with new and alternative ways to leverage social media activities. They also strategise with and educate the management team and others across the company on incorporating relevant social media techniques into the corporate culture and into all of the company's products and services.

More and more marketing and advertising companies are incorporating social media into their media strategies and using the services of social media strategists to coordinate it all. This involves a lot of tweeting, re-tweeting and keeping up to date with what others are saying online, while also diligently replying to comments from the community. This could mean reviewing traffic volume, bounce rates and other relevant metrics, organising training on trends and technology, developing social media components for new campaigns, helping with blogger outreach, creating long-term solutions for clients, lots of brainstorming, coming up with new ideas for reaching larger and larger numbers etc.

Along with the social media managers are the mobile application programmers who specialise in developing applications for the mobile phones. The immense popularity of Apple's Application Store and similar sites from other brands like Blackberry and platforms like Android have created a profession of application programmers. Additionally, they may also help in combating security and compatibility issues.

Getting In

You do not need many qualifications to become a social media manager. If you are already and avid social media buff, comfortable with various aspects of social networking like blogging, and with good communication skills such as working on an e-newsletter, crafting web content etc, you could seriously consider a career in this field. You also need to be friendly, patient and responsive. A course in media management or public relations can be an added advantage. Many with a background in marketing and advertising/ copywriting are finding their milieu in this new and exciting field.

For a mobile application programmer a background in computers or technology is required as the knowledge of interface design, network communications, web services, SQLite databases, GSP framework and location based services is highly recommended for such professionals. A creative mind and an ability to adapt and innovate would be to your advantage.


With the emergence of digital computerised information and communication technologies there is a new field of media providing exciting career opportunities across a number of areas, including sales, editorial, technology, product design and development, business development, accounting, administration and marketing. With the use of the mobile phones, Internet, websites, the new media is reaching out to millions like never before. Not surprising, therefore, that traditional communicators like artists, educators, designers (both Web and print), animators, writers and new media savvy business people are using digital technologies and the Web to deliver information to people in a variety of new ways. Careers in new media will develop and evolve and anyone open to the dynamics of a constantly changing career field can do extremely well.

Here is an exotic new media career which requires a mix of talents and creativity, a positive attitude, and great technical and interpersonal skills. So if you spend far too much time tweeting to "har ek friend", you can now not only enlarge your circle of friends and contacts but also tweet yourself into a pretty neat career!

— The writer is a career expert



Career Hotline
Pervin Malhotra

What are the eligibility criteria for MCSE?

Q. What are the minimum eligibility criteria for getting into Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) course? Please tell me about fee structure, institutes, and job prospects of this course. — Prashant Sharma

A. You have several choices in this. For instance, you could look at a certification in networking like MCSE — globally recognised for LAN design, implementation, administration, trouble-shooting, creating web servers, etc. The Windows platform enjoys a customer-base running into millions. The full certification involves clearing seven papers. After you clear the first paper, you will get the MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional) card.

Clearing four papers will give you decent enough knowledge of LAN networking to start working in the technical support area. The passing percentage is 80-90 per cent per exam.

Alongside, you can continue preparing for the remaining papers or acquiring a CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Administrator) certification.

While MCSE certification is fine for handling 500-1000 client/seat establishments, broadband, Internet and Intranet environments are better served by Cisco-certified experts. So if you are looking for better value-addition, CCNA will give you expertise in ISP (Internet Software Protocol), ASP (Application Software Protocol), WAN (Wide Area Networking), etc.

It will also teach you how to design, build, and maintain global computer networks from a single location. This involves clearing exams at four levels: 1) Associate Level 2) Professional Level 3) Expert Level 4) Specialist Level.

Make sure you register for the course at a Microsoft Authorised Training Centre. You can also contact institutes like NIIT, Asset, Informatics or Karrox, which are Certified Technical Education Centres (CTEC). The intake is typically restricted to 15-20 students per session. The passing percentage is about 90 per cent. The cost ranges between Rs 20, 000 and 30,000. You have not mentioned your current academic status, but you can do MCSE/MCSD along with your graduation although the general profile of those attempting the exam is people with 3-4 years of experience in the industry who are trying to improve their prospects.

How much fee does AIIMS charge?

Q. I have always dreamt of studying medicine. I come from a family of very modest means. But my aim is to get into a top medical college like AIIMS. I have heard that the fees charged by the new AIIMS will be much higher. Is that true? — Seema Kumari

A.The annual fee of this premier medical institute is incredibly low — only Rs 970 p.a. The six new AIIMS will charge Rs 4228 pa. Even this is a mere fraction of what it costs to study medicine in most other medical colleges.

And this includes hostel fee (excluding meal charges). Incidentally, the government spends over Rs 1.7 crore on each medical student in AIIMS. A common entrance test will be held for all seven AIIMs (Raipur, Rishikesh, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Jodhpur, Patna) in 17 cities on June 2.

The Application Forms are available till 2 April 2012, so please hurry.

The undergraduate medical course is the most sought-after. It's perhaps the only medical college that allows students to actively participate in research activities.

Moreover, it's the only institution in the country running a BSc (Hons) course in human biology. There are also BSc (Hons) courses in nursing, audiometry, ophthalmic sciences and radiology.

At the postgraduate level, you can pursue a master's in biotechnology or specialisations in various medical streams. Presently postgraduate degrees (MD, MS & MDS) are awarded in nearly 60 disciplines here.

Explore your interests to make the right choice

Q. I am a student of Class VIII. I am finding it very confusing to choose my career. Can you please suggest to me the appropriate ways of deciding so that I am able to choose the right path after Class X? — Vidya Gupta

A. It's wonderful that you are already thinking about your career. Though, it is way too early for you to be deciding on a specific career while you are still in Class VIII.

Right now what you should be doing is the following:

n Exploring your interests (things you like doing) further, inside your classroom and outside

n Read, Read, Read — about careers that you know about or are thinking about; about your role models; about what the study of different subjects will lead to.

n Participate actively in extra-curricular activities - in school and independently as well.

n Seek to excel in at least one area, any area, be it academics, sports or extra- curricular.

Supplement BCA with add on courses

Q. I have completed BCA but I don't find it sufficient in this competitive job market. What path should I follow after this? Please guide. — Sadhana

A.You're right, by itself, a BCA will only fetch you some very basic coding or data entry or page-making work or at best, technical support jobs in BPOs.

To get into hardcore programming, it would help to do an MCA from a good university or a course in Advanced Computing or Database Management or specialise in certain computer languages such as Java, .Net etc. Although there is now an increasing trend to hire BSc (IT) graduates from good colleges for starting level jobs in programming at top companies like Infosys, TCS, HCL etc (because they come cheaper than engineering graduates and anyways require to be trained by the company).

If you wish to get into networking, you need to do a basic course in Hardware technology and acquire relevant certifications such as MCSE, MCSD, CCNA etc. Web design and development, gaming design and technology is yet another option. And so is information security and testing.

email your queries to ...



Scholarship round-up

A Bright chance

USIEF is offering Fulbright-Nehru Visiting Lecturer Fellowships, a visiting fellowship for Indian faculty, researchers and professionals at a USA college, university or research institution for 2012-2013.

Details: The visiting lecturer fellowships for four months are designed for Indian faculty, researchers and professionals. The recipients will be affiliated as visiting scholars at a US college, university or research institution, and will teach courses (individually or team-teach), or offer a series of seminars at the US host institution.

Subject(s): Priority fields are: Agricultural Sciences; Economics; Education; Energy, Sustainable Development and Climate Change; Environment; International Relations; Management and Leadership Development; Media and Communications with focus on Public Service Broadcasting; Public Administration; Public Health; Science and Technology; Study of India with focus on contemporary issues; and Study of the United States. For Study of India or the Study of the United States (American Studies) the areas could include: language and literature, history, government, economics, society and culture, religion, and film studies.

Eligibility: Faculty/researchers should have a Ph.D. degree or equivalent published work with at least five years of college/university level teaching experience.

Other professionals should have a Ph.D. degree or equivalent published work with recognised professional standing and at least five years relevant experience;

Age limit: Preferably be 50 years of age or under.

Grant Benefits: Round-trip economy class air travel from India to the US, a monthly stipend. Accident and sickness programme for exchanges per US Government guidelines, modest settling in allowance and a professional allowance.

How to Apply: By post

  • Application Form
  • Reference Report

Deadline: July 16, 2012

Mumbai special

The University of Westminster, UK, along with International Students House offers 2012 Sheriff of Mumbai 26/11 Memorial Scholarships for master's courses in the university to applicants from India (Mumbai).

Scholarship amount: Full tuition fee waiver, accommodation at International Students House, living expenses and flights to and from London. These scholarships are awarded jointly with International Students House.

Eligibility: Candidates have to be from Mumbai and should hold an offer for a full-time master's degree at the university.

Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need.

How to apply: By post

  • Scholarships Office
  • University of Westminster

Cavendish House

101 New Cavendish Street



United Kingdom

Last date: May 31, 2012.



news board
Adding value to farming
Shivani Bhakoo

Farmers have been facing tough times due to dwindling land holdings and increasing labour cost and most of them are caught in the debt trap. In such a scenario looking for avenues and opportunities to add to their income from new ventures has become imperative. In one such initiative, farmers were offered a peep into the benefits of adopting alternative measures of earning at a foods festival organised at Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (GADVASU), Ludhiana recently in order to popularise various value-added meat, fish and milk products developed by the university. Though it was a feast for the visitors, the idea of value-added products provided ample opportunities to young entrepreneurs and farmers to earn and become self-reliant by adopting the technology provided by the veterinary sciences university.

A variety of value-added products prepared from chicken, goat and duck meat and fish keema can prove to be lucrative business proposition for young farmers. Sukhwinder Singh, a young farmer from Jagraon, said, "Meat products like meat nuggets, meat patties, meat balls, meat pickle, meat sausages and loaves along with some new shelf stable products like chicken kurkure, chicken noodles and chicken wadi, chicken/goat biscuits can give good returns provided we adopt the suggestions given by experts and use the technology recommended by scientists".

Dr V.K.Taneja, Vice-Chancellor GADVASU, said value-added products can provide ample opportunities to youngsters to be self reliant and earn a handsome amount. "This food festival is just a beginning to popularise these products among the masses. Farmers should come forward to take up value addition as an enterprise for higher economic benefits. The university will keep on organising such festivals in future also to generate awareness regarding nutritive value of these products and to popularise them".

For the dairy farmers, milk products, including flavoured lassi like carrot lassi, sweetened lassi and masala lassi, sweet curd named 'Mithat Dahi', protein-rich whey products like 'Mango Whey' and 'Jaljeera Whey' and masala paneer, along with flavoured milk, ice cream, milk cake and dhoda burfi came as a big surprise. "We had not thought on these lines before. This festival is certainly an eye opener for all of us to go for value-addition of our products", said Harkanwal Singh, a progressive daily farmer.



Happy times for job seekers

The next three months are likely to offer solid opportunities for job seekers as 39 per cent of Indian employers are expected to increase their headcount, says a survey.

According to the survey by recruitment tendering platform, the country's net employment outlook — an indicator of recruitment intentions — stood at a healthy 39 per cent, reflecting solid opportunities for job seekers in the upcoming quarter. “Job seekers will be getting more opportunities as our study shows the India's employment markets will experience positive hiring activity compared to Q1 (first quarter), FY'12. The good news is that many markets appear to be heading in the right direction," CEO Rajesh Kumar said.

On a quarter-on-quarter basis, the outlook has improved by a moderate 8 percentage points, and on a year-on-year basis it has seen an improvement by 6 percentage points, the survey said. Region wise, employers in all four regions predict a strong employment market in the first quarter of fiscal year 2013, with South being the most optimistic where the net employment outlook stood at 30 per cent, followed by the North (26 per cent), West (23 per cent) and East (21 per cent).

A sector-wise comparison shows that, employers in all nine industry sectors expect headcount to grow during the first quarter of FY'13. The most optimistic projections are reported in the IT and ITeS sector, with a strong net employment outlook of 21 per cent. FMCG is the second-most optimistic sector with a net employment outlook of 19 per cent, followed by infrastructure (18 per cent), retail (18 per cent), banking & financial services (16 per cent), automobile & manufacturing (14 per cent), telecom (11 per cent), real estate (7 per cent) & business services (5 per cent). “IT & ITeS sector started leading in hiring plans and activities. Even in the current quarter this sector is witnessing maximum numbers of hiring. Also Banking & Financial Services' hiring activity improved and expecting the same trend will continue in first quarter of the coming financial year,” Kumar added.




career compass: career counselling
Be a guiding light
Swarna Singh

The education sector in our country has seen tremendous growth in the past two decades. There has been a tremendous increase in the number of private and foreign players in this sector. A number of new courses have opened up the doors for a wide variety of careers career fields for students. With a plethora of options available in the education sector today, it's a difficult task to choose the best among the diverse choices accessible. In such a scenario professional education/career counsellors are the people who help students in making informed decisions.

Work profile

Career counselling tends to be a complex process and requires a holistic approach as these decisions tend to have lifelong impact. Therefore, one needs to take into account internal factors, including interest, aptitude and personality of the individual; finances available and aid required, along with external factors such as understanding of the current job market, projections of job demand areas, broad economic indices, industries on growth path as well as declining industries. A professional counsellor can assist in putting all these factors in the right perspective and accordingly plan your career.

A career counsellor needs to have an in-depth knowledge of various occupational fields and their related prospects. They should be able to understand the finer distinction among the sub-fields, especially while advising students for advanced study options. They need to be able to provide precise and pertinent information suited to a student's background and aspirations.

One of the key objectives of a career counsellor's job is to expand the thinking horizon of a student. However, in the process of doing so, one runs the risk of confusing the students further. Hence, the counsellor has to be extremely cautious about this. A counselling session with a student and parents should not be a display of the vast knowledge you possess, instead it should be tailor-made to the needs of the individual client and his professional objectives.

A counsellor must always remember that his/her job is not to decide for the client, but to facilitate the process of decision making by understanding their hidden needs and presenting the realities of the various choices available in front of them.


Career counsellors often use psychometric tests as a tool for guiding students towards the best course options suited to their aptitude and area of interest. For this, employers hire candidates with graduate and post graduate degrees in psychology. Such graduates can administer the tests, interpret and analyse scores and prepare career profile for the students.

Many organisations employ graduates and post graduates with high first class from a variety of course streams as they tend to have an in-depth knowledge of their subject and its related career prospects. They provide in-house training to new recruits to give them a required know-how of other occupational fields. Typically these training modules are of about six-month duration.

Career graph and remuneration

People interested in becoming full-time career counselllors can expect to find job opportunities with schools, overseas education consultants, Indian education providers and foreign education service providers with their operations in India.

The compensation tends to grow as one gains the required skills, knowledge of the various diverse career fields and related admission process. The starting salary could vary from Rs 2-3 lakh per annum. They can grow up to administrative and managerial positions within their organisational set-up or even become 'subject-matter-experts' who can play the role of trainers for their organisations.

Apart from being a promising career option, education counselling has the nobleness associated with it which also gives one the satisfaction of having guided students to a brighter future.

Skill set

  • A counsellor must possess good listening skills along with an empathetic approach.
  • Excellent communication skills — A counsellor needs to be able to present various dynamics related to the career options being explored.
  • The job involves constant interaction, therefore one needs to be a people's person.
  • High aptitude for research and learning — One needs to constantly keep himself/herself updated about the changes in the education and economic scenario along with post-qualification opportunities.
  • Patience — A counsellor needs to be conscious of the fact that these are crucial decisions and may take a number of counselling sessions. Therefore, he/she needs to be extremely patient with clients.

Course Watch

  • International Diploma in guidance and counselling by NCERT
  • MA, Career Counselling by Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development

The writer is HR Manager, The Chopras



field in focus: entomology
For the love of Bugs
Preetinder Kaur

Do you get grossed out on seeing a spider or an earwig crawling up your wall? Would you rather die than have to touch a beetle? Or does the spider's web and the inchworm's movement fascinate you? Are you the type that would take initiative to build your own pet ant farm? If the latter two questions describes you, then entomology could be the perfect field for you.

An entomologist is a scientist who studies insects. Entomologists have many important jobs, such as the study of the classification, life cycle, distribution, physiology, behaviour, ecology and population dynamics of insects. Entomologists also study urban, forest, agricultural and medical and veterinary pests and their control. These scientists may work with beneficial insects like honeybees, silkworms, ladybird beetles and parasitic wasps. Entomologists are researchers, teachers and consultants and can work for private companies, universities or government agencies.

The study of entomology aims at understanding insect body organisation and function, their habitats, behaviour, relation to one another and to the surrounding in which they live; their classification, development distribution, post history and their economic importance. The specific job description of an entomologist varies depending on the industry he is employed in.


Individuals interested in a career in entomology should prepare themselves by taking up biology, zoology, botany, ecology and chemistry; by becoming familiar with the steps of the scientific method and by practicing keeping records and presenting information, data and conclusions. They should conduct investigations of the insect world; visit libraries and stores to find interesting educational books, videos and software about insects; look for summer jobs with companies, universities, state experiment stations or government agencies that deal with insects; or simply spend the day with a museum curator, beekeeper, pest control operator or other professional entomologist to help provide insight into entomological careers and the decision to enter a career in entomology.

— The writer is Principal, Satluj Public School , Ropar

Where to study

  • Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
    Doctor of Philosophy- Agricultural Entomology
  • Dr Yaswant Singh ParmarUniversity of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan
    M.Sc. (Ag.) Entomology)
  • Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Agricultural Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur , HP
    M.Sc. (Ag.) Entomology)
  • Annamalai University - Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu
  • Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University - Bikaner, Rajasthan * Sam Higginbotom Institute of Agriculture - Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh
  • Loyola College - Chennai, Tamil Nadu Master of Science- Food Chemistry and Food Processesing
  • Visva - Santiniketan, West Bengal
  • College Of Horticulture - Trissur, Kerala
  • Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru College of Agriculture - Karaikal, Pondicherry
  • College of Agriculture - Bhubaneswar, Orissa

Scope in job mart


Entomologists who work in the field of education typically teach courses in colleges and universities concerning insects, and these courses are taken by a variety of agricultural, chemical, and biology majors. Like other types of professionals involved in academia, entomologists in the field of education typically conduct research, publish scientific papers and books and give lectures on subjects of interest within entomology.

Agricultural and food science

Entomologists in the field of agricultural and food science work on research teams who study ways to make fruits and vegetables more resistant to pest attacks. Scientists in this field may work in government or industrially sponsored research laboratories.


Entomologists serve as consultants in the production of products meant to prevent the spread of insects, such as pesticides, repellents and pest control products. They also assist companies that rely upon the positive effects of insects, such as manufacturers of honey or beeswax-based products.


In the field of medicine, entomologists work with physicians and public health officials to respond to diseases and illnesses that can be brought on by insects, such as malaria, West Nile virus or the deadly attacks of killer bees.

Historical Research

Museums and other facilities and institutions for historical research employ entomologists to formulate ideas about types of insects that lived during prehistoric or ancient times.



Course cruising

Proficiency in publishing

The recently inaugurated Seagull School of Publishing, Kolkata, will run courses to equip students for the publishing industry.

The course: Meant to tutor and mentor aspiring Indian editors, designers and aspiring publishers and enable them to operate in a globalised market by imparting to them the fundamentals of both the art and the science of quality publishing. The curriculum is enriched with special Saturday sessions comprising master classes and field trips to publishing houses, printing presses, book fairs, bookstores as well as lectures by guest faculty from mainstream and independent presses, universities, authors and designers.

Duration: Four months. One month (overview) + three months (Specialisation — Editing/Design & Production)

Who can join: Anyone with an interest in the printed word and/or printed image, including young graduates and postgraduates keen to explore publishing as a career; aspiring entrepreneurs aiming at new publishing ventures; professional and amateur writers who want to hone their writing and editing skills; academics who wish to produce perfect manuscripts; translators who want an insider's perspective of the publishing industry; graphic artists/designers wishing to focus on book and cover design; retired professionals with a love of books who want to be writers or desktop publishers; mid-career professionals in different fields who want to take up publishing as a career shift; publishing professionals who would like the opportunity of a professional refresher course.

Inaugural Session: April - July, 2012

Normal Sessions: Spring (January-April) and Autumn (June-September) from 2013

Application procedure: Online registration at

Course Fee: Rs 20, 000

Check out:

Patents and intellectual property

Students looking for opportunities in the field of intellectual property can check out this Post Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights and Patent Management course offered by Global Institute of Intellectual Property (GIIP). The programme is designed for science, engineering, law graduates, post graduates, PhDs, working professionals and corporate teams.

Duration: Nine-month diploma programme, which includes three months of corporate internship.

Eligibility: Graduates/Post-graduates/PhDs with science, engineering and other technical qualifications.

Domain experts, research scholars, teachers and professors.

Legal professionals (LL.B. & LL.M.) with technical background

Those appearing for their final year/semester exam are also eligible to apply

Course details: Next batch to start from on July 2, 2012 at GIIP Centres at Delhi and Bangalore.

Check out:

Mentoring leaders

School of Excellence, Entrepreneurship and Development Studies (SEEDS) Education recently launched an online executive education and leadership programme to nurture and create the leaders for India Inc.

Duration: The SEEDS PGP in Leadership Excellence is a one-year programme focusing on imparting on-the-job competencies focusing on the real skills that managers require while tackling on ground challenges.

Course details: The programme is based on research and survey conducted among the top leaders in fortune-500 companies in India, UK and USA. The curriculum is typically practical and instills the skill set vital for the 21st century workplace executives.

The entire programme has been divided into four terms with 70 per cent online and 30 per cent contact classes giving executives the freedom to continue working while pursuing this programme.

Check out:

Sound banking

Those interested in entering the banking sector can check out the following:

The course: MBA (Insurance and Banking) offered by Amity school of Insurance, Banking and Actuarial Science (ASSIAS), at Amity University Sec- 125 Noida.

Details: The course curriculum includes basic management subjects like Marketing Management, Strategic Management, Consumer Relationship Management, Finance Management, QT Analysis, Computers Information Technology and Business Ethics and Corporate Governance etc. There are extensive inputs on banking subjects like Principles and Practices of Banking, Business Laws relating to Banking, Banking Products and Services, International Banking and FX, Risk Management in Banks, Rural and Micro Finance, Wealth and Treasury Management etc. etc. Inputs on Insurance are taught under 2 modules i.e. Life & Non Life with subjects like Principles & Practices of Insurance Regulations, Underwriting both Lice and Nonlife, Group Insurance, Motor, Marine Insurance, Fire and Miscellaneous Insurance etc. In addition University provides inputs on cmmunication skills, behavioural science and a foreign language.

Eligibility: Graduation (min. 50 per cent)

Duration: Two years.

Check out: 



spirit of success: gen y entrepreneurs
The spirited young nowadays are ready to go the whole nine yards to realise their creative dreams. What does it take to be a businessperson first and a business mogul later? Three Gen Y entrepreneurs, who took the road less travelled, share their journey and give tips on how to turn your vision into reality
Swati Rai

Passion and perks
Kishi Arora
Kishi Arora

A pastry chef by profession, Kishi Arora is the owner of Foodaholics a company that caters to the culinary needs of Delhi and beyond.

A livewire, Kishi knew all along that cooking was her calling, “I remember telling my parents that when I grow up I will become a chef”. She set up Foodaholics in 2007. And later extended its consultancy to Mad over Donuts. “Food is my passion and I am lucky to have made my passion my career”.

It wasn’t easy to leave a cushy job in the US and start the company. Kishi elaborates, “Now of course my dad is happy to see me go places but earlier he wasn’t pleased with the idea, considering, that I was a topper in my class always. Nevertheless, I joined the Culinary Institute of America in 2002 where I specialised in baking and pastry making. I was awarded the best international student scholarship with the highest GPA.”

Today, the 20-something Kishi is a Ted Fellow, a food columnist and has appeared on NDTV and CNN food shows.

“I am a people’s person, so all the publicity is done by the word of mouth and on the social networking sites. The USP of my work is that I still bake all the cakes myself.”

No wonder then, that her Foodaholics won the award for offering the best mouth-watering desserts in Delhi (burrp!), for two years consecutively.

No risk, no game
Tanya Lugani
Tanya Lugani

Tanya Lugani, 24, runs a design studio called être couture in Delhi, which caters to designers, retailers and boutique owners. “With a bachelor’s in leather design from the National Institute of Fashion Technology, I could have easily gone and joined any designer as an apprentice. But I took a risk by starting something of my own.” Talking about her venture she says, “There is a growing market of youth wanting customised dresses beyond what the market offers them and this is where I step in.” She adds, “We also run a line known as I Want that Dress Now, which makes replicas of the dresses worn by celebrities.”

Speaking about the initial stages of her venture she says, “Though I belong to a nuclear family, with a service background, I always knew that business got my goat. Since my strength lies in being an entrepreneur and a manager, I decided to put together my knowledge of couture to start a design unit.”

Talking about her future plans, she says, “It has already been three years, and I have expansion plans in my head. In the near future, I want to set up flagship stores of IWTDN in Delhi and Bombay.”

And her advice for budding entrepreneurs: “You should work towards setting up your business with adequate funds. Any off- beat area would take time to be patronised by consumers. Running cost is very high and profits rarely come in the initial years.” So all those aspiring to make it big, heed to this practical advice.

Dare to dream
Swapnil Tewari
Swapnil Tewari

Successfully blending social responsibility and business acumen is Swapnil Tewari from Bangalore. He was a specialist Government Officer at Bank of India, Bangalore, but left it to start an art company called Naked Colours.

Swapnil says, “I blend traditional art with modernity for products meant for customer relationship management by corporates. These art products are personalised, and reflect the ethos of the company.”

This socio-business enterprise takes Swapnil, to different centres of vanishing art forms across the country. He says, “I do creative brand consulting, life skills training and creative re-engineering courses too.” Along with many start-ups, his client list has coveted names like Bank of India, Volvo, Mind tree Ltd among others. “I had no funds and no industry contacts, but I had faith in my dream. I am the CEO and the chaprasi of my company. My dream is to help make Naked Colours, a co-operative movement in Arts.” So, if you have a dream, have a conviction to follow it through!


Enjoy what you do and do what you enjoy
Follow your true calling, not a passing fad or a whim. Your success and failure depends on it.

Stay motivated
An entrepreneur’s journey is full of highs and lows. Believe in yourself and remain self-motivated.

Plan everything
Be meticulous about business plans and do a SWOT analysis.

Manage money wisely
There lie many a business lesson in the balance sheet. Manage the cash flow judiciously.

Don’t be technoplegic
Word-of-mouth publicity has taken new proportions in this tech-savvy age. Self-promotion can be made more public using the internet and the social networking sites to market your product.

Be a masterful delegator
Your team should be an extension of you and your company’s philosophy. Choose your team carefully and delegate work effectively for best results.

Hone business skills
There is no age for learning and sharpening your skills. Become better informed and subscribe to business journals, websites and blogs and share and learn more.

Customer service
To build customer loyalty, always follow up with them, this will ensure a strong bond.



smart strategy: dealing with backstabbers
Watch your back
Ragini Gulati

When it comes to climbing the professional ladder, some people have no morals. From stealing projects to taking credit for team work, backstabber's are an inevitable part of every workplace. They come across as caring and sympathetic, except they are only seeking to hurt you. Backstabber's wait for the right moment and then attack with vengeance when it is least expected. Lies and deception are their tools to prove how inept you are at your job. More than often the sole purpose of backstabbing is gaining an upper hand and garnering power. A backstabber who is allowed to get away with underhanded behaviour will continue to do so. Thus it is extremely important to control the situation before things get out of hand.

Act professionally

Keep your interaction with the backstabbing co-worker strictly professional. Avoid attacking the person concerned whilst you are still angry. It will not only make you appear guilty but also unprofessional. Wait for an opportunity when all the parties involved are present and bring up the subject elaborating what happened without mentioning names. It will put an end to the rumours in addition to exposing the person who had been fabricating the stories. Although this may not put an end to backstabber's behaviour, it will make him/her look small in front of everyone. Moreover, by keeping the relationship professional, you can stave off most personal attacks.

Keep personal life out

Backstabbers often gather personal secrets and controversial professional views so as to stock up ammunition. Sharing personal life and other issues virtually means handing out material to them on a silver platter. Also talking about work woes like problems with the boss or a co-worker can be picked up by people wanting to sabotage your career. As a consequence be extremely secretive about details such as family, background etc. Know that anything said 'in private' can easily be taken public. Don't give others a chance to show you down or use your information against you. In the absence of any facts the backstabber will have no option but to cook up stories which will eventually diminish their credibility.

Activate antennae

Keep yourself updated about what is being said in the organisation without participating in the gossip mill. Be aware of who is saying what not only about you, but about others also. If the backstabber knows that you keep your ears and eyes open to office politics, they may think twice before hurting you. Moreover, it is only when you know the rumours, that you can plan to dispel them. Plus, to survive, it is admittedly helpful to be up-to-date on information about reorganisations and layoffs. As a consequence don't remove yourself from the grapevine but refrain from spreading gossip.

Have a coterie

Make an attempt to be on good terms with most employees, including the immediate supervisor. Don't just work to create a good relationship with your boss but rest of the staff also. Everyone on the organisational chart is important irrespective of the designation or position. Find out which of the co-worker's are on your side and which one's are for the backstabber. Let those supporting you know exactly what is happening and try to gain their sympathy. They will not only give emotional support but may even be able to dispel the false information being circulated about you.

Be direct

Take the backstabbing colleague aside and ask point-blank about his behaviour or negative comments. However, make sure that you feel strong and calm enough to talk to the person without lapsing into an emotional overdrive. Pre-script the approach so that you know what you want to say, even if you don't remember the exact words on the occasion. Instead of being rude or aggressive, show that you are interested in understanding than telling them off. Remain open-minded to hear their explanation about what motivated them to behave the way they did. At the same time be prepared to back-up every point you make with evidence.

Talk to your supervisor

When everything else fails, talk to your immediate supervisor. Since speaking negatively about someone may not reflect well upon you, act quickly and decisively. Explain to the supervisor how the behaviour of the backstabber is affecting your productivity. Let them know of the efforts you have made to work out things with the co-worker concerned. Keep the discussion focused and fact-based, offering possible solutions to the problem. Make sure to bring any proof you might have to support your version. However, this way of dealing with the backstabbing co-worker should be kept only as the last resort. Approaching the boss too frequently will not only irritate him but will also make you look like a squealer in front of everyone. 



Happiness @ work
Gems of ancient wisdom
Don’t reward complacency

Sometimes, reluctant workers get away without putting in their share of work as bosses don’t want to waste their energy on them. This strategy boomerangs in the long run as complacency, if unchecked, spreads in the entire team.

In the 1870s, Thakore Bavajiraj was the ruler of Rajkot. One day as he was enjoying himself with wine, his Diwan, Karamchand, walked in. Knowing the strictness of his Diwan, Bavajiraj had the glasses taken away and pretended to look at some papers. The Diwan scolded the ruler for wasting away his life. The Diwan was the father of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.

Guru Gobind Singh was fighting a losing battle at Chamkaur. So he commanded his son Ajit Singh to lead the forces into battle. “Can I at least quench my thirst before I go?” the brave son asked his father. The master replied, “When duty calls, you cannot afford to waste even a moment.”

One day, little Lal Bahadur Shastri was with a band of boys that entered an orchard and started plucking the fruits there. When the caretaker came, all jumped over the wall except Lal. When the caretaker slapped him, Lal said, “How can you hit me knowing that my father is dead?” The gardener wisely said, “Do you want to take care of your mother by theft?” At that moment, a leader was born.

When prince Rukmi realised that Lord Krishna had successfully abducted his sister Rukmini to marry her, he decided not to return to his father’s kingdom of Vidarbha. He built himself a new city Bhojakata over which he ruled.

King Samvarana of the Bharatas had lost his kingdom to the Panchalas and was living in exile on the banks of the Indus. When sage Vashisht visited him, he exhorted him to fight and regain his kingdom. Samvarana did so, married the sun-god’s daughter Tapati who bore him a son named Kuru. After Kuru, an ancestor of the Kauravas and Pandavas, was named the city of Kurukshetra.

When Vitthal of Apegaon near Paithan lost interest in family life, he left home and took up sanyaas. When his guru Swami Ramananda realised that Vitthal had shirked his responsibilities, he sent Vitthal back to his wife.

Envious of Tansen, Akbar’s courtiers made the Emperor order the singer to perform Deepak ‘raag’, knowing well that it could kill him. Tansen did so, but then took a month to recover from its side effects. Akbar realised his folly and the guilty courtiers were punished.

If Lord Krishna in the Gita declares, “Without having any duty assigned to Me, I, the Lord of the Universe, am constantly engaged in action”, how can any mortal escape from work?

— Sai R. Vaidyanathan

The writer can be contacted at



Fortnightly quiz 409
A tragedy etched in memory
A tragedy etched in memory

1. How many years ago did the luxury liner RMS Titanic sink?

2. When is World Water Day observed?

3. What is the full form of NCTC?

4. When is World Sparrow Day observed?

5. In which year was the Gadar Movement formed?

6. Which country was the world’s largest recipient of arms, accounting for 10 per cent of global arms imports between 2007 and 2011?

7. With which sport is Lewis Hamilton associated?

8. After how many years did the West Indies beat Australia in a one-day international match recently?

9. By how many runs did Pakistan beat Bangladesh in the recently concluded Asia Cup?

10. How many centuries have been scored by Sachin Tendulkar in international cricket?

— Tarun Sharma

Winners of quiz 408: The first prize by draw of lots goes to Vaibhav Kaushal, class VIII, Dayanand Public School, Silvercity, Nabha, Patiala (Punjab), Pin Code – 147201

Second: Anmol Sharma, class VII-A, Parmarth International School, PO Badu, district Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh), Pin Code - 177001

Third: Fatehvir Singh Bhogal, class IV, Alpine Public School, near NM College, opposite Mehak Hotel, Mansa Pin Code – 151505

Answers to quiz 408: Parkash Singh Badal; Akhilesh SinghYadav; Bikram Singh; Vladimir Putin; Muhmoud Ahmadinejad; Ra.One; Mount Fuji; One; Boxing; Rahul Dravid

Cash awards of Rs 400, 300 and 200 are given to the first, second and third prize winners, respectively. These are sent at the school address.

Note: Kindly mention the pincode of your place on the letter/postcard to facilitate the delivery of the prize money.

Answers can also be sent at


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