Crossroads of Choice
Making a choice between the government sector and the private sector is a tough task for youngsters on the threshold of their careers. In most cases it is stability and job security with low remuneration vs a fat pay cheque wrapped in almost no job security.For quite a few decades government jobs were on the top of the priority list of job seekers in India and landing a secure government job was considered a big achievement for any youngster. 

Career Hotline
Research-oriented field
Ideal choice to enter hospitality sector
Specialisation pays

Sandeep Joshi

Any place for job hunters here ?

Pursuit of excellence
The Rayat-Bahra Group of Institutes, which is one of the major groups in the education sector in the region, has taken the industry-academia interface to the next level under its innovative Centre of Excellence in Mohali. 

Course watch Financial literacy
In a bid to cater to the growing need of financial knowledge among people from all walks of life, Quantum Dynamics Education, an institute of life skills, has introduced short-term vocational courses on financial study that will help people understand and upgrade their fundamentals of investment and wealth management in an interesting and engaging way.

Get your Spirits High
Bartending is an art and a very enjoyable experience for those who are passionate about it, writes Hemant Kumar Kochar
Job prospects have certainly widened if one looks at the career choices available nowadays. Youngsters these days are listening more to their hearts than heads while embarking on a career path. The usual prospects of engineering, medicine and management, though highly honoured, have given way to off-beat and unconventional career choices like video jockeying, photography, coffee/ wine tasting, bartending, sports management etc.

The spouse effect
The stress of an unemployed spouse can affect the productivity and home life of the employed partner, according to a new study. University of Colorado Boulder associate professor Maw-Der Foo, who studies employee workplace issues and interpersonal relationships, and lead author Professor Zhaoli Song of the National University of Singapore examined married couples in Shenyang, China, where one partner was employed and the other was not. The daily stress felt by each spouse was assessed.

Way with words
Effective communication of one’s thoughts is one of the primary conditions of success. Those who can’t talk well and freely and express themselves eloquently and adequately are seriously handicapped in achieving their career goals.Just as skills like reading, writing and listening are developed through training, the art of speaking also can be mastered through specialised training. It is a fact that communication of thoughts, feelings and emotions is so fundamental that nothing in the world is possible without it. 

Productive meetings
Meetings are an inevitable part of the corporate world irrespective of the size of an organisation. Businesses need to hold meetings to monitor the progress and the efficiency of employees. In fact, most professionals spend almost half of their working time in meetings either as leaders or participants.Meetings are not only an effective way for employees to communicate within organisations but also of getting things done. Unfortunately, they are often plagued by lack of focus, aimless discussion and unprepared participants.

Happiness @ work
If a junior has done a good job, appreciate it. Don’t try and make changes just to stamp your superiority. His skill as a warrior and a charioteer earned Shalya control of Karna’s chariot on the 17th day of the Mahabharata war. By virtue of his experience, he instructed Karna to shoot at Arjuna’s heart. Karna, in his arrogance, aimed at his adversary’s head. Krishna sunk his chariot into the ground and the dart knocked off Arjuna’s helmet. Had he listened to his illustrious charioteer as Arjuna did to Krishna, history would have had a different tale to tell.

Campus Placement
Lovely Professional University has recruited 32 students from PEC University of technology, Chandigarh for faculty and other key positions during campus placement drive. Lovi Raj Gupta, Senior Dean LPU along with Prof Bhupender Verma, Associate Dean; Rohit Dhand, Associate Dean; KG Gopalkrishna, Associate Dean and Manish Gupta, Deputy Registrar interviewed students in Chandigarh recently.

Fortnightly Quiz-386





Crossroads of Choice

Making a choice between the government sector and the private sector is a tough task for youngsters on the threshold of their careers. In most cases it is stability and job security with low remuneration vs a fat pay cheque wrapped in almost no job security. For quite a few decades government jobs were on the top of the priority list of job seekers in India and landing a secure government job was considered a big achievement for any youngster. Those working in the private sector were considered the 'lesser lot'. But globalisation changed the scenario and the 'cream' started shifting to the private sector as it promised rapid career growth and good pay packages. At present the common perception is that the private sector and MNC employees generally earn hefty wages as compared to their counterparts in government jobs.

But it's not right to generalise as government and private sector jobs have a number of differences. Although simplifying the differences can help one understand the overall trends, it's also important to focus on the specific sector that one is interested in to get a better picture of the advantages and disadvantages as per one's personal situation, career goals and personality traits.

Lure of job security

Traditionally, government jobs have been considered safe with little or no threat of job loss, especially when job opportunities in the private sector were not many. There was a time when governments - both Central and state - were the biggest employers.

Government jobs have traditionally offered many perks which private jobs don't. Here are a few job benefits and reasons for choosing a government job over one in the private sector.

l Pension: this is one of the main attractions.

l Financial services, such as mortgages at a low rate of interest offered by the respective department where the employee is working.

l Regular promotions and pay raises offer immediate social recognition/status to employees.

l Higher positions often entail unmatched administrative power.

l Relatively stronger immunity against job loss.

l Some governments promise employment to relatives of employees.

l More relaxed, congenial working style.

The flip side

l Government jobs offer a low starting salary, in comparison to private sector employers.

l Salary hikes are meagre as these are regulated by standardisation.

l Career growth opportunities are few and far between, as promotions are standardised and are often based on seniority. Many people join at one post and retire from the same post after working for 30 years or more than that.

l These are perceived as less challenging. The routine and mundane nature of the job often leads to complacency.

l Starting pay scales in government jobs are less than those offered in the private sector. If you are a fresher and land a government job then your salary will be less as compared to those who join the private sector.

Golden glint

The private sector offers a number of employment opportunities. This is true for any developing or developed country. Private sector jobs offer high career growth opportunities even though these are low on the job security front. This is by far the biggest reason for their popularity along with the huge demand that they create. Job seekers often opt for private sector employment because of their fast-paced and modern recruitment procedures. In the private sector, true talent is recognised and sought out by various selection techniques.

l Selection procedure provides an even playing field for all applicants. This is unlike the government sector, where selection is often made based on seniority or recommendations.

l Lucrative starting salaries and high growth potential through what is called "merit based" promotions and salary hikes.

l Modern working style and environments give employees job satisfaction and eventually fosters loyalty and dedication.

There are several instances of people who have preferred to shift to the private sector from government jobs in order to enhance their skills at the more advanced level of competition and to take on bigger challenges.

There is a downside of the private sector jobs as well, such as long working hours that disturb the work-life balance of employees. High mental stress due to constant pressure about performing and achieving targets leads to several physical ailments and complications.

Bottom line...

Basically, you're either working to create and maintain the government or you're answering to the government. But as we say in India, if one is talented and possesses great skills then probably private sector is the right place. The difference in salaries is quite evident in a few specialised key jobs. But one certainly has to weigh one's priorities.

— The writer is Project Assistant, IIT, Ropar



Career Hotline
Research-oriented field
Pervin Malhotra

Q. I want to become a robotics engineer. What is the route to enter this field, and what is its scope?

— Vineet Sodhi

A. Robots are being used increasingly in industrial applications that are repetitive, boring or unpleasant. Jobs like riveting, welding, assembling, spray painting, cutting and fixing of components are efficiently handled by robots.

To enter this field you need to study mechanical, electrical or computer engineering to begin with. In fact, a sound knowledge of all the three fields is an ideal pre-requisite.

Specialised courses i.e. artificial intelligence, robotics, advanced robotics systems, intelligent control, image processing, neural networks and fuzzy logic are offered at the IITs, BITS-Pilani and other engineering colleges. Further specialisation can be done at the postgraduate level.

The study of robotics will prepare you to apply basic engineering principles and technical skills to support engineers and other professionals engaged in the developing and using robots. It will include instruction in design, operational testing, system maintenance and repair.

Robotics, however, is a long-term, research-oriented career. Someone stepping in to the field today will have to plan and work towards results he would probably achieve a few years later.

Organisations like BHEL, BARC and CAIR take in fresh graduates as scientists.

Private organisations like Deneb, AT&T, and Pravak Cybernetics also hire robotics engineers.

Here are some of the colleges that offer courses in robotics at the Masters level.

l  Cochin University of Science & Technology (CUSAT), Kochi (Ker)

l  Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, HR Mahajani Marg, Matunga, Mumbai 400019

l Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Po Box No. 12, Pilani 333031 (

l  IIT Kanpur, Center for Robotics, Northern Lab Bldg, Kanpur 208 016 (UP)

Ideal choice to enter hospitality sector

Q. I have appeared for Class XII boards this year. I am very keen to work in the hotel industry, particularly in a five-star hotel. I am smart and can speak English, but due to financial problems at home, I may not be able to pursue a three or four year course in hotel management. Is there any other way I can achieve my goal?

— Livinder Baxi

A. Yes there is! The Oberoi group's STEP (Systematic Training & Education Programme) may be just the thing for you. This three-year programme will give you an opportunity to acquire specific and specialized training and knowledge in four operations departments:

Front office operations, housekeeping operations, food and beverage service operations, and kitchen operations.

Alongside, students pursue a Bachelor of Tourism degree from IGNOU.

Eligibility: you just need to have completed Class XII. No specific percentage is mandated.

Selection: Phase 1 starts in October-November and finishes by December.

Presentations are made to students in selected schools and career fairs in various cities.

Candidates are invited to a selection day in their nearest city to undergo a self-introduction round. If short-listed, you will be invited to a panel interview.

Phase 2 selection starts in April. The interview schedule is put up on the website and interested candidates can apply to appear for the selection process.

The course commences in June every year.

To apply, just fill in the online form on:

The STEP programme is offered at select Oberoi Group's hotels (The Oberoi Amarvilas, Agra; The Oberoi Rajvilas, Jaipur; The Oberoi Udaivilas, Udaipur; The Oberoi Cecil, Shimla; The Oberoi Bangalore and six Trident-Hilton hotels located at Gurgaon, Agra, Chennai, Cochin, Jaipur, Udaipur) etc.

Students receive a starting stipend of Rs 3,500 in year 1, which increases in subsequent years

You will also be provided three-week study leave, three-week home leave, meals, hostel accommodation, drop and pick-up facilities, monthly telephone allowance (Rs 200), etc.

At the end of three years you will get a BTS degree from IGNOU, a Certificate of Proficiency issued by the Oberoi Group, three annual transcripts of achievement and a letter of completion.

You will be appointed as an Operations Assistant in a hotel in any of the three departments/ sub-sections you have chosen.

Thereafter, you could be promoted to the supervisory level and further to executive level based on your potential and performance.

As a STEP graduate, you are also eligible to compete for admission to the Oberoi Centre of Learning & Development (OCLD) for a special one-year accelerated postgraduate-level programme leading to a first Executive posting with the company.

Moreover, there is no bond to work with the Oberoi Group. You can leave and join any other hotel at the end of the programme if you like.

Similarly, Jaypee Palace Hotel, Agra offers the Graduate Hospitality Proficiency Programme.

Eligibility: Plus II (55%). Age: 17-20 years.

Selection: English Writing Skills, GD & Interview.

For stipend, selection process and other details, log onto their website (

Upon admission, you will be enrolled with IGNOU for Bachelor of Tourism Studies.

Intensive two-year training programme on Hospitality Management in Jaypee Hotels Training Centre, Agra.

During third year, you will go for understudy where you will actually start working with the hotels. Upon completion of the training, you will be absorbed by Jaypee Group of Hotels.

Specialisation pays

Q. I keep reading about investment bankers. What exactly do they do? Is a CA qualification sufficient?

— Brajesh Kumar

A. Much has been written about investment bankers — especially about how much money they make — but very little about what they do besides trying to collect big fees.

Investment bankers identify joint venture partners, define acquisition strategy, structure and enter into joint venture agreements, and successfully execute mergers and acquisitions (M&A). They also help to raise private equity capital.

The art of investment banking lies in understanding the different nuances of each transaction, and then tailoring your service based on your understanding of what your clients are trying to accomplish within the context of their organisation and industry and where they actually stand - much of which comes from experience.

Investment bankers are thoroughly conversant with the accounting, financial and legal issues that impact business. They also have a good understanding of all facets of business.

Although a CA is equally qualified for the job, an MBA with specialisation in finance from a good B-school is what companies look for at the entry level.

A stint at a real job in a big industrial enterprise would also help, especially if you intend to become a so-called industry specialist. It also helps to have at least a notional understanding of the business you are trying to finance, buy, sell, or restructure.

There are pros and cons to following the investment banking track. Though most I-bankers are quick to admit, that the downside of doing menial work for hours and hours cannot be exaggerated, most feel that the rigors of the I-banking analyst programme are part and parcel of "paying dues". By investing two years of your youth where your life is not yours and you are on-call 24x7, you're networking for the future by interacting on a daily basis with smart and connected people like CEOs and other top executives of client companies - not to mention the people you work with who will prove to be good connections in the future.

Client exposure has always been a big selling point for young 20-somethings to enter analyst programmes. Barring IT, there are few entry-level positions where you could be so important when you're so young.



Pursuit of excellence
Pradeep Sharma
Gurvinder Singh Bahra, Chairman of the Rayat-Bahra Group of Institutes
Gurvinder Singh Bahra, Chairman of the Rayat-Bahra Group of Institutes

The Rayat-Bahra Group of Institutes, which is one of the major groups in the education sector in the region, has taken the industry-academia interface to the next level under its innovative Centre of Excellence in Mohali. Set up as part of Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh’s 2020 mission to produce 500 million industry-ready persons, the unique programme will go a long way in providing employment opportunities to the youth and cater to the employment needs of the corporate world. Group Chairman Gurvinder Singh Bahra, shares his vision and expansion plans in an interview with Jobs and Careers. Excerpts:

What is the concept of Centre for Excellence?

With the motto of “innovating excellence to make our students knowledgeable, deployable and employable”, the concept of Centre for Excellence is a meaningful interface between industry and institute with the ultimate aim of producing hardcore professionals to cater to the skilled manpower requirements of the modern day corporates. The development of the state-of-the-art infrastructure to cater to the varied needs of the corporate world was the first pre-requisite of the ambitious project, which required investment for the creation of world-class infrastructure.

Which are the government agencies/ firms that you have tied up with for training and placement of passing out students?

The group has tied up with Punjab Government undertaking, Punjab Infotech, to set up “Rayat Bahra Punjab Infotech Finishing School” for training and placement of its students. Besides these Volvo, Eicher and Maruti Suzuki (auto cluster), IBM, Infosys and Intel (IT cluster), Delhi Stock Exchange and Reliance Money (financial service cluster), Hash Biotech (healthcare cluster), Intercontinental Hotel, Leela Hotels, Zuri Resort and Royal Resorts (hospitality cluster) are the major partners to produce the skilled and industry-ready manpower. In fact, almost 100 per cent placement is guaranteed with these corporate giants and other groups once our trained students are in the job market.

How has the group grown over the years?

The Rayat Engineering Institute was set up in Ropar in 2000. We came up with the Mohali campus and London campus in 2005, the year 2008 saw the group setting up the Hoshiarpur campus. However, the high point came in 2009 when nano-technology campus with nine institutions in various disciplines, including engineering, management, pharmacy, law, and education, was set up in Hoshiarpur.

What have been your recent ventures?

Last year, Rayat-Bahra University at Shimla came into being to provide world class education to the residents of picturesque hill state of Himachal Pradesh and surrounding areas. The Rayat-Bahra Patiala and Jammu campuses (2010) and Rayat-Bahra Delhi (NCR) campus underline the pan-India presence of the group.

What is your vision for future and USP?

By 2015, the group plans to set up five universities across India besides acquisition of colleges abroad to provide world class education at the Indian costs. Our USP is the hardwork of talented people — students, faculty and staff — whose commitment has been our driving force. As a team leader I am only a facilitator for the group to add more feathers to its cap.

How would you sum up the growth of your group?

From a humble beginning in 2000 with a solitary campus in Ropar(Punjab) with 180 students and 12 employees, we have grown to 25,000 students,5,500 employees and 48 colleges at seven campuses at Mohali, Hoshiarpur, Patiala, Delhi, Jammu and London and a university in Shimla. 



Course watch Financial literacy

In a bid to cater to the growing need of financial knowledge among people from all walks of life, Quantum Dynamics Education, an institute of life skills, has introduced short-term vocational courses on financial study that will help people understand and upgrade their fundamentals of investment and wealth management in an interesting and engaging way.

These courses will cover a diverse range of subjects elucidating fundamental concepts on smart investing in stock markets, financial instruments, real estate, gold and equities.

These will be taught with the help of video-based training programmes by well known authors and industry experts. These courses are designed to cater to the needs of non-finance individuals. Anybody who wants to invest and doesn't know how to start can draw benefits by enrolling for these courses.



Get your Spirits High
Bartending is an art and a very enjoyable experience for those who are passionate about it, writes Hemant Kumar Kochar

Knowledge of different cocktail recipes and knowing which glassware goes with which drink add as punch to a person's skills
Knowledge of different cocktail recipes and knowing which glassware goes with which drink add as punch to a person's skills

Job prospects have certainly widened if one looks at the career choices available nowadays. Youngsters these days are listening more to their hearts than heads while embarking on a career path. The usual prospects of engineering, medicine and management, though highly honoured, have given way to off-beat and unconventional career choices like video jockeying, photography, coffee/ wine tasting, bartending, sports management etc.

Not being a mainstream career option and more so going by the name, bartending is a highly misunderstood career. Not a typical career which a Indian parents would like their kid to take up, bartending is an art and a very enjoyable and satisfying experience for those who are passionate about it.

Everyone loves to enjoy a drink at the bar and it is of course the bartender who makes the experience pleasurable for them. Drinks mixed right are always popular and the attractive way in which they are served can add to the whole experience. With a high demand of people willing to be innovative with their drinks, comes the demand for professional bartenders.


Simply put, a bartender is one who serves drinks at a nightclub or pub or a private party. The assortment of drinks is so large that people like to try new concoctions every time they place an order. And, the bartender, serving as the face of the pub, has the flair to make a dull party perky and stimulating in no time at all! Knowledge of different cocktail recipes is a sure shot add on. These may not be memorised from some cocktail recipe book, but come from relevant experience and experimentation. Likewise, knowing which glassware goes with which drink and interesting ways to serve these add as punch to a person's skills. A course in hotel management or bartending can be helpful, but it is not absolutely necessary to enter this field.


Known for their expertise to surprise their customers, bartenders need to develop a relationship with their customers and understand their individual tastes. A bartender also has to keep an eye the intake of his customers to prevent them from getting too drunk. Bartending also involves entertaining customers by using bar tools and bottles while preparing a drink.


Bartending can be called as one of the most recession proof careers of all times. Till the time people drink, the graph of this profession will keep soaring high. As far as money is concerned, bartending is a fairly well paying job. Depending upon the place, a bartender, on an average, can start at anything from Rs 12,000-Rs 15,000. Once you have the relevant expertise and experience, your salary becomes substantial. A huge part of earnings may come from tips which sometime can exceed Rs 5,000 a day.


Bartending doesn't need a set qualification and can be pursued by those not having a graduation. However, most employers prefer a person with a bachelor's degree. Colleges offering hotel management courses train their students in bartending. No fixed qualifications are required, but a great set of PR skills are a must. Other than that willingness to work in shifts, good relationship management skills, ability to deal with fluctuating finances, having good energy levels are other requisites. There is no recognised degree as such for bartending. Often, bartending is taught as a part of a hotel management course. What one really needs to know about bartending is what one learns with experience and not by studying.


The duration of courses in this field varies from institute to institute and could vary between six months to three years.

The writer is the Director of Madhuban Academy of Hospitality Administration and Research



The spouse effect

The stress of an unemployed spouse can affect the productivity and home life of the employed partner, according to a new study. University of Colorado Boulder associate professor Maw-Der Foo, who studies employee workplace issues and interpersonal relationships, and lead author Professor Zhaoli Song of the National University of Singapore examined married couples in Shenyang, China, where one partner was employed and the other was not. The daily stress felt by each spouse was assessed.

The interaction between marital life and professional life of the unemployed spouse and the employed one was examined. Since both the partners responded to the experiment, the researchers could compare them and come to conclusion.

The researchers found that the couples were better at sharing the burden than helping to alleviate it.

"If you feel bad at home there is going to be spill over at work where you will also feel lousy. Going into the study we thought that marital support might help alleviate the stress of unemployment on the family unit, but it didn't turn out to be the case," said Foo.

He said the study shows workplaces should be more sensitive and supportive when their employees have family members — particularly a spouse — who are unemployed. One of the unique parts of the study is that they studied couples' interactions daily for two weeks.

In particular, they looked at what is called the 'crossover effect', a situation when each partner catches the stress of the other.

The researchers hope that the findings may provide practical insight to family counsellors, psychotherapist and other experts who aim to prevent relationship breakdown.

The study was published in the January edition of the Journal of Applied Psychology. — ANI



Way with words
R.C. Sharma

Effective communication of one’s thoughts is one of the primary conditions of success. Those who can’t talk well and freely and express themselves eloquently and adequately are seriously handicapped in achieving their career goals.

Just as skills like reading, writing and listening are developed through training, the art of speaking also can be mastered through specialised training. It is a fact that communication of thoughts, feelings and emotions is so fundamental that nothing in the world is possible without it. According to various studies, all problems of the world are either because of lack/gap of communication or because of absurd, rude and improper communication.

Need of the hour

Effective communication skills are required in all sectors. No matter which industry you join, it is a skill that is necessary for building a strong career. Those dealing with customers or clients need to have extraordinary communication skills. Even if one is not directly dealing with customers or clients good communication skills are required to gel with one’s team and superiors.

More and more companies are on the look-out for persons who will not only push their product in the market but also build a brand image of the company through effective communication skills and appropriate body language.

Vinod Sawhney, CEO and Director (Mobility) Bharti Mobile Ltd Air Tel, says, "Organisations attach great significance to good communication skills in this competitive environment. Any young boy or girl who nurtures the dream to enter the corporate world should master this art. Companies, be it in the telecommunication, insurance, banking, engineering or manufacturing sectors, are looking for professionals who have an in-depth knowledge of the subject and are able to communicate effectively."

Here are some useful tips to fine-tune your communication abilities and make the best use of these in every sphere of work:

Gain mastery

Most business schools have a separate exam in communication. They teach students through group discussions, case studies, report writing etc. Companies like Tata, Birla, Vardman, Asian Paints, various insurance companies and others organise special in-service training programmes for their staff to hone their communication skills. A number of good English coaching institutes in various cities also give training in personality development which includes communication skills. There are also some good books on business communication like Effective Business Communication by Murphy and Basic Business Communication by Lesikar.

One can also join some public speaking club to brush up one’s skills. In addition, one should try to speak for five minutes everyday in front of a mirror or should use a tape-recorder to improve one’s diction.

Develop good listening skills

Listening is an important part of communication. If you listen well then you will be able to follow the other person’s perspective/ideas well. This, in turn, will enable you to communicate your viewpoints better. Also when you listen attentively to good speakers you can get some tips on how to express your thoughts well.

Overcome nervousness

While some people are natural orators, for others there is always an immense scope for improvement with concerted efforts. Preparation and practice are the best ways to overcome nervousness. In order to succeed in your career, you must present yourself with confidence on all occasions. Your messages should convey both content and style that make a good impression on the listeners. Only practice can help you to develop these qualities. So, devote enough time to master communication skills.

Make yourself visible

Your regular well-prepared communication can highlight your work to your boss, your colleagues and your subordinates. Let others recognise your formal and informal speaking skills.

Freely express your ideas

Never be shy in expressing your ideas. Put on your thinking cap. Work on ideas to solve pertinent problems. Prepare yourself well before presenting your ideas as visible solutions in team meetings. Your ability to articulate well will make you the person of choice when an opportunity for promotion will arise.

Create your own opportunities

Don’t wait for an opportunity to come to you for making an effective presentation. Create your own opportunities to speak. Volunteer to participate in seminars, conferences, meetings, organise brainstorming sessions or interact with clients. This will give you the needed exposure to present your talents before people who matter.

Crisp elevator speech

Write about your special talents and the value you bring to your job in a few sentences and memorise it.

When you introduce yourself using an elevator speech you generate interest among the listeners to know more about your talents and skills.

This is the best method to market yourself when you attend events, conferences and conventions which present tremendous networking opportunities.

Good communication skills are a passport for you to advance your career and get promotions, increments and other service benefits. Your ability to speak eloquently will make you popular. You will impress your higher-ups with your confidence, initiative and creative ideas.

One needs this skill for success in day-to-day life. It is a great way to propel your career to lofty heights.



Productive meetings
Ragini Gulati

Meetings are an inevitable part of the corporate world irrespective of the size of an organisation. Businesses need to hold meetings to monitor the progress and the efficiency of employees. In fact, most professionals spend almost half of their working time in meetings either as leaders or participants.

Meetings are not only an effective way for employees to communicate within organisations but also of getting things done. Unfortunately, they are often plagued by lack of focus, aimless discussion and unprepared participants. As a consequence such meetings fail to accomplish the desired result and steal valuable time from those in attendance. However, as meetings are unavoidable it is critical to ensure that they are productive and effective.

Strict agenda

Draft an agenda that covers all the points to be discussed or communicated in the meeting. Agenda provides the framework for keeping the meeting on track in addition to crystallising the intended objectives. Make sure to share copies of the agenda a few days in advance so that participants can prepare ahead of time.

Right size

Size of the meeting tends to affect the way it functions. The number of participants should be determined by the purpose of the meeting. It is wise to include those individuals to whom action items may be given after the meeting. More than often attendance by disinterested persons tends to increase non-relevant discussion and impede the meeting. As a result only those people should be invited to the meeting whose presence is absolutely necessary.

Perfect location

Carefully consider the location of a meeting. The room should be convenient and comfortably fit all the persons participating in the meeting. Too large or too small rooms should be avoided. Very small rooms tend to get stuffy and while extra large ones come across as unfriendly. Each person should preferably sit facing each other in a circle, semi-circle or u-shaped rows.

Stick to schedule

Stick to the schedule by starting and ending the meeting on time. Fixing the length of the meeting and sticking to it will ensure that participants take keen interest in the proceedings of the meeting. Avoid waiting for employees who are late since it would be unfair to those who arrived on time. Moreover, it would make the latecomers feel embarrassed and realise on their own when they walk in late for a meeting.

Keep the focus

Maintain focus throughout the meeting by sticking to the agenda items. Meetings can easily go off track and veer in the wrong direction. The participants should be made to understand that only one person should speak at a time. Private conversations should not be allowed during the course of a meeting. Eliminate long speeches since people become quickly bored when one person stands up and speaks for the entire meeting.

Encourage interaction

Encourage participation by asking open-ended questions. Instead of going around the table and asking for opinions or inputs, ask a question and let people volunteer their answers. Avoid calling on individuals directly since it can make them feel uncomfortable.

Follow up

Follow-up is essential for the success of any meeting. Responsibility should be given to a person for documenting the minutes in as much detail as possible. Specifically document what people have agreed to do, their deliverables, timelines and target dates. These minutes should then be shared with the participants as well as those members who could not attend within three or four days. It will not only give the participants clarity but also access to an accurate record of the meeting.

Lastly, call a meeting only when it is absolutely necessary. To schedule and hold a meeting is expensive since it takes up time of the people attending it. Consider options, including one-on-one discussion, conference call or a simple exchange of e-mail instead of scheduling a meeting.



Happiness @ work
Gems of ancient wisdom
Don’t change good to bad

If a junior has done a good job, appreciate it. Don’t try and make changes just to stamp your superiority. His skill as a warrior and a charioteer earned Shalya control of Karna’s chariot on the 17th day of the Mahabharata war. By virtue of his experience, he instructed Karna to shoot at Arjuna’s heart. Karna, in his arrogance, aimed at his adversary’s head. Krishna sunk his chariot into the ground and the dart knocked off Arjuna’s helmet. Had he listened to his illustrious charioteer as Arjuna did to Krishna, history would have had a different tale to tell.

Finally, Indrajit had Hanuman in the bind of his Brahmastra at the Asoka Vana. But foolish Rakshasha guards tied the monkey-messenger with ropes and vines nullifying the power of the divine weapon. The Brahmastra loosens its bind when physical restraints are added.

How can a mere boy stop me from entering my house, thought Shiva when Ganesh blocked his way as Parvati was taking a bath. Had the three-eyed one not taken it upon his ego, a bloodbath of gods, ganas and finally Ganesh could have been averted.

Architect Vishwakarma agreed to shape the Daaru, a neem tree with Vishnu’s conch, disc, mace and lotus, into the idols at Jagannath Puri, but on one condition — no body should come into his room for 15 days. But worried that the old man might have died due to starvation, Gundicha, Queen of Utkal, decided to go in on the 10th day. As a result, Vishwakarma disappeared leaving his work incomplete.

Shiva was right when he said that Daksha, his father-in-law, had deliberately not invited him to his yagna, but Sati wouldn’t take it. Instead of accepting Shiva’s explanation, she went to the event and set herself aflame as her father insulted her. Angered over this, Shiva let loose his fury on the gods.

February 21, 1915, could have been India’s Independence Day had Kirpal Singh not made a mess of it. Over 4,000 Ghadr Party members and 26 cantonments were ready to revolt; arms from Germany were to arrive in Bengal; emissaries had been sent to Burma and Singapore. But Kirpal leaked the information to the police which led to a crackdown on the revolutionaries.

Remember, only idiots tamper with perfection.

— Sai R. Vaidyanathan

The writer can be contacted at 



Campus Placement

Lovely Professional University has recruited 32 students from PEC University of technology, Chandigarh for faculty and other key positions during campus placement drive. Lovi Raj Gupta, Senior Dean LPU along with Prof Bhupender Verma, Associate Dean; Rohit Dhand, Associate Dean; KG Gopalkrishna, Associate Dean and Manish Gupta, Deputy Registrar interviewed students in Chandigarh recently.

LPU has plans to hire students from other premier institutes of India too. Last year the university had hired over 100 IITians from different parts of India.



Fortnightly Quiz-386
Happiness Counts

1. Name the India-born US doctor who has won this year’s Pulitzer Prize for his book ‘The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer’.

2. In which state is Jaitapur situated?

3. Expand BRICS.

4. Where is the Satish Dhawan Space centre situated?

5. In which state was the hotel Vivanta by Taj opened recently?

6. Which nation tops in a new Gallup study on overall well-being conducted in 124 countries?

7. What is the full form of DGCA?

8. Which luxury car brand, driven by James Bond, the secret agent in Ian Flemings’ flicks, entered the Indian market recently?

9. Name the spacecraft that took Yuri Gagarin into space 50 years ago.

10. Name Wisden’s leading cricketer for 2010.

Tarun Sharma

Winners of quiz 385: The first prize by draw of lots goes to Abhinav Jindal, class IX, Sohrab Public School, Nabha Road, Malerkotla, district Sangrur, Punjab, Pin Code - 148023

Second: Kirti Saini, class IV, Kapil Vidya Mandir Senior Secondary School, Mohindergarh, Haryana, Pin Code – 123029

Third: Amandeep Singh, class IX-A, Career Academy School, Bhadson Road, Patiala, Pin Code – 147001

Answers to quiz 385: 1.21 billion; Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Bihar; Muhammad Yunus; Himachal Pradesh; Kerala; Haryana; Fifty; Australia and New Zealand; Yuvraj Singh; India

Cash awards of Rs 400, 300 and 200 are given to the first, second and third prize winners, respectively. These are sent at the school address.

Note: Kindly mention the pincode of your place on the letter/postcard to facilitate the delivery of the prize money.Answers can also be sent at

