Success Soiree
The booming animation industry provides a huge scope for those interested in this fascinating career, writes Usha Albuquerque
The recently released blockbuster film Avatar that has already surpassed Titanic as the highest-grossing movie worldwide is a mind-blowing 3-D experience of a futuristic war on a distant alien planet, full of lush environment and unparalleled special effects.

Sandeep Joshi

You are hired as personal manager. Your additional skills will be useful.

Industry Insider
Specialisation is the key
Naveen Gupta forayed into IT education in 2000, and later into animation and visual effects education with a major animation training brand, where he grew from a business partner to a master franchisee, and later into a dynamic leader heading the organisation as its Chief Operating Officer.

You are worth it
Rewarding yourself for a job well done is a good way to keep the morale and motivation high, writes Neha Kapoor
Suhasini, an employee working with an MNC, was handed over the charge of organising an event for the organisation. It was the first time that she had been given such a great responsibility involving coordination among diverse departments and diverse groups of people, besides management of money and materials. No doubt, she executed her responsibility with utmost dedication and devotion but the final day was not without its share of faux pas.

Career Hotline
Interest in astronomy
Q. I am in Class XII and wish to study astronomy. Can I study this subject at the Bachelor’s level? What are the minimum qualifications required?

n Good demand for physicists
n Apt aptitude
n Guarding the coasts
n Ride high


Success Soiree
The booming animation industry provides a huge scope for those interested in this fascinating career, writes Usha Albuquerque

The recently released blockbuster film Avatar that has already surpassed Titanic as the highest-grossing movie worldwide is a mind-blowing 3-D experience of a futuristic war on a distant alien planet, full of lush environment and unparalleled special effects.

The film utilised a new technique in digital animation which enabled the director James Cameroon to merge recorded and synthetic images, and edit a blend of the two in real-time. The success of his path-breaking efforts clearly indicates that multi-media and animation will be the film format of the future.

Thirty years ago, George Lucas and the original Star Wars trilogy changed the way that special effects were used in Hollywood. Ten years ago, the second Star Wars trilogy ushered in digital filming and screening. Now, Cameron and Avatar seem to have introduced the next generation trend in the industry.

India, too, is waking up to the huge potential of animation and special effects in filmmaking both from domestic Bollywood productions and from overseas.

Recognising this potential, a number of Indian software players have turned their attention to animation. Animation studios now dot the country and there are dedicated animation studios in cities like Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Thiruvananthapuram which house some of the country’s leading animation houses with companies such as Crest Communications, Maya Entertainment, Silverton Studio, UTV Toons, Zee Institute of Creative Arts (ZICA), Prasad Studios, Toonz Animation, JadooWorks, Color Chips, Heart Animation, etc handling a variety of national and international animation and multi-media requirements of the entertainment and information industry. The entry of some big companies like Reliance Entertainment and Shahrukh’s Red Chilies Entertainment is also expected to give a boost to this industry.

It is not only the entertainment sector — film, television and advertising — that has a demand for animation artists, there is also an increasing demand in the information, education and e-learning sector. Television channels are also increasingly applying animation techniques to create interest, even in news braodcasts. Moreover, with the explosive use of the computer and digital technology in today’s multimedia-savvy world, animation will enjoy an increasing presence to add zing to practically every audio-visual format.

What is animation?

Animation and multimedia is a world in which creative people use text, graphics, animation, audio and video with computer interactivity to create new visual and virtual worlds. Similar to movie making, it first requires the preparation of a storyboard that provides a visual script for the animation sequence. Then modeling is used to convert real objects to animated ones by optically scanning them and converting them into digital format. After that you have to work on the movement by manipulating the static images frame by frame to give the illusion of movement. You then add on the light, colour, transparency, shadow and texture to the object or character. Once the visual aspect is done, the audio and music effects are added on.

Often the storyboard is prepared by the film director, ad filmmaker or international studio. The animators then work on the line drawings and the detailing, fill in the colour, lights and texture and introduce the movement and then send it back to the client. While 2D animation is being widely used, 3D extends it to virtual reality. Animation with special effects (SFX) is a complete teamwork effort and involves a combination of wide variety of career combinations.

So one can work as a content developer, modeler layout artist, clean-up artist, scanner operator, digital ink and paint artist, compositor, key frame animator, background artist and so on — every role being crucial for the successful creation of an animated project. Today there are a variety of multimedia software programmes such as Maya, 3D Studio Max, Adobe After Effects, Giff Animator, Flash, which generate movement with great precision and reality.

Through the use of digital filmmaking high budget films work out a variety of special effects into a film sequence. Films like Lord of the Rings and Matrix have been composed on the computer where the set is designed in 3D. The actors are then given positions for movement keeping in mind this virtual ambience. Animation is a long and tedious process. For a simple five-minute animation film almost 50-60 animators are required to work full-time for two weeks.


There are several institutes offering both long and short duration courses. Training can also be in the form of training courses in Art or Design, which include training in animation. The course content mainly includes training in aspects of Interactive Multimedia and Non-interactive Multimedia, which prepare students for careers in animation, multimedia, special effects, games, and computer and web-based education. While Interactive Multimedia includes training in areas such as CD Software Development, Multimedia Programming, Multimedia Presentation, Virtual Reality and Authoring. Non-interactive Multimedia mainly covers the aspects of Audio Visual, Multimedia Animation, Post Production Support and Image Processing. Some courses also include modules on digital filmmaking.

While many computer-training companies concentrate on the technical and artistic skills needed for this career, what is also important in animation is the knack of portraying ideas and emotions and making them visually attractive. Thus students need to learn the fundamentals of visual communication and the use of image processing tools together with the art of storytelling.

Depending on your skill sets you can start work as graphics designer, visual artist, supervisor, digital film animator, senior animator, content writer, clean up artist, web designer or web author.

So if you wish to colour your dreams, here is the ideal palette for your future.



Industry Insider
Specialisation is the key
Geetu Vaid

Naveen Gupta
Naveen Gupta

Naveen Gupta forayed into IT education in 2000, and later into animation and visual effects education with a major animation training brand, where he grew from a business partner to a master franchisee, and later into a dynamic leader heading the organisation as its Chief Operating Officer.

Apart from building a highly respectable team, Naveen was instrumental in building brand identity and alleviating the standards of computer graphics education and training in the country. Naveen is now the Executive Director & CEO of Frameboxx, which, in a span of two years, has established 55 centres in the country. In the northern region, it has 17 centres, including one in Chandigarh, six in Delhi, one in Haryana (Gurgaon), two in Punjab (Ludhiana and Phagwara), one in Rajasthan (Jaipur), one in Uttarakhand (Dehradun).

Excerpts from an interview:

What is the current scenario in animation and multimedia industry?

The trend for animation and multimedia started in India with outsourcing from the US and Europe. A lot of international animation studios have opened shop in India now. A lot of Indian companies, too, are in the field and are doing international standard work The industry is showing signs of maturity and is already a $.5 billion industry in India. It is growing rapidly, almost at the rate of 30 per cent, and is likely to touch the $2 billion mark in the next two to three years. Those opting for this career have bright prospects as there are already 50,000 animators working, and there is going to be a requirement for about 2 lakh in the next two three years.

What are the main reasons for this healthy growth and popularity of this industry?

Films, TV and advertising areusing a lot of visual effects and animation techniques. Almost all the films have a fairly good amount of visual effects nowadays and a lot of visual effects are being used in TV, too. So there is a huge demand for specialists in this fiedls and it is going to increase manifold in the coming few years.

What is the standard of training in our country?

Animation training is almost 10 years old in India and has seen a lot of changes. As this field is a dynamic one, there is a constant need to upgrade the curriculum to keep pace with the latest trends. Thus, re-training and upgradation should be part and parcel of the institutes offering courses in this field. Like at Frameboxx we work closely with industry and even have tie-ups with different studios to keep our students abreast of the latest techniques. Faculty training programmes, too, are very important.

Is specialisation important in this field?

Absolutely. The work involves a lot of different stages like pre-production, modeling, texturing, lighting, post production etc, and each of these requires a certain specialised skill so the students specialising in a particular field stand a better chance of having a successful career. Frameboxx was the first to offer specialisation in different fields as for each aspect of the work there is a requirement of people with a specific set of skills. Usually, it is best to get one’s skill strength assessed after the foundation course.

What is the duration of courses in multimedia and visual effects?

For beginners it is best to go in for a two-year course but those having some experience in the field a six-month specialised course is also helpful.

What is the work and remuneration profile?

This is a challenging and exciting field and it always keeps you on your toes. Passion for film making, creativity and good observation skills are the main tools to excel in this field. One should not expect a fixed-hour work schedule. The timings depend on the projects, and when deadlines are tough, then one may have to put in even more than 10 to 12 hours. As for remuneration, beginners can expect to get around Rs 15,000, and as appraisals are quick, one can earn up to Rs 60,000 to Rs 70,000 within two years.



You are worth it
Rewarding yourself for a job well done is a good way to keep the morale and motivation high, writes Neha Kapoor

Suhasini, an employee working with an MNC, was handed over the charge of organising an event for the organisation. It was the first time that she had been given such a great responsibility involving coordination among diverse departments and diverse groups of people, besides management of money and materials. No doubt, she executed her responsibility with utmost dedication and devotion but the final day was not without its share of faux pas.

Consequently, while she was expecting praise from all quarters, what she ultimately managed to lap up was criticism of superiors and colleagues. Constant pecking convinced her of her inefficiency, she realised the follies that she had committed but could not see the feats that she had achieved in terms of an improved organising ability that deserved to be lauded.

The real problem with her was that she saw herself through the eyes of the world; she lacked the ability to judge herself and reward her own self.

Like Suhasini, you may be one of those employees who have not yet managed to enter the golden books of the management and chances are that anything that you do is met with disinterest and criticism. Or, it is possible that what you term as success is a trifle too insignificant to fit the organisation’s definition of success. Superiors’ lack of interest in you and colleagues sense of competition and jealousy may keep you bereft of the praise that you so greatly deserve. Consequently, you end up being engulfed by a feeling of inadequacy and weakness, without there being an apparent reason for you to feel so.

Research reveals that very often, being a part of a large organisation leads to a loss of personal sense of identity. Personal success begins to be synonymous with organisational success and as a result you congratulate yourself when the organisation achieves a feat and pull yourself up when it fails. But in ensuring your complete loyalty to the organisation what you forget is that there is an individual lurking within you waiting for some reinforcement or motivation on which to thrive. Therefore, it becomes extremely important for you to recognise your talents and give yourself a pat on the back when you think you deserve it.

According to Ruby, a motivational speaker and head CMES (Centre for Media and Entertainment Studies), ITFT Education Group, “Rewarding yourself assumes all the more importance when you are working amidst hostile colleagues as it ensures that you remain positive and emotionally insulated no matter how demanding, threatening and challenging the situations are.” But while all of us are entitled to some share of praise and reward not all of us are familiar with the exercise of self-judgement and self-congratulation, which once cultivated can help us emerge as highly motivated, energetic and positive beings.

When and how to reward yourself?

The first step to rewarding yourself is knowing yourself thoroughly and for that you need to spend at least 10 minutes daily, in your own company. Self-analysis and introspection, on a daily basis, will help reveal to you the talents that you possess and the goals that you have achieved. Whenever you accomplish a task (be it personal or professional) that you initially thought was impossible or unachievable, whenever you discover a better, improved or time saving technique of doing an onerous task or whenever you learn something new: see to it that you reinforce it by rewarding yourself.

You could reward yourself by treating yourself to a cup of coffee, by buying yourself that book or CD that you always wanted to possess or by simply indulging in self praise in seclusion.

For instance, you are a call centre employee and making phone calls to people is a regular part of your job. But an observation and analysis of your own self reveals that while initially you were hesitant and nervous in talking to complete strangers over the phone, now you are more confident in dealing with them. At the organisational level, this may not appear to be an achievement that deserves a reward but at the personal front, this is certainly a great achievement that deserves recognition and reward. Make sure you celebrate it!



Benefits of rewarding yourself

Creates Self Reliance

Rewarding yourself goes a long way in ensuring emotional independence. When you cease to be dependent upon external stimuli for any kind of motivation, incentive or impetus, you become self-dependent. It makes you self-sufficient and self-reliant because it is possible to carry along an attitude, a sense of self with you, but impossible to carry along your support system especially if it happens to be a set of people.

Boosts Self Esteem

In today’s competitive world, there are already hundreds of people around to pull your leg and remind you of your shortcomings. But dwelling constantly on failures does not help in solving problems or ensuring success. It only diminishes self-confidence and lowers self-esteem. On the other hand, recognising your achievements will fill you with a sense of worthiness and boost your self-esteem and morale. Is it not better to return to work with renewed vigour and a sense of worthiness than to languish in self-doubt?

Develops Positive Thinking

The merits of positive thinking cannot be over-exaggerated. A series of positive thoughts constitute positive thinking and assuming you to be the locus of your life, these positive thoughts concern you and everything that you can call yours. A positive self-image, therefore, forms an integral part of it. Self-congratulation leads to the development of a positive self-image.

Goal Setting and Time Management

You may set short or long-term goals and reward yourself as and when you accomplish them. If you know that there is a prize waiting at the end of a goal, you are likely to feel tempted in finishing it as soon as possible. So, there is no harm in bribing yourself once in a while. This not only ensures that you achieve the target but also ensures that it is achieved well in time, leaving you with sufficient time to concentrate on other tasks which demand attention.



Career Hotline
Interest in astronomy
Pervin Malhotra

Q. I am in Class XII and wish to study astronomy. Can I study this subject at the Bachelor’s level? What are the minimum qualifications required?

— Rohan Joshi

A. While several premier institutions offer courses at the PG level, Astronomy / Astrophysics is only offered in B.Sc at a handful of universities like Punjabi University, Patiala (, University of Lucknow, Lucknow (, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad (, University of Madras, Chennai (, Shivaji University, Kolhapur (

Since the study of cosmic sciences — astronomy, planetary science and astrophysics requires a sound base in mathematics and physics at the undergraduate level, so do make sure you opt for either of these in college.

However, if you want to pursue instrumentation or experimental astronomy, observational astronomy, which mainly deals with image processing, accommodates people from any branch of engineering or science, including biology. Since the work involves plotting and manipulating data and theoretical modelling on computers, training in IT is required.

But in case you are despairing at having to defer your passion till after you have graduated, the wonderful thing about astronomy is that unlike all other scientific disciplines, it’s a field where even school kids can contribute if they are passionate and curious.

Moreover, I have some more good news for you.

Institutes like the Inter University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune, the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai, Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), Ahmedabad, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore and the Nehru Planetarium, Delhi etc. regularly invite students for workshops at their planetariums.

This is a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the subject and meet the experts. You could contact them directly for further information.

Good demand for physicists

Q. I am a student of first year B.Sc (Hon) in physics Could you please tell me what job options I will have after completing graduation, and even master’s in this area?

— Avik Dutt

A. Physics is concerned with the study of the universe from the smallest to the largest scale, why it is the way it is and how it works. Such knowledge is basic to scientific progress. The language of physics is mathematics. Indeed formulating physical theories has sometimes required the development of new mathematical structures. Although physics is a fundamental science, it is also a very practical subject. Physicists have to be able to design and build new instruments, from satellites to measure the properties of planetary atmospheres to record-breaking intense magnetic fields for the study of condensed matter. Many of the conveniences of modern life are based very directly on the understanding provided by physics. Many techniques used in medical imaging are derived directly from physics instrumentation. Even the World Wide Web was a spin off from the information processing and communications requirement of high-energy particle physics. Looking to the future growth areas that may have a big impact are nanotechnology, quantum computing and molecular biophysics.

Although the course requires a good level of mathematical competence, the key requirement here is the ability to formulate a problem in mathematical terms and then extract the physical consequences from the solution.

Physicists can pursue an enormous variety of careers. Many opt for higher degrees with eventual careers in research labs or universities.

Physicists are in strong demand in almost all professions, but especially those requiring numerical problem solving ability (IT, finance, technical consulting, etc).

Apt aptitude

Q. I am a student of NIOS Class XII with English, physics, biology, computer, economics and sociology. Could you please tell me about the scope of these subjects?

— Advait Mohan

A. You do have a very assorted choice of subjects. Since you don’t have chemistry you can’t opt for medicine or any of the other life sciences. And since you don’t have maths, you can’t go for computers, physical sciences, economics (Hon) or BCom (Hon). Other than these, you could do a BCom (Gen) or BBA or BA in English, psychology, tourism etc.

Moreover, you are free to pursue just about any other profession open to the humanities and commerce students, including NDA.

I suggest you read up and talk to people about the various possibilities and options that interest you. If you do this consistently, you’ll be amazed how much you will learn. As the more informed you are, the better equipped you will be to rule out several of the inappropriate options and flag the “possible” ones. After you’ve found out more about what is involved in pursuing each of these, you will be able to further pare down the list. What you really need to do at this stage is to try and narrow down your choice(s) to one or two broad options and then concentrate on planning a career around it. Take a good aptitude/personality test to help you identify the fields that are most suited to you. I have an excellent one that you could take if you wish (Just send a blank e-mail to “” if you’d like me to send you a copy).

Guarding the coasts

Q. I am a Class XII student. I have taken science stream with computer science as one of the subjects. Can you please tell me about the jobs offered for women in the Indian Coast Guard?

— Himani Verma

A. The youngest branch of the Indian Armed Forces (33 years old)— the Indian Coast Guard — guards and protects our long coastline (7,615 km) and 2.2 million sq km of exclusive economic zone (EEZ) comprising of some 1200 islands and 11 major and 164 minor/intermediate ports, not to mention over 500 Indian merchant ships sailing around the world and the Rs 1,500 billion worth of offshore installations and oil assets. As our trade and economic interaction with the world increases, so does the importance of our coastline and maritime assets.

Its presence at sea ensures safety to seafarers in our waters. From checking piracy and assisting the Customs authorities in preventing smuggling, poaching, maritime fraud and terrorist activities (i.e. LTTE along the S. Tamil Nadu coast), collecting scientific data, protecting our marine environment by fighting oil spills, helping fishermen in distress and even rescuing whales, the Coast Guard has its hands full although some of its responsibilities are shared by the Indian Navy. The CG’s exemplary role in saving lives and providing relief to tsunami-ravaged people in India, Srilanka and Maldives is just a case in point.

Women are recruited as

i) Assistant Commandants (General Duty); and ii) Assistant Commandants (Helicopter & Fixed Wing Pilot/Navigator) in the Short Service Commission (eight years, extendable to 14 years).

Academic Eligibility for (i) is a degree with mathematics and physics in Class XII and for (ii) is Class XII with current commercial pilot licence.

For further information, and details of physical requirements etc, please log on to the Indian Coast Guard website:

Ride high

Q. I have been taking riding lessons for the last two months and love the sport. Please tell me how to become a jockey.

— Harminder Oberoi

A. Horsing around can surely be turned into a serious profession. However, if you want to be a professional jockey, you need to start preparing for it early in life. And the best way to begin is by joining a riding club and getting on a horse, like you’ve already done.

Whether it’s riding for a living — either in competitive sports or in show jumping and dressage or even training for show one cannot escape the hard work involved.

Beginning as an apprentice, you should work with a licenced trainer for a minimum of three years before you can apply for a licence on your own with an equestrian sporting authority. Some kinds of training combine horse care with academic training, such as veterinary nursing, animal behaviour or equestrian management. But nothing can be compared to the first hand knowledge that comes from long days of practice, riding, observing and caring for these animals.

The writer is a noted career expert and director, Career Guidance India (CARING). Please send in your queries with your full name, complete address and academic qualifications to: The Editor, Jobs and Careers, The Tribune, Sector 29, Chandigarh-160030, or at careers



Happiness @ work
Gems of ancient wisdom
Refit the misfit

In many cases, first impressions don’t hold for long. A candidate, who seems the most suitable during the interview, may not fit perfectly into a particular job. In such cases, it is vital to make the necessary correction.

During their search for Sita, Rama and Lakshman encountered a creature lying in a pool of blood. Rama thought that it might be the monster that had killed and eaten Sita.

As Rama was about to shoot an arrow to kill it, it introduced itself as Jatayu. The mighty vulture was mortally wounded while trying to rescue Sita from Ravana. Realising his mistake, Rama addressed the bird as his second father and performed its last rites.

Even while Ravana had tasted the valour of Hanuman and Angada before the war began, he could not bring himself to make the necessary correction — return Sita to Rama — and consequently lost all he had.

When Arjuna chose an unarmed Krishna instead of his entire army, Duryodhana could hardly contain his joy. But his mother Gandhari, who was wiser than her husband and 100 sons put together, knew Krishna was the main cause of her sons’ deaths. She rightly forgave the Pandavas and instead cursed Krishna that his entire clan be annihilated.

Instead of trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, find a square hole.

— Sai R. Vaidyanathan

The writer can be contacted at



Fortnightly Quiz-354

1. In which year were free India’s first general elections held?

2. How many years ago was the Election Commission of India established?

3. Who was recently re-elected President of Sri Lanka?

4. In which year was the founder of Bangladesh Sheikh Mujibir Rahman assassinated?

5. Who is the first cinematographer to have been selected for the prestigious Dada Saheb Phalke Award?

6. Who served as the Chief Minister of West Bengal for 23 consecutive years, making him the longest-serving CM of India?

7. Which para-military force of India recently inducted its first batch of 209 women constables?

8. On which day is Beating the Retreat ceremony held?

9. What is the capital of Haiti?

10. Who recently equalled Mahesh Bhupathi’s record for most tennis Grand Slam titles by an Indian?

— Tarun Sharma

Winners of quiz 353: The first prize by draw of lots goes to Aqeedat Sandhu, 0/188, 6-B, 12, Circular Road, Welham Girls’ School, Dehradun (Uttarakhand), Pin Code - 248001

Second: Nitu Sharma, class VI, Government Senior Secondary School, Ritoly, VPO Ritoly, Pin Code – 132112, district Jind.

Third: Shifona Garg, class IX-C, St Joseph’s Convent Secondary School, Bhagu Road, Bathinda, Pin Code - 151001

Answers to quiz 353: Dubai; Reena Kaushal Dharamshaktu; Haridwar; Maharaja Hari Singh; Pacific Ocean; Sand Sculpting; Shibu Soren; Brain; 1975; Shera

Cash awards of Rs 400, 300 and 200 are given to the first, second and third prize winners, respectively. These are sent at the school address.

Note: Kindly mention the pincode of your place to facilitate the delivery of the prize money.

Answers can also be sent at

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Class ....………….......….……...........
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