Luxury at home
Now there is no need to visit a spa. You can easily pamper yourself and enjoy the soothing therapies at your home. Sanjeev Singh Bariana explains how the demand for the world-class home spas is on the rise

Residential property builders are busy adding a new feature to make homes more saleable — the personal spa. The rising demand among the top-level professionals for personal spas at their homes is the latest development in the home designing arena. To cash in on this, companies are busy generating new designs, making presentations and trying innovative advertisements to woo customers. A project promoter of a spa company says, “Who doesn’t want to enjoy a relaxing session at a spa after a hard day’s work?

Don’t let rains pour troubles
Leaking roofs, water stagnation and damp walls are the most common problems in many households during monsoon. Here are some tips to prevent rainwater from seeping in
The dense dark clouds of anxiety and apprehensions are looming large on your life’s horizon, again. Leaking roofs, damp walls and stagnant water on the driveway — all are threatening to wash your comfort away. You have tried your hand at filling in the crevices, and keeping the drainage clean of fallen leaves, but nothing seems to work permanently. Water still manages to find its way through the overlooked fissures and cracks to dampen your spirits, and leave you high and dry, during the monsoons. You need a contingency plan!

Add that tinge of green
Your garden has enough of harsh weather in the last two months or so. With the onset of monsoon, it is time to infuse a new lease of life into them
Happy days are here again for gardeners. The falling mercury boosts the morals. With the arrival of monsoon, the gardeners have a sigh of relief, as the biggest worry was the water woes. This is the best time of the year to mend and make up for the deficiencies in the garden, for the next 12 months.

On the fast track
Buzzing with real estate activities, the historically rich city of Bathinda is on its way to don a modern look. Retail chain outlets, shopping malls, state-of-the-art townships and many more projects are on the anvil
Bathinda: With a population of around four lakh, the quite town of Bathinda is not so silent anymore. The city that is considered “not even a B class town” by its residents is buzzing with economic activities, all thanks to the steel giant of the world — LN Mittal. As a result, the real estate prices have jacked up at an incredible rate. In the last two years, the district has seen investments of whooping Rs 25,000 crore.

Can claim rebate on house rent paid
Q. I am a senior citizen and have recently retired from a bank I do not own any house and I am living in a rented house. My income comprises interest and pension that would be above the taxable limit of Rs 2,25,000 for assessment year 2009-10. Am I entitled to any rebate on the house rent paid?




Luxury at home
Now there is no need to visit a spa. You can easily pamper yourself and enjoy the soothing therapies at your home. Sanjeev Singh Bariana explains how the demand for the world-class home spas is on the rise

Residential property builders are busy adding a new feature to make homes more saleable — the personal spa. The rising demand among the top-level professionals for personal spas at their homes is the latest development in the home designing arena. To cash in on this, companies are busy generating new designs, making presentations and trying innovative advertisements to woo customers.

A project promoter of a spa company says, “Who doesn’t want to enjoy a relaxing session at a spa after a hard day’s work? But more than often with chaotic schedules and deadlines, we are not able to squeeze out time for one. But how about experiencing it in the comfort of your own home?”

He further adds, “Amidst the chaos of city life, the need of the hour is a personalised spa at your home. Many brands in wellness section are coming up with these customised spas and pools for your home. These pools can also be fitted into your apartment.” Many international companies have also forayed into providing swimming pool design and have introduced luxurious home spas in India. They are aiming at giving you an easy and effortless experience to enjoy the soothing therapies at your home. They have brought new international standards to the luxury living and service.

Many prominent brands in the wellness industry have also come out with same enterprise. They maintain international standards in installations. Home spa fits naturally in your home: it will seem like as it has always been there because its particular design adapts to any style of interior. Its unique selling point is its adaptation to the availability of space.

Likewise, many well-known brands like Geospa, Millennium Pools, and Smart Pools have ventured into the same field. The home spa market is booming like never before.

Home spas are the concrete structures. Generally, glass mosaic tiles are used. For the effect of the spa massage jet and electro- heating system is used. The providers employ the electro-heating system because it’s efficient and also effective. Also temperature of the spa is maintained at 36° to 38° Celcius, which is close to the body temperature. Also for the air, a lounger system is used to give the pressure to the body through air holes.

A simple spa will cost you somewhere around Rs 4 lakh. The cost of spa will very much depend on additional facilities that you want to avail, including designs, space and comfort.

Priyanka Dogra, a top executive with a leading advertisement agency, believes, “People now want more value for their money. Spa, gymnasiums and swimming pool facilities, perceived largely as luxury facilities, are part of several households. Today’s hectic lifestyle generates a lot of anxiety and the general stress levels among the successful professionals have risen to a great extent. So, what can be better than unwinding through a relaxing spa treatment and that too in the personal spa? It is a great way to energise and get back to the grind without tensions.”

“These spas have become a very popular fixture for homes as well as for corporate houses because of the ease of maintenance and stress releasing features,” she adds.

A Europe’s leading luxury swimming pool design, install and consulting company, has now launched bespoke concrete tiled luxurious spas in India. These spas are designed to match the main swimming pool but can also be installed on their own where there is no pool. Concrete spas are beautiful, robustly built and extremely energy efficient, plus provide an ultimate way to detoxify and relax at home.

Indian companies have made a special progress on the front of pool renovations to suit the local needs. Whether it is a linear replacement, adding or removing a step section, deck, coping or plumbing, the market is showing decent experience and craftsmanship to exceed the customer expectations.

One common suggestion from different corners of experts on special services providers is that “while opting for a swimming pool, spas or any other special facility, one must be very selective in the choice of professionals who will execute the project.” A special care is needed on the front of design, workers and details of materials to be used, size and shape, maintenance and safety, besides others.



Don’t let rains pour troubles
Leaking roofs, water stagnation and damp walls are the most common problems in many households during monsoon. Here are some tips to prevent rainwater from seeping in
Saurabh Malik

The dense dark clouds of anxiety and apprehensions are looming large on your life’s horizon, again. Leaking roofs, damp walls and stagnant water on the driveway — all are threatening to wash your comfort away.

You have tried your hand at filling in the crevices, and keeping the drainage clean of fallen leaves, but nothing seems to work permanently. Water still manages to find its way through the overlooked fissures and cracks to dampen your spirits, and leave you high and dry, during the monsoons. You need a contingency plan!

Worry not. Follow some simple tips to prevent trouble from pouring during the rainy season.

To begin with, don’t let the rains leave you all washed up by simply caulking the cracks around windows and doors to prevent water from seeping in. Cuts and cracks in the old chalk indicate it has dried up and needs replacement.

So, check the old caulk just before the beginning of the rainy season every year and carryout the necessary repairs. You can get the chalk from any hardware shop in your area.  

Also remember to pick up a “kg” bag of old faithful white cement from the hardware. Make a paste out of it by adding water before applying a thick layer all over the chips and cracks on the roof and the walls.

“It’s easy, inexpensive, fast acting and does not require expert’s help. All you have to do is to identify the source of leakage; and act,” says Chandigarh-based builder Kamal Joshi.

Do inspect the roof for broken tiles; look at the ceilings for signs of leaking, such as mold, water rings, or discoloration. Then carry out the repairs.

In case of severe leakage, try putting a thick later of loose earth on the rooftop. It works, almost always. And if it doesn’t, call in the experts. It only means the repairs are beyond your control.

Call up an electrician if you feel “shock” through the damp walls; there’s leakage that needs to be taken care of immediately.

Another thing! Keep the drains clean. Cut tree branches hanging over the roof. “If you have climber on the walls going up the roof, make removal of dead and decaying leaves a daily chore, lest they block the drain and leave water trapped,” says another Mohali-based builder Harminder Singh. “Also remove leaves, branches and debris from around the gutters and drains to ensure free flow of water”.

Now that you have taken care of the leakages, check the trees in your yard otherwise also, and remove any dead branches. These could fall during heavy rain and cause considerable damage to the walls, arbors and even the vehicles parked in the driveway.

If you are living in one of those palatial houses spread over several acres with a personal swimming pool in the backyard, lower the water level, lest it overflows during heavy rain, and enters the rooms. Otherwise, the chlorinated pool water can be harmful to your grass.

And, just in case you have just installed automated sprinkler system in the front yard, don’t forget to switch it off when the rains are expected.

You can also let sandbags come to your rescue. Use them to fill in low areas around your house for not only preventing puddles, but also to save you from hurting yourself.

It’s vital to keep all your important documents, including insurance policies, birth certificates and passports, in good waterproof boxes; even polythene bags will do the trick.

Keep a flashlight handy. You know how rains can leave you powerless without electricity. Also have a first aid kit ready, just in case you get stranded in your home in the hills.

Be aware of the main fuse box’s functioning. For, you will have to turn the electricity off, if your house gets flooded.

Last thing — if you are living in a flood prone area, become familiar with street logistics. Find out the trouble spots, which flood during the rainy season, and stock away the valuables at a safe place. Now that you have taken care of the showers, enjoy the season in the rains.   



Add that tinge of green
Your garden has enough of harsh weather in the last two months or so. With the onset of monsoon, it is time to infuse a new lease of life into them
Satish Narula

Happy days are here again for gardeners. The falling mercury boosts the morals. With the arrival of monsoon, the gardeners have a sigh of relief, as the biggest worry was the water woes. This is the best time of the year to mend and make up for the deficiencies in the garden, for the next 12 months.

Broadcast urea

The first and the foremost concern of the gardener is the lawn, as it gets brown due to drying and burning. This could be attributed to the fact that during summers, the growth of the grass is enhanced and the vigorous growth is not matched by the watering needs due to shortage and restrictions. No doubt the grass will get green over a period of time but why not enhance the process by broadcasting urea, followed by, when the water is available aplenty, a copious irrigation. Even while it is raining, you can do the broadcasting. Those who are ready with the grassing of the new lawns can go ahead. Keep an eye to keep the weed population under check by physically removing the emerging unwanted growth. Once a good turf is formed the weeds remain under control. Did anyone ever tell you that the repeated mowing also keep the weeds down? This is due to the repeated cutting of the aboveground parts thus starving the root system that draws its strength from the above ground growth.

Keep pruning and mowing

Do not forget that the best fertilizer for your plants is the dust of your feet. Visit all your plants in the garden and they will tell you what to do. Remove all the dead and dried parts along with a bit of healthy tissues. This will stop the dying back of twigs and also encourage new growth. Those plants in the pots or even ground which you thought had overgrown could be dressed down to contain them. Due to conducive weather conditions, there will now be vigorous growth of plants and lawn grass. Keep pruning and mowing, especially in case of hedges and where ground cover plants have been used to create patterns, you will have to be very prompt. The plants that were kept under shade and in groups could be brought out and spread in your garden. Those who were complaining about the white and brown spots and drying by curling of lemon leaves and also burning or watery spot on the fruit skin will forget the nightmare in a few days time, though the rupturing of fruit may continue for a few more days due to weakening of skin that was exposed to the harsh sun.

A word of advice for those who wish to plant fruit plants during this monsoon. Do not rush into planting. Wait for a few days more and let the season be more plant friendly. A fruit plant gets shock when transplanted and if there is stagnation of water in the roots followed by harsh sun, the plant may die. August is the best time.

This column appears fortnightly.

The writer is a senior horticulturist at PAU and can be reached at



On the fast track
Buzzing with real estate activities, the historically rich city of Bathinda is on its way to don a modern look. Retail chain outlets, shopping malls, state-of-the-art townships and many more projects are on the anvil
Anil Jerath

Bathinda: With a population of around four lakh, the quite town of Bathinda is not so silent anymore. The city that is considered “not even a B class town” by its residents is buzzing with economic activities, all thanks to the steel giant of the world — LN Mittal. As a result, the real estate prices have jacked up at an incredible rate. In the last two years, the district has seen investments of whooping Rs 25,000 crore.

The skyline of the town is changing. Though dotted with crammed localities with virtually no breathing space, Bathinda has made it to the list of cities having lifestyle townships that promise a perfect blend of luxury and comfort.

Many real estate developers are providing well-planned, self-contained townships. They are offering a multiple choice of residential options; also, on offer are the facilities of academic institutions, healthcare, shopping-cum- office entertainment facilities - all within the township.

To add to this, private developers are bringing Bathinda on the national real estate map. Rajinder Mittal, director of the Bathinda-based Sheeshmahal Developers Ltd, says, “We are developing 43 acre of mid-scale apartments, shopping complexes, schools, parking spaces as per PUDA norms. But there are others as well, taking benefit of being early entrants,” he says.

There are slew of projects in full swing. On Bathinda-Mansa highway, a 20-acre housing project at an estimated Rs 300 crore of one of the leading developers is underway. Another 55-acre township is being built on Dabwali road. There are many other projects that are being taken up by developers. Some are probably new entrants, but they are focussed on fulfilling the ever-increasing demand for housing in this city. This speaks volume of the potential this district holds.

Speaking on the upcoming project, Rajinder Mittal, managing director, Mittal Group, said, “Due to the success of our previous venture, a huge demand backlog was created. The second township is logical fallout to meet the unfulfilled demand. We have consciously analysed the growing demand for quality living and will leverage our expertise to provide the best of the solutions for the same. We are committed to create a tranquil habitat, comprising all modern amenities, suitable to different choices and budgets.”

Many upcoming townships offer state-of-the-art club, swimming pool, a billiards room, cards room, gym, steam bath/ jacuzzi, badminton and tennis courts. The food court with fast food joint and multi-cuisine restaurant are also offering an exclusive ambience for hosting parties with amazing banquet and conference facilities.

The retail spaces within the township house best of the brands, boutiques, retail chain outlets, amphitheater, leisure zones, virtual fun avenues, food courts and daily need stores. Many developers are providing a vast expanse of green belt and parks with exquisite plantations and flowerbeds in their townships. Other facilities woven into the township include underground LT electricity distribution system. Well-lit wide metalled roads, regular water supply, rainwater harvesting and boundary wall with manned security at entry points.

Allaying prospective buyers’ apprehensions on cost, Mittal said: “It is a misconception that only rich can afford villas and bungalows. There are developers that offer lifestyle homes at reasonable prices and tie-up with various banks makes it all the more easy for anyone to own a residence.”

He added in one of thier housing projects, which is in the pipeline, a two-bedroom flat spread over an area of 90 square yard, would cost Rs 12.5 lakh in township. “We are also open to sale of plots at the rate of Rs 10,000 per square yard, which is much cheaper than the current prices in the city limit that hover around Rs 20,000 per square yard,” he averred.

He said though there was a little stagnation at present due to recession, the revival of prestigious Guru Gobind Singh Refinery project will lend a fillip to their business in the coming months.



Can claim rebate on house rent paid
S.C. Vasudeva

Q. I am a senior citizen and have recently retired from a bank I do not own any house and I am living in a rented house. My income comprises interest and pension that would be above the taxable limit of Rs 2,25,000 for assessment year 2009-10. Am I entitled to any rebate on the house rent paid?

— RS Gupta

A. You are entitled to claim a deduction in respect of the house rent under Section 80GG of the Act, provided the following conditions are satisfied:

* The rent paid is in excess of 10 per cent of your total income before allowing any deduction under this section;

*The rent paid is in respect of accommodation occupied for the purposes of your own residence subject to the condition that a declaration in Form No 10BA [vide Rule 11B] is filed along with the return;

*The deduction can be claimed only in case any residential accommodation is not owned by yourself or by your spouse or minor child or by Hindu undivided family of which you are a member; and;

*You are not entitled to house rent allowance from the employer which is eligible for exemption under Section 10(13A) of the Act.

*The deduction is limited to least of the following three amounts:

*Rent paid in excess of 10 per cent of total income without allowing deduction under this section;

*25 per cent of total income without allowing deductions under this section; and Rs 2,000 per month.

Since the figures of income, etc. are not indicated in the query, you can compute the deduction allowable under the aforesaid section on the basis of the provisions of the Act given hereinabove.


No deduction on principal amount

Q. I have taken a loan from bank for repairing home. Am I entitled to claim deduction in respect of repayment of the principal amount under Section 80C of the Income-tax Act?

— Ajay Kumar

A. Section 80C of the Income-tax Act, 1961, provides for the deduction in respect of repayment of the principle amount borrowed for the purposes of purchase or construction of a residential house, the income from which is chargeable under head ‘income from house property’. Such borrowing has to be from the sources as specified in the said section. In my view, you would not be entitled to any deduction under Section 80C of the Act in respect of the payment of the principle amount borrowed for effecting the repairs of a residential house. I may add that you would be entitled to claim deduction in respect of interest payable on the amount borrowed for the purposes of repair, renewal or re-construction of a house. Such deduction is allowable to the extent of Rs 30,000 against income from house property. 



Get leasehold interest transferred

Q. I would like to enquire about the following matter:

My father was in defence forces. After retirement, he constructed a house on one part of the land, which is on lease (till 2060) and is in the name of my late grandmother. On the other part of the land, a separate house was constructed which belongs to my father’s elder brother. Hence, one plot has been divided into two by common wall and two separate houses have been constructed, each occupied by two sons of my late grandmother.

Two years ago, unfortunately my father and his elder brother expired, and the plot is still under my grandmother’s name. My father’s elder brother has four children and he has made his will before dying regarding his part of land.

Now, I want to know how our part of land, which is on lease, can be transferred in my mother’s name? We are two daughters of our parents and we want this transaction to be done at the earliest so that we can have a sense of security, and in any case sell our part of land and move nearer to our maternal relatives.

— Balwinder Virdi

A.. According to the facts given in the query, the lease is in the name of your grandmother. Your uncle, therefore, could not have executed a will in respect of the land on which his house had been built. The query does not indicate the terms on which the lease had been granted. Assuming that it is possible to get the leasehold interest transferred, an immediate action is required on part of the family to get such leasehold interest transferred in favour of the legal heirs for that part of land on which your uncle had constructed a house and in respect of that part of the land on which your father had construed the house. It is not possible to give you any advice with regard to the sale of the house as the terms of the lease are not indicated. A lease deed normally prohibits the transfer of leasehold interest in land to outsiders unless certain amount of unearned increase in the value of land is paid to the lessor. 


Execute lease deed on proper stamp paper

Q. I own a commercial property in Delhi. One of my tenants has executed a lease deed on Rs 100 stamp paper, which is not registered with sub-registrars office. In this connection, kindly clarify the following points:

n What is the legal status of this lease deed?

n Can this lease deed be made enforceable by paying any additional stamp duty, if it is under stamped?

— Jagteshwar Singh

A. Your queries are replied hereunder:

The validity of any document can be tested by the court of law. As and when a lease deed which is not properly stamped is contested, the issue with regard to the under payment of the stamp duty would be referred to the concerned authority for initiating proceedings under the Stamp Act applicable to the state in which the property is situated.

The lease deed can be made enforceable only after payment of penalty, which is equivalent to ten times of the stamp duty payable on the basis of annual rent. Presently in Delhi, the stamp duty is payable at two per cent of annual lease rent. This is also subject to the proceedings which may be initiated by the concerned authority regarding the under payment of stamp duty. It would, therefore, be advisable to get the lease deed executed on a proper stamp paper for being registered with the sub-registrar’s office. 



Invest up to Rs 50 lakh in bonds

Q. I sold my house in March 2009. However, the sale deed was executed in the month of May when the possession of the property was handed over. Can I invest the amount of capital gain earned on tax saving bonds to claim the tax benefits? I understand that such investment is to be made within six months of the date of sale. How would the period of six months be computed?

— Ashok Kumar

A. Any capital gains tax on a long-term capital gain can be saved by investing the amount of capital gain in the specified bonds. There is a limit of Rs 50 lakh per financial year for such investment. The period of six months would be counted from the date on which the property was transferred to the buyer. According to Section 2(47) of the Act, the transfer would be construed to have taken effect on the date on which the possession of the property was handed over.
