Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
December 25 to December 31
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

With Mars moving at a snail’s pace, family events can be delayed. This is a temporary phase. Take the initiative without waiting for others’ approval.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
It is your turn to sparkle. A beneficial opportunity will be within your grasp. You will try hard not to lose what you have worked so hard to save.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
Though the stars are moving in your favour, yet a special opportunity could be snatched from you. Don’t let your emotions cloud your judgment.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
You need to follow certain norms regarding financial matters to see your plans through. Money will be high on priority and you cannot afford to treat it lightly.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
After a promising start, you can run into rough weather. Nobody can assure you that it will be an easy task. It is the most candid test of your willpower.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
Look towards the future with hope and optimism. Your stars predict a period that can be enjoyed to your heart’s content. Life will be much more exciting.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
Venus on the back track makes you very ambitious. There is a need to adopt a middle path. Your craze to be at the top may cause frustration.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
Your financial stars are in a sparkling mood. Your desire to improve your lifestyle will be at its peak. Your love life will be passing through a sunny patch.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

Despite being in the driving seat, you will try to shirk responsibility and allow others to steal the show. Your escapism will make you repent later.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
Your native sign has come under the influence of benefic stars. Time for your dreams to turn real. Rewards will pour in on Saturday.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
The mounting financial liabilities will keep you off-colour. The profits you may be expecting could disappoint you. You are advised to exercise thrift.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
The Libran Jupiter in the house of income predicts that you will be lucky in the sale and purchase of stocks and in settling important financial matters.

Born on

December 25

A period of love, laughter and joy is on its way. You will share cordial relationship with those around you. You will make the best use of your talents. Higher education and overseas connections are the areas where you will make some progress. A new idea will catch your fancy during the first quarter. You will put up a good show during the second. If a sportsperson, you could achieve new heights during the third. An unexpected long travel seems possible during the last one.

December 26

With the Libran moon in the house of income, a new dawn is on its way. You will gain importance, both professionally and personally. The best period for making a headway is between mid-January and mid-March. You will associate with people who are sober, generous and accommodating during June-July. A unique opportunity will come your way during August. If you are alert and vigilant, you will pave the way for a prosperous future.

December 27

You will have to endure more sweat and toil before your merit is recognised. Your work will need more patience and stamina. Your trump card could turn out to be an exercise in futility. You have a tendency to act before you are ready to meet the challenge. You are advised to mend this habit before it is too late. If you just ignore it, you will face some unpleasant situation.

December 28

Enthusiasm and spontaneity are your virtues. You need to maintain your reputation. Good fortune is about to strike you. A well balanced year. You will act wisely and reap full benefits of the opportunities coming your way. You should preserve your energy to carry out important obligations instead of wasting on trivial matters. A flexible attitude to move with the times will stand you in good stead. This is no time to sit back and rest on your laurels.

December 29

A year with a wide range of activities. Workload will be comparatively heavier than you have experienced so far. You may be unable to tackle the tasks lying before you. You are advised not to entrust your work to anyone else. You will do so at the cost of your reputation. You will have to meet whatever challenges come your way. The time from January onwards is professionally rewarding. Your mood will change for the better and your confidence will increase by leaps and bounds.

December 30

Time to play the good Samaritan and contribute to a human cause and cheer those facing averse circumstances. Good deeds done now will be reciprocated later. Your stars advise you to take things slowly. You should appraise your contacts, especially the new ones, to avoid bickering later. Chances are you will get a raw deal from a newcomer but do not make it an issue. A flexible attitude on your part is necessary to avoid a showdown.

December 31

Expenditure will keep increasing. Your financial stars are in dire straits. You need to restrict your expenditure and be thrifty. You are advised to tread with caution, especially when handling finances. This period is not opportune for lending, borrowing or indulging in the sale and purchase of stocks. Financial deals are bound to end up with negative results.

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