Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
December 11 to December 17
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

You can impose faith in a Cancerian or Leo. You should, however, avoid befriending a Geminian and Virgoan as they can hoodwink you any moment.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
A romantic week ahead. Love will be on top of your agenda. A new person is likely to enter your life. The friends you make now will be your life-long allies.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
With a hefty spurt in your expenditure, you will lose your poise more often. If you throw caution to the winds, you may face a startling financial crunch.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
Money will start pouring in. Any efforts to improve your economy will bear fruit. Monday could be your choicest day.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
Your professional life could turn a new leaf. Some heart-warming tidings should be doing the rounds. Sunday is the day for leisure.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
A hectic and tiring phase ahead. If in service, you are likely to be swamped with lot of extra work. It looks as if your patience is on trial.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
Your rivals have had their day and now it is your turn to sparkle. A glaring financial opportunity can be within your grasp.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
Your stars advise you to be patient. Lucky days are not far off. Then, there will be no turning back. At home, an elderly person will come to your aid.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

A demanding period, especially on the personal front. You will realise that some major improvements are long overdue. It is no time to be carefree and easy-going.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
The pressure is likely to be on the increase with each day. A mischief-monger could rub you the wrong way. Be more cautious.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
Heavy workload and sky-rocketing prices need your attention. What you perceive to be a cakewalk could prove ticklish. Avoid traveling on Saturday.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
The robust Jupiter is likely to bring a pleasant surprise. Spare no effort to cash in when an opportunity arises. You need a sincere friend to confide in.

Born on

December 11

With gossips and rumours around, your stars advise you to be more discreet. You may also fail to guard a secret reposed in you by a friend. The period, however, is a lack-lustre one and needs to be handled with caution. Do not be over-confident as there is still a lot of scope to improve your performance. If you plan to contest an election, the chances of success are remote.

December 12

Your hopes are high but it is doubtful whether these can be fulfilled. You certainly have the stamina to seize the initiative. You can win laurels with your hard work. Do not cut yourself off from the people who matter, or turndown pleasant invitations. The emphasis is on your personal affairs. You will have to play every trump card in your hand. This way, no one will dare to outsmart you and those who underestimate you will see just how wrong they are.

December 13

A year of monotony and repetition. Your patience may be put to test as some close friends can take you for a ride. Avoid the temptation of linking yourself with people of lower calibre. Don’t take any important decision during the first quarter. You will have a tight schedule during the second. Don’t let your friends sway you from the right path during the third. There will be ample scope for a change for better during the last phase.

December 14

You are at a major turning point. A progressive phase ahead which will be profoundly auspicious for exploring new avenues and settling controversial issues. Opportunities that come your way now are extraordinary. You will get a chance to accumulate experience and establish your reputation. This is no ordinary period. For many of you, it is time to settle down. From March, you can expect much greater spontaneity in your personal affairs.

December 15

With Jupiter in the eleventh house of your chart, your inclination to travel will be paramount. Some of you may revive plans to go abroad. For some, a change of residence may be inevitable. It could even coincide with a new job. You can opt for a spiritual quest for a charitable mission during March-April. An opportunity may slip through your fingers during June-July. You will however, give priority to your ambitious plans and get your way through during the last phase.

December 16

Venus may encourage you to be reckless. The changing scenario at work may leave you confused. You will be desperate for a change which is not likely to materialise so easily. Your earning capacity may fall due to the increasing expenditure during the first quarter. Odd happenings may puzzle you during the second. Your tendency to gamble could dupe you during the third. A well thought-out strategy may improve the situation during the last one.

December 17

You have every reason to behave like an optimist. Your aim to gain supremacy in your field may become easier than ever before. Good time awaits you. If in service and aspiring for a promotion, now is the time to win the game. Your urge to deviate from your routine will stimulate you during the first phase. Love and laughter may cheer you up during the second. On no account should you allow yourself to be taken for granted by people close to you during the last one.

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