Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
November 27 to December 3
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

A prosperous phase ahead. An ambition can be realised without much effort. With the Mars seated in its own sign, you are in an imposing position.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
A partner, who has been cheating you, will be exposed. Your stars advise you to be more alert or else unscrupulous people could take you for a ride.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
Although your financial obligations are declining but it will take time to get yourself out of this temporary phase. Wednesday will be a hectic day.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
Hospitality, entertainment and helping a needy friend are on your agenda. You will be inclined towards a goodwill mission. Love will top your agenda.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
Your stars advise you not to oblige others at your own cost. With less burden and no liability, you can execute your plans more freely.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
Mercury at the helm ensures an eventful life. You will achieve success if you work in a group. Your faith in teamwork is your trump card.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
A hike in expenditure could upset the apple cart. Your stars advise you not to take risk. Since you are on a shaky wicket, be very cautious.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
The qualities of your head and heart affirm that you can explore emotional possibilities with success. You are likely to catch the eye of your dream lover.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

Your stars predict a hike in your income. Your desire to earn easy money through stocks or speculation could succeed with a bang.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
You should be wary of your tendency to splurge. Take your professional life more seriously and do not allow personal biases to come in your way.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
There will be much greater mobility in your life. Your stars advise you to take care of your health. Avoid doing anything important on Saturday.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
You will lose cool more often. Do not act roughly with those who do not agree with you. A tiff with a person in authority could leave you perturbed.

Born on

November 27

An auspicious year ahead. Your wisdom will subdue your doubts. Although you have faith in simple living and high thinking, a firm belief in your conscience and you accept meekly what your elders say, yet a loved one could tempt you towards a luxurious lifestyle. Your will power to assert yourself and to stick to your guns may cut no ice. You should have faith in yourself. Try to be a leader instead of being led.

November 28

The declining Moon sighted by Saturn may prompt you to take a risk. Anything approved in haste, without ascertaining the pros and cons, can prove a losing game. If interested in the sale and purchase of stocks, there is hardly any scope to improve your financial fortunes. Don’t be in a hurry to increase your income. You are at your best if you focus on one thing at a time. A pleasant surprise will come your way if you stick to this golden rule.

November 29

You excel in the art of turning obstacles into blessing. Mars heralds a buoyant and optimistic phase. You will feel that you are, at last, on the road to success. An opportune period to make headway is between mid-March and mid-May. Don’t over exert yourself during June-July. Avoid wastage of funds during the months of September-October. You should reach a social high during the last phase.

November 30

A retrograde Mercury, sighted by the retrograde Mars, is in no mood to oblige you. The New Year will be exceptionally expensive. You may have to find means to minimise your commitments and liabilities. Work-wise too, the year is likely to keep you under stress. Don’t feel put off if your social life becomes a drain on your purse. Although you may aspire or even try to build castles in the air, there is practically no hope to make your future safe and sound.

December 1

A profoundly prosperous year ahead. Jupiter sighted by friendly Mars may urge you to choose very carefully how and when you should act and with whom should you collaborate. The people you live or work with are bound to move your way. Hope and cheer may prevail during the first quarter. You seem set to achieve your aim during the second. You may appear more attractive to the opposite sex during the third. A boom is in the offing during the last one.

December 2

You have been forced to sort out an important domestic matter which has been hanging fire. Your stars may bring the problem to a head one-way or other. The overall situation will remain slightly deceptive. Perhaps some vital information is being concealed from you. A little care and wait and watch policy is needed. The truth is that there is no safe option you can confidently bank upon. A modest effort on your part is quite insufficient to help you deliver the goods.

December 3

The more determined you are to make a mark in the area of your expertise, the more ground you will cover. You will have deeper grasp of facts. Your chart suggests that you should take time off to pamper yourself. Your mood will change for the better and boost your confidence. A balance between work and pleasure will brighten up your spirits. Your planets advise you to usher in more serenity in your life.

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