Warriors of the faith

Photo: Pradeep TewariA. J. Philip visits the headquarters of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and finds no signs of firepower that spurs the so-called keepers of the flock
NAGPUR is a city of paradoxes. What strikes you most when you come out of the airport is a huge arch across the road proclaiming "Welcome to the City of Oranges". However hard you try in the sweltering heat, orange is one thing you will not find even in the big fruit market near the railway station. Ask for oranges in any shop, you will get various explanations why it has disappeared from the city, through which 5 lakh tonnes of the fruit passes every year. "Nagpur is no longer the orange capital of the country. The citrus fruit is exported and not consumed here. This year the production was pretty low"… thus went the explanations.

Offering to the Guru
Asha and Ramesh Seth write about their experience of celebrating the birth anniversary of Guru Nanak at the Fremont gurdwara in the USA. The visit brought home to them the creed of sharing one’s good fortune with the less fortunate
On one of our trips abroad we were in Fremont to celebrate the birth anniversary of Guru Nanak. Fremont is the heart of the famous Silicon Valley.

Gateway to history
Sudha Jhunjhunwala travels to Cambridge and comes back wishing she could study
there in her next birth
We set out to tour East Anglia, using Cambridge as a gateway to explore the beauties of this famous part of England. So much has been written and visually portrayed on Cambridge that I doubt if any educated person is unaware of the town. However, I take the liberty of paying homage to a favourite place where I hope to study in my next birth.

After 350 years here is a black Taj
A sand sculptor has fulfilled emperor Shahjahan’s dream, reports Bibhuti Mishra

Mughal Emperor Shahjahan’s unfulfilled last wish of building a black Taj Mahal facing the white one at Agra has come true. The internationally acclaimed sand artist Sudarsan Patnaik, from Orissa has created a Taj Mahal in black sand on the eastern side of the famous Taj Mahal inside the Taj Khema.

‘We all make choices in life’
Though Rahul Bose is saddled with the image of a sober, introvert and sensitive character in film after film, his role in The Whisperers is in contrast to earlier films. V. Ananth talks to him on his transformation from a tough rugby player to an actor playing soft characters
ahul Bose is an actor with multiple facets, with head held high in the sky and feet firmly rooted to the earth. He has a list of achievements in his kitty, which can make many high-profile people look at him in awe.

Soha’s hat-trick
Reiterating her Bengali connection, Soha Ali Khan will now be seen in Aparna Sen’s tentatively titled Goynar Baksho (The Jewellery Box), where she will star with her mother Sharmila Tagore. This is Soha’s third Bengali film, her earlier ones being Anjan Das’s Iti Srikanto and Rituparno Ghosh’s Antar Mahal.

Beyond Superman
draws on rich mythological sources. It presents a visual-aural treat and boasts of world-class animation and loads of drama, writes Komal Vijay Singh
The festive season this year has brought a Family’s Day Out gift in the shape of a movie on the grand-daddy of all superheroes, Hanuman. Touted as India’s first animation movie, it has to a large extent bridged the gap between childhood and adulthood.


televisioN: Unfair and unlovely

FOOD TALK: Litmus test of culinary skills
by Pushpesh Pant

CONSUMER RIGHTS: Take graft head on
by Pushpa Girimaji

NATURE: Where have all the sparrows gone
by Gagandeep Singh Ghuman

HOLLYWOOD HUESOne for Jodie Foster’s fans
y Ervell E. Menezes

ULTA PULTA: Much ado about a mohalla
by Jaspal Bhatti



A bridge too far
Rumina Sethi
Deepening Democracy: Challenges of Governance and Globalization in India.
by Madhu Purnima Kishwar.
Oxford. Pages 334. Rs. 595.

Choices, development, and ethics
Rajesh Kumar Aggarwal
The Ethics of Development: From Economism to Human Development
by Des Gasper. Vistaar New Delhi. Pages 255. Rs 295.

Ray is electric
Shalini Rawat
Speaking of Films: Satyajit Ray
Translated from Bangla
by Gopa Majumdar
Penguin. Pages 220. Rs 275.

Buy books by page
Chris Gaither and Julie Tamaki

Ties that bind and gag
Parshotam Mehra
Sino-Mongolian Relations 1949-2004.
by Shakti Madhok.
Reliance Publishing House, New Delhi.
Pages 246. Rs 260.

He held a mirror to society
After Prem Chand’s 125th birth anniversary year, R.L. Singhal takes a look at the seminal contribution of the pioneering author

S. Nihal Singh

Gained in translation
Komal Vijay Singh

Japuji As I Understood
by Santokh Singh Johal
Sanbun Publishers
Pages 152. Rs 150.

Write is might
Sugita Katyal
HE Empire Writes Back. That’s what the world said when a host of Indian authors writing in English burst upon the global literary scene more than a decade ago.

Back of the book
The Essential Dalai Lama
His important Teachings
Edited by Rajiv Mehrotra
Penguin Viking, Rs 350, Pages 258

Hindi Review
Unusual ghazals
Ashok Malik

Ve Baagh Aankhen
Poetry collection by Dr Paresh, Gajanan Prakashan, Chandigarh. Pages 92. Rs 120.
Mein aur Bougainvillea
Ghazal collection by Satish Bedaag, Udan Publications, Mansa. Pages 111. Rs 110.