A bridge too far
Rumina Sethi

Deepening Democracy: Challenges of Governance and Globalization in India.
by Madhu Purnima Kishwar.
Oxford. Pages 334. Rs. 595.

1985, when Madhu Kishwar published her hugely popular article, Gandhi on Women, in the EPW, she criticised the Mahatma for advocating mere "benevolence" by those in authority towards the downtrodden instead of striving to remove economic injustices altogether. In Deepening Democracy, Kishwar’s heart is still in the right place: her focus is on the growing rift between the urban elite and the rural poor.

Choices, development, and ethics
Rajesh Kumar Aggarwal
The Ethics of Development: From Economism to Human Development
by Des Gasper. Vistaar New Delhi. Pages 255. Rs 295.

ethics" is a term that emerged in 1959 in the work of Louis-Joseph Lebret, a French economist. Nevertheless, there were important academic works such as writings by John Locke (1632-1704), Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832), J. S. Mill (1806-73) and Karl Marx (1818-83) that covered such concerns without using this label. Danis Goulet (1971), Peter Berger (1974), E. F. Schumacher (1973), and Amartya Sen (1999) further developed the idea of development ethics.

Ray is electric
Shalini Rawat

Speaking of Films: Satyajit Ray
Translated from Bangla
by Gopa Majumdar
Penguin. Pages 220. Rs 275.

first-ever English translation of Ray’s Bishay Chalchitra, a collection of essays describing his worldview on films, reinforces our ideas about him, that Satyajit Ray’s art was rooted firmly in the Bengali ethos and yet it manifested the avant-garde techniques and topics of his time. It iterates that Ray’s novels, stories as well as this anthology mirror the unique charm and lucidity that characterised all his films. His comments and analysis in this volume of essays makes it a veritable first reader for anyone wanting a peep into the world of films.

Buy books by page
Chris Gaither and Julie Tamaki

Inc. previewed a service to sell just a few pages or chapters of a book—allowing one of the world’s oldest mediums to be chopped up and customised like an album on iTunes. Although he offered few details, Chief Executive Jeff Bezos said Amazon customers soon would be able to buy snippets of books for as little as a few cents a page. That might come in handy for tourists planning a trip, chefs seeking recipes or students assigned one chapter in an expensive textbook.

Ties that bind and gag
Parshotam Mehra
Sino-Mongolian Relations 1949-2004.
by Shakti Madhok.
Reliance Publishing House, New Delhi.
Pages 246. Rs 260.

the heart of Asia stretch two vast and empty lands, Tibet and Mongolia: with an area of 1.2 m sq km, the Tibet Autonomous Region has a bare 1.8 m population, while Mongolia’s 1.5 m sq km is home to less than 3 million persons. Both nations have exercised (and still do) a profound impact on their populous and powerful neighbours (Tibet on China and India; and Mongolia on China and Russia).

He held a mirror to society
After Prem Chand’s 125th birth anniversary year, R.L. Singhal takes a look at the seminal contribution of the pioneering author
Munshi Prem
Chand, whose genius has not yet been fully recognised in India (the land of his birth), is one of the greatest novelists that the world has produced. He is undoubtedly the most widely read author in modern Hindi literature, and in the domain of fiction he remains peerless to this day. This doyen of Hindi letters was born on July 31, , in a small village, Lamhi, near Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh.

S. Nihal Singh

Gained in translation
Komal Vijay Singh

Japuji As I Understood
by Santokh Singh Johal
Sanbun Publishers
Pages 152. Rs 150.

he Sikh Scripture, Guru Granth Sahib, opens with the Japuji Sahib, a collection of hymns composed by Guru Nanak, which encapsulate the essence of Sikh philosophy and theology. Designated the morning prayer, it is to be recited at amritvela (the pre-dawn ambrosial hour). In the sacred hymn, Guru Nanak outlined his vision of God as One Being, the Timeless Truth, the Master-Creator, the Unborn, the Fearless One. The Japuji Sahib comprises the Mul Mantra ( the prologue epitomising the basic underlying principle of Sikhism), an introductory sloka, 38 stanzas called pauris (steps) and the epilogue in the form of a concluding sloka.

Write is might
Sugita Katyal
HE Empire Writes Back. That’s what the world said when a host of Indian authors writing in English burst upon the global literary scene more than a decade ago.

Back of the book
The Essential Dalai Lama
His important Teachings
Edited by Rajiv Mehrotra
Penguin Viking, Rs 350, Pages 258

Holiness the Dalai Lama, one of the most eminent spiritual teachers of our times, reaches out across nations, religions and ideologies. An embodiment of the highest aspirations of the Buddhist path, his writings and ideas have had a powerful impact on millions of people worldwide, and to many he is a Buddha. Now, for the fist time, this substantive selection offers the Dalai Lama’s most significant teachings and insights.

Hindi Review
Unusual ghazals
Ashok Malik

Ve Baagh Aankhen
Poetry collection by Dr Paresh, Gajanan Prakashan, Chandigarh. Pages 92. Rs 120.
Mein aur Bougainvillea
Ghazal collection by Satish Bedaag, Udan Publications, Mansa. Pages 111. Rs 110.

elf-publication is often seen as vanity publication and is not very well regarded, but likes of Dr Paresh (he has authored over a dozen acclaimed books) can never be placed in that basket. The self-publication of his latest collection of poetry may thus be seen as an effort to avoid the hassles of finding a publisher for his mostly esoteric poems.