Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
 August 21 to August 27
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

Your brilliance will be rewarded soon. With an opportunity in the pipeline, you can look forward to a bright future. Tuesday will be your best day.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
You will enter a tricky financial phase. You will find friends turning their back on you. Your stars advise you to wait and compromise with the situation.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
A spectacular week for those studying. Legal matters will take lot of your time. You will come up with ideas which will help you take the lead.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
You will put your best foot forward in an investment or bargain. Being on a winning spree, you will have the chance to set your finances on a prosperous course.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
The week opens with the dignified sun supporting you. You will be on the lookout for new friends. You will show the defunct ones that you mean business.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
You are accused of being self-centered which will harm your interests. You will not take the matter seriously as you believe in your infallibility.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
Your stars incline you to travel more. It would do you good to visit a place you had been longing to go. So get ready for a leisure trip.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
Mars will help you shake off your shyness. A modest attempt on your part will help achieve your aspirations. In love too, there should be no looking back.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

Jupiter, the lord of fortune, is moving your way. You can expect a new light on a long-standing ambition. You will discover your latent potential.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
A demanding period, especially at home. You may lose your temper more often and act in a haste. There will be no occasion to relax.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
The challenge before you is daunting but you have the guts to knock down the obstacles. You will test the waters before taking the plunge.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
A trying period for job-seeking Pisceans. The people they would like to bank upon could show them a cold shoulder. In love, too, chances are oblique.

Born on

August 21

Despite a lot of activity, you will keep your poise intact. You will earn the reputation of being a conscientious professional who means business. Even those in authority are likely to acknowledge the depth of your vision and foresight. The best period to make headway is between mid-February and mid-May. You should be in a triumphant mood from July. You will manage to maintain your equilibrium even against heavy odds.

August 22

An Aquarian moon sighted by malefic stars may lead you to an uneasy period. Your mood will change abruptly. You are likely to soar high at one moment and feel dejected even on flimsy grounds. Those you live or work with will have an upper hand.

You are advised to tread with caution. Keep your intentions strictly to yourself. There are chances you may divulge a secret and invite trouble. Your planets advise you to usher in more serenity in your life.

August 23

With the dignified Mars in the house of luck, your income graph may give you a pleasant surprise. You will find an upsurge in your earning capacity and make use of the funds sensibly. Gestures of goodwill extended by your seniors will make the year a period of grand success. Your life will be full of joy during the first quarter. A close balance between work and pleasure will brighten up your spirits during the second. A pleasant journey is on cards during the third. Don’t exert beyond a certain limit during the last one.

August 24

With no possibility of any hold up or setback, this is a period when you seem equipped to live up to your reputation. If you have been restless or without motivation, a more settled atmosphere will prevail throughout the year. This is a good time for going in for domestic or career changes, for getting new plans underway and exploring new possibilities. Mercury, the star on ascendancy, may bestow upon you a dash of boldness in your approach. Everything happening now will be in your best interest.

August 25

It is time to be choosy, to cut away the frills and concentrate on what is really unavoidable. Walk before you speed up is the message you should take note of. It is possible you may try to rush through matters that need a thorough look. A strict vigil on your part is important. You are advised to take all precautions before it is too late.

August 26

The stars governing your finances are in no mood to show benevolence. It means you will have to remain on a slippery ground for most of the time. Cash will come in but it will have to be spent to meet some urgent and unexpected needs. If you indulge in a game of chance, you are likely to be at the receiving end.

August 27

The incoming year will bring with it many opportunities that will turn obstacles into blessing in disguise. In love too, you will call the shots. Your stars seem fairly buoyant during the first quarter. At work, your load will become slightly lighter during the second. The emphasis will be on social interaction and travel during the third. Don’t exert yourself too much at the cost of your health during the last one.

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