Qualitative change in Indo-US ties

I refer to H.K. Dua’s front-page despatches from Washington (July 19, 20 and 21). Americans have great respect for economists and White House’s warm welcome proved Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s worth worldwide.

The nuclear power co-operation agreement will help India further in overcoming the electric power shortage problem and the price rise of crude oil at the international market. A commitment made to fight terror jointly can pressurise countries like Pakistan to shut down their terrorist training camps.

Economic ties will boost the BPO business. It will encourage MNCs to shift their production units to India, therefore more employment and foreign currency will be generated.

Dr Singh’s visit to the US will add many folds to the growing Indian economy in times to come as the effect of 1990 reforms are being realised now after one and a half decades.

KARANBIR SHAH, Qadian (Gurdaspur)



Yes, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to the United States was fruitful from various angles. But let us not be euphoric about it.

Things look rosy when they are fresh. But as the dust settles, it will be quite different. The very fact that the US Secretary of State rang up Pakistan President General Pervez Musharraf to reassure him, indicates no major shift in its relations with Pakistan. Unless that happens, Pakistan-sponsored terrorism will continue.

The US cannot have the cake and keep it too. But on our part, let’s be realistic and strong enough to fight our own battle.

ANIKET SINGH, Ambala Cantonment


It seems the US has been benefited much more than India by Dr Manmohan Singh’s visit. The US has inferred that after China, India is the greatest consumer of US products and a good field for US investments. It has been proved that the US is interested only in its commercial interests and benefits than anything else.

When it is a question of its commercial interest, the US will throw  away its policy of human rights, freedom and dignity to the wind and embrace a dictator like General Pervez Musharraf. The visit should be viewed in correct perspective.

How can we forget the US’ displeasure on the Iran-India gas pipeline or denial of a permanent seat to India in the UN Security Council with veto power? The US refuses to brand Pakistan as a terrorist state despite mounting evidence for which our people have been suffering in Jammu and Kashmir.

Dr Manmohan Singh’s visit was lacking punch. The treatment extended to him was part of normal protocol. Our Prime Minister should have made it clear that if the US did not help India combat terrorism and declare Pakistan as a terrorist state, India will not sign any commercial or trade agreement with the US and all American products will be banned in India.

S.P. SHARMA, Mumbai


During his visit to the US, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has forcefully maintained that the attack on Iraq by the US and the Allied Forces was a mistake. This issue was earlier also discussed when he raised his voice in the UN to curb international terrorism under the aegis of the UN. 

This month itself, over 1,000 people died in Iraq. There is no human touch by the Bush Administration even for those Americans who are laying down their lives for fulfilling the egoistic attitude of their masters. The Anglo-American alliance because of their intransigence attitude had made the world a more vulnerable place.

Having realised the world reaction now, as our Prime Minister has rightly expressed in the US, the Alliance Forces should quit Iraq forthwith. In case there is need to control terrorist activities to maintain peace, let the Iraqis themselves decide their fate. After all, Iraq is a sovereign state. Alternatively, the UN should make efforts to establish peace in Iraq and India should be in the forefront to restore peace. In view of the present complex situation, the US should learn a lesson from Vietnam, Cuba and many other countries.

S.K. KHOSLA, Chandigarh


Every nation has its own interests in the global context. Fortunately, India’s interests do not clash with other nations’ interests. Pakistan poses as a soft state, China again sings Bhai-Bhai, Uncle Sam praises Indian democracy loudly and openly. But it is all diplomacy. All that glitters is not gold.

The world knows that India is caste-ridden and how bureaucratisation and corruption have polluted the system. The only way out of the mess is to elect clean leaders. President Bush will help us only when we help ourselves.

People must demand clean governance and full employment. There must be a qualitative change in the political leadership which must emerge from the grassroots. It must not be imposed from above.

Prof HARI SINGH, Kheri Jhat (Jhajjar)

Maintain ecological balance

The editorial “Vanishing trees” (July 5) was timely. First it was the dwindling tiger population in national reserves and now it is the loss of thousands of sheesham and keekar trees in North India. Add to this the almost complete disappearance of such shady and hardy trees like banyan, peepal, imli and even mangoes from Punjab.

The village ponds which were useful for people and animals and for rainwater harvesting, have also disappeared. These people-friendly trees needed very little water for survival and had a very long life which has been threatened by the ever-increasing water logging due to wheat and paddy pattern.

Panchayat and other organisations should be involved in tree plantation and preserving the majestic trees of the region to maintain the ecological balance.

Brig H.S. SANDHU (retd), Panchkula


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