Quota policy has harmed the nation

Apropos of your editorial “Why quota for Muslims?” (June 21), caste-based reservations in jobs and admissions have caused great harm to the nation. Now there is a talk of gender-based reservations and a quota for Muslims. The need of the day is that equal opportunities to all castes, classes and religions should be given, so that they may enjoy the fruits of democracy in independent India. In fact, from the very beginning, reservations have set in motion a tendency to fragment society.

Efficiency in the workplace is the first victim of reservations. If a thorough survey is conducted on the disadvantages of quotas, it will tell a tale full of sound and fury. The editorial rightly states: “President Kalam and Aziz Premji rose their way to the top because of their personal qualities and not on the crutch of reservation.”

The appeasement of communities by rewarding quotas to secure electoral benefits is fraught with dangerous consequences for the country. The have-nots of this country only deserve economic benefits. A large number of Muslims are educationally backward. They can be helped by providing best educational facilities on a priority basis.

IQBAL SINGH, Bijhari (Hamirpur)


Letters to the Editor

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— Editor-in-Chief




The decision of the Andhra Pradesh Government to introduce 5 per cent reservation for Muslims in government jobs and educational institutions is bad in principle and in policy as it is against the principle of secularism enshrined in the Constitution of India.

Reservations militate against merit and certainly put India at a disadvantage in this era of global competition and, therefore, this move is fraught with dangerous political and social implications. It will only create class hatred and deny Muslims the opportunity for jobs based on competition which they would otherwise be getting. This reservation will not improve their socio-economic conditions.

If the Andhra Pradesh Government is serious in improving the conditions of Muslims, then it should provide them free education and training in entrepreneurial and technical skills. This is also necessary for other states.

R.N. LAKHOTIA, New Delhi


Caste-based reservations have already fragmented Indian society. With the introduction of reservation for religious and linguistic minorities, society will further disintegrate. This is against the very spirit of national integration. The rise of the Hindutva brigade in India can be traced to the policy of appeasement of minorities.

Nearly 80 per cent of our population is very poor. They consist of people of all castes and religions, majority of whom are Hindus. Then why have reservations on the basis of caste and religion? Why not on an economic basis?

It is a known fact that most of the benefits of reservation to the SCs/STs and BCs/OBCs have been taken away by the affluent few among them. Some universities provide free training for civil/judicial services, etc, on a caste and religion basis by excluding Hindus. Are not many of upper caste Hindus also poor? Is it not discrimination as per the Constitution?

Reservations and minorityism are a form of political corruption of the worse type and we must pledge to free India from this corruption.

K.K. GOYAL, Bikaner

National security is paramount

Two news-items, “Pakistan had readied N-missiles for launch during Kargil crisis: Clinton aide” and “Pakistan rules out deal in power sector without Kashmir solution” (Jun 21), made interesting reading. These stories vividly explain the reasons for the persistence of Pakistani intransigence. In future, this attitude (bolstered by US-proferred MFN status) is likely to coerce us in acquiescing to all demands. While good neighbourly relations and sound economics are important, national security remains paramount.

In the study of military warfare, the “selection and maintenance of aim” has always been considered as the most important principle of war. Even a weak country is known to have humbled the mightiest nation by mere adherence to this simple precept. It is worth learning a lesson from the Vietnam War. Instead of equivocating and pussy-footing around the K-word and related issues, it is high time our policy makers boldly defined the contours of our foreign-policy in the present “terror-stricken” scenario.

Brig GOVIND SINGH KHIMTA (retd), Shimla

Red Cross funds

This is with reference to the news item in your paper dated June 16 regarding abuse of Red Cross funds. Such funds collected as donations from the public are meant for providing help to poor people. The diversion of these funds towards the purchase of expensive mobile phones and new cars is open abuse of authority and a fraud upon the people who make donations to the fund. The new Haryana Government must take steps to curb this mal-practice.

D.P. GARG, Hisar

Indifference to history

Apropos of the article by Inder Malhotra dated June 17, although all historical facts points to the pivotal role played by Jinnah for the creation of Pakistan and partition of this ancient land, the blame for the same has to be shared by the then Congress leadership and, of course, the colonial masters, the British. The Congress leaders are to be blamed for their uncompromising attitude towards the Muslim League starting from the 1937 elections onwards.

The Congress leadership was as much responsible for the division of India as were Jinnah and the British. There is a need to make public the historical records of those tumultuous years so as to place the issue of partition in correct perspective.

Brig H.S. SANDHU, Panchkula


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