M A I N   N E W S

Nod to Bill against domestic violence
Tribune News Service

New Delhi, June 23
The Union Cabinet today gave approval for the introduction of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Bill, 2005, in Parliament.

The Bill seeks to protect the right of a woman to reside in her matrimonial home or shared household, whether or not she has any title or right in that home or household.

“The Bill will provide effective protection and remedy to women against domestic violence of any kind and will thus fill a void in the existing legal framework,” an official statement said.

Besides, it also provides for appointment of Protection Officers and registration of non-governmental organisations as service providers for providing assistance to the abused with respect to her medial examination, obtaining legal aid and safe shelter.

The Cabinet has also approved an expenditure of Rs 478.72 crore for the execution of a 220 KV double-circuit transmission line from Pul-e-Khumri to Kabul and the setting up a new 220/110/20 KV substation at Kabul by the Power Grid Corporation of India Limited.

It will enable Afghanistan to import power from Uzbekistan to meet the power requirement of Kabul and will serve as a catalytic agent to speed up the economic rehabilitation and development of the region. It will also enhance India’s presence and profile in Afghanistan.

It will be implemented within 42 months. The entire expenditure will be in the nature of assistance (grant) to Afghanistan.

The Cabinet also approved the establishment of Global Development Network (GDN) as an international organisation with its headquarters in New Delhi.

The biannual hosting of the conference at the headquarters of the GDN would present an opportunity for a confluence of eminent researchers and think tank groups to gather in India and share their ideas.

The Cabinet also approved the setting up of a joint venture company by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), a defence PSU, and SNECMA Moteurs, France, with an initial investment of Rs 50 crore. Both companies will have equal participation in the new venture. “It will lead to outsourcing of aero engine components by HAL and SNECMA at competitive rates; increase in export potential from the JVC; introduction of advanced technologies and management practices and inflow of FDI and employment generation for Indian nationals,” the statement said.

A proposal to introduce a Bill in the Parliament to amend the Jute Manufacturers Cess Act, 1983, empowering the Central Government to exempt the goods produced or exported by the jute manufacturing units located in the north-eastern region from levy of cess for a specified period for accelerated economic growth of the states in the north-eastern region was also approved.


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