Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
 June 5 to June 11
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

It is important to make sure that morality and good behaviour go together. Otherwise, you will lower yourself in the eyes of those who have held you high in their estimate.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
With the dignified Venus on ascendancy, a career opening could be grasped with both hands. You need to be clear in your mind that it is a rare opportunity.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
Keep travel plans to the minimum. If a journey is thrust on you, check all the details before setting out so that you do not have to face any inconvenience.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
There could be a clash of personalities that will prevent you from doing anything positive. The load that has been dazing you harshly is still there. So there is no change.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
An exquisite planetary formation. You are in the midst of a potentially prosperous phase. For a majority of you, this should be an unexpected phase.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
Mercury, your main star, being deeply combust can throw you off balance at home or work. Since you should be going at full steam, there is danger of being swept off your feet.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
There is an argumentative mood prevailing in and around but you are a wide-awake person to guard against it. If you manage to overcome your natural reticence and shyness, half the battle is won.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
With Mars and Jupiter playing a significant role in your solar chart, you do not need to worry a about obliging others. Desist from this habit and the gains will be startling.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

A week of fun and excitement. Your social and romantic stars are at their peak. You will relinquish your routine course and pursue some of your personal ambitions, including the romantic ones.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
Your stars advise you not to have any rapport with having cancer or Leo as his or her natal sign. Winning the confidence of a Libran is wonderful, as if you are carrying a trump in our hands.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
There is a sudden and startling spurt in your day-to-day spending. If you act impulsively, the situation could go out of hand. It is, take therefore, essential to put down the rising trend with a firm hand.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
Have fun first and work later. There are no chances that you could irritate anybody. If you take little more pains even those in authority could be won over easily.

Born on

June 5

With multiple chores, including social pressures, hospitality and entertainment of guests, the chances of your professional uplift are few and far between. Yet you seem determined to do full justice to what you have taken upon yourself. The only snag is that there is little scope for rest and relaxation. You should not risk your health at any cost. If aspiring for an office of profit, the chances of success are bleak. The urge to deviate from the routine will stimulate you after September. Too much travel could, however, prove detrimental to your health.


June 6

With an exalted moon at the centre, your desire to get out of the rut will be strong. You will introduce some drastic change in your lifestyle and love to mix with some progressive and enlightened people. Suffice to say that this interaction will prove stimulating and rewarding. You will bring out the best lying latent in you so far from July. Good relations at work will be your best achievement from September onwards. The later half is more rewarding. You will add colour to your life during this period.


June 7

A year to take stock of your achievements. There is every reason to rejoice and give yourself a pat on the back. If you like to expand your activities, there will be more scope to establish your worth. You should, however, ensure that the plans you chalk out now are in tune with the present situation. You will rise to the occasion during the first quarter. New ideas will stir your imagination during the second. The burden of work is likely to fade away during the third. The challenge before you is to take care of your health during the last one.


June 8

The combust Mercury could prove contrary to your interest. Your urge to spend more will be more intense. Despite strenuous efforts, there will be no improvement in your financial situation. You may waste your funds or go in for some tricky bargain. If you opt for some quick money-earning schemes, you will be at the receiving end. A hasty decision involving a big amount should be guarded against from January onwards. Mixing business with pleasure will not be a good idea during the end part.


June 9

A heartwarming period which will bring out the best in you. Your stars are capable of providing a warm glow to your new ventures. You can launch a new enterprise, start a new friendship, go in for romance and make your social life joyous. In love, your charm will be at its peak and you will be able to captivate your dream lover. Don’t feel surprised if social engagements prove expensive. It is not advisable to accept every offer that comes your way. You should be selective and vigilant while making the final choice.


June 10

You will be keen to visit a new place of your choice to revive your contacts with an old friend. An extremely enjoyable period. There is a bright chance that the contacts you develop now may prove to be worthwhile later. A special time of the year to benefit the most will begin from mid October. You will learn the art of turning obstacles into opportunities. You will consolidate your gains, but home and family affairs may remain in a state of utter neglect as usual.


June 11

Saturn sighted by the retrograde Neptune is a liability and may tempt you to be adventurous. With the wheel of fortune in the reverse gear, time is inopportune to take any bold decision. Your attempt to help a friend in need could backfire. While extending generosity to others, you should keep in mind that charity begins at home. You must tread the ground with your eyes wide open. Running after false hopes is your biggest folly and may give you a rude shock.

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