Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
May 22 to May 28
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

A period of care and caution. Do not disclose a closely guarded secret to a close friend as it is likely to be divulged. Restrict your habit of moving about aimlessly.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
A lustrous week for ambitious Taureans. Venus, the main star, will lend full support. You seem equipped to tackle the most difficult issues with ease.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
You seem to be in a haste to change horses in midstream. It is no time to change your modus operandi. Status quo will be the best device in the present situation.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
With moon at the helm, it is the best time to share your views with like-minded people. Get in touch with the people you have ignored and build bridges with those gone astray.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
You will be out and about more than usual. If you are already in an active frame of mind, you will be digging out more exciting ways to spend your time. Sunday is best for introspection.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
A period when you will be able to make others understand and agree to your point of view. Even in a meeting, you could lighten the atmosphere with a joke and get your point carried out.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
You are desperately trying your luck for a better opportunity. The road towards your goal is not as smooth as you thought. There is many a slip between the cup and the lip.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
The Aquarian Mars in the 10th house is up in arms against your rivals. You will emerge as a star performer. Honour and recognition will mean more to you than pecuniary gains.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

The retrograde Jupiter, your sign-lord, encourages you to be more obstinate, possessive and a slave of your sweet will. You may be encouraged to take a minor risk, make a loss or run up a minor debt.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
Hospitality, merriment and a trip to a place of your choice are a few important attractions of this week. Much of your energy will be utilised in doing noble deeds. Saturday is your unique day.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
You will have to do some serious thinking to bridle your jumping expenditure. With the demands of your inmates touching new heights, there will be very little scope for you to heave a sight of relief.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
It is a good time to take advantage of your skills and talents. Use them as elaborately as possible and sky will be the limit. Creative people can steal the show.

Born on

May 22

With the Taurean sun clubbed with the Venus and sighted by Pluto, you are advised to deal carefully, especially where financial matters are concerned. Money will slip through your fingers. The moment you decide to say ‘no’ to all those who keep their eyes on your funds, you will feel as if you have come out of the trying situation.

Sit back and bide your time. Share your problems with your well-wishers. It is possible you may receive some help.

May 23

You should be riding on a lucky wave. The road is clear for a rapid march. Enthusiasm and spontaneity are your outstanding features. This will help you maintain your reputation in letter and spirit. You are going to turn a new leaf.

A new ideal will catch your fancy during the first quarter. A unique opportunity will come your way during the second. A rewarding journey may add to your knowledge and experience during the third. Your tendency to become tense may give you a few anxious moments during the end part.

May 24

With the Mars in the tenth house accompanied by the Aquarian Uranus, you seem fully prepared to meet any challenge that comes your way. Despite hardships that block your way, you are not going to slacken your efforts to achieve the goal you have set your sight at.

May and June are your most rewarding months for consolidating your financial position. You would like to give self-help more weight during September and October. Group activities will not hold much promise during November and December. You can sit back and rest on your laurels during the end part.

May 25

Keep routine chores to a minimum and spare sometime for your personal welfare. Some marked changes seem to be on the anvil and you should be prepared for it. It is also a lacklustre period for bargaining, lending or borrowing. A sizeable number of planets controlling your finances are in a passive mood. Despite your endeavour to add to your existing income, there will be no marked change for the better. Don’t depend on others for help, cooperation or even good counsel. It will be ideal if you could avoid travelling at odd hours.

May 26

Your main concern revolves around home, family life, children, their education, healthcare and the welfare of dear and near ones. Although some urgent family compulsions and domestic chores will stress you, your presence of mind will remain as unhindered as ever.

Your biggest problems are the pressure tactics of your friends. This could, however, leave you feeling on the edge and bitterly demoralised. A strict watch over your funds is a dire necessity. You need a big dose of self-control to tide over the present messy situation.

May 27

With the Venus heading towards her own sign, it is a period of great significance. Adherence to social commitments seems to be one of your most-coveted qualities. Your ambitions will make you more conscientious and work-oriented.

A period that brings you in the limelight will start from July. You will cash in on good opportunities. Your hunt for greener pastures can deliver reasonably good results after November. Those born on this date will be lucky enough to have their cake and eat it too.

May 28

Although social pressures remain high, the chances of any slackness on your part will be quite remote. You will deem your duty to see through whatever responsibilities you take on yourself. The only snag is there will be practically no scope for rest.

Your love life, if any, cannot be as smooth as you have anticipated. If in love, you should follow the path of least resistance and keep your feelings close to your chest. If you act on this advice, you can expect your dream lover to behave softly towards you.

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