Y O U R  D A T E  W I T H  S T A R
May 8  to May 14
[ March 21 to April 20 ]

Your social aspirations will play a dominant role. A momentous hour for those fond of partying. You will surround yourself with friends you love and are inspired by.

[ April 21 to May 20 ]
Many Taureans will be seized with an urge to spend. Being a votary of unrestricted extravagance, they will feel as if they have huge funds to dole out at their sweet will.
[ May 21 to June 21 ]
It is the finest period for shopping trips. It is better to go in with someone rather than doing so alone. It is an opportune time to meet people you have not seen for months.
[ June 22 to July 22 ]
The moon, nestling in her exalted sign, heralds a period of satisfaction. You will be in a positive mood to take the lead and make your presence felt.
[ July 23 to Aug 22 ]
With living costs jumping rapidly, you should waste no time to adopt frugal measures. You will feel a little exploited even at on home front. You need all facts stored up in your memory-bank.
[ Aug 23 to Sept 22 ]
A gainful period to achieve your emotional and creative longings. With the dominant Mercury heading towards ascendancy, anything new and attractive will charm you and bring fruitful results.
[Sept 23 to Oct 22 ]
Don’t live under the illusion that life is a bed of roses and romance a child’s play. Make sure that you are ruled by your head and not your heart.
[Oct 23 to Nov 22 ]
Reposing confidence in an Aquarian beyond a certain limit will not be prudent. Joining hands with a Cancerian or Piscean will be a sign of good luck.

[ Nov 23 to Dec 22]

The retrograde Jupiter is likely to block your progress instantly. You will run from pillar to post to get your grievances eradicated but you will have to wait for the same for a little longer time.
[Dec 23 to Jan 20]
A change of mood around mid-week will find you becoming more down to earth and willing to achieve your aims more drastically. You will also be more enthusiastic at work.
[ Jan 21 to Feb 19 ]
With commitments expanding, there is no scope to calm down and relax. Don’t let others poke their nose in your affairs. It is perhaps the right time to gain experience and become worldly wise.
[Feb 20 to March 20 ]
You are at a major turning point now. You are likely to be endowed with splendid and stimulating planetary bounties. Saturday will be your best sociable day.

Born on

May 8

You will probe deep into matters concerning your security and welfare. You will be curious to find the truth about other people’s intentions. Relationships with young ones may become a little intense but straight talking could settle a long-term misunderstanding.

You will be passing through a mildly bumpy patch during the first quarter. An unguarded remark on your part could be blown out of proportion during the second. A cherished dream is likely to come true during the third. You will grow in stature during the last one.

May 9

All eyes seem focused on you but when the moon is offering you her support, there is no ground to entertain fears. Your stable state of mind can be of immense help. Your stars advise you to relax and see to it that you have sufficient time to yourself.

If you fancy travelling, now is the right time to step out and expand your horizons. Your flexible outlook will be a valuable asset. The people you rub shoulders with will be generous and outgoing. You can chalk out a unique strategy for the future.

May 10

More and more stars are occupying your native sign one after the other. Such a conglomeration of stars when it comes into operation, especially in Pisces, is considered to be a sign of good luck. The exalted Mars is another factor that it is no ordinary period. It suggests that you will come across some opportunities to streamline your career plans and social life. There is nothing that can be beyond your grasp. If you are anticipating some problem with an elderly person among your inmates, you can bear with it without losing your cool.

May 11

Although a heavy workload may prove a big deterrent for you on health grounds, you will continue to deal with it without showing any resentment and displeasure. Time has now arrived when you should get your routine tasks properly sorted out so that you are not bogged down with frivolous pursuits at the cost of the essential ones.

You can afford to have a little fun and even relax after June but you should not put your feet up. A breath of fresh air will revitalise your mood after September. The directions you take now could deliver much better results after January 2006.

May 12

Although pressure on your wallet is waning fast, you don’t seem to be out of the muddle as yet. Ups and downs are part of one’s life and you, too, are part of this natural phenomenon. Running after false hopes cannot lead you towards your specific goal.

As May gets underway, your craze for adventure will become stronger. The people you think are devoted to you may ignore you or even take you for a ride during November-December. If you adopt a hands-off approach, the situation could turn sour.

May 13

A combust Venus may keep you on the move. You have very strong ideas for doing something on a war footing. You will also be offering inducements to people to back your plans. You will soon discover a new and important ally to stand by you through thick and thin.

You must tread carefully during the first quarter. A new collaboration may prove rewarding during the second. What is a slippery ground for others could prove a cakewalk for you during the third. There will be no hurdle to slow your pace during the last one.

May 14

The centrally placed Geminian Saturn indicates success on more than one front. It will pave the way for a much better understanding with the people who matter. You could safely set your mind on fresh ideas and ambitions. Life should be more exciting than ever before

A profoundly constructive and positive period. Your grasp of facts may surprise even your worst critics. For matters connected with academic pursuits, September and October are the best months. Partnership may not suit you for the present.

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