C H A N D I G A R H   S T O R I E S


Sahara City Homes violating Act: PUDA
SSP issues show-cause notice to company
Chitleen K. Sethi
Tribune News Service

Mohali, April 10
The Punjab Urban Planning and Development Authority (PUDA) here has asked the Punjab Police to book Sahara City Homes for violating various provisions of the Punjab Apartment and Property Regulation Act, 1995.

In a letter sent to the Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP), Patiala, on April, the Additional Chief Administrator, PUDA, Mohali, has alleged that the company had through an advertisement invited applications for booking houses in their proposed residential project near Chandigarh without having the requisite licence or registration from PUDA to develop land as a coloniser.

The SSP, Patiala, Mr Amardeep Singh Rai, said his office had issued a show-cause notice to the company following the receipt of letter from PUDA. But an FIR would be lodged only after investigations are carried out in the case.

Sahara City Homes owns over 150 acres in Rampur Kalan village, Rajpura district, along the Zirakpur- Patiala highway. The land is to be developed into a state-of-the-art residential complex. The land was bought two years ago.

According to the request letter sent by PUDA to the SSP, the company had on March 2, 2004, advertised in a Hindi newspaper for booking of houses in the Sahara City Homes project. Issuing such an advertisement, stated the letter, was a violation of Section 4 of the regulation Act,1995, and the violator was liable to punishment for three years or a fine of Rs 1,0000. The letter pointed out that a site report has been called for by PUDA and it has been found that the company had appointed an executive officer at the site to handle the bookings. A copy of the advertisement issued by Sahara City Homes has been attached with the PUDA’s letter.

The advertisement states that the rates of the Sahara City Homes would increase after March 10 and so houses here should be booked immediately. The advertisement also informed the public that Sahara was going to buy more land so that all those who have been unable to book a house now could be accommodated later.

Mr M.S. Sandhu, liaison officer of Sahara India Homes, Chandigarh, stated that the company had applied to PUDA for land use change many months ago but the application was still being processed. He added that the company had also applied for a coloniser’s licence. “But we were told that we would be able to get a license only after the use of land is changed. Moreover, these advertisements are issued by the head office in Lucknow and it is for them to see if these violate any local rules,” he said. Mr Sandhu gave an assurance that the company would follow all rules laid down for developing a colony in Punjab.

However, Mr Yashvir Mahajan, ACA, PUDA, Mohali, stated that no one is authorised to carve out a colony or solicit applications from the public until he has obtained a valid licence from the competent authority. “By issuing such an advertisement Sahara City Homes has rendered itself liable for penal action,” he said.

SSP Rai added that appropriate action would be taken against the company if it is found that provisions of law were being violated. He, however, said since this was an economic offence, an FIR would be lodged only after complete investigations are carried out and legal opinion is sought.

The Punjab Apartment and Property Regulation Act (PAPRA) 1995, states that no one can colonise and /or cut Plots for sale in an area of over 1000 sqm without the requisite licence from the competent authority vide section 5(1) of the Act or without getting registered with PUDA as a developer vide Section 21 (1) of the Act. In case a person violates these provisions laid down under Sections 3, 6, 9 of the Act he is liable to be punished under Section 36(3) of the Act.



CPCB project awaits grant
Need to cap Dadu Majra dumping area
Sanjeev Singh Bariana
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, April 10
Delay in the release of grants by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) for the second phase of a pilot project has severely affected sanitation work in the city. The most severely hit is the dumping ground at Dadu Majra.

Of the 45 acres of the dumping ground area, nearly 25 aces are already filled with garbage. The spot now needs to be capped for a cleaner local environment and for preventing pollution of land. The portion has not been sealed and garbage is now being dumped in the adjoining area. Even this portion needed to be prepared according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Solid Waste Management Rules, 2000.

Sources said one of the biggest reasons why the grant was being held back was because the city did not have any garbage processing unit. The decision to set up a garbage processing unit was taken in 1996. During the past nearly nine years proposals for using different technologies for waste processing have been discussed. The corporation has, however, not decided on the type that is best suited for the city.

The Municipal Corporation is said to have prepared a cost estimate of Rs 9 crore for the CPCB project. A consultancy firm has worked out the details of the sanitary landfill to avoid poisonous black waste residue spreading from the pit. The board is expected to give 50 per cent of the grant, the MC 30 per cent and the remaining share comes from UT.

The first phase of the pollution control board project is complete. “The city needs to just finalise the garbage processing unit for release of grants for the second phase. It is difficult to decide the best suited technology for any city because the nature of garbage was different in different places. Luckily, the city does not have any alarming industrial waste so it should be easier to decide the technology”, the official said.

An official of the UT Administration said one of the proposals worth considering by the administration could be covering the waste with silt. The silt from the Sukhna lake, could be placed at the dumping area to cover waste. In case this project was given a careful look huge quantity of material filling the lake could be dropped at the dumping ground.” 



Navratras attract child beggars from afar
Ruchika M. Khanna
Tribune News Service

Panchkula, April 10
Cashing in on the largesse of devotees thronging the Mansa Devi shrine here, migrant labourers from nearby areas have found an easy way of making money. They are camping near the revered shrine, using their children to beg during the nine-day Navratra fair.

Though child beggars can always be seen outside the shrine, Navratras are a boom time. These ‘resident’ beggars who operate near the shrine throughout the year, now have to share the ‘booty’ with other child beggars, some of whom have come all the way from Patiala and Kalka.

Interestingly, many of these child beggars are otherwise studying in schools, and have come here to make a quick buck at the behest of their parents. Like Sunita, an eight-year-old girl, who has come to cash in on the ‘begging season’ here from Indra Colony, a slum on the Chandigarh-Panchkula border. She is a student of Class II in a private school run by an NGO. “Many people give food, clothes and money to girls (kanjaken). So my mother brought me here,” she says as she carries her two-year-old sister along.

Simpy, 11, who studies in Government Primary School, Rampur Seori village, near Pinjore, says her parents are labourers employed at a stone crusher. During Navratras, her mother and elder sister stop working as daily wagers and get her here to beg. “Though I have made only Rs 70 in the first two days, I have received three sets of clothes. The food donated to me is enough for my entire family, and we have been eating three meals a day, which is not possible otherwise,” she says.

Buddha,10, who otherwise assists his father in applying mehandi in Patiala, says “My father gets me and my brother, Billu, 6, here on each Navratra, and we together manage to make Rs 60 to Rs 80 each day. He also gives us some money for the joyrides available here,” he says, immediately trying to justify his parents’ insistence on begging.

But it is not just these children, many women have also come here to cash in on the ‘Navratra bonanza’. Kiran, a resident of Old Panchkula, who works as a part-time maid, comes here after her work to beg for food. “I have a three-month-old daughter, and since young girls are worshipped and given gifts, it is a good time to reap the benefits,” she says.

These beggars move around in clusters and cajole devotees standing in queues for alms. The police acts only if someone complains, though the cops on duty at the makeshift police post near the shrine entrance say they do drive away the beggars in the morning.



Devotees donate Rs 4.94 lakh at Mansa Devi shrine
Tribune News Service

A woman does “dandwat pranam” at the Mansa Devi shrine in Panchkula
A woman does “dandwat pranam” at the Mansa Devi shrine in Panchkula on Sunday.
— A Tribune photograph

Panchkula, April 10
The second day of the Navratras at the Mansa Devi shrine saw thousands of devotees paying obeisance. Officials say that more than one lakh devotees from all over the region came to the temple. Since it was a Sunday, it saw more crowds at the temple than yesterday.

The devotees had donated a sum of Rs 4.94 lakh, four gold items and 105 silver items on the first Navratra and over 1.25 lakh devotees had visited the shrine till this evening.

A press note by the Deputy Commissioner said the devotees had also donated 23 kg of ghee, five fans, and six brass bells, among other things.



NRI molested in Sukhna Lake public toilet
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, April 10
A newly married girl from Australia was allegedly molested inside a public toilet at the Sukhna Lake here today. This is the fourth such incident in the city during the last fortnight.

A 41-year-old father of two children from Moga followed the woman into the toilet and allegedly molested her. The 23-year-old woman and her husband, both settled in Australia, had come to Nawa Gaja village in Jalandhar for marriage this month. They had came to the city for their honeymoon. The couple was having lunch at the lake cafeteria when the woman went to the toilet.

According to the police, Makhan Lal (41), a trader, was standing outside. Feigning ignorance, he entered the toilet meant for women and asked her where the toilet for men was. Finding her alone, he molested her.

The woman ran out of the toilet and informed her husband. They both came out and found the accused loitering around. The husband of the woman caught him.

But Makhan Lal claimed that he had not molested the woman and had entered the toilet to ask where the toilet for men was.



‘Drunk’ cops misbehave with man
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, April 10
A man travelling in a car (No. CH03F 8335) witnessed horror and fear of being robbed of at the hands of two allegedly inebriated Punjab police personnel near Shishu Niketan School, Sector 66, Mohali, today afternoon.

According to Mr Amit Puri, when he was heading towards Chandigarh, two motor cycle-borne policemen — Constable Amrik Singh and Head Constable Gurcharan Singh — stopped his car and asked for search of the vehicle. The policemen allegedly snatched his two mobile phones and took out his documents.

Mr Puri alleged that the policemen were repeatedly asking him about how much money he was carrying.

He said he was under constant fear that the two would frame him. The policemen started misbehaving and gripped by fear, he signaled some scooterists for help, who were also bashed up by the policemen, he added.

He said, the policemen had been telling him that they would book him some way or the other. The policemen had to beat a hasty retreat when around six persons on different scooters gathered around them.

When asked about the incident, Mr Rakesh Aggarwal, SP Mohali, said he would inquire into the matter and action would be taken if they were found guilty.



Her tormentor her own son
Aditi Tandon
Tribune News Service

Ninetyfive-year-old Rosy recounts her trauma after she was turned out of the house by her only son who lives at Nabha
Ninetyfive-year-old Rosy recounts her trauma after she was turned out of the house by her only son who lives at Nabha. — Tribune photo by Parvesh Chauhan

Chandigarh, April 10
At 95 years of age, Rosy can hardly afford to rest. Her day dawns early and never really ends. It comes like a burden, heavy with the baggage of trauma - the only thing Rosy can call her own.

For, that's the only parting gift her son gave her before turning her out of his house at Nabha. It's hard to believe that the woman, with all her anguish and anger, actually boarded a bus to Chandigarh and arrived in Sector 8 C, where she was living before going to Nabha some months ago. She went back to households which showed her some care when she was enduring a life of indignity away from her son and loved ones. When she arrived, she was barely clothed; her feet had sores until a family gave her clothes and slippers to wear.

Back in the old setting, Rosy looks lost and anxious. She gets food from people around, especially from the house of Mr M.M. Batra who, along with other neighbours, has taken upon himself the task of restoring some dignity of Rosy. He has managed to lodge her in the Sector 8 gurdwara for a day, and is frantically looking for help lest the woman lands up on the road again.

As the residents of the sector make efforts to help her, Rosy is busy recounting her losses although that's one thing she hates doing.

"That is why I keep walking all day long. I wander into streets, into the Church, into Carmel Convent School so that I can concentrate on prayer and shut my mind to painful memories.

But they haunt me everywhere I go. I have lived in Chandigarh for 30 years now, especially in the lanes of Sector 8 where people don't dismiss me as a beggar. I am not one. I hate charity. That's why I make crochet stitch pieces and knit woollens to make some money. I don't want alms but I can't do much. My son has brought me to misery," says the frail old woman, on the verge of a breakdown.

Residents informed The Tribune that Rosy had been living in a certain Sector 8 household before being turned out. "She is too old to work. Obviously she is of no help to anyone. That may be one reason why she has been shunted out of the old house where she used to get money in exchange of work. Now she is weak and needs special care and attention which she can only get in an old age home," said a resident.

People also claim they have not been able to manage any help from the church which was earlier giving Rosy some subsistence allowance. Recalls Rosy, "Sector 18 Church was giving me some money. I also stayed there for a while but now I have been disallowed."

While that remains subject to confirmation, help is most desired in Rosy's case. She can call Sector 8 gurdwara her home, but not beyond a day. By tomorrow night, she will again be on the roads, without shelter, without care.



Passing Thru

Dr M.G. Deo
Dr M.G. Deo, vice- president, Moving Academy of Medicine and Bio- Medicine (MAMB), Pune

What are the objectives of your academy?

The MAMB was launched three years ago to expose medical students to the fast expanding new knowledge, which is bound to influence medical practice in the 21st century. We have evolved a cost-effective and new strategy of organising mobile workshops to supplement traditional teaching. Instead of students coming to us, we move from place to place disseminate knowledge about new developments.

How equipped are medical students in the country to meet the challenges ahead?

Unfortunately, medical students all across the country are overburdened and are dictated by the prevalent rigid curricula and are unable to learn the new things that are taking place in the medical field. Few students know about the latest research and the implications of stem cell. That is why there is a lot of scope for out-of-the-box teaching.

What are the topics that you have chosen to cover in your mobile workshops?

This year, we are holding workshops on genomics and medicine, robotic medicine and telemedicine, stem cell biology regenerative medicine and nanomedicine.

— Neelam Sharma



Experts favour continuation of subsidies in
agriculture sector

Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, April 10
Experts attending a seminar on "Rationalising Investment and Subsidies in Indian Agriculture" today recommended that subsidies and public investment in the agriculture sector had to continue if agricultural growth were to be maintained.

During a panel discussion on the concluding day of the seminar at the Center for Research in Industrial and Rural Development here, it was felt that investment and subsidy, particularly in the power sector, should be implemented in such a way that it strengthened the capacity of the farmers and led to saving of resources.

There was also a consensus among experts that there was an urgent need for subsidy for research and development in the field of bio-technology as well as for education and health in rural areas. Public--private partnership in the form of cooperatives was also suggested to overcome the shortage of resources.

Earlier, in his talk on input subsidy in Punjab, Dr Prem S. Vashishtha from the International Food Policy Research Institute observed that in spite of relatively high private investment, Punjab's agriculture was facing significant deceleration. Stating that input subsidies were distributed in a highly iniquitous manner, he added that the power sector, which accounted for 70 per cent of the total input sector, was responsible for a major part of the liabilities of the state government. He recommended that reforms in pricing of fertilizer and irrigation water needed to be undertaken simultaneously and the necessary institutional changes imitated.

Speaking on input subsidies in Andhra Pradesh, Dr K.P.C. Rao, Principal Scientist, ICRISAT, Patancheru, said subsidies in agriculture sector created several major problems. As capital costs were not recovered, the state government was finding it difficult to invest in new irrigation projects. Besides, greater demands for construction of canal irrigation systems, farmers who invested in digging tubewells started demanding subsidy on power.

Stating that the current mood of the state government is not in favour of reforms, he added that there was no sign of the agriculture sector being out of the crisis of viability and indebtedness. He further remarked that only when the direction of populism was reversed, could there be a discussion on the sequencing of reforms on input subsidy.



UT staff strike on May 11
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, April 10
Factionalism in UT employees came to the fore again today with two factions of the Federation of UT Employees and Workers organising two separate delegate conferences.

On the other hand,the employees has given a call for one-day strike on May 11 in protest against the Chandigarh Administration’s apathetic attitude towards their demands.

Earlier, inaugurating a conference at the Indira Holiday Home, Sector 24, here Mr Randhir Singh, a veteran trade union leader, while condemning the administration for not accepting the “long-pending” demands of the employees, urged the workers to oppose the economic policies of the Central Government.

The general secretary of this faction of the federation, Mr Rakesh Kumar, announced that if the genuine demands would not be met by May 11, the federation would go on a one-day strike.

The other conference at the Bal Bhavan, Sector 23, was inaugurated by Mr Amarjit Singh,vice-president of the Electricity Employees Federation of India. He also came down heavily on the “anti-worker” policies of the Central Government under pressure from the World Bank and the IMF.

The general secretary of this faction, Mr Bhag Mal Rana,underlined the need for unity among the UT employees to form a joint platform to present their demands before the administration.

The main demands of the employees included the regularisation of the daily-wage and work-charged employees, treating staff transferred by the administration to the Municipal Corporation of Chandigarh (MCC) on deputation, grant of bonus for the past four years, filing of vacant posts and grant of house rent allowance, dearness allowance and the city compensatory allowance to daily wage workers.

Meanwhile, the following were elected office-bearers for 2005 to 2007: president — Mr Bal Krishan; working president — Mr Pishora Singh and general secretary — Mr Rakesh Kumar.

The other faction elected Mr Manmohan Singh as president and Mr Bhag Mal Rana as general secretary.



Voter card issued twice with wrong details
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, April 10
Mr Kartar Singh, son of Mr Mangal Singh, resident of H-4/2, Adarsh Colony, Rajpura, is facing lot of harassment at the hands of officials at the Rajpura office of the Election Commission of India regarding his voter identity card.

The card was first issued to him in 2001 with several discrepancies. The name of his father was misspelled as Manga Singh and the residential address was also incomplete.

When he brought this to the notice of the authorities concerned, they issued him another card in 2004, but this time his name was misspelt and the name of his father was changed to Kartar Singh instead of Mangal Singh. His address was also wrong on the new card issued to him.

He has lodged many complaints with the Election Commission’s office to get the errors corrected, but his pleas have fallen on deaf ears.



SC group rues non-issuance of certificates
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, April 10
The Chandigarh Scheduled Castes Welfare Association in its meeting today took up the matter of non-issuance of Scheduled Caste certificates by the Chandigarh Administration.

Mr Mukesh Kumar, president of the association, said by not issuing the certificates, the administration had deprived the members of the SC community from various welfare schemes, especially admission of their wards in educational institutions.

Mr Kewal Krishan, former Mayor of the Chandigarh Municipal Corporation, said the certificate was an essential document for the members of the community.

To highlight the issue, the association has decided to hold a dharna at Sector 17 on April 15. The association lamented that even the Member of Parliament had failed to do anything on the matter.



48 potters qualify for rehabilitation
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, April 10
The Panchayat Department has found 48 potters eligible for rehabilitation in Maloya.

According to Director Panchayats Arun Kumar, 50 plots of 5 marla each have been carved out in Maloya for the purpose.

The land will be given to them on lease at Rs 4 per square yard or Rs 600 per month. Violations could attract cancellation of the lease.

The lessee could erect a kutcha structure and light and water will be provided by the panchayat. A special permission will be given as there will be change of land use. The income generated from the allotment will be used for village development. The allotment will be made through draw of lots by the village panchayat.



12 couples tie nuptial knot
Our Correspondent

Zirakpur, April 10
Twelve couples tied nuptial knots at a mass marriages function arranged by the Gurmat Prachar Sewa Society, Bhabhat, in collaboration with Guru Granth Sahib Sewa Society, Chandigarh, and the Lions Clubs of Panchkula and Mohali, along with some persons of the locality in Bhabhat village, here today.

The couples belonged to poor families. The function was organised on the premises of the local Government Senior Secondary School.

Relatives of some of the brides reached the school premises last night, while others reached early this morning.

Marriage parties from far flung areas in Punjab and Haryana reached the venue this after noon. The families, along with the grooms and the brides, were later taken to the Sector 34 gurdwara in Chandigarh.

The social organisations and some persons of the area had pooled in money to gift household items to the brides, said Mr Haquam Singh, president of the Gurmat Prachar Sewa Society, Bhabhat.

The villagers, including Mr Nakshatra Singh, Mr Surinder Singh and Ms Harmesh Kaur, Municipal Councilors of the area, played an important role in organising the function. 
Mr Narinder Sharma, president of the Zirakpur Nagar Panchayat, and Ms Harmail Kaur, a local leader, also blessed the couples on the occasion.



Function to mark Nav Samvat
Our Correspondent

Dera Bassi, April 10
The local unit of the Bharat Vikas Parishad organised a function to mark Nav Samvat 2062 at the Bharat Vikas Parishad Bhavan here last night.

The function was inaugurated by Mr Amrit Pal Singh, president of Dera Bassi Municipal Council. Mr Surinder Attri, organising secretary of the Bharat Vikas Parishad, Patiala, in his keynote address stressed upon the scientific base of Vikrami Samvat.

Those who attended the function included Mr Jagjit Singh Dalli, a former president of the Dera Bassi Municipal Council, councillors and members of the families of the parishad, revealed Mr Vijay Kalia, president of the unit.



Quantum jump in excise, ST collection
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, April 10
The excise and sales tax collection in the city have seen a quantum jump from Rs 405 crore last year to Rs 490 crore, registering a rise of 21 per cent.

Deputy Commissioner-cum Excise and Taxation Commissioner Arun Kumar said sales tax collection had gone up from Rs 311 crore to Rs 378 crore, registering a 22 per cent rise.

The excise collection had seen a 19 per cent rise in the year.



Army officer’s father ends life
Our Correspondent

Panchkula, April 10
Fed up with protracted illness, 82-year-old father of a Lieutenant-Colonel reportedly committed suicide by hanging himself from a fan in Chandi Mandir flats.

Ramesh Dharmadhikari was found hanging from the ceiling fan in his flat.

The police has found a suicide note from the spot. The note said nobody was responsible for his death. It said he was fed up with tuberculosis and rheumatism that he was suffering from.

Dharmadhikari’s son, Lieut-Col Arun Dharmadhikari, is serving the Indian Army. The body was taken to the Sector 6 General Hospital. It was later handed over to the family.



Mountview set to don five-star cap
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, April 10
The oldest premium hotel in the city, Mountview, is all set to be elevated to the five-star status. A team of the Union Ministry of Tourism is scheduled to come this month for a final inspection before the coveted five-star status is granted.

Run by the Chandigarh Industrial Tourism Corporation (CITCO), Mountview presently enjoys the four-star status. There is a frenzy in CITCO as the hotel is on its final run towards the five-star status. Among the new things to be added are computer connectivity in all rooms. A local area network will be provided for guests to use their laptops in the comfort of their rooms. Till now, guests had to go to the business centre within the hotel for using computers.

All rooms will have the minibar facility. CITCO has ordered electronic safes in each room which have been supplied and are in the process of installation. This allows the guest to keep his or her valuables in the safe. The digital lock of the safe is reset each time a new guest arrives. The guest feeds in his own locking code.

The hotel will also provide free drop-and-pick-up facility from the airport and railway station to all guests, said the Chairman of CITCO, Mr S.C. Poddar. The hotel will have its own air-conditioned fleet of cars for guests.

The Ministry of Tourism had asked for clearance from the Fire Department and also the police. All these certifications have been obtained and the relevant formalities are complete, said Mr Poddar.



‘Quark City to bring Mohali on world map’
Tribune News Service

Mohali, April 10
Mr Rana K.P. Singh, Parliamentary Secretary, Industries and Commerce, said today that India’s largest business park “Quark City”, that was being constructed here, would bring Mohali on the world map.

Spread over 46 acres in the Phase I and 5,000 acres in Phase II, the project envisaged a cost of more than Rs 500 crore for Phase-I and Rs 3,000 crore for Phase-II. The park was being developed with an aim to create the first planned and integrated business complex in the North which would put together office, production, commercial, residential facilities at a single location.

In a press note issued by the Punjab Government, Mr Rana K.P. Singh said Quark had signed an agreement with the Punjab Government on November 3, 2003. The state had provided assistance to set up industries in the knowledge-based sector. Apart from financial benefits and exemptions, the government had also reviewed all major Acts and Rules that regulate the industry.

Highlighting of the business park, Mr Rana said there would be seamless data and voice communication, networking of the business park through optic fibre backbone.



Market panel chief’s election on April 28
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, April 10
Elections for the post of chairman of the Market Committee, Chandigarh will be held on April 28, Mr Arun Kumar, Deputy Commissioner, said in a press note here yesterday.

The post fell vacant when Mr Bhupinder Singh Badheri was removed from the post of chairman following vote of no-confidence, 

Mr Arun Kumar said that “in order to have a fair and free election, the entire process will be videographed and will be open to media for 



Biz Clips

Home UPS: Su-Kam has launched the first-ever multi-facility sine wave home UPS. The company claims that with the introduction of sine wave technology, switchover from power failure to inverter is not only instantaneous but also noiseless. Further there is no flickering in tube lights or the speed of the fan. VCD and DVD players keep working without any break, besides eliminating the need to re-programme washing machine and other equipment like mixer, grinder or juicer. This enhances the life of electric and electronic gadgets. TNS

Launched: Tucson, the second offering in the SUV (sport utility vehicle) segment by Hyundai Motor India, arrived in the city on Sunday. It is being brought initially as a completely built unit (CBU). Tucson has been priced at Rs 14.30 lakh (ex-showroom price in Chandigarh). Tucson complements a car, SUV and a MPV. It is powered by a two-litre CRDI diesel engine. TNS


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