Denial of visa to Modi an improper act

Mr Narendra Modi is a constitutionally elected Chief Minister of Gujarat. The denial of visa to him by the US Administration cannot be termed as a diplomatically sound act.

The US’ track record of human rights is as sullied as of any other colonial power. During a visit to India recently, Venezuela President Hugo Chavez Frias alleged that the US was trying to “eliminate” him. The past history of colonisation of US by the Whites is a dirty linen soiled with the blood of the Red Indians, the first natives, who even now are leading miserable lives confined to selected reserved areas. The US recently got the President of Panama ousted over the Panama Canal issue.

The recent disclosure of sex abuses of Iraqi prisoners in American concentration camps would make anybody bow his head in shame. Where were their human rights? True, the US is the lone super power today, the only ‘policeman’. But Caesar’s wife should be above suspicion. Physician heal thyself, that is what the US also needs to be aware of. History always remains in a state of flux.

V.I.K. SHARMA, IAS (retd), Jalandhar




Mr Modi says that the Indian Constitution has been insulted. But he himself is responsible for this insult. Even if he is not directly responsible for Gujarat riots in 2002, he is certainly responsible for his failure to act properly and in time. We have plenty of lawmakers and ministers who have serious charges of criminal nature against them. No honourable country would welcome them. If and when visas are denied to them, shall we make hue and cry?

We should take immediate steps to suitably change the Constitution to keep criminals out of Parliament and State Assemblies. Otherwise, we shall continue to invite such insults. We must, with one voice, force the politicians to take this most important step immediately.

Dr G.D. THAPAR, Ambala Cantt

Rock Garden in all towns

Nek Chand has rightly proposed a Rock Garden in all towns and cities (March 17). The Rock Garden at Chandigarh speaks volumes for Nek Chand’s creative genius.

Disposal of solid waste is becoming a serious probation with the ever increasing construction activity. Its utilisation for creating Rock Garden in the towns and cities across the country would not only ease the solid waste disposal problems but also help clean up and beautify the neglected surroundings of our urban areas.

Nek Chand’s unique expertise should be fully exploited. A Central institution should be established to train selected architects in the innovative fields of scenic beautification. The state governments, NGOs and the numerous public welfare organisations should join hands to make Nek Chand’s fascinating dream a reality.

Brig H.S. CHANDEL (retd), Una (HP)

Focus on results

The Government of India’s Bharat Nirman scheme may help ameliorate the rural sector (Feb 20). Rural sector definitely needs more attention and enhanced budgetary outlay.

Many schemes are under implementation today. These include the Swaranjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) for generating self-employment, the Sampooran Grameen Rozgar Yojana for providing  wage employment, food security and improving nutritional levels, the Rural Housing and Total Sanitation Campaign to provide basic amenities to the rural poor, the Prime Minister’s Grameen Sadak Yojana for 100 per cent rural connectivity, the Rashtriya Sam Vikas Yojana, the National Food For Work Programme for 150 most backward districts for overall development, the Provision of Urban Facilities in Rural Areas (PURA), the Integrated Wastelands Development Programme, the Drought Prone Area Programme and Desert Development Programme under Hariyali to conserve natural resources.

However, instead of announcing new schemes, the government should take stock of the situation and strengthen the delivery mechanism to achieve the desired results. Efficiency should be the buzzword.

Prof PURAN SINGH, Nilokheri (Karnal)

What ails Doaba?

Minna Zutshi’s write-up “Doaba decadence” was timely (March 18). Doaba’s urban life consisting mainly of the neo-rich youth, flush with foreign money, has got stuck in the hedonistic quagmire. It has lost its traditional moorings and has yielded to the Epicurean taste.

Bereft of its traditional moral fibre, it has embroiled itself in crass materialistic pursuits. In such a scenario, the casualty naturally is the old world charm of sincere relationships based on mutual respect and trust.

KARTAR SINGH MEET, Jalandhar Cantt


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