- Charging charm.
Rupinder Banwait,
Toronto, Canada.
- Getting warm to enhance the charm.
Divya Bhopla,
Calgary, Canada.
- Vani-tea fair
Seema Dhameja,
Panchkula, India.
- Spicy girls adding sugar.
Nitika Bhopla,
Calagary, Canada.
- Just say tea please.
The Quipping Queen,
Victoria, BC (Canada).
- Hey, isn't he hot?
Komal Sangha,
Melbourne, Australia.
- We could have won Falujja without casualties.
Narinder Banwait,
Chandigarh, India.
- Red peppers getting hotter,
Raghav Bhopla,
Calgary, Canada.
- For a "stimulating" performance.
V. K. Tangri.
Amritsar, India.
- Tea or beauty, good if hot.
Rushil Sharma,
Ludhiana, India.
- Pre-tea women.
Jagjeet Singh,
Delhi, India.
- "Beau-teas" and "Wah Taj".
by many readers.