Monday, October 14, 2002, Chandigarh, India


N C R   S T O R I E S


Cleaning up Delhi: Govt gets serious
Tribune News Service

New Delhi, October 13
Lest it remains a slogan, or a ritual to be performed every Diwali, the Government of NCT of Delhi says it is devising a strategy to give a fresh impetus to Clean Delhi campaign. Interestingly, the strategy paper that has been pasted on its website says that no further development of slums on public land is to be allowed. The heads of department of the land owning agency will be made responsible for any further encroachment on public land.

The appointment of 134 Special Executive Magistrates in the MCD area and 14 Special Executive Magistrates in NDMC area under Section 21 of Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) forms a part of that strategy. The magistrates would ensure compliance of the provisions of the MCD & NDMC Acts and try offences like littering and causing nuisance to others, especially in matters concerning sanitation and public health. The strategy, say officials, would take into account the specific characteristics of the problem in all types of colonies and recognise the need to involve the citizen, their welfare associations, NGOs, students and the corporate sector. The Special Executive Magistrates, they say, will also perform the task of facilitating tie-ups between NGOs and colonies / markets / industrial areas in their respective areas.

The Government of NCT of Delhi may have drawn an ambitious roadmap but not everyone shares its optimism. A committee constituted by Planning Commission to deal with the problems of slums in Delhi has in its report pulled up Delhi Development Authority (DDA) and Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) for encouraging “land mafia” to build jhuggi jhopri (JJ) clusters by encroaching on government land.

“If ownership of lands is established, illegal transfer or renting of the jhuggies located on such lands will be discouraged and the land mafia / muscle power will not be able to play their unsavoury role,” says the report and recommends establishing a Slum Improvement Board and preparing an inventory of public lands complete with a record of ownership besides adopting an integrated approach for dovetailing the programmes of DDA and the National Capital Region (NCR) Planning Board.

The report goes on to suggest a policy to limit the growth of Delhi. For its survival as a livable city, he says, Delhi needs to adopt a conscious policy of redirecting any further growth to peripheral towns by developing the NCR. It insists on better coordination and interaction at appropriate levels while formulating plans and programmes to integrate the National Capital Region (NCR) Plan and the Delhi Master Plan. Moreover, there should be enforceable legal provisions to facilitate implementation of these plans. With all the talk about the NCT of Delhi wanting to shed its Union Territory tag and become a State, powers to exercise control over land by virtue of its becoming a State subject is likely to figure prominently in the talks later this week between the two principals, Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit-led Congress and BJP unit chief Madan Lal Khurana. Whether the problem of slums will be taken up is anybody’s guess.



Pay your taxes or get a taste of garbage…
Our Correspondent

Sonepat, October 13
The Sonepat Municipal Council has devised a novel way to recover the various tax dues from defaulters and penalise them for non-payment.

According to a report, the authorities have directed the officials of the Sanitary Department to dump garbage and filth in front of the houses and shops of the defaulters, so that are constrained to deposit the outstanding amount. It is reported that the safai workers even brought a trolley laden with filth and dumped the garbage in front of the office of a mobile phone company on the Sonepat-Bahalgarh road near Sikka colony.

This action of the safai karamcharis has been resented by the officials of the company and other shopkeepers in the area. They have dubbed it a `third degree’ method.

On seeing the mound of filth and garbage at their door-step, the officials of the mobile phone company confronted the safai workers. However, the latter refused to remove the garbage and said that they were following the orders of the civic authorities. Thereupon, they tried to contact the Deputy Commissioner and the executive officer of the council but failed to get any response.

Having drawn a blank, they informed the police officials of a nearby post who rushed to the spot. On seeing the police, the safai workers fled from the scene.

Official sources reveal that the Sonepat Municipal Council is facing a severe resource crunch since the abolition of octroi duty by the State government. The has not been able to pay the salaries on time this year. The council, therefore, has no option but to adopt stringent measures against the defaulters.

Meanwhile, the representatives of various political parties, NGOs and trade unions have strongly condemned the action of the municipal authorities and urged the state Chief Minister, Mr Om Parkash Chautala, to take a serious note of the coercive methods adopted by the civic authorities for recovering its dues. They have further called for the suspension of the EO and other officials responsible for such rash action.



House owner foils daylight robbery
Tribune News Service

New Delhi, October 13
When Mahesh Kumar, a resident of Mayur Vihar Phase II, returned home after dropping his wife at the nearby temple yesterday afternoon, he was horrified to see two strangers walking out of his house with two bags. However, his presence of mind and courage helped him pin down one of the two intruders and raise an alarm after the suspects tried to brazen it out with him.

What really appalled the resident was the fact that the suspects had managed to break into his flat in broad daylight. The incident has caused considerable panic in the area. The police said that patrolling in the residential colony was being beefed up and pickets placed to prevent such incidents. The suspect, who was overpowered and later handed over to the police, has confessed to having stolen valuables from Mr Kumar’s house. Incidentally, all the stolen goods were recovered from the suspect. Mr Mahesh, an employee of the Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL), is a shaken, but a much wiser, man.

“Around three in the afternoon, I went to drop my wife at the temple, which is in the neighbourhood. The whole process must have taken me about 15 minutes. Just when I returned home, I saw these two men coming out of my house. I confronted them and managed to pin down one of them,” Mr Mahesh told the NCR Tribune.

While the accomplice managed to flee, the arrested person has been handed over to the police. “I fought with him and raised an alarm. The neighbours helped me catch him and call the police,” recalled Mr Mahesh. “The same duo had broken into another house in the vicinity. When these people were robbing the house, a neighbour dropped in and these people identified themselves as relatives and said that the owner was away. But by the time they could trace them, they had fled,” he added.

The duo had been operating in the area for the last few months. With the arrest of one, the police are now hoping to solve many cases of theft and robbery registered in the area.

This is the second incident in the Capital in the few days when the victims have shown exemplary courage in resisting and nabbing criminals. On October 10, a Mundka businessman had chased and overpowered one of the three suspects who had looted his briefcase at gunpoint.

Senior police officers said that the trend was encouraging and they had all along emphasised the need of public cooperation in curbing crime in the Capital since the police could not be everywhere all the time. A senior district police officer said that regular meetings were now being convened with the office-bearers of the residents welfare associations. However, a large number of residents, when contacted, said that people were generally reluctant to tackle criminals because of the fear of reprisal and also because of the subsequent harassment at the hands of the police.

The new Police Commissioner, Mr R. S. Gupta, has, however, repeatedly assured the citizens that no one would be harassed if he comes to the aid of the police or victims of crimes. The general public feels that these sentiments are yet to trickle down to the constabulary. 



Posh locality being served a lethal cocktail
Vipin Sharma

Rohtak, October 13
Several cases of gastroenteritis and other water-borne diseases have been reported in the Adarsh Nagar locality here due to the supply of contaminated water. The aggrieved residents said that they could not even bear the stench of the yellow-coloured pipe water. They had to either fetch drinking water from the other localities or consume the underground water which, they claimed, was also not fit for drinking.

Several residents, including Mr Surya Dev Dahiya, Mr P. S. Balhara, Mr Satbir Singh Lathwal, Dr G. N. Aggarwal, Dr U. K. Sharma, Mr Sehdev Malik, Mr Hari Dev, Mr Kartar Singh Hooda, Mr Ajit Singh Dahiya, Mr Bhagat Singh, Dr Maan Singh, Mr Hukum Singh Balhara, Mr Ranbir Singh Hooda, Mr Amitabh Goswami and Mr Udey Singh complained that almost all members of their families had been suffering from one or the other water-borne diseases.

Mr Rameshwar, a dairy owner of the locality, said the pipe water emitted such a foul smell that even his buffaloes were not ready to drink it. Residents alleged that they had been facing this problem of supply of contaminated water at least twice in a month for the last several years. They said they had complained to the Public Health authorities several times but the fault was rectified only temporarily.

Going into the genesis of the problem, residents said that the old water pipes passing along the sewer lines had rusted and were broken at several places. Whenever the sewers in the locality get choked, the drain water would overflow causing contamination. Although the matter had repeatedly been reported to the Superintending Engineer, Public Health Department, no attempt was ever made to trace the leak.

Several residents of an unauthorised locality adjacent to Adarsh Nagar were using PVC lines to tap the water mains without government permission. The PVC pipes had developed cracks at several points, thus becoming a major cause of seepage and contamination. The Public Health officials had failed to take action against these unauthorised connections, the residents alleged.

Though the Public Health authorities admitted that they had received complaints of contamination time and again, they argued that a drive against so many unauthorised connections could not be carried out without the help of the district administration. When asked if they had ever sought the help from the district authorities in this connection, they refused to reply.



R. K. Puram cracker shop goes up in flames
Tribune News Service

New Delhi, October 13
Three persons were injured and five shops were gutted in a fire that broke out in a cracker shop in the Sector 8 market of R. K. Puram early this morning. The fire spread to two more shops following an explosion in the first shop. Incidentally, residents of this government residential colony had been opposing the granting of licence to this shop for selling crackers for the last 10 years.

The injured were admitted to Safdarjung Hospital from where they were discharged after being administered first aid.

The fire broke out at 2 am. The Delhi Fire Service (DFS) rushed eight fire fighters, which took half-an-hour to control the devastating blaze, the police said.

Fortunately, the market was closed and residents were asleep when the fire started. Smoke emanating from the first shop was noticed by a night watchman who was patrolling the area. He informed the DFS and the local police. He also alerted a number of shop owners.

The fire could have been controlled more easily but for the breeze. Within a few minutes, it engulfed two other shops, the police said.

According to preliminary reports, a short circuit was the cause of the fire. Further investigations are on. It is also being probed whether the shopkeepers had genuine licences.

The crackers inside the first shop exploded just after the fire broke out. Local residents heard the explosion and rushed to the market to find the flames leaping from all the three shops.

They said that they had been opposing cracker shops coming up in the market for several years. They had even approached the authorities concerned, requesting them not to issue licences to shopkeepers for selling crackers but this particular shopkeeper had managed to get one.



450 lose jobs for ‘seeking Diwali gift’
Abhay Jain

Gurgaon, October 13
More than 450 workers of Delphi Packard Electric System Limited, a sister concern of Delphi Automotive System, were shunted out from the company, allegedly because they had raised the demand of a Diwali gift of Rs 1,000 and an annual increment of Rs 350 to Rs 400 per worker. The aggrieved workers have now given a memorandum to the Deputy Commissioner here, requesting him to intervene and direct the management to take them back.

The management of the company had recently announced an attractive bonus and increment for the 150 employees working in the administrative and the production wings. The president of the Delphi Packard Electric System Employees Union (DPESEU), Mr Rajesh Kumar, informed the ‘NCR Tribune’ that no transport facility was available to fetch the workers of the company on the morning of October 11. When the workers, around 450, reached the factory, using other public and private vehicles, they were astonished to find a `lockout’ notice at the gate. Angry with the union for raising the demand of Diwali gift, the management had wanted to suspend the president of the DPESEU on October 9. The move was opposed by the workers.

However, the management was adamant and announced that transport would be provided to the workers on the condition that the president was suspended. No transport was provided by the management on the evening of October 9 and the workers had to spend the night on the factory premises. The management, the next morning, allowed the workers to resume duty. But in the afternoon, the management asked the workers to leave the factory as they might be “feeling tired”. The workers left the company having no idea that they would be on the road the next day.

The ‘NCR Tribune’ made several attempts to seek the views of the management of the company. However, neither Mr Abraham Joseph, Manager, Human Resource, nor Mr Prem Kohli, Assistant Manager, responded to the calls despite being present in the factory. On Saturday (October 12), the workers gave a memorandum to the Deputy Commissioner, Gurgaon, Mr Anurag Rastogi, asking him to give justice to them. They had appealed to the administration to direct the management of the company to take back the workers without any delay.



Sex test clinics: the tip of the iceberg
Tribune News Service

Faridabad, October 13
While health authorities and sociologists cry themselves hoarse about the misuse of ultrasound facilities — especially for conducting sex tests, which in turn are responsible for the declining male-female ratio --- the department appears to be sleeping over the fact that abortion clinics have been flourishing in the region.

These clinics, euphemistically dubbed Medical Termination of Pregnancy centres, have been thriving in the absence of any checks. In fact, the MTP facilities have mushroomed in every nook and corner of the district.

Although the Health Department records show that there are about 30 registered MTP centres in the district, according to available information there are an equal number of unauthorised centres in the region. Last year, the Drug Control authorities had conducted a raid at Sihi village near Sector-8 here and a quack, who was running an illegal MTP centre, was arrested. According to the officials, the accused, who was booked under the provisions of the Drugs Act, was neither qualified nor authorised to run such a centre. A senior official of the Drug Control department admitted that there could be several such persons or centres which were running on the sly and making a fast buck.

Health experts believe that ultrasound and MTP centres operate in tandem. Therefore, a campaign similar to the one launched against ultrasound centres ought to be undertaken. In other words, the ambit of the Pre Natal Diagnostic Test Act ought to be widened to cover the PMT clinics. It is claimed that ultrasound centres, which conduct sex tests, refer patients to a hospital or a clinic for an MTP when the woman or the couple do not want a bady girl. While the ultrasound clinics charge between Rs 800 and Rs 1500, depending upon the case, for a sex test, the MTPs are relatively cheaper and cost between Rs 200 and Rs 1000. But doctors and physicians believe that MTP’s done by untrained and unqualified persons could be dangerous and may prove fatal.



Rs 80 lakh set aside for repairing chaupals
Our Correspondent

Sonepat, October 13
The Haryana Government has earmarked Rs 80 lakh for the repair of ‘chaupals’ in the rural areas of the state during the current financial year. This was stated by Mr Jaswinder Singh Sandhu, Agriculture Minister, while reviewing the ongoing

development projects at a meeting of the district officials in the Panchayat Bhawan here on Saturday.

The minister disclosed that the state government had allotted Rs 1 crore for undertaking various development works in Sonepat district during the current financial year. Seventy-five per cent of this amount would be spent in the rural areas and the remaining in the urban areas of the district, he added.

He also said that 25 per cent of the total amount would be spent on the development schemes to be undertaken for improving the lot of the Scheduled Castes and Other Backward Classes. He also said that the entire allotted amount would be spent on the development of 343 villages and urban areas of Sonepat, Ganaur, Gohana and Kharkhauda towns.

According to the minister, the block-wise amount allotted for the development works was as follows: Sonepat - Rs 15.68 lakh; Ganaur - Rs 12.93 lakh; Rai - Rs 12.38 lakh; Kharkhauda - Rs 10.84 lakh; Gohana - Rs 9.03 lakh; Mundlana - Rs 8.54 lakh; and Kathura - Rs 5.60 lakh.

Earlier, the minister disposed of eight out of 10 complaints received by him in the monthly meeting of the District Public Relations and Grievances Committee here yesterday.

One of the complaints was related to a case of the pregnancy of a woman after the ‘nasbandi’ (family planning) operation performed by the doctors. However, this complaint was rejected as the woman concerned failed to inform the authorities concerned on time.



Shopkeepers oppose demolition
Our Correspondent

Sonepat, October 13
Irate shopkeepers, led by Mr Jatinder Singh Malik, a Congress MLA, came out in the open and opposed the demolition operations launched by the administration at Ganaur, a sub-divisional town, 16 km from here, yesterday.

According to a report, on seeing the situation taking an ugly turn the officials of the anti-encroachment squad managed to escape. Later in the evening, the Deputy Commissioner, Mr S. N. Roy, arrived on the scene and inspected the ongoing demolition of the unauthorised structures and removal of encroachments on municipal and public lands. The DC also listened to the complaints of the shopkeepers, who have alleged that the officials have been discriminatory in demolishing the unauthorised structures during the campaign.

The DC took strong note of the complaints and directed the authorities to demolish all unauthorised structures. Meanwhile, the DC has announced that Ganaur town will be given a face-lift on the pattern of Sonepat.

Road accident: One person was killed and three others sustained injuries when a tractor-trailer collided with a three-wheeler on the Sonepat-Rohtak road near Rohna minor, about 20 km from here, on Saturday. 



Rare gesture aimed at creating harmony
Tribune News Service

New Delhi, October 13
In an rare gesture aimed at creating communal harmony, leading non-Hindu religious leaders took part in a congregation today on the occasion of the Navratra festival organised at the Raj Rajeshwari Shaktipeeth Temple at Bahadurgarh. On the occasion, bhajans in praise of the goddess were rendered by Rahmat Khan Langa — noted Rajasthani folk singer. Other noted Muslim artistes who also performed included Rafiq, Anwar, Shakoor, Sikander, Siddique and noted harmonium player Tahir Hussain.. The function was organised by the Sanatan Sanskriti Sansthan, a leading non-political organisation engaged in promoting secular values and communal harmony in the country. One minute’s silence was observed on the occasion in memory of the innocents killed in the mindless violence at Swami Narayan Temple. The chief guest on the occasion was Moulvi Mohammad Mouzzam Ahmad, Naib Imam of Delhi’s historic Fatehpuri Mosque. The guest of honour was Ven K. Wanarathana Thero, Bhikku in charge of The Mahabodhi Society of India. Rev M.S. Luka, Presbyter in charge of Holy Trinity Church of Chandni Chowk, Delhi, presided.



One killed, three hurt in mishap
Our correspondent

Sonepat, October 13
One person was killed and three others sustained injuries when a tractor-trailer collided with a three-wheeler on the Sonepat-Rohtak road near Rohna minor, about 20 km from here, on Saturday. According to a report, the victim was identified as Mr Ram Kishan of Silana village. The injured persons, including the driver of the three-wheeler, were immediately hospitalised. The police have registered a case against the driver of the tractor-trailer who is still at large.

Dacoity bid foiled: The police carried out a surprise raid near a deserted place in Sector 23, a residential colony of the Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) here, on Friday night and arrested six persons on the spot while they were planning to commit a dacoity in the nearby area.

The arrested persons were identified as Sukhnandan and Munna Singh, both residents of Kurari village in Unao district of UP, Mukesh Kumar of Devpur Para village in Unao district of UP, Ashwani Kumar of JJ Colony, Delhi, Santosh of Sayyar village in Hamirpur district of UP and Montu Rajput of Rohini (Delhi).

School teachers’ assn: Jhajjar: The election for the district body of the Haryana School Teachers Federation was held here on Sunday. The following were elected office-bearers of the federation: President — Mr Ranvir Rathee; Vice-President – Mr Rattan Singh Suhag; Secretary - Mr Satbir Singh; Joint Secretary - Mr Labh Singh Dalal; and Treasurer - Mr Dharambir Singh. 



Voluntary services for samagam begin
Tribune News Service

New Delhi, October 13
Head of the Sant Nirankari Mission Baba Hardev Singh today inaugurated the voluntary services for the upcoming annual Nirankari Sant Samagam.

The 55th annual samagam is scheduled to be held from November 9 to November 11 in the Capital’s Burari area. Lakhs of devotees from across the country are expected to participate in the event.

Thousands of Nirankari volunteers will work round the clock during these two days. The objective of the samagam is to remove darkness of ignorance and help humanity to rise above the feelings of hatred and animosity. 



Stolen jewellery recovered from domestic help
Tribune News Service

New Delhi, October 13
A domestic help was nabbed by the South district police for allegedly robbing his employer of her jewellery and Rs 1,000 in Hauz Khas. The stolen jewellery, including two karas, two bangles and one chain were recovered from his possession.

The victim, Lalita (75), engaged one Trilok Chand (28), son of Chhotey Lal, as a domestic help in her house. On October 10, when Trilok asked her for a cup of tea she went to the kitchen to prepare it. Immediately, after Lalita entered the kitchen, Trilok gained access to the kitchen and forced her to part with the jewellery she was wearing and took away Rs 1,000 from her purse.

During preliminary investigation the police came to know that the accused was son of one Chhotey Lal. When Chhotey Lal was traced on the IIT campus the police found he was a washerman and 80 years of age.

On further investigation, it was found Lal had two wives and the accused Trilok was the son of his second wife. The police nabbed some suspects and Lalita came and identified Trilok as the accused.

During interrogation, the accused confessed to his crime and said he had spent the Rs 1,000 that same day. But the stolen jewellery was recovered from his possession.

One killed: One person was killed and another seriously injured when a truck hit another truck from behind in Munirka in South-West district on Sunday morning. While the helper, Lalit Chandra, died on the spot, the driver, Rana Sheesh Prasad, has been admitted to AIIMS with serious injuries. Immediately after the incident the disaster management team of the South district came and rescued the victims.



6,000 foreign buyers throng Handicrafts & Gift Fair
Tribune News Service

New Delhi, October 13
Mr Kashiram Rana, Union Minister of Textiles, inaugurated the Indian Handicrafts and Gift Fair (Autumn) 2002 here today. Mr P. Koonjoo, Minister of Commerce and Co-operatives, Government of Mauritius, presided over the opening ceremony in a glittering function held in the presence of 6,000 foreign buyers and over 1,000 exhibitors.

Addressing the gathering, Mr P. Koonjoo expressed his satisfaction about the trade between India and Mauritius. He said that a number of programmes could be organised for the mutual benefit of the people of both countries.

Mr Kashiram Rana, in his address, said that exports of handicrafts had witnessed an impressive growth in the last two quarters of this year and witnessed an average growth of more than 13 per cent in dollar terms. He strongly felt that the target set for the handicrafts sector of US $ 1,600 million for the year 2002-2003 would not only be achieved but also be surpassed.

The minister said that the Government of India had prepared and implemented a marketing strategy for promotion of cottage sector in general and handicraft in particular. The government had given top priority to exports and he assured the exporters to provide all necessary help to remove the bottlenecks.

Handicrafts worth Rs 3,177 crore had been exported during April-September, 2002 against Rs 2,677 crore during the same period in 2001-2002. The exports had shown an increase of 8.65 per cent in rupee term, while it was US $ 648 million against US $ 570 million during the previous year. Thus, the exports had also risen in the dollar term by 13.65 per cent.

The exports of handicrafts during 2001-2002 recorded at Rs 6,769 crore against Rs 6,955 crore in the previous year. There was a negative growth of Rs 2.67 per cent and it is attributed to the tragic event of September 11, 2001. The exports have now again picked up.

The Indian Handicrafts and Gifts Fair (IHGF) is among the largest such exhibitions organised in Asia. Popular amongst both the buyers and exporters, the fair has given a big boost to the Indian handicrafts industry over the years. The fair offers a huge business opportunity to the exhibitors and presents the buyers the luxury of direct interaction with the manufacturers, who come from all the craft pockets of India, which is otherwise not possible at any other point of time during the year.

Mr Nirmal Bhandari, president, IHGF, informed that at the Autumn 2002 edition of the fair, products from over 100 different categories were on display, encompassing everything from home utility products to decorative and gift items. Other categories include fashion jewellery, accessories, bags and clocks, home textiles, furnishings, furniture and floor coverings, garden accessories, Christmas and floral decorations. Also on display is a special section dedicated to products made from eco-friendly mediums like cane, bamboo, coir, jute and other natural fibre products, hand-made paper products, alternative wood products, terracotta, dry flowers and pot-pourri and textiles made from natural vegetable dyes.

The special focus at the fair is on Indian textiles with over 200 manufacturers and exporters of exclusive textile-based handicrafts participating in it. For those looking for innovative gift ideas, there were ample opportunities to source products and designs that were put on display for the first time in a trade fair, said Mr Bhandari.



Swish and sporty timewear for the 
funky, gung-ho youth
Tribune News Service

Esprit has launched a new collection of watches for the youth. The core collection has two sub collections, ‘The denim collection’ and the ‘Sports Y collection’. The Sports Y collection is about a look that is in sync with the most powerful visual trends of the year. The collection has funky straps and shimmering stones. There are 13 models in the collection.

Winter line: This festival season Dockers offers an entire range of new fabrics that stretch and contract with the body movements, offering comfort and style.

For the first time Dockers is offering an exclusive winter line, comprising of heavy knits and jackets. It also has on offer the mobile pants, a long lasting and wrinkle free trouser.

Aquaflo Designa: Eureka Forbes has introduced Forbes Aquaflo Designa, a UV water purifier. The product has been designed keeping in mind the international design and technology. The compact UV-based purifier is equipped to address the removal of contaminants and sediments and even bacteria and viruses. With a three-stage online purification process it purifies water at a rate of two litres per minute.

Unstainable shirts: Arrow has launched Unstainable, a new range of shirts based on nanotechnology. The range has shirts and trousers with stain repellant technology.

The unstainable range is made with nano care technology which attaches molecular structures to cotton fibres, forming a barrier that causes liquids and stains to bead upon the surface and roll off, thereby preventing stains.

LCD projectors: National Panasonic has launched LCD projectors, packed with user-friendly features and advanced technology. The projectors are available in three models, LC75E, LC55E and AE100E.

While the first two are targeted at corporates and educational institutes, the AE100E is for home cinemas.

LC75E and LC55E have excellent colour rendition, with naturally vivid uniform colours and smooth image gradation. Weighing 3 kg the LCE is compact and easy to carry.

Ageless & smooth: Oxemberg has launched the ‘Ageless’ collection of solid plains. The fabric makes the shirts smooth and soft. The shirts are not chemically treated and the Giza fiber outlasts any other natural fiber.

The collection is offered in 10 solid colours and offers two different styling, the Hidden Button Down and the Double Button High Band Collar.

Water purifier: Alfa Water Purifiers have launched an upgraded version of their microprocessor controlled domestic UV water purifier, called ‘ewater’.

The product is electronic and incorporates a smart microprocessor that offers the ultimate in safety and convenience. The microprocessor informs the user in advance about the need to change critical consumable products like the UV lamp and the activated carbon.

Sporty collection: Spykar has introduced the Autumn Winter Collection. The mood of the collection is sporty with earthen tones such as army colours, white, black and a hint of orange. The fabrics used are poly cotton, nylon, and cotton, ring denim and structured denim.

Sleek sandals: Making a fashion statement, Red Tape has come up with a sleek range of men’s sandals. These sandals have leather upper and lightweight PU soles.

Casual shoes: Allen Cooper brand has launched a new range of lightweight casual shoes. The company is the first in India to introduce shoes that have been made specifically to suit Indian foot shapes and sizes.

The new range has upper leather of Oil Pull Up that gives it a casual look. The leather envelops, gently wraps and protects the feet. The soles are made of poly urethane, which is very light. The colours are black and brown and have linings of leather and cambrelle mix.

Kitchen mate: Bajaj Electricals is offering two state-of-the-art mixer grinders, GX-10 and GX-21 for the festive season. The grinders are equipped with an 18000-rpm powerful motor of 500W and 550 W respectively. The GX-10 has three stainless steel jars, unbreakable PC jar handles and an overload protector, which makes the product safe and easy to use. Both models come with a five-year guarantee.

Nutritive juices: Glossy Food Ltd, in association with Total Quality System, has launched a complete range of nutritive health juices. The specialised ranges of health juices include orange, mango, litchi, apple and pineapple. The range includes types of juices for breakfast, curried vegetables and juices for lunch and ready to eat curries for dinnertime.

Health & beauty combo: HLL has announced the launch of its health care portfolio with Lever Ayush ayurvedic health and beauty care products. These non-prescription over-the-counter products will be sold through retail and chemist outlets. Under Ayush Lever, HLL will market personal care and daily health care products and HLL will also set up centres for ayurvedic care services.

The Lever Ayush range will include Hair Poshak Oil, Dandruff Naashak Shampoo and Body Rakshak Soap.

Plasma flat TV: Philips has launched the world’s first 32-inch high-definition plasma flat TV. The features of this product include a wide 160 degree viewing angle, flat screen, alternate lightning of surface panel for sharper and brighter picture, digital natural motion technology, colourful and clear graphical user interface and dual screen.

Classic crystal: East Coast Distributors Pvt Ltd., distributors of international product range in glassware, crystals and premium decorative artefacts, have introduced an exquisite array of Waltherglas. Available in colours of turkish, satin rose, gold décor, the collection comprises bowls, serving plates, tableware and photo frames.

Triangle for a pen: Linc Pen and Plastics has launched a unique triangular shaped pen, Tri-It. Available in three basic colours, black, blue and red, the pens are economically priced. The newly developed Oil Based Gel Ink, used in Tri-It, enhances writing quality.

London Fever: A hint of the Union Jack, a shade of rouge, a bit of denim, a touch of distinctive style completes the look of Pepe Jeans’ London Fever collection.

The collection displays a sketch of thoroughbred British style complemented by the characteristic youthful attitude worn by today’s generation. The collection displays a judicious interplay of wintertime colours and appropriate fabrics for the winter. The collection is hip and the denims are trendy and comfortable.

Sensual make-up: Lakme has launched its ‘Think Brilliance Range’. The collection comes with 34 colours in six innovative products, which include silver glow face highlighter, liquid diamond lip gloss and liquid blush. It has also launched Vitamin E enriched lipstick, liquid lip colour and true wear nail colour.

For swish set: Lee Cooper has introduced a new range of Autumn Winter 2002 collection. Targeted at the young and hip-hop crowd, the collection boasts of unparalleled styles with a wide range of attractive and pleasing colours. The special flavour of this collection is ‘Spice’, a new range of denim with low rise, narrow knee and extra flare.

Cooking with elan: Kaff, kitchen appliances and accessories makers, present a  highly featured rich Eleganza Gold Series of cooking ranges. The product has four gas burners with triple flame, gas grill and gas oven, wire shelf, dip tray and thermostat, enameled steel pan supports. It is easy to clean with impeccable finish.

Massage showers: Woven-Gold has launched a new range of bath tubs and bath systems. These shower panels are easy to fix and maintain, highly functional and user-friendly. Each shower panel is provided with a host of features like eight nozzle outlets for soothing hydromassage, a stationery head with adjustable spray modes and multi-use pull out shower.


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