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Monday, July 15, 2002


Bye! diary, Hi! PDA
Roopinder Singh

Dear Diary,

You were either handed down or were a sweet gift given by a friend. I jotted down all my private thoughts on your pages, scrawled the addresses of my friends was well as a lot of other information. You served me for a number of years and when it was difficult to find any more space, your sister took over. This cosy arrangement continued for a number of years till your stepsister PDA came into the picture. I no longer experienced the tactile inputs of hand-made paper in which each page had a different feel. The pleasure of permanent black or royal blue ink, flowing across the paper was gone too. Life would never be the same again.

Women use SMS more than men
recently concluded survey by IDC, revealed that proportion of mobile users using SMS for communication in Chennai outstrips all other cities. In Chennai, around 80 per cent of the mobile user SMS on their device, while in Mumbai it is the least at 60 per cent.

Malaysia on e-accelerator
Frederick Noronha
ROM a Third World country to a knowledge society in under two decades! Is it possible? Malaysia dreams of it and believes can reach there by adopting a route that relies on attracting hi-tech and talent, building its own talent base and setting up the infrastructure that makes all this possible. This south-east Asian country of 22.6 million with 83 per cent literacy, which was created in 1963 and has a multi-racial population, is moving over from its traditional dependence on rubber and tin to IT and knowledge. For attempting this leap into the unknown, it is using its industrial, agricultural and petroleum revenues to help make the jump.

United Linux conceptualised
Shveta Pathak
IMING to provide a single, stable and uniform platform for application development, certification and deployment, four companies - Caldera, Conectiva, Suse and Turbolinux - have joined hands and conceptualised United Linux.

Click before you speak
Peeyush Agnihotri
HAT does a teacher do when one of the students embarrasses him in front of the class by correcting the tutor's pronunciation? Either the slighted teacher snubs the student for correcting him publicly or buys a latest phonetic thesaurus available in the market to work on the diction. In some cases, he does both.

Don't let price variations bother you
Navendu Goyal
URCHASING a computer for a common man is not an easy task. An ordinary man wants to have a PC that can perform tasks at a good speed, including Net surfing, on which kids can play games and that doesn't pinch the pocket. The very task of purchasing is, however, confounding.

Wooing Indian programmers
Narayanan Madhavan
HEAP hardware, free trips to the USA, all popcorn you can eat - life's a junket if you're a computer programmer in India. In their tussle to dominate the emerging industry for Internet-based services, industry giants Microsoft Corp. and Sun Microsystems are doling out incentives as they woo programmers worldwide to back their rival software.

Bridging the communication gap
Jasjot Singh Narula
ODAY computers have revolutionised the whole world with amazing graphics, high-end data processing and above all, networking. Networking has become an essential component of any organisation for enhancing the output at a low cost.

by Sandeep Joshi

Oh! My God! This is not what I meant by a personal palm.

Queues at institutes may never return
Jagmeet Sidhu
HE last few years have seen India find a hallowed place in the Information Technology (IT) market. However with the international economy as a whole and the technology sector in particular in the throes of recession questions are being raised over the future of this field. To get a better understanding of the situation, one must first try to understand this field better.

Enterprise resource planning is affordable
NTERPRISE resource planning or (ERP) is a business application, which is a software system designed to support and automate the business processes of medium and large businesses. This may include manufacturing, distribution, personnel, project management, payroll, and financials.

PCs can’t translate!
AKE this sentence, let translation tools on an Internet search engine work their magic to translate it into Korean and back again, and this is what you get: "It has this elder brother and boil, if magic they in order to translate it again at a Korean and after one, it makes the translation tool in the Internet search engine, this is what you get.


When computer throws a bouncer Tendulkar hooks it for two sixes!
This is how cricketing legend Sachin Tendulkar would look if he sported the hairstyles of the 12 World Cup soccer stars, courtesy Computerji.

Compuquiz 88 and 89 results


Dr Tribune
Your questions on computer-related problems are answered here.

Guest Speak: Hear what the news-makers have to say
Qualities of a leader
Rajesh Tuli
EADERSHIP all about understanding the full potential of the intellectual capital in an organisation. Simply defining intellectual is what human capital plus structural capital is. Human capital consists of competencies, relationships and values that basically cover the HR aspect whereas structural capital refers to customer capital base and the organisational capital (process, culture and innovation).

Web Jingle: An ear lent to the music on the World Wide Web
Green singer, evergreen songs
Amit Puri

Book Review: IT in print

Know more about the IT Act
Handbook on Cyber Laws by Vakul Sharma, Macmillan India Limited, Rs.195 (hard-bound edition)
Ali Hasnain

A glossary of new IT terms

Cyber Humour: A choice of IT humour culled from the Net
Before Computers
Sunil Sharma

Dotcom World: Sites visited
Know the Missile Man
Gaurav Sood

Downloads: Free downloads reviewed
Making Windows more efficient
Raman Mohan
HOUGH Windows versions continue to be popular all over the world, there is no dearth of programmers who keep writing programs to make it and its components like the IE more efficient by adding to it a few handy features or by simplifying the otherwise cumbersome procedures inbuilt in it. This fortnight we feature two programs that perform both these tasks and make working on your computer so much easier.

Newsscape: A quick glance at what's happening on the news front

  • Refined search

  • PC sales decline

  • Personalised e-cards

  • Net attacks grow

Editor's Mail: We serve, you respond

  • Interesting columns

  • Suggestions

IT Click: A view of IT events through the lens

  • Old computers
  • Maxis Communication's
  • Indian Army officer
  • Eastcom EG888

Latest offerings: The latest in prices on the Chandigarh market
This time we take a look at Gaming devices.