The outcome of deliberations
WE are now in a position to form some idea of the net outcome of the deliberations that have just taken place at Bombay. There were three issues of outstanding importance before those assembled. The first, which concerned only the two wings of the national party as present within the Congress, was the consideration by the All-India Congress Committee of what is known as the Calcutta pact. That pact, as our readers are aware, was signed by three persons — CR Das and Motilal Nehru on behalf of their party and Mahatma Gandhi in his individual capacity. It was clearly necessary that before it was put before the ensuing session of the Congress, the supreme executive of the party should have an opportunity of considering and expressing an opinion on it. The necessity was all the greater because while the Swarajists, both in the Press and otherwise, had in the main accepted that the pact was undoubtedly genuine, the number of irreconcilables was infinitesimal. As a matter of fact, after Gandhi had explained the position with characteristic vigour and lucidity, the opposition practically died down. When at the end of the debate, the resolution approving the pact was put to the House, only two persons were found to vote against it. This, of course, settles the issue for the present. So far, however, as the part of the agreement relating to the franchise is concerned, we are absolutely certain that the settlement is only temporary. Even if the proposal is accepted by the Congress, as in all probability it will be, there will be no occasion to enforce it.