Saupin’s School, Sector 32, Chandigarh
The school staged its annual Punjabi musical “Sohni Mahiwal” at Tagore Theatre. The play was directed by Harjit Singh Masuta and adapted by Jagjit Singh. The story revolves around the tragic love between Sohni and Mahiwal. It is a poignant...
The school staged its annual Punjabi musical “Sohni Mahiwal” at Tagore Theatre. The play was directed by Harjit Singh Masuta and adapted by Jagjit Singh. The story revolves around the tragic love between Sohni and Mahiwal. It is a poignant symbol of love, sacrifice, and defiance against societal norms, making it a timeless classic in Indian folklore. The cast includes children from classes VI to X. The music for the play has been provided by the School Music Club. Principal Surita Sharma applauded the director, cast and crew for the commendable show.