Prioritising sports over social media: Get on your feet, not on your mobile phone : The Tribune India

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Prioritising sports over social media: Get on your feet, not on your mobile phone

Prioritising sports over social media: Get on your feet, not on your mobile phone

Shylaja Menon, Principal of The Shri Ram Universal School, Bengaluru

Shylaja Menon

Choose sports over screen time to improve your physical and mental well-being for a happier and healthier lifestyle. Screens are completely dominant in our lives in the current digital era. We are consistently inundated with information and entertainment from smartphones, tablets, and laptops.

Although social media and online platforms have advantages, spending too much time on screens has negative consequences. This is particularly accurate for adolescents, as their growing brains and bodies strongly desire physical exercise.

According to the latest available data, teenagers spend 7 hours and 22 minutes per day in front of screens. That equates to 43% of a teen’s waking hours. Research indicates a strong connection between too much screen time and adverse health effects. Some of these are:

Physical health problems: Prolonged sitting has been associated with a higher chance of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and potentially some cancers. Regular physical activity has been shown to reduce the risk of depression by up to 20% when practised at least three times per week.

Issues with mental health: The use of social media has been linked to higher levels of anxiety, depression, and feelings of inadequacy. Continuous comparisons and unrealistic representations can have a damaging effect on one’s self-worth. The rapid and constantly evolving online content can result in shortened attention spans and challenges with concentration.

Beyond the screens: Reclaim your time from digital overload

Moving from digital devices to athletic shoes doesn’t need to be a difficult choice. Begin by taking small steps, starting with brief periods of physical exertion and slowly building up both the length and intensity. Experiment with various sports and activities until you come across something that truly entertains you. Transform your exercise routine into a social gathering by including friends and family in your activities. Having a friend to exercise with can increase drive and responsibility. Concentrate on advancement, not flawlessness. Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements no matter how small, and remember to treat yourself when you reach your goals.

Making sports a priority involves more than just engaging in physical activity; it also involves adopting a healthier and happier way of life. You improve both your physical and mental health by exchanging screen time for physical activity. You will gain confidence, acquire important life skills, and create deeper connections with others. Therefore, tie your sneakers, move away from the screens, and explore the happiness of a physically active lifestyle.

The influence of sports

  • Engaging in sports provides an attractive option instead of spending time on screens. Learning life skills through sports involves teaching discipline, setting goals, and practising perseverance. These abilities can be applied in different areas of life, including academics and future professional paths.
  • Playing sports enhances cardiovascular fitness, increases muscle strength, and improves coordination. They also support the growth of strong bones and enhance the immune system. It is a widely recognised way to improve mood.
  • Engaging in physical activity triggers the release of endorphins, which are natural chemicals that act as mood enhancers to reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Participating in team sports helps develop feelings of membership and unity. They impart important life skills such as communication, teamwork, and positive competition. Sports help in the development of life skills such as discipline, setting goals, and perseverance. These skills apply to different areas of life, including academics and future professions.

(The writer is Principal of The Shri Ram Universal School, Bengaluru)

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